$1400 Cutting Boards

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this video is sponsored by ag1 so this one time a little while ago I built a really large cutting board it measured 19 in X 26 in x 3 in thick and weighed nearly 35 lbs I built it just for the fun of it I simply wanted to build a really big cool looking chopping block and so that's what I did I then listed it for sale on my website for $1,400 and much to my surprise it sold within a week so then I thought maybe I'll list it as a special order and see if there's some more interest in it and again much to my surprise there was and that's what this video is about building a pair of them to fulfill two separate orders so it all begins outside where the dust collection on my miter saw works the best and where I use it to cut down some Maple some Walnut and some cherry into 28 in long boards and why 28 in why not like 2 ft Well because most of the stock I buy comes in 7t lengths and 28 in go goes into 7 ft exactly three times so minimal waste back inside I scribble some pencil marks on each one and that way I'll know how much to take off through the planer to clean each board up I put the maple through first as it's going to be the wood that sandwiches the Walnut and the cherry and once I know the finished thickness of the maple I'll know what I need to make the other two Woods essentially I want one piece of maple to be just over half the thickness of two layers of Walnut or [Music] [Music] [Applause] cherry once everything has been through the planer I'll clean up one edge of each board at the jointer and this will help me align things in the first glue [Applause] [Applause] up what I'm doing here is simply sorting everything by width and I'm in up two pieces of maple with either two pieces of Walnut or cherry and because I like to move things more times than necessary I further decide how each set is going to go together and I make sure I put all the jointed edges on the same [Music] side gluing is pretty straightforward because I do so much of it I use a straight up wall paint roller I think it's about 9 in and I tend to always glue both faces of a glue joint I've talked about why in other videos so I won't go into the why here other than I'll say I think it's the best way to do it and creates the strongest bond and if you ever find yourself looking for an exercise to build some patience I would recommend taking not only four but eight boards putting some glue on them and then trying to put them in clamps in a misaligned fashion once we get to the band saw it will make a little bit more sense as to why I'm not lining up the edges the next day I come back and I strip the clamps off everything which is just a tad bit easier than putting the clamps on everything and from there I take everything outside to the miter saw one more time this isn't a super necessary step but having those ends flushed up makes things a lot easier in the coming steps now we're about to get into a whole bunch of band sawing but before we do the next thing we're going to do is take a moment to talk about the sponsor of this video ag1 so I had been hearing about ag1 for a very long time before I finally decided to give it a try six months ago I signed up for a one-month trial and a couple weeks into that I decided that I should have just did this years ago when I first heard about it and I went ahead and committed to a monthly subscription and I've been drinking ag1 as part of my morning ritual ever since so in case this is brand new to you and you're not familiar with it I'll explain what it is ag1 is a foundational nutritional supplement that's comprised of 75 vitamins minerals and Whole Food sourced ingredients that support our brains our guts and our immune systems ag1 promotes better digestion it boosts focus and concentration and it supports mental Clarity it also promotes healthy aging supports cellular health and the biggest and main reason I decided to take the leap is for the immune system support ag1 gives me a peace of mind and knowing that I'm getting a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals that can be hard to get or even entirely missed in diet alone I think it's pretty safe to say that most of us are living pretty busy lives nowadays and with the end of the Year festivities upon us we tend to race around extra fast have more interactions more obligations and it's the time of year where we tend to let our health regime slip just a little bit this is where ag1 comes in it improves stress resilience and mood balance when we need it the most and it helps us run around without getting run down so if you're like I was just hanging out on the fence about I encourage you to just go ahead and do it head over to drink a1.com ran Hawkins to get started on your order and right now when you order ag1 is going to give you a free one-year supply of vitamin D3 and K2 and five free ag1 travel packs with your first purchase a big thank you to ag1 for sponsoring today's video let's get back to the next steps in the build so now I'm thinking it makes a little bit more sense to you as to why I misalign the boards in the glue-ups there's already so much cut off in a project like this I'm just trying to minimize waste where I [Music] can the thickness of the two layers of wood sandwiched between the maple deter how thick I rip the strips I typically add an eighth of an inch to what the two layers of wood measures and that allows me to plan off the band saw marks and bring the strips down to exactly the thickness they need to be which is the thickness of the two layers of wood in the [Music] middle [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so normally I like to scrape the dried glue about 2 hours after glue up while it's still pliable enough to remove but since he's got left overnight and it's pretty hard scraping and often times the wood comes up with it I said forget it straight to the planer we go but before that it was time to get the borders in progress so I grabbed some Walnut and put it through the same Milling process as before since the main board is ingrain the borders also need to be ingrain otherwise you have wood expanding and Contracting in different directions and you'll likely be setting yourself up for a cracked board down the [Music] road [Music] [Applause] [Music] and it was at this point that I realized I had overestimated the material just a little bit it turns out that we are now making three boards I find the final glue-ups on these pattern boards to be about the most stressful part of the process you get one shot and if something slips and you don't catch it well it stays like that forever and I've had my share of slips in the past but luckily everything went well on this build is this router sled flattening system from tot sled has been an epic upgrade in my shop it's completely transformed my flattening game eventually I'll have a video on the setup of it and on building the big torsion box style table it's mounted to but for now all I'll say is I'm really really happy with it I do the initial sanding with 80 grit in the belt sander and that makes really quick work of the router marks left from before [Music] juice Groves personally I'm not the biggest fan of them but folks seem to love them they request them all the time and since this board is designed to be usable on both sides I figure why not stick a Groove in one side I I put all my boards through the same grit progression when it comes to sanding after 80 grit in the belt sander I go through 120 180 220 320 and I finish with 400 which polishes the board to a glasslike finish I also raised the grain with water between each grit but I won't show you much of that because the oil footage is just around the corner don't want to give too much way the last thing I do is remove any residual sanding dust with compressed air and then on to what most would say is the best part there's a link to the oil I used here in the description if you're curious about it normally I'll give board anywhere from 24 to 48 hours to air out before sealing up the surface but because these ones were so thick I gave them closer to 72 hours before applying the [Music] beeswax [Music] and with that our tale of not only two but three 3D cube butcher blocks comes to a close thank you very much for watching all the way to the end I greatly appreciate your time and if you have made it this far and you're not subscribed I would kindly ask you to get subscribed and I'd love to know what you think of the boards let me know in the comments are they awesome are they over the top was this a complete waste of time and resources I'd love to know your thoughts either way if you'd like to see more of these boards or other ones like it head on over to my website there's a link in the description that will take you there and lastly there'll be a couple other videos popping up here on the screen that might be of interest to you so that's it for now until next time take care of yourself and bye-bye for now
Channel: Ryan Hawkins
Views: 190,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: butcher block, cutting board, chopping block, end grain cutting board, wood cutting board, wood butcher block, wood chopping block, custom cutting board, custom woodworking, woodworking, woodworking video, satisfying woodworking, viral woodworking, build, how to make cutting board, how to make an end grain cutting board, cool video to watch, cube cutting board, woodworking project, DIY woodworking, woodwork, amazing woodworking, amazing woodworking project, how to, DIY
Id: fdVwcQEJ8zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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