Build a Brick Style Cutting Board

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hey guys in today's video we're gonna make it in grain bricklayer cutting board out of this walnut and maple finished product looks really awesome and it's a lot of fun to make let's get into it okay step one we're gonna need the Machine our wood to size so we can make two planks one walnut maple plank and the other a large maple plank that will resaw on the next step to make our long grout lines [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay guys here we are and we got the first stage done it took me a couple hours to get this done but all the wood is machine to link with sand it down and we're ready to glue I have the one two three four five walnut planks three those are all three inches and this one that is one and a half inches and then I have the first section of the resolved maple which are going to be our mortar for the brick and mortar and then we have the three maple planks here machine besides as well and that's going to be glued together to make one big plank so that's it I'm going to take a lunch break and then I'm going to come back and glue it all together [Music] [Music] [Music] okay guys here we are we have the next stage done this was I've got it written down here step one was to originally mill the wood to size step two was to build the panels the walnut maple panel and then the large maple panel which we did yesterday that's done step three I just did which was to crosscut the panel and then crosscut the maple panel and resaw and I've just sanded all these down to the 3/16 down to size and now the next stage is going to be the glue up so similar to yesterday I'm going to take a lunch break here and then I'm gonna glue up and then we're almost finished I gotta say just to this point how everything is turned out I'm pleasantly surprised there's just been a few things that few hiccups here and there that I ran into that I've had to stop and fix but overall right now at this point everything looks to be perfect no seams left anywhere all the wood is matching up great so that's all I could really ask for at the end of the video I'm going to kind of recap everything all the different steps step one step two step three and I'm gonna go over a few of the main points that I feel like I if I was to do this again that I could do a little bit better and save myself some time and possibly some headache so I'm gonna go have lunch we'll come back and glue it up okay we are all set and ready for gluing as you can see that I got everything laid out to make it nice and easy this kind of like a cooking show it's all pre-prepared here got my clamps everything's ready to go not the calls ready and we're about to go also I had some wax paper ready to go already pre-cut and let's get to it [Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys here we are day 3 getting ready to finish up the project and I was so excited about getting here and checking it out I could barely go to sleep last night and that is no joke also I did have a little bit of anxiety because the glue-up didn't go as well as I had planned at least I didn't think that it did I felt even though I had everything laid out and ready to go I felt a little bit rushed trying to get it done and then was worried that some of the glue on those first slabs that I put down might have come down so by the time I clamped it it might not have squeezed out all the edges and still good but I've taken a look at it and so far I don't find any spots that that look bad so anyway I may have dodged a bullet there I just got to sand all the glue off trim up the edges and then we'll finish it up let's get to it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I'm been staying on the board so I thought I could give you a little close-up it looks really nice just go around here everything sealed up nicely the lines look good it's one side turned over to the other side it's got some nice color some of the blocks are a little bit darker than others that looks cool all right there we go now I've been kind of struggling with over the last couple days was I've been trying to decide should I route the edges or should I not route the edges and I haven't quite decided yet but I guess we'll see what I come up with an indecision I'm doing next I'm gonna put a couple spots for your hands in here from the edges and then at that point on the side do I want to rock the edges as well okay see you guys [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] okay here comes the best part but on the mineral oil and waiting for this and you want to get a lot on there I'm gonna put as much as it'll take two or three coats for some reason my battery keeps going out okay I have this butcher-block conditioner on there now and I'm just letting it sit for 20 minutes to see how it's gonna look after but I've put three or four coats on I've put I don't know two or three coats of the mineral oil and now this is my second coat of the conditioner so that should be good for it but it's kind of hard to capture how it looks with the camera but when you go from just having it sanded down to all of a sudden you put the mineral oil on it and then you put the conditioner it really makes it pop and it looks awesome I I'm absolutely in love with this project and I was gonna give it away but now I'm thinking that I don't want to give it away I might want to keep it but anyway I can't do that because I already told my sister that I'd give it to her but anyway I love this thing it's fantastic it was a fun project challenging and I look forward to making another one sometime here we are with the finished product and it turned out fantastic I completely in love with it here you go I'll give me the quick rundown it's still drying a little bit I just took the last coats I just wiped out the last few coats the mineral oil so it's still drying but um it really turned out great and I couldn't be couldn't be happier with it a couple of things I wanted to talk about before I finish up here a couple critical points during the process that I thought might help out if you're going to make a board like this the resaw of the maple is important and a little bit tricky and I would suggest that when you cut it on the band saw that you definitely cut those strips wider than you need them and then if your blade wandered a little bit or you don't get that perfect cut you can take them over the drum sander later and flatten them out to the sides which is what I did I did the first cut I did turn out to great then I did another cut I made a little bit thicker and then I sanded it down on the drum sander and it worked out great the next thing was the glue ups are really important and in the first glue up I didn't put the calls on the side when I glued it to try to make them flat I just figured I'd cut him up clamp them together and it would be flat enough and in hindsight it would have been good if I would have went ahead and put those on there it wasn't off by much and I was able to sand that down as well on the drum sander after and it's fine but be a little bit easier I think if I just put those on to begin with the second glue up I did do that I put those on and that was nice however I was a little bit worried about the setting blew up although I had everything laid out ready to go thought I was fully prepared I really felt like I was rushing to get that done because by the time I put the first strips on and was getting to the last strips the glue on the first trips was already starting to dry and I was afraid that when I finally did clamp it up that the glue wouldn't squish out the top and seal everything perfectly luckily it turned out okay but I did I did have a bit anxiety waiting in the 24 hours to under the glue up I thought oh man this might not work out so those are the two main things I wanted to talk about the resawing of the strip's making a little bit lighter so you can turn so you can sand down the drum sander and then the glue ups you really want to make sure that you're prepared for those that you're working quickly and you don't get kind of interrupted during that and also maybe put those calls on side so that you can flatten them up anyway that's it there's a great project and this should be drying up soon and what I'll do is I'll take some pictures of it oh also in the video I ran out of battery when I was in the middle of grouting this I routed these little hand grooves in there sure you can see that too well but it's got these little hand groups so that when you have it down like this you can you know hold it with those came through so I did do that as well I'll take some pictures and if you watch thanks for watching please subscribe hit me with the like if you enjoyed it and I'll keep bringing some videos your way thanks guys
Channel: MakerCK
Views: 52,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cutting board, end grain cutting board, brick style cutting board, brick layered cutting board, brick pattern cutting board, brick cutting board, walnut cutting board, walnut end grain cutting board, butcher block cutting board, butcher block end grain cutting board, walnut butcher block cutting board, how to make an end grain cutting board, how to make a brick style cutting board, woodworking videos, brick wall cutting board
Id: UTS_cyC9th8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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