140 Design Flaws in Star Wars Ships & Vehicles

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hi friends welcome back to another episode of generation Tech my name is Alan today we're going to be starting a new series where we teach you how to protect your family and home from Dolphins just joking although that is on the idealist hashtag Humanity first no instead today we're going to be starting a new series called 10 flaws we'll be looking at a variety of different things from the Stars Galaxy from droids to shipster maybe even governmental systems who knows just make sure you're subscribed and hit that notification button so you can see where this series will take us because it's not even I know where this series will take us starting off the series is perhaps one of the most flawed Droid designs in history of Star Wars the B1 battle droid the B1 battle droids were inspired by security droids used on Trade Federation vessels during the pre-clone War era when the Clone Wars erupted these security droids were quickly redesigned and rushed onto the battlefield deployed the massive numbers on open ground again similarly positioned enemies the B-1 battle droids were quite formidable they could overwhelm positions in mass and pose the significant threat putting as individual Soldiers the B1 battle droid was just terrible now we hear our generation Tech do understand that the B1 battle droid was designed to be a budget level security Droid which was mainly used for Canon fiber but I still can't really get over some of the design choices that the separators Alliance made with them we're not really sure what kind of metal was used on the B1 battle droid but according to reports this metal is incapable of stopping Blaster bolts and lightsabers on top of that the material was extremely heavy it was reported that clone troopers who ran out of restraints for prisoners during battles would just lay B1 battle droids that were deactivated on top of prisoners so what we have here is Val Droid made most likely of some kind of low quality Dura steel which is extremely heavy then we had underpowered servos and murders for the robot joints making it awkward slow and unbalanced a good alternative to using a heavy metal would have been a lighter polymer like duraplast or plastoids these materials were lighter the entire phase one clone trooper armor was said to have weighed only 40 kilos with a lighter and more protective armor shell that is in that much more expensive than heavy metals you have a more mobile and deadlier Soldier and these are the type of advantages that droids should have over Organics anyway it's said that the B1 battle droids were designed as bipedal robots so that they can be quickly integrated into separatist Vehicles which were designed for a similarly limbed Organics but this again seems like a terrible design Choice the separatus droid army was completely made up of droids they didn't share their vehicles or weapons with Organic counterparts so refitting their vehicles to a more properly designed battle droid seems like a better option in this case by designing their weapons and vehicles for bipeds they make it easier for clone troopers to steal and operate separatist vehicles and weapons the bipedal design also made the droids a lot more Awkward Locomotion with only two legs is actually quite a difficult task humans have a large Brain that makes this possible but actually replicating that in a machine especially one as cheaply built as the B1 is a major feat that's why here on Earth most Robot Combat platforms are designed on Treads or at least four likes what makes a bipolar robot more difficult to design is its higher center of gravity this makes the platform less stable and that's not really ideal when you're designing a battle droid which is supposed to encounter all different types of terrains on top of that the B1 battle droid have long narrow limbs which were easy targets for lightsabers and blasters destroying any of these fragile limbs could severely hamper the combat efficiency of unit a longer taller design also meant more surface area that needed to be covered by armor instead of putting all the vital systems in the chest of the Droid for some reason the computer was placed in the head module the Droid which is located on an extremely thin neck strut this Obsession of replicating organic form in their droids doesn't adhere them in order to program movement into these unstable underpowered and overly heavy droids the shepherd has actually used motion capture technology of elite organic soldiers so that the boundroids could replicate these movements if you really think about it that makes no sense organic soldiers move the way they move because of the way their bodies were built and naturally limit them most Organics have a lot of limitations only four Limbs and only two limbs that have enough dexterity to manipulate weapons and other complicated machines Organics also have a certain power to weight ratio and limited flexibility Organics also have organs that need to be in certain positions in order for tasks to be completed for instance when a soldier is shooting they must also expose their head and eyes in order to find the target a Droid doesn't necessarily need to do that they could just have a camera on their weapon which is then attached to their computer brain now this reverse engineering of organic movement is just another symptom of the terrible design of these B1 balance droids this is all because the separatist one wanted their droids to mimic organic beings for one reason or another by now you probably see a trend in how these B1 maladroids were being designed but not only were they physically able to mimic Organics they also had the personality of organic beings but instead of programming desirable traits for combat Droid like aggression or resilience these Droids seem to have been programmed with extremely unnecessary traits like fear as a matter of fact sometimes in bad situations droids were known to throw their weapons to the ground and start screaming and running in circles greetings why the hell would you do that why would you design your droids to have fear especially if they're involved in a battle perhaps it's the self-preservation motivator going haywire not unless this isn't the only problematic personality Quirk that these Droids have other b1s have displayed cowardice laziness and even arrogance against other droids which makes them underestimate their enemy the B1 battle droids were also known for being extremely stupid and incapable on Battlefield what separates the US military from the rest of the world it's not necessarily our weapon systems or vehicles or even our training it's the connectivity and networking that allows our troops to know exactly where everyone else is on the battlefield this type of Battlefield integration is like a second pair of eyes it allows our troops to move the right material and Personnel to the right places in the battlefield it's a force multiplier and helps fight the dreaded fog of War now naturally humans don't have the capability to do this we need to give them Wireless transmitters and GPS chips but Droids on the other hand would be perfect for this kind of system as a matter of fact before the Clone Wars the Trade Federation already had a system like this in place of their original oom droids unfortunately there was one glaring weakness if someone destroyed the Central Command Center all the droids would deactivate because they weren't able to function independently the Droids that the separators deployed could function by themselves but for some reason they could only communicate with each other verbally now sure in order to talk to organic commanders it might be easier to be able to use verbal speech but in the middle of the battlefield wouldn't it be easier if the Joe droids could communicate to each other wirelessly this way the enemy can't hear what they're saying also then your Communications are only limited by the range of your transmitters and receivers shouldn't all droids be a part of a network so that their commanders know exactly what the battlefield looks like each Droid could have a camera or a sensor that fills in a part of the map think of it like a bird's eye view of an RTS game but again for some reason no system like this existed as far as we know that's why the Clone Army and Jedi journals are able to sneak up on separatist facilities and take droids at one at a time without notifying the entire base this is a really strange design oversight it's not even that expensive to implement a system like this it's a complete design oversight by the separatist Alliance the whole separate destroyed Army should be integrated imagine if the b1s could communicate with vulture droids and direct air sorties or receive reconnaissance information from the sky this would completely change the battlefield if the B1 battle droids were Advanced enough to exhibit human-like emotions on the battlefield why can't they have more tactical awareness as a matter of fact there were tactical B1 Commander units and their Hardware was no different from the average B1 balanceroid so what it comes down to is a software program and once you have your software programmed it really doesn't cost that much to upload it into other computers so why didn't the separatists Alliance just give all of their droids Commander level tactical programming wouldn't that make them a much more competent fighting force instead you have a bunch of extremely stupid units that are only able to overwhelm enemy positions when they have a numerical advantage motion tracking technology and cameras has been around since I was a little kid you guys remember those Lego Mindstorm cameras in principle they aren't all that different from the motion tracking software that's used today in security and Military Industries the scary thing is this technology is already far superior to human vision and reaction times when it comes to acquiring targets and tracking motion of course there's a problem with identifying what is a threat and what isn't they're still working on that but having said that it does really confuse me why B1 balance rates are so terrible aiming their weapons with proper calibration on their weapons and sensors they really should never miss their targets the Computing brains in these Droids are more than powerful enough to calculate trajectories in a split second they shouldn't even be able to fire their weapons if they know they're not on target during a battle like Geonosis where there was no cover the Clone should have been immediately wiped out so we're really going to ask what the hell are the separatists Alliance putting inside of their Droids that are handicapping they're aiming so much it's almost like they're doing it on purpose to help the clone troopers foreign of the organic Soldier age is the detachable weapon I understand the need to save in r d caused by not designing a new firearm but the potential increase in combat efficiency is definitely worth it especially if you look at how many separatist droids they designed millions and it wouldn't even need to be all that complicated of a design you could use pre-existing designs and just remove parts that are designed for Organics if you've ever fired a gun before you know that one of the points of instability in a weapon is the trigger pull when you're pulling a trigger it's not a symmetrical movement because the way our fingers are designed it's almost a lateral movement the handle of the gun and Trigger are also below the bullet chamber and Barrel which again is not a symmetrical action and at high velocities and long ranges small little deviations at the trigger pull can severely change the trajectory of a bullet but the reason why guns are designed the way they are is because they ergonomically fit humans better that way ideally what you want when aiming a projectile is to to position yourself symmetrically with the force of the weapon which basically means right behind the firing chamber one-way note is just to cut your arm off and place the gun in place of your arm kind of like what a Super Battle Droid does this would significantly eliminate any kind of lateral movement and I'm kind of confused why they didn't just do the same thing with the B1 balance rights cut their arms off and attach cannons to them by giving them hands that are designed to manipulate a trigger this actually makes their accuracy worse it also allows enemy combatants to pick up their weapons and use them against them the B1 balance rage rifles also had energy packs in them which meant they had a reload it would have been a lot simpler for them to just design an energy pack into the Droid that way they could fire continuously making them more efficient in combat again this is a terrible design choice one of the main Throne weapons used by clone troopers was something known as a Droid popper or an EMP grenade for one reason or another B1 battle droids along with most droids in the separatus Army were extremely susceptible to these types of weapons I'm actually surprised the Republic didn't take advantage of this more often it wasn't until Milestar that we see the Jr employ larger EMP weapons but actually shielding something from an EMP is quite simple actually we have many different techniques and methods here on Earth that actually work very well now obviously there are a lot of doomsayers out there that say that a solar flare or nuclear EMP could destroy a civilization and I guess they are technically right but that's only because most consumer and infrastructure Electronics aren't shielded from emps but if you were an advanced society that just created a droid army you know that your enemy has EMP weapons one two at least provide some basic shielding on your droids here on Earth a simple Faraday cage would work typically they were made out of some kind of metal mesh that can block out EMP Fields some everyday example of Faraday cages would be like a microwave or an elevator the these are devices that could easily be designed into the armor or framework of a battle droid [Music] battle droids run on energy and unless that energy is some kind of dangerous fission reactor they usually need to be recharged routinely during this downtime the droids are just as vulnerable as a soldier who needs sleep which is why I would play some type of rechargeable solar panel on the droids to supplement their battery chargers and not only is it good for the environment it can also extend the killing time of a Droid it also serves as another reflective surface that could block or at least reflect a blaster bolt in my opinion the B1 battle droid was most likely designed by a child who focused on Aesthetics rather than function but at the same time that child has terrible taste and what looks cool or not this Star Destroyer one of the most recognizable triangle-shaped things after pizza and herbalife's business model it inspires fear-induced bowel movements into the hearts of the Empire's enemies and its design is inspired by thousands of years of Sith genocides raids and pillaging it's aggressive it's powerful and when you play six of them side by side it makes a hexagon but despite its impressive pedigree it has a lot of design flaws the Imperial client starting to turn was built and designed around the tail end of the Clone Wars peace was on the horizon in the last of the great droid Clone battles were just memories of the past gearing up for a peacetime role the Imperial Navy was heavily invested in the Tarkin Doctrine the idea was to strike fear into the hearts of the centers in the Empire and make the cost of rebelling so high that it just wasn't worth it now obviously that plan didn't really work out that well the destruction of Alderaan unifying the rebel factions of the Galaxy the Imperial class dardashar was a product of the Tarkin Doctrine in many ways it was the direct successor of the Republic Minotaur class Star Destroyer but on steroids and sticking out of the imposing design was an enormous Bridge which commanded an impressive View for the crew and reminded the citizens of the Empire that the Imperial Navy was always watching them while it looked cool and very scary it was actually a terrible military design having a giant transmitter steel window is a luxury one might expect on a Starliner or in a rec room on a trip carrier having a giant window on your Bridge actually exposes your crew to a lot of unnecessary danger you see the skipper doesn't actually pilot the ship based on visual cues that's a romantic misconception a lot of us have about space flights instead there's an entire team supporting the skipper Engineers Navigators all of them using a plethora of sensors cameras located throughout the ship the giant window is just there for epic hero shots of the commanding officer not only is the giant window really stupid the placement of the bridge is quite aionic as well the most important part of the ship the Nerf center of the entire vessel is full of the most important decision-making officers should be heavily shielded and placed in the part of the ship with the thickest armor possible ideally that's the middle of the ship now there is a backup crew in a backup bridge on board but you don't pay Tom Brady 20 million dollars a year to have them run a naked bootleg get hurt and then put in Brian Hoyer who the hell is Brian Hoyer located on top of the bridge are also two very important and exposed pieces of Technology the two Shield generators the reason for this location is the closer proximity to the generators the more powerful the shields are and obviously if you have a really stupidly exposed Bridge you want maximum protection on there but this of course causes a lot more problems instead of spreading the generators evenly across the ship you have them right next to each other and given their weakness to projectiles like small ships or proton torpedoes it's possible for both of them to be taken out or at least damaged by one attack run this also means the shields are heavily concentrated to the top of the ship leaving the underside Exposed on top of that you have fewer gun emplacements underneath the ship and a giant exposed hanger door presenting a very obvious weak side of the shift to the enemy a better option would be to spread the shield generators across the entire ship instead of just focusing on one side but of course you would also need to remove the bridge within the ship on top of that the communication Suite was also placed in the shield dome which means you're betting a lot on those Marvel structures now getting destroyed another problem with shields on Imperial client Star Destroyer was the lack of redundancy a ship as large as the Imperial class Star Destroyer usually as a backup hyperdrive and Bridge so why not Shields instead of having just two massive generators why not have multiple ones that can replace each other if they fail this was the strategy that the rebel mon calamari Cruisers use this is why despite being heavily outgunned by an ISD the mc80s were able to hold their own in a broadside exchange because of their smaller more plentiful Shields which were constantly recharging and able to handle and absorb more damage [Music] during the Battle of scarif a flight of white wings were able to disable a star destroyer with a rack of ion Torpedoes iron weapons send highly charged particles that are disruptive to the atomic structure of objects technically an ion explosion that can penetrate a ship's particle Shields and then disable the engine you should kill everyone on board but whatever science from a design point of view it seems kind of stupid that the ship isn't well shielded from this type of particle weapon especially when you're flying through space and constantly exposed to dangerous cosmic rays anyway the main power plant should be better protected if you don't have a power plant you don't have shields weapons hyper drives even life supports and as we all know a giant Star Destroyer dead in the water is extremely vulnerable it's probably a good idea to Shield the generator room with some dunium if that material was good enough to serve as a shield for the Death Star laser dish you should be able to stop a few iron Torpedoes right an imperial client Star Destroyer has 60 time in Bach XX9 heavy turbo laser batteries 60 borstell nk7 ion cannons six dual heavy turbo laser turrets two dual heavy ion cannon turrets two quad heavy turbo lasers three triple medium turbo lasers two medium turbo lasers and one phylon 07 tractor beam projector that's enough Firepower to make your average gun nut cream his or her pants but if you really do know naval ships you'll see a glaring weakness in this type of armament where the hell are the point defense weapons the anti-ship missiles large naval ships Like a Star Destroyer are supposed to have layered defenses layers onions have layers ogres have layers let's take a look at the Gerald R Ford aircraft carriers armaments first we have long range anti-aircraft missiles then you have short range Phalanx automated defense turrets and then a bunch of 50 cows to deal with pirates and dolphins trying to board and molest our brave Sailors on the Imperial class Star Destroyer we have a severe lack in point defense in short range weapons all we have are like five medium travel lasers and they'll have a hard time hitting a Corvette let alone a tiny a-wing and you guys remember what happened the last time a few snow Fighters went against a large construct that only had turbolizers [Music] exactly [Music] now an argument could be made that the star destroyer's primary goal is to focus on other large ships kind of like a battleship from World War One it could also be argued that it's up to smaller Cruisers and escort frigates to handle the smaller ships and smaller Fighters but let's think about it how many times have we've seen Star Destroyers just all by themselves without any escort fleets that's three for three in opening scenes for the original trilogy that's a huge technical oversight by the Empire that are George Lucas's you know team ran out of budget or something like that now in all fairness the Imperial cleansed artist heart wasn't completely defenseless against smaller ships it did have a compliment of 72 typewriters on board which is adequate for most situations but these typewriters like Shields and adequate Firepower and were usually outgunned by Rebellion Fighters and despite being much larger than the benedorm class Star Destroyer the ISD actually has a smaller amount of Fighters on board the older venator class start Tour might have had less Firepower but they held a compliment of over 400 Fighters you think with the cheap production cost of the Tie Fighter the Empire would have increased the isd's fighter complement or at least kept it at the same level as the venator just when you look at the Imperial Navy's Mission it's peacekeeping they're dealing with civilian ships that are usually no larger than their freighter rarely do they ever see in other Capital sized ship like a star destroyer [Music] despite having only 72 typewriters it still takes quite a long time to deploy all the typewriters out of an ISD and that's because there's only one hanger door and as stated before the placement of the hangar door is at the weakest point of the ship one well-placed proton torpedo could effectively Wipe Out the entire ship's ability to defend itself from Starships a better alternative to one massive hanger with one massive door would be to have several different hangers with their own doors this will allow the Star Destroyer to quickly launch its entire complement of Fighters one of the strengths of the Rebel snapfires was the fact that they had hyperdrives this meant that they didn't need to go through the timely process of launching out of a capital ship after reverting from hyperspace this mainly oftentimes could deliver their payloads and then revert back to hyperspace before the typewriters were even scrambled out of their capital ship the Imperial class Star Destroyer also carried an impressive amount of Stormtroopers nine thousand that's an entire Legion there was however a major bottleneck in their deployment the ISD only could carry eight Lambda class shuttles which each held around 20 soldiers and because the ISD was not rated for combat insertion that's what she said you could only land 160 soldiers at one time it would take around 56 trips to deploy the entire Legion and that's if enemy Fighters were anti-air emplacements don't take out some of the eight shovels on board this just invites an iadron valley-like scenario to happen and should that happen should your troops get surrounded by the Star Wars equivalent of the Viet Cong it'll take a really long time to withdraw your troops 56 strips I'm also confused on how ATT Walkers and other heavy Vehicles get deployed now in Legends there are larger landing craft vehicles that help land all this material onto the surface of a planet but so far Disney Canon only has one answer and it's well it's this [Music] at the end of the day the Imperial class Star Destroyer was a very impressive ship as a matter of fact with a few fixes it would have been very useful say during the using bong Invasion but for a peacekeeping mission across a vast Galaxy it was too large too expensive and used way too many resources and Manpower a dozen lighter Cruisers would have been cheaper to deploy and be able to cover a dozen more systems and be more capable at handling your average moisture farmer in their t-16 skyhopper Clone Wars our y-wing now having said all this negative stuff about the Imperial plaster artist or I do like it I mean there's a certain appeal to it it's magnificent beautiful awe-inspiring but impractical in our last video we looked at the 10th launch of the Imperial class Star Destroyer I said one of the issues with the design was that the shield generators were concentrated onto the top of the ship and therefore areas far away from the top of the ship had weaker Shields making the bottom of the Star Destroyer a vulnerable area to attack many of you pointed out that there's a bulge at the bottom of the Star Destroyer which might be another Shield generator but according to Canon that bubble houses the primary power generator which is kind of another design flaw allowing your enemy to visually see where your main power source is there is one more Shield generator on the Star Destroyer and that is at the power of the vessel but it's a navigational Shield mainly used to stop debris from hitting the ship so if you do want to attack an ISD go for its soft weak belly the next thing I do want to talk about is a little bit more serious recently in a small village in southern France called La donovic the beaches were closed after a dolphin reportedly raped several beachgoers now I know a lot of Americans Brits croatians basically half the world don't really like French people but the key word there is people the French are humans just like you and me they're not all that different and no one deserves to be raped by a dolphin while they're just trying to enjoy a nice swim in the ocean so we send our best wishes to the survivors and victims of this terrible tragedy hashtag hornydolphinggate hashtag Humanity first anyway on to Stormtroopers now we know this video will most likely be controversial because everyone loves or hates Stormtroopers and there's also almost half a century worth of movies Comics novels and video games about them all with contradicting information so as usual we'll be trying to focus on Disney's kind of vague Canon version of the Stormtrooper and whenever we really do need to dig deeper for information we'll go into Legends for a little bit I truly am sorry if our version of the Stormtrooper is not the same as the one you grew up with but hey at least you're not getting impregnated by a dolphin [Music] a stormtrooper outfitted in full combat armor is one of the most iconic images in Star Wars most of us at one time or another have dreamed about putting on that white suit of armor and embarking on a village pacification mission where we get a kick in the teeth of some furry Ewoks but that awesome looking suit of armor is a classic example of form over function stormtrooper armor is made up of an insulated body glove that has 18 separate pieces of armor attached onto it made out of plastered Composites now we're not exactly sure how heavy that armor is but we do know that Clone Trooper phase one armor which the stormtrooper armor evolved from was around 40 kilograms phase one armor included 20 individual plates of a similar plastoid composite clone trooper armor was known for having excellent protection but it was also extremely heavy and restrictive stormtroop armor which shares more similarities with Phase 2 clone armor should be lighter than phase one clone trooper armor but still is a full suit of armor and therefore quite heavy and restrictive armor since man first strapped the piece of animal skin over his nut sack has always been a trade-off between protection and Mobility [Music] modern infantry Soldiers with a full combat load carry around 30 kilos that includes a rucksack their weapons and all of their equipment but even all that still weighs less than the stormtrooper armor by itself most modern infantry units only wear ballistic helmets and vests along with a plate carrier with trauma plates protecting the chest and maybe groin in collar regions even saw all this protection only weighs around 15 kilos any more weight or coverage would limit the mobility and stamina of a soldier and the idea is really not to test your armor against bolts in the first place it's kind of a last resort emergency measure it's just as important to be alert and quick enough to find cover so that you don't get shot in the first place in my opinion stormtrooper armor is way too heavy and also severely limits Mobility also unlike the Clones the Stormtroopers weren't always being deployed in giant battlefields they were mainly used for guard Duty or in a peacekeeping role both of which don't require such heavy armor on top of that the heavy bulky type of armor the Stormtroopers wore really limited their ability to move around in tight CQB scenarios that one might find inside of a city or in a Starship despite its extremely heavy weight the protection offered by stormtrooper armor was a bit disappointing while it did a good job against non-armor piercing projectiles and fragments and explosions it didn't do such a great job against Blaster bolts the armor is capable of absorbing and even deflecting low energy bolts but higher energy rounds are able to easily penetrate the armor this is why the Empire heavily regulated more powerful blasters so while small Blaster pistols which would be the real world equivalent of a nine millimeter handgun can be absorbed by the armor something larger like Hans dl-44 which would be the real world equivalent of a 44 Magnum or maybe a 45 ACP round had enough power and force to knock Storm Troopers over and overwhelm the blastoid's ability to absorb energy the rebel a280 Blaster rifle also seemed to have no problem penetrating stormtrooper armor So Not only was stormtrooper armor way too heavy it also didn't offer enough protection to justify that weight a better solution would have been to use a thicker plastoid composite like that found on the guitar and armor of Republic Commandos and fashioned that into an armor system in order to limit weight though instead of covering the entire body I would just have it cover the more vital parts of your body like your chest and groin I rather have a smaller the armor that actually works rather than one that covers my entire body but doesn't really work all the time while the Stormtrooper core was officially a part of the Imperial Army most of the time they were deployed on ships so they were kind of like Marines or Space Marines not only do they help Naval Troopers with ship security they also were used as shock troopers for anti-piracy raids and bordering operations this meant they were constantly being exposed to the dangers of vacuum now despite the fact that they are covered head to toe in heavy plastoid Composites the Stormtroopers armor is actually not hermetically sealed this seems like an odd design oversight for a full suit of armor designed for combatant stationed on a Starship and sure they don't even need airtight suits just a small rebreather or oxygen tank would be enough to make sure that they can get back into the ship should they get blown out of an airlock the suit is environmentally controlled so if you're only taking a short walk in space it shouldn't be a huge problem you can't really talk about how terrible stormtrooper armor is without talking about its color or lack of color in recent years we have been introduced to different types of Stormtroopers that are more appropriately camouflaged but how many Brave Imperials have died over the years needlessly because they stuck out like a sore thumb in their environment unless the environment is snow or field of Ewok ashes now it's been said that the armor was white for a variety of reasons and we did an entire video on that so you can check that out but none of those reasons really justify why the armor is white you know what's worse than wearing white armor in a jungle that's wearing white armor in a jungle and then being forced to polish it and keep it extremely clean every day for inspection while you're going on daily patrols where you're being ambushed by tiny teddy bears with superhuman strength on top of that you have many other different type of restrictions that just made being a stormtrooper kind of horrible Stormtroopers were far more fanatic and loyal to the Empire than your average Soldier get the organization was still constantly being monitored by the Imperial Security Bureau as a matter of fact on a daily basis the ISB was downloading the audio and visual feed on every stormtrooper's helmet looking for Slackers or Traders they are even keeping track of whether Stormtroopers were taking off their helmets during patrols or not and punishing them if they found out that they were this type of monitoring and enforcement of rules was not only damaging from morale there's also a huge waste of resources and Manpower Stormtrooper helmets another very controversial topic amongst the Star Wars Community many Rebels who have stolen helmets have reported that they are extremely uncomfortable to wear and also limit your visibility I can't see on the other side of this argument you have Imperial Armor enthusiasts and Stormtroopers who have stated that these rubbles don't know how to properly use these helmets and that most of these helmets were actually turned off well we're going to take a Middle Road on this argument while having a helmet with heads up display with navigational AIDS and communication Suite built in is a huge Advantage helmets along with other systems in a stormtrooper's armor including the environmental controls oftentimes malfunctioned or ran out of battery at which point that state-of-the-art helmet becomes nothing more than a useless hunk of plastered which limits your peripheral vision given the unpredictable rigors of combat and lack of reliability of these helmets one change I would make to these helmets would be to have a removable face mask or a visor similar to a motorcycle helmet that way if your helmet does malfunction you can just open up the front of it that way the Stormtroopers won't need to remove their helmets and still will have that basic head protection with a good field of view and also they won't have to worry about the ISB penalizing them for removing their helmets [Music] a subject about Stormtroopers is how accurate they are wow you really do shoot like a Stormtroopers lost points too accurate for sand people only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise again we'll be taking the Middle Road I think as soldier's Stormtroopers for the most part were highly trained and very accurate marksmen but because of their poorly designed equipment they oftentimes had problems hitting targets Stormtroopers use the variety of weapons but by far the most popular Small Arms that they used was the E11 Blaster this light versatile carbine weapon was quite useful in a range of situations and even had a non-lethal setting a good design feature for a peacekeeping force but one of the main problems was the E11 simplistic design paired with the bulky armor that the Stormtroopers wore the E11 came stock with iron sights but also could be fitted with a small scope but neither option really worked all that well with the Stormtrooper helmets this is why during a lot of battles you can see Stormtroopers aiming from the hip or tucking the rifle against their shoulder but not really sighting the weapon I actually think this is the root of the Stormtrooper problem it's actually quite a simple fix all you really need to do is include a targeting system for the Blaster rifle inside helmet there's already a heads-up display built into the helmet show a stormtrooper would be able to fire accurately from the hip or even blind fire also while you're at it put a biometric lock on the weapon so Rebels can't steal it Stormtrooper training and military training in general in the Empire kind of reminds me of The Hunger Games the Imperial Stormtrooper training program was designed with a very Sith like mentality Cadets were expected to outsmart each other and competition was so intense sometimes Cadets were injured or even died and as long as you weren't caught in the act of sabotaging or killing another student the instructors usually turned a blind eye while the strategy might work in the business world is actually a terrible mindset to have when you're creating a military organization what made the Clone Trooper so effective was that they all saw each other as brothers and fully trusted one another clones were so closely attuned to their fellow brothers that they were able to protect each other's movements making them an extremely effective combat Force the Stormtrooper corer and the empire in general is full of sycophants opportunist and also Psychopaths which a lot of times meant that you had individuals within the organization fighting against each other instead of fighting together for the empire While most Stormtroopers were given first a training they're oftentimes too busy during a battle to stop and treat their fellow wounded while all Stormtroopers have some basic first aid training they're oftentimes way too busy in the middle of a firefight to stop and help the wounded as a matter of fact official Imperial policy forbade Storm Troopers to go and Aid their fallen comrades until the enemy was eliminated there's been a lot of Stormtroopers needlessly bled out because no one was able to reach them in time to stabilize their wound the Stormtrooper core did have Medics but they were quite rare and we really never get to see them in combat the official policy also forbade the Imperial Medics from treating non-humans and most Medics carry to E11 for self-defense or if some alien scums started bothering them for treatment in general I think a quick way to reduce casualties is to just have more medics as we mentioned before the Stormtroopers were like the Marines of the Star Wars Galaxy some might even call them Special Forces the point is they were mainly focused and trained on direct action a lot of times the Stormtroopers were sent on mundane tasks which wasted their time that would be followed by intense periods of non-stop fighting against heavily Rebel cells the Stormtroopers were basically used in almost every type of scenario and there's a real risk of combat fatigue in these units sure they were more capable than their army and able counterparts but have even constantly go on missions and patrols wore them out on board a naval vessel the Navy Troopers should handle ship security and on the ground the army trooper should be deployed as Garrison's Stormtrooper should only be used as shock troops that's what they're trained and equipped for yet we continue to see overwhelming evidence that Stormtroopers were the most widely deployed units despite being a much smaller branch of the Armed Forces now it's definitely not my first choice when it comes to starfighters but there are actually some good qualities about the Tie Fighter for one it's probably one of the most efficiently produced vehicles in the Star Wars galaxy everything from its solar panels and engines are designed with minimal moving Parts making the assembly cheaper and making the Tie Fighter more reliable and easier to build it's also an extremely maneuverable and fast fighter and it kind of makes sense with millions of systems to patrol you want to limit the cost of your main Starfighter perhaps the price and ease of production and maintenance alone offsets any flaws I'm gonna mention but still for the sake of fandom we must break down and analyze this TIE fighter the Stars Galaxy is home to many different civilizations and are extremely Advanced and able to travel many times faster than the speed of light but for some reason most space combat between starfighters still take place within line of sight we're basically talking about World War One to Korean War era type dog fighting now obviously visually it's a lot more interesting to see starfighters going at it at close range rather than have them shoot missiles from a thousand miles away so we're not going to Target this aspect all that much but we do have to take into account what this style of combat means for fighter design and more importantly cockpit design you see one of the most important parts of dog fighting when they're using Auto cannons or a Sidewinder missile is having visibility Eric Hartman a German Lutheran pilot from World War II is credited with 352 kills on the Eastern front that's more than two times The Kills that American Sniper Chris Kyle had during his entire service now sure in the earlier years of the war the Soviet pilots and aircraft were just terrible most Russian Fighters lack proper targeting sites so Pilots would just kind of draw them onto the front of their windshield the pause on the other hand were sometimes sent up with only 8 to 10 hours of flight time but both the Soviet planes and Pilots would eventually improve throughout the war and the Reds were designed some of the best planes of the war like the yak-3 anyway Hartman flew over 1400 shorties and was involved in aerial combat 823 times he said he survived because of one reason he never engaged an enemy if they saw him before he made his approach if he was spotted he would use his bf-109's powerful engine to outrun enemy Fighters it was his stalking ability that allowed him to survive so many missions he was also extremely lucky and crash landed 14 times without dying although he was never Under Fire in any of those situations the guy was basically a ninja so according to Eric Harmon the most important part of dog fighting is actually just seeing your enemy before he sees you and that's why when you look at Fighters like the famous people 51 Mustang evolved throughout World War II one of the main things that really changes besides engine size and Armament is the canopy structure the p51a goes from having almost no rear visibility to a complete bubble canopy the same thing happened with the p47 Thunderbolt now let's take a look at the typewriter canopy in comparison it's almost laughable how bad it is sure you have a great large front window but there's zero visibility to the sides in the back of the vehicle on top of that because of the way the wings are designed they further block the vision of the Tie Fighter on the sides so what type fighter would be extremely easy to sneak up on expressly if its sensors were jammed or if it was involved in another dogfight this is probably one of the worst Parts about the Fighter's design the typewriter had only one weapon on board and that was the LS1 laser cannon these are quite potent weapons and capable of quickly stripping the shield of a similar side Starship it could even be used to strafe unarmored ground targets but for anything larger than smaller unarmored targets the Tie Fighter was more or less useless it lacked any real anti-capital ship weapons like a proton or iron torpedo also because the Tie Fighter only had line of sight weapons they had to get extremely close to engage the enemy exposing itself to Danger a quick fix would be just to put a torpedo launcher on the ship now if the typewriter was involved in more long-range combat using Torpedoes or separate style missiles a deflector Shield wouldn't really be that useful in that scenario it's just not powerful enough to protect them from such a large explosion countermeasures and Stealth Tech are much more useful against large guided Munitions like we have here on Earth but when the majority of the battles the Tie fighters are engaged in are close range knife fights using laser cannons a deflector Shield is actually the best defense especially when you're in an environment where there's hundreds of Pilots engaging each other at this point it's not about whether you'll get hit but when a stray laser glancing off your deflector shield in the middle of the battle is not really that big of a deal but a stray laser glancing off of your windshields in the middle of a battle is a really big deal as a matter of fact without any Shields or even armor the transmary steel window on the front of the targeter now becomes a weak spot for micro asteroids space debris even cosmetic radiation could kill you and when you're traveling several thousands of miles per hour it's almost impossible to see such a small piece of debris coming at you it's almost suicide to fly without a deflector Shield now TIE fighter is designated as an in-space superiority fighter but it's also deployed uh in atmosphere as well as its name States though this TIE fighter is mainly designed for space flight in atmosphere it's basically an odd shaped box that is somehow able to power its weight through every law of physics the only reason that TIE fighter is able to fly is because of how powerful Repulsor technology is in Star Wars but what about area resistance and gravitational potion these are awkwardly shaped Wings give the crap terrible drag in all the wrong directions now I'm not a rocket surgeon but I feel like in real life a TIE fighter would almost be impossible to fly and would also probably leave a very turbulent wake behind it it's only because of Advanced building materials futuristic thrust capabilities and inertial compensators to limit g-forces a ship like this is not immediately go into an uncontrollable Spin and rip itself apart so if a TIE fighter ever does lose power in atmosphere it's basically just a flying Rock well actually I think a rock would have better aerodynamic capabilities there is one thing that saves the typewriter pilot in that scenario though there is an ejection seat but I'm not really sure if there's a parachute or not so maybe that just delays the inevitable by a little bit the giant Wings on both sides of the typhoon are not only obstruct the view of the pilot and also make it extremely awkward to fly in atmosphere it also serves as a giant Beacon for sensors and radar we've seen Star Wars ships use both sonar or radar style sensors to detect ships along with heat sensors with two giant solar panels on the outside of your ship you create two intense hot spots for people to track when it comes to radar however the material that solar panels are made up of actually could absorb radar instead of reflecting it as much making the typewriter kinda stealthy but unfortunately the inside of the tie for the wings aren't covered in solar panels and just serve as two gigantic paddles to reflect radar so the typewriter is not stealthy at all and as we talked about before dog fighting especially close range dog fighting is all about seeing your enemy first so having a gigantic sensor signal is not really a good idea [Music] the Empire is really cheap and trust me I do get it there's a lot of territory to cover but there's cheap and then there's just downright stupid and by downright stupid I mean including an anti-theft mechanism which allows essential control system to Scuttle a TIE fighter if someone steals it now I'm not talking about something practical like a remote engine switch the Empire's anti-theft mechanism de-attaches the wings from the central part of the Tie Fighter so if that TIE fighter is in atmosphere you're basically losing the entire ship and to make the matter worse it seems like the mechanism that is used to de-attach the wings were just small explosives so as if flying around in a not so aerodynamic Starfighter that doesn't have any Shields that also doesn't have adequate life support isn't dangerous enough now you're going to put explosives in the wings [Music] the Tie Fighter had to fit a multi-purpose role it wasn't just a war machine it also had a deal with peacekeeping operations this meant anti-swuggling patrols and pulling over suspicious ships the problem is almost every Starship in the Star Wars galaxy has a hyperdrive and because the Tie Fighter also didn't have a tractor beam it meant getting away from the empire was as easy as jumping into hyperspace just think about how many Rebels Pirates and criminals got away from the Empire because the Tie Fighter didn't have OverDrive perhaps there was enough personnel and materials to start a rebellion the lack of hyperdrive also severely limits the range of a TIE fighter and makes it overdependent on the ship that it is station done so let's say a kitchen fire destroys that gazante class cruiser that was your home for the last few months well now you're stuck in space and you're most likely going to run out of air before anyone finds you and as we explained in our last video about Star Destroyers because Tie fighters had to be deployed from the hangar of larger ships once they reverted a real space it gave enemy Fighters time to position themselves in a more advantageous way [Music] now the official policy of the empire was that TIE fighter pilots and Tie fighters Were Expendable but that doesn't necessarily mean that typewriters were unskilled as a matter of fact most of the time they outclassed their Rebel counterparts in both skill and training you see only the smartest most talented individuals in the Imperial Navy actually were sent to flight school and then assigned as fighter pilots we did an entire video that goes through what it takes to be an imperial pilot you can check it out here and it's definitely not only extremely difficult but it's also a time-consuming and expensive process the Empire invested a lot of resources to find and train the right candidates and these TIE fighter pilots weren't just Pilots they were accomplished mechanics Engineers problem solvers and leaders most of them were mechanically capable enough to strip down their entire TIE fighter and then rebuild it so why spend that much time and energy training Pilots if you're gonna just end up putting them inside of a flying coffin seems like a really stupid move limited by its design typewriters were mainly used as a defensive layer around Capital ships because of their lack of hyper drives and long-range weapons is often meant by the time they were able to engage in intercept enemy ships they were already relatively close to their own carrier ships usually this meant the enemy was already within striking range of Imperial capital ships with proton torpedoes and ion Torpedoes ideally the typewriters should really intercept enemy ships way before they get within range of Imperial capital ships on top of that with the typewriters engaging in dockfights so close to their own ships they effectively screen their own Gunners from using their guns to attack enemy Starships this whole defensive strategy is really stupid if you think about it the typewriters are filling in the role that point defense weapons should have and as we discussed before Star Destroyers for some reason don't have Point defense weapons the Star Destroyer is much better off having smaller laser cannons on the whole rather than having dozens of Starships randomly swarming across their Gunners firing Lanes right after the rise of the New Order the Tie Fighter was introduced and for the most part it was kind of adequate at its job when it came to combat it holds its own quite well against Clone War era Fighters and civilian ships of course as we mentioned before a lack of hyperdrive made it very easy to escape from a TIE fighter but generally it wasn't a terrible design but as the Rebellion began to grow in size and their ships became more advanced the typewriters quickly became outgunned and outclassed in almost every way the Tie Fighter was not only no longer able to compete it was becoming a liability for the Empire I'd go as far to say that it had more advanced Fighters like the tower Interceptor been stationed on the Death Star maybe the destruction of the Death Star could have been prevented by the time the battle of the oven had started the Tie Fighter was already 19 years old it's kind of ironic that the mighty Empire was flying two decade old Fighters while the ragtag Rebellion actually had the latest and most modern fighters in the Galaxy the Tie Fighter really reminds me of the story of the Mitsubishi zero one of the Premier fighters in the Pacific Theater during World War II limited by engine technology in economic sanctions the Japanese desire jira horikashi faced many problems when designing the zero he decided to limit the weight of the aircraft to such an extreme length that it actually became more maneuverable and advanced than any other fighter at the time but this was all at the expense of protection the cockpit lacked any real armor for the pilot and the plane didn't even have a self-sealing fuel tank the zero like the Tie Fighter was a flying coffin that often times erupted in Flames but at least in the beginning the war the zero had an excellent kill to death ratio around 12 to 1. but as the war Advanced the Allied Powers introduced more powerful and heavier aircraft that were able to match the zero and eventually surpass it this story is a reminder that combat and technology is fluid and if you don't innovate if you don't Advance your own designs you're gonna fall behind now before we begin today's episode I do want to talk to you guys about something that's very serious scientists have recently figured out that dolphins are now passing on skills and knowledge to their peers and family members this Starling news came out after a few dolphin sympathizers rehabbed the dolphin and taught it how to do something known as tail walking this gives a dolphin the ability to literally walk on water a skill as far as we know only one human has achieved so far these naive humans had no idea that this dolphin once released into the wild would go on to teach the whole population of dolphins in the neighboring area how to tail walk my question to you is how long do you think will take these Dolphins to learn how to walk on land so that they can attack us in our homes where we live hashtag Humanity first the Death Star was really just the fancy housing for the Mark 1 superlacer actually most of the technology that they needed to build the Death Star was already invented the super laser was really the only thing that was quite complicated on the station the technology focused around using Giant kyber Crystals to amplify energy coming out of a Hyper Metal reactor now this had never been done before which is why they hired a talented scientist like Galen Ursa although they had to trick him into believing that he was working on a sustainable energy project which actually isn't all that far from the truth see he was able to make the kyber crystals create energy out of thin air which is actually quite incredible here on Earth We're limited by the law of conservation of energy which states that energy can either be created or destroyed the result was a weapon that could output a crazy amount of energy many times stronger than the energy source the weapon was powered by Within just three seconds the reactor at full power on board the Death Star was able to Output as much energy as our sun does in an entire week the result was a weapon that could destroy an entire planet even a single reactor ignition shock could devastate the giant swaths of the surface of a planet making it completely uninhabitable but the truth was the Death Star at any power level was overpowered and unnecessary especially if you're trying trying to run an Empire why would you want something that can destroy entire planets even though there were billions of planets in the galaxy the habitable ones are still quite rare and precious and there are many better ways to destroy your enemy than by destroying their entire planet after all you are an Empire you need more territory right so the Death Star was a project fueled purely by excessive amounts of ego and hubris even the Sith empires of Ultron their best not to destroy entire planets they actually had a much more humane way to cleanse local populations primarily using Precision orbital bombardments using turbo lasers from Star Destroyers and the Death Star took an incredibly long time to recharge after firing especially when it was fired at full power sometimes we would take 24 hours to fully recharge and no you couldn't get some gold coins that you bought with real world money to speed up the process [Music] so let's say you actually do need a weapon as powerful as the Death Star maybe you're facing a using vong Fleet with World chips and the Star Destroyers you have at your disposal aren't doing a great job well the first thing you should do is make an upgrade to the reactor just like the empire did in the second death star this would increase the recharge rate now let's take a look at how we can make construction more efficient cheaper and faster so like we said before the Death Star station is really just an expensive housing for the laser and if you look at the size of the Death Star it's actually way too large it's 160 kilometers in diameter it's completely unnecessary to be that large Because the actual weapon is only around 30 kilometers long you see the first order actually had the right idea when it came to building super weapons instead of mining billions of tons of dura steel dunium they just used the planet to house their gigantic star-powered weapon instead and because the death star weapon is smaller than Starkiller base you don't really even need a planet or a moon just a decent sized asteroid to fit your weapon in this would be much cheaper and faster to build allowing you to potentially build multiple death stars and that's a much better use of resources if you ask me Disney Cannon seems really confused about what kind of protection the Death Star actually had from what we can tell I had multiple Shield clusters scattered across the surface similar to the mon calamari Cruisers this makes sense with a surface as large as the Death Star you want to have different sectors with different Shields that way the entire Shield doesn't even be dropped when you have Ships coming in and out the problem during the Battle of Yavin 4 is the rebels are somehow able to fly extremely close death star and even the rich trenches which means somehow they got through the death star's shield in Star Wars there are three different types of shields first you have your particle Shields and that stops physical objects like Torpedoes or starfighters the second type of Shield is a ratio which stops energy-based weapons like a blaster bolt and the third type of Shield is a plot Shield which protects protagonists from dying when they do stupid stuff like this while it's possible to get through the ratio while moving relatively slow doesn't seem to make sense that the Death Star would only be protected by race Shields it should have particle Shields as well after all almost every military ship has a combination of the two Shields including a navigational Shield which could stop space debris now we do know that the rebels pass through electromagnetic field but that doesn't necessarily mean it's associated with a deflector Shield which really is confusing because as we've seen on scarif the Empire's technology to build planet-sized Shields many times larger than the Death Star and also include many gates in the shield so that ships can come in and out and as we saw in Rogue one this Shield is able to stop all sorts of attacks including starfighters trying to fly through it the second death star also had a similar defense and if the generator inside the Death Star is powerful enough to create as much energy as the sun does in seven days I think it's powerful enough to power a planetary Shield so let's just say that the Empire decided not to put a giant Shield generator on Deathstar maybe it's too expensive maybe they're too confident in its design who knows how else can you protect the Death Star well there's over 15 000 turbo lasers and 768 tractor beams scattered across the surface of the ship that's enough Firepower to engage multiple fleets and win but the problem with these giant turbo lasers was they just weren't fast enough to track smaller Fighters they also were fired by gun Crews instead of being automated with Advanced tracking devices and then surprisingly there's no point defense weapons although that's kind of a problem on almost every Imperial ship larger than a light Cruiser this is how a few dozen Rebel snub Fighters were able to infiltrate the surface and exploit its design flaw the only defense that the Death Star had against starfighters was the Tie Fighter and while we've made a whole video about why they weren't all that great either [Music] now even though the Death Star had 15 000 turbo lasers it was kind of odd that no permanent fleet was assigned to it as good as the defense on board was against other Capital ships it's always better to intercept the enemy before they reach their target as we all know the Death Star was impressive and large but vulnerable because it lacked Shields and point defense weapons a defensive Fleet could also help outflank enemies that were engaged in the Death Star they can also be used for away missions or patrolling the nearby area and screening the station from enemy action it kind of seems odd to me that the Empire would create something as expensive as the Death Star but not give it any protection although in George Lucas's defense they really stretched the budget for the first Star Wars movie so most likely they couldn't afford to put any more Star Destroyers on screen let's be honest guys the Death Star was a terrible use of Imperial resources we actually did a video where we calculated all the other things the Empire could have bought instead of the Death Star and it's kind of embarrassing you can check out the video here for instance we figured out that the Empire could build almost 7 000 Star Destroyers with that money that's enough Star Destroyers to cover at least 7 000 different systems which is a much better investment in my opinion it also spreads out your resources so that they can't be destroyed in one shot the Death Star only had one purpose it was to destroy planets and somehow that would create stability in the Galaxy yet it's immense size meant that almost a million Imperials were stationed on board and these weren't just your average Imperials they were the best of the best the most talented Engineers Pilots Stormtroopers the Death Star was a place only the elite were stationed now if the designers had taken some of my ideas like putting the Death Star inside of an asteroid or automating some of its turrets they could have drastically decreased the size of the station and the Manpower necessary to operate it but you could have also automated a lot of the systems on board and used droids to perform maintenance duties that's exactly what the first order did when they refitted the Imperial class Star Destroyer Mark II for a service they simply had less Manpower than the Empire had but their refit of the ISD allowed them to operate these ships with a much smaller crew when the first death star was destroyed it dropped the empire into a major economic depression and also killed off some of the most talented men and women in the Empire this man across the Galaxy younger and less experienced officers in listed men were being promoted into higher positions which weakened the Empire's fighting capability [Music] the architect of a large portion of the Death Star was a man named Galen urso he was recruited by his former schoolmate in the Republic Futures program director Orson krennic at the time Galen erso was one of the leaders in the field of crystallography and the use of crystals in energy refinement our sir was a pacifist by nature and extremely curious about the civilian applications of a kyber crystal credit was far more ambitious than his friend but much less talented he was able to trick Galen into joining project Celestial power this was a shell program that was aiming to create new power sources that could rebuild the Galaxy that was left in runes after the Clone Wars of course project Celestial energy was just the cover for the Death Star program Galen erso and his fellow scientists were isolated from each other and tasked with designing small portions of the weapons independently so they had no idea what they were helping to build but Galen urso quickly found out what the entire project was about and decided to take his family and run away from the Empire chronic does eventually find gallon and brings him back to the project but by this point Orson chronic should have found that Galen Earl server is not to be trusted yet for some reason he was placed in charge of Designing a significant portion of the weapon including the reactor module which he would eventually go on to sabotage my question here is why would they take a theoretical scientist and researcher and put him in charge with actually engineering the weapon itself they obviously should have never trusted a man like urso and should have just had a more loyal engineer take a look at his research [Music] now the geonosians were the ones who first started constructing the outer shell for the Death Star given the hive mind-like mentality of the species they were well suited for the job but once the Clone Wars ended and the Republic turned into the Empire Palpatine decided to genocide the entire Geon ocean species because he thought they knew too much about the project he replaced this very reliable Workforce with slaves primarily Wookie slaves I'm not really sure why they used Wookies they were actually terrible slaves if you really think about it they're incredibly strong great Fighters free-spirited and the only way he could really control them was by putting an explosive collar around their neck and then by kidnapping their family and putting explosive collars on their neck to use as leverage this is an incredibly complicated process and brute strength really doesn't matter as much in zero gravity situations plus there are all sorts of tools that could do the heavy lifting for you on top of that Wookies were quite smart and I'm sure they sabotaged a lot of their own work in order to stall the Empire plus slavery is not only morally disgusting it's also economically not sustainable you're essentially taking able-bodied people out of the workforce and the economy and driving them to their deaths working on a stupid giant battle station a better alternative would have been to hire people and just pay them decent wages and well I guess if you really didn't want anyone to know about the project you could have just used droids the Tarkin Doctrine was the main driving force behind the Death Star even though it was Orson chronic's brainchild you see the director really had no plans on how to utilize the weapon he just wanted to create a giant laser like any mad scientist would we'll have Tarkin however believed that patrolling the immense territory that the Empire had with conventional forces was doomed to fail he had come from a very harsh world in the outer room and believed that Nature's natural state was chaotic and could only be controlled by brute strength and force he believed that the only way to create stability across the Galaxy was to create a gigantic credible threat of force the Death Star but instead of just testing the battle station on an uninhabited Planet Tarkin made the huge mistake of using it on Alderaan once the Death Star was fired at Alderaan that credible threat of force that was supposed to keep people in line actually made them so scared that many of them joined the Rebellion to fight against the empire you see Alderaan was more than just the planet it was a cultural center for the Galaxy and human race it was only seen as an Untouchable permanent fixture in the core of the Galaxy too valuable to destroy by blowing up aldrawn Tarkin shattered the illusion that the empire was some benevolent force that was trying to bring stability to the Galaxy even if there were a few hundred tariffs on the planet and the stockpile weapons they didn't really justify the death of several billion people by blowing up Alderaan Tarkin had started the beginning of the end of the Empire much better way to stabilize the Galaxy would be to strengthen the economy and then trap all those potential Rebels into boring office jobs guys I know a lot of you came into this video already knowing what's wrong with the Death Star but I hope we did Enlighten you to some new possibilities now a lot of you guys out there complained that I only covered the quote-unquote bad factions in Star Wars you know what guys you are right we should be covering the so-called good guys in the Star Wars universe as well [Music] foreign we'll be looking at the little known Rebel Alliance infantry and yes they are well known because if you really think about it in the original trilogy we only see Rebel infantry on the ground during the Battle of Endor and those guys were technically aligned Special Forces anyway it wasn't until Rogue one that we finally saw some true Rebel infantry and even then never in large deployments as a matter of fact most of the time in the movies we only see the alliance Navy why is that well it's because the Rebel Alliance Navy while small was well equipped well-funded and arguably had better stunt Fighters than the Empire did and the original trilogy was for all intents and purposes created post-galactic Civil War as a series of propaganda films for the fledgling New Republic with the Empire defeated and the new Republic struggling to fill its vacuum they released movies like this to remind the populace of how much the Rebellion had sacrificed to win them their freedom in the first place the films were actually written and produced by a well-known Luke The Butcher of Yavin enforce Skywalker apologists he purposely left the rebel infantry out of his movies because before the Battle of Endor Rebel Ground Forces failed to win even one large set-piece ground battle against the empire the importance of the mid-rim offensive after Yavin 4 is completely overblown after they managed to surprise film hero Garrison's they quickly lost all of that ground in what was known as the bid Rim retreat in reality only a few small Rubble companies were able to actually stand in a firefight against even a regular Imperial Army unit let alone in an elite Stormtrooper company and we'll explain to you guys why in this video when we break down the 10 major flaws with the rebel Infantry the rebel Army was not a professional organization and it wasn't structured like a professional Army either there is very little oversight employee units would have limited Communications from Central Rubble command and most Command Decisions were made at the company level it wasn't all that different from the rebel alliance's earlier days when they were just a bunch of different Rebel cells loosely associated with each other this decentralized structure meant that the rebel companies were highly independent and when Rebel Central Command was compromised like they were during the Battle of Yavin 4 and Hoth the rest of the Rebellion would still be able to function but overall it made it very hard for the Rebellion to coordinate large-scale battles which is why they really didn't win any large-scale battles until after the battle of Endor without a better unified command structure the few Rebel victories on the ground were usually carried out by small units or Special Forces against smaller Imperial targets unit quality and loyalty varied from company to company the Imperial Navy generally had better educated and individualistic recruits they also had more mobility and access to Starships which is why several pilots and officers defected to the rebel Navy it was much rarer for members of the Imperial Army and especially the fanatic Stormtrooper cord to the effect of the Rebel Army so Rebellion Ground Forces weren't made up of career soldiers but teachers politicians mechanics and really A random assortment of individuals it wasn't until you got hired into the command structure that you had actual former soldiers whether it be former Imperials like Chris medine or even older veterans from the Clone Wars so even at the company level the leadership really varied depending on which unit you were in you had units like the 61st mobile infantry which was led by Captain Hal who was a former teacher he believed in fighting for a higher moral ground and trained his soldiers to limit civilian casualties and collateral damage while this meant higher casualties for his own forces this also attracted more new recruits and generally gave the Rebellion a good name how I understand so that the Rebellion can never completely destroy the Empire through a conventional War they are simply too large and well equipped instead the Rebellion needed to inspire more people to join their ranks and eventually overthrow the Empire it's all about the hearts and minds but for every Hal you also had a saw Guerrera who is focused on inflicting as much damage on the Empire even if it meant killing non-combatants even though saw his partisans eventually were forced out of the Rebellion many other rebel units were still known for using similar tactics but since the new Republic won the war it will remain forever unknown how many war crimes were actually committed by Rebel troops a lot of the behavioral problems and war crimes committed by Rebel troops was the result of very relaxed recruiting standards during the mid-rim offensive and Retreat most Rebel infantry companies suffered massive casualties and were forced the recruit from the local civilian populace there are no official Rebellion recruiters to give people medical checks background checks and interviews there weren't even any reserves that sent to the front lines a depleted Rebel infantry unit would set up a recruiting area because there's always the chance that an imperial loyalist might run into the middle of a rebel campco all Admiral Akbar with a suicide vest and kill a lot of people the recruiting was actually done by ncos or Squad leaders who walked around and chose the people they wanted on their team I'm pretty sure that's how Trader Joe's also hires and oftentimes these recruits were murderers thieves or individuals just looking for a ride off the planet that the Rebellion had just destroyed and it was quite difficult for the Rebellion to root out Imperial spies amongst the recruits ranks now as you might have suspected because there's no official recruiting process there's also no real official training process either especially for units that were in the field again training was up to your squad leader and CEO and not only did some recruits not have any combat experience some were from completely primitive worlds that didn't even have basic things like electricity or toilets so you also had a cultural and technological barrier to overcome and again that's why someone like Captain Howe who's a teacher made such a good rebel commander because his company was a training company as well as a combat company now some special Rebel units did receive extra training at Rebel Central Command but most General infantry units were trained whenever or wherever Rebel company had a moment to rest in theory the standard Rebel infantry weapon was the blastec a280 in reality the rebels use whatever they could get their hands on whether that was a captured Imperial E11 a clone error dc15 or even an old-schooled select or Marksman rifle most regular Rebel infantry also didn't wear any armor as the Rebellion didn't issue any even most rebelling Special Forces went into battle with just basic fatigues that's not to say that the rebel soldiers then pick up stormtrooper armor or pieces of dura still and strap it onto their chest another problem was that most units didn't even have standard unit patches let alone uniforms making it extremely difficult for the rebel units to identify each other this basically made your average Rebel Soldier and unlawful combatant in the eyes of Imperial law which mean they had no rights when they were captured but the lack of standardization wasn't just because of the rebellion's lack of resources they are actually better funded than most people knew and the bigger problem was their utter lack of logistic support in reality only headquarter and Central Command units had standardized equipment on par with the professional Army your average Rebel infantry company at best looked like a bunch of mercenaries and at worst looked like a bunch of Bandits and also acted like Bandits unlike the Empire the Rebellion didn't have a human-only policy for recruitment they were desperate for Manpower after all this meant supplying armor and uniforms and even weapons was extremely difficult a tweet like needs a different type of helmet from a zabrock a jacket that would fit on a human definitely won't fit on a basilisk and I'm pretty sure if you try to put pants on a Hut or a rookie they'll try to kill you so is a mess right from the gecko and even if the Rebellion could create a supply chain that could equip all of these oddly shaped aliens the rebel Navy lacked the ships to supply everyone that's why most Rebel infantry units functioned as small self-sustaining armies the 61st mobile infantry was stationed out of a cr-90 Corvette and had only one gunship to support them they really couldn't depend on Rebel Central Command for anything so they had a scrounge for their own food medical supplies ammunition and even Vehicles this at the best of times put a strain on relations between the rebel soldiers and local populaces any prolonged stay in any area could not be sustained without some light pillaging and raiding and rebel units oftentimes lack standardized ground Vehicles as well and usually stole and repurpose whatever civilian Vehicles they could find and because most of these units lacked reliable Vehicles they weren't mobile as they needed to be one of the major reasons why the Rebellion couldn't really win major ground battles was because of their lack of Naval support the rebel Navy in the earlier days of the war had at best a few hundred ships compared to the galactic Navy's several hundreds of thousands of ships and in Star Wars he who controls orbit controls the Ground Battle as well because once orbital bombardment Begins the battle on the ground is over and most of these Rebel infantry companies had at best a few x-wings or maybe a gunship protecting their space assets which meant as soon as the Star Destroyer came to the system they had to hightail it out of there this limited most Rebel infantry units to hit and run tactics not only the Rebellion lack Naval support they also had a lack of heavy Weaponry on the ground as well perhaps the most effective weapon in placement the rebels had were just ion cannons which could disable a star destroyer temporarily but besides that they had very little Firepower underneath their command Echo base at the time was supposed to be one of the most heavily guarded Rebel positions and it didn't even have any weapons capable of stopping an atat this problem was even worse for Rebel infantry not fighting from a prepared fixed position aside from a shoulder launch anti-tank weapon the rebels had no way of really combating anything larger than atst foreign [Music] lastly the rebellion was a volunteer Force Rebel commanders knew that most of the time they were sending their soldiers to certain death against much better equipped than trained forces morale usually wasn't great combine that with terrible Logistics and a high casualty right along with very little pay and you had a lot of people deserting sometimes entire battalions would just fade away after a battle and the Rebellion didn't have the resources to go after the people who went AWOL at the end of the day the alliance didn't win the war because of the Rebel infantry the alliance won the war despite the rebel infantry Captain Helm was right this battle was purely ideological the Rebellion just needed to survive and occasionally win a victory so that more civilians would join the cause the rebel infantry had its purposes but for the most part they were getting slaughtered by Stormtroopers or slaughtering civilians themselves to steal their belongings that's why after the Galactic Civil War most of the veterans that were highlighted by popular media were usually pilots from the rebel Navy not the rubble Army so guys those are our 10 flaws for the rebel infantry as you can see there's a reason why we don't see a lot of these guys in the movies they just weren't really that good at their jobs of course there's like Rogue one and then you have your Security First Mobile infantry but most of the time they were just cannon fodder let's be honest today we're going to look at the venerated X-Wing the Starfighter of the Rebel Alliance Luke Skywalker and Poe Dameron roll propaganda films have blown This ship's Legacy to almost god-like proportions so it might be a little bit hard for us to come up with 10 flaws but we'll try our best every fighter in the X-Wing line can be identified by their unique x-shaped Wing structure in the Star Wars Galaxy These Wings Are known as s foils or strike boils specifically on the X-Wing these foils were closed when a ship was cruising at high speeds and opened up into attack position during dogfights and ground attack spoils an attack position ass boys have always been a common feature on income design ships The Arc 170 which inspired many of the x-wings designs also Incorporated these flaps so this foil to the tech positions the S Wells had cooling radiators built into them and would open up during high energy use like when the laser cannons recycling the X-Wing increased the size of the S foils for increased cooling power but the trade-off was that without the foils open the x-wing's weapons would be disabled this one or two seconds that it does take the open up the S worlds to allow a pilot to fire could be costly especially in an ambush situation where an X-Wing pilot is unprepared there's also a bigger issue with the sfoil design is that it doesn't really work in vacuum by opening up the S4's X-Wing exposes an air cooled radiator built into the wing that is relatively old technology for any of you guys who have written an older motorcycle or have built your own PC you know how this works you have a heat sink that uses airflow to conduct heat away from the more sensitive components in your machine this is why certain bikes are terribly hot on your man Parts when you're sitting in traffic where there's no airflow it's also one of the fans in your gaming rig are running at such high speeds when you're running your video card at Max load early aircraft use surface radiators also which functioned on a similar principle but for these types of Raiders the work you need to conducting material to take the heat away in atmosphere that conductor is air in vacuum there's almost nothing to conduct the heat away from the radiator so when these s foils open into an attack position it does nothing to decrease heat which then limits the x-wing's performance why such an advanced chip obviously designed for space flight has this kind of design is kind of confusing a pressurized liquid cooling system would be a better alternative liquids are much better conductors and an internal fan can be built into the system that can function even in vacuum now the S Wells on the X-Wing might give it a more conventional airplane looking design and might even help it fly a little bit better in Atmosphere by producing drag but it's not really necessary for space flight unless aerodynamic craft like type Fighters are still able to perform fine in atmosphere so what could be the other reason an X-Wing has four S foils that fan out so much while the manufacturers say that it's the increase the spread of weapon fire the X-Wing laser ganons are placed at the tip of each foil instead of midwing or in the nose of the fuselage early aircraft from World War one and World War II had machine guns and cannons that were placed on the wings in order to avoid the Arc of the propeller some guns are mounted central line but had to use a synchronizer mechanism or even a shield to fire through the prop the synchronizer mechanism would limit the rate of fire of the machine guns which also was a problem in itself now the problem with guns on the Wings play so far from each other was that it made aiming quite hard the guns had to be calibrated to create a point of convergence where all the guns on the wings intersected for maximum effect this convergence Point could vary greatly and really depended on the Pilot's preference without any propellers on the X-Wing the only reason you would need Wing struts to mount guns is that you've run out of space on the nose of the aircraft even then you won't purposely put the lasers as far as possible from each other on the edges of the wing to increase spread that's actually the opposite of what you want to do it makes no sense whatsoever in this scenario especially because X-Wing laser cannons can't fire off board so we've determined that the S foils are unnecessary for cooling and also weapon placement so all they really do is increase the size of the profile of the ship is an attack position this makes it an easier Target for the enemy the wings also add additional weight to the Starfighter and the additional surface area might create problems for the craft upon entering atmosphere and the Rebellion wasn't necessarily known for having the largest hangers in their ships the additional Wings also increase the amount of parts and maintenance that needed to be done for the vehicle now the one good reason for having such large wing struts would be to mount additional weapon systems onto them but for some reason the X-Wing was designed to carry only two proton torpedoes on top of its four laser cannons during the Galactic Civil War the Empire had all control over the production and sales of these types of weapons so it was relatively hard to get them unless you're looking on the black markets but still it makes no sense why the X-Wing is designed to only hold two of these if we take a look at the F-35 not only does it have four 25 millimeter cannons it also has over 10 weapons points capable of carrying a variety of missiles and bombs four wings should be able to carry a lot more than just two proton torpedoes especially when you look at Rebel Fleet Doctrine which heavily focuses on snub fighters to counter large Capital ships you're going to need more than two Torpedoes to do a lot of damage against a star destroyer the x-wing's cockpit is also poorly designed when it comes to close range dog fights like the ones that Rebel pilots and Imperial Pilots usually got into in this type of line of sight combat being able to see all around you is quite important we mentioned this in one of our recent videos about Star Wars dogfights but here it is again the P-51 Mustang one of the most successful American fighters experienced from redesigns in its cockpit as the war went on and pilot feedback reached the designers we go from having the rear completely obstructed to having a full bubble canopy the same thing happened with the P-47 Thunderbolt other ships definitely had worse design cockpits like the Tie Fighter but the x-wings rear is still relatively obstructed and while we're on the matter why does the X-Wing even have Windows in the first place this extremely Advanced Starfighter which can travel in hyperspace should be able to have external sensors or cameras that link right to the Pilot's helmet and give them a 360 view of the space around them our military now is already incorporating these kind of Technologies into our own airplane systems this would allow the X-Wing to have a completely enclosed cockpit without any window surfaces making a lot more sturdy for space combat major advantages that X-Wing had over the Tie Fighter was its ability to travel in hyperspace this meant a wing of Rebel snow Fighters could drop into a system quickly carry out an attack against an imperial ship before they are able to scramble their defenses and then Escape back into hyperspace the X-Wing was fine for shorter hyperspace drums but for longer missions that could potentially take several hours or even days the trip was tough for the pilot the cockpit simply wasn't designed for long-term occupation Luke Skywalker actually mentions this in the Star Wars novels and comics and he would use Jedi meditation to overcome the boredom and discomfort of being trapped in such a tiny cockpit for long durations [Music] now the X-Wing was definitely full of a lot of features including a life support hyper Drive Shields and secondary weapon systems but because it had so many different systems in it the Starfighter needed an Astromech to manage all of these subsystems adjust power consumption and maximize efficiency of the craft in general the astromex were also needed for calculating hyperspace jumps this once again increases the cost of the X-Wing and means without a proper Astromech to support it the X-Wing would not be able to perform at a hundred percent the cheaper and much simpler TIE fighter didn't really have this problem by the end of the Clone Wars income corporations was one of the Premier Starfighter producers in the Galaxy they were responsible for both the z95 Headhunter and arc-170 Starfighter by the time the galactic Republic turned into the Empire income was in the process of finishing designs for the t-65b X-Wing Palpatine's goals to nationalize the military-industrial complex included taking over income as well many of income's lead designers and Engineers resigned in protests and then somehow the designs for the t-65 X-Wing reached Rebellion hands I'm sure these two things are unrelated anyway the Rebellion started manufacturing the X-Wing for themselves so the X-Wing was very much as Grassroots as the entire rebellion was this meant no tech support no mass production lines the Rebellion had to manufacture the X-Wing in complete secrecy I'm honestly very surprised that the rebellion was even able to maintain such a large Fleet of x-wings in the first place the X-Wing was a jack of all trades and master of none it was an Interceptor a long-range reconnaissance craft and could also do ground attack missions but it never really excelled in anything the Rebellion lacked the resources to feel the larger more diverse group of Fighters and had to rely on multi-purpose crap like the X-Wing and made sense logistically everything from maintenance to training was just easier when you had one platform but when the X-Wing faced anything other than the base typewriter it found itself outmatched especially because the Empire had a better training pipeline for its Pilots also because income was not available to give the Rebellion active support they weren't able to upgrade their ship to be able to compete with more capable Imperial starfighters like the Thai Defender so guys there you have it we were able to find 10 flaws with the AG swing a lot of it has to do with the basic design you know mainly focusing on the S world first made famous in The Empire Strikes Back the atat or all-terrain armor transport was one of the most feared ground vehicles in the Imperial Army but then again it doesn't take much to scare a disorganized ramble of moisture farmers and bantha lovers a direct descendant of the Republic all-terrain tactical enforced with the ATA team like many Imperial designs were focused on intimidation and pure power the atat's Towering frame commanded most battlefields it was heavily armored against most Small Arms fire and its race height also gave them additional protection from land mines in IEDs the design of the atat was a departure from the atat's more practical approach this large vessel was all about shock and awe and while it performs well against frightened civilians and bandits when the Rebel Alliance began forming a real resistance the atat's flaws began surfacing when you look at the size of those things huh reinforced on a plating heavy cannons and anti-personnel blasters the atat was 20 meters long and 22.5 meters high which is about as tall as a seven story building we're not really sure how much an atat weighs but a Canon Source says that has a carrying capacity of 3 500 metric tons which makes no sense converted to standard that's almost 8 million pounds and that is a real legitimate uh conversion we're not making that up 8 million pounds is about the weight of 60 M1A1 battle tanks so I'm just going to write that off as some typical Star Wars nonsense but what we do know is that the ATA teams no tourists were having problems on uneven ground and soft surfaces like deep mud due to its heavy weights and high center of gravity so for an all-terrain vehicle it definitely is lacking in performance just like all those stupid crossovers in the automobile Market let's stop lying to our people a CRV is just a raised Honda Civic and nothing more anyway the whole point of putting gigantic legs on an atat is so that it can walk over obstacles that traditional wheels or Treads could get over but when you scale up the design to such a massive size any kind of benefits that you would get are negated forget Sandy areas not a stable enough Foundation forget urban areas you'll rip up all the roads and destroy the bridges in Legends during the salt on Echo base on hot several ATA teams were launched before they even began their mission due to the unstable snowy ground all that armor and The untraditional Locomotion makes the Walker extremely slow in an ideal situation meaning flat hard ground the atat could hit a top speed of 60 kilometers per hour or just under 40 miles per hour and let's be honest most of the time it's not operating not even close to its top speed this is unacceptable for a vehicle that is designed to transport troops for one it's considerably slower than other vehicles in the Imperial Army pool and needs to be carried around by gazante cruisers for longer distance travel and when the atat is used for an assault it's painfully slow compared to Alternative transports like Imperial shuttles or imperial troop transports in our own world Firepower trumps any kind of defensive measure that we can invent there's always going to be a more powerful round that can get through the body armor that you just built there's always going to be a missile system that can overwhelm that reactive armor you created hackers will always be able to unhack your most secure systems in Star Wars defensive technology is far more advanced than anything we have here on Earth but still the best defense is not getting hit in the first place just ask any soldier who wears a plate carrier into battle those ceramic plates are for a last resort situation when things get seriously screwed up the average souls are much rather not get shot in the first place that's why some soldiers choose to reduce the weight of their kit to give them increased Mobility on the battlefield this same principle should be applied to armored vehicles especially ones as vulnerable as the atat it's impressive height just screams hit me with air support or an orbital turbo laser now in the earlier years of the Galactic Civil War the atat was mostly going up against inexperienced troubled troops as the Rebellion became better trained and equipped they also figured out how to take down an atat even the impressive armor of an atat couldn't withstand the Firepower of a well-equipped ground force or a naval Force now if you look at it closely the atat actually reminds me of one of those large gungan beasts of Burden used during the Battle of Naboo notice what it's carrying on its back a shield generator the ATT is definitely large enough to fit one of these after all it should be able to carry 8 million pounds on its back with a theater Shield installed on top of an atat it would not only be protected from artillery and air support it would also offer protection to Friendly troops nearby FTA atat is really designed for troop Transportation it should have the smallest profile possible in order to avoid detection and attention but the atat does the opposite with its 22.5 meter height now having an armored vehicle tip over because of a blast or uneven terrain is dangerously enough for the occupants of a vehicle but placing that vehicle seven stories in the air is just adding more unnecessary danger to the situation especially if you look at how easy it is to topple the at-18 when a person falls from 22.5 meters high they're traveling at a speed of 75 kilometers per hour or 46 miles per hour when they hit the ground there it goes that is not a survivable speed especially if you're not in a crash seat or have a seat belt on the height of the vehicle makes what should be a disabling shot turn into a fatal accident for the entire crew and actually at this height I would even recommend adding ejection seats to the cockpit of this machine how many legs they got looks like four four how are they not falling over the atat's legs were vital to the movement of the vehicle yet they were relatively weak compared to the rest of the structure they had weak joints at the knees which could be taken out by something as low powered as a repeating Blaster these legs also weren't powerful enough to power through Dura steel cable being wrapped around them like a lasso as we mentioned the likes limited the speed of the atat without really giving it any advantages on different types of terrain and unlike the att-e they were extremely high off the ground and all it took was damage to one leg for the entire unit to topple the acte was much lower to the ground and had six legs which gave it a level of redundancy that the atat store legal Act because of the atat's massive weight the lengths routinely needed a lot of Maintenance and massive Machinery was needed to lift the weight off the legs for the mechanics to work on them he couldn't really just fix an at in the field due to the at18's tendency to become a bolt sponge in the middle of a battle because of its immense size mechanics had to do a thorough analysis of the internal structure of the legs so that they wouldn't collapse on their next mission the concrete of the anti-at stretched out from the rest of the vehicle on a neck joint that allowed the cockpit to turn from one side to another which just seems like an unnecessary design choice if you are going to make the kite pick protrude out of the rest of the body at least don't make it as vulnerable by putting it on unmovable joints the atat's neck joint was widely known as one of the most vulnerable spots on the machine if we look at modern tanks or even not so modern tanks the idea was to always keep the crew within the vehicle behind as much metal and protection as possible this usually meant the center of the tank it makes no sense to create a structure that juts out in front of the rest of the vehicle it presents an obvious Target for the enemy I mean even if you are a completely primitive Society if you look at an atat you will know that it resembles a gigantic beast and you'll most likely try to attack its head and neck area because that's just common sense also we talked about this before with the X-Wing the atat could have easily been outfitted with sensors and cameras and have a completely closed-off hole modern militaries are actually using this technology as we speak the only reason you would create a cockpit that is on an articulating neck would be if the laser is on your cockpit are fixed in location again why use fixed blasters on a head that can only turn a few degrees if someone were to attack the atat from the rear or side the entire vehicle would have to turn around and that would take a considerable amount of time with something as large as an atat which also use legs instead of Treads most bottom tanks and armored transports used turrets for that reason it gives the crew the ability to quickly get a fix on a Target without having to move the vehicle as well the atat has a huge blind spot directly beneath its belly as far as we can see there's no way for the crew of the atat to protect this area that's how one Jedi is able to walk right up to the bottom of the atat climb up it and then plant some explosives underneath it destroying it [Music] oh my God it's pregnant we're in a war we're in a war in our own world armor commanders know that a tank that isn't supported by infantry is incredibly vulnerable the first tank charges of World War One were carried out by the British and land ships during the battle of the Somme the Mark 1 tanks immediately crashed through German lines and now Pace the Infantry although many of these land ships broke down or ran out of gas others were surrounded by infantry and destroyed the explosives because they lacked mechanized infantry support nowadays heavy armor especially in urban areas would never be used without infantry to protect their vulnerable flanks and rear although some atats were deployed with mechanized infantry most of the time they weren't the atat is too slow too heavy and too tall to be a successful transport or a successful assault vehicle the only true advantage in its design is that it offers the commander of the vehicle a wide view of the surrounding Battlefield now if we incorporated that Shield we talked about before the atat would actually make an excellent command and communication platform it's perfectly set up like we said it's extremely tall it has a good view of the surrounding area and also gives clear access for communications it also has a large rear compartment that can hold Speeders for Messengers or additional headquarters staff it's a massive vehicle and can even be used as a geological Landmark for friendly troops across the battlefield in my opinion that's the best use for a vehicle that's designed in this white of course the first order of thought otherwise and just made a bigger version of a tat Walker which is just so creative I'm usually not a huge fan of the Aesthetics of the separate destroyed Army whether it's their large dreadnoughts or the B1 battle droid but ever since I saw the hover tank in episode 1 Phantom Menace being used by the Trade Federation I fell in love with the look and design of this vehicle it's an awesome combination of clean lines and aggressive Firepower what's there not to like well apparently a lot like the atat the aat uses an alternative form of locomotion instead of wheels or tracks the separatus hover tank uses powerful repulsers to keep it floating above the ground Repulsor technology is extremely advanced in the Star Wars universe and able to propel a wide variety of ground air and even space Vehicles it's relatively stable and reliable technology that can lift the aat's mass off the ground along with 500 kilos of cargo weight we're not given the exact weight of the vehicle but it's probably quite heavy because the aat tops out at only 55 kilometers which is slower than the massive at18 which uses likes to move at a top speed of 60 kilometers this makes no sense though the repulsers are supposed to suspend the weight of the vehicle above the ground we're not really sure how this works there's no information in Canon but in Legends they claim that repulsors are powered by refined sub-nuclear knots of space-time which sounds like a bunch of Space Magic to me but they do refer to the technology as anti-gravity several times and note that the repulsors only work when in proximity of a gravity well like a planet or a star so however they work repulsers make the aat weightless there's no contact between the vehicle and the ground so no friction is there to resist movement therefore its speed should only be limited by the power of the vehicle's thrusts and friction from air resistance while I can imagine it takes a lot of energy to get something as large as an aat moving and to stop it but it should be able to hit a sustained speed well over 55 kilometers per hour by the way 55 kilometers per hour is around 32 miles per hour in comparison one of the fastest non-human Jedis you say in bulk can hit a top speed of 28 miles per hour for a short period of time foreign as we talked about endlessly in our last video about the atat Walker's speed and maneuverability is still incredibly important on the Star Wars battlefield even the best Shields and armor can eventually be worn down so it's better not to test them at all in the first place now we know that the a18 is extremely slow and heavy but that weight doesn't necessarily mean the hover tank is heavily armored we've seen time and time again a hover tank can easily be taken out by a shoulder launch missile like the Plex the aat did incorporate sloping armor which generally is more effective against kinetic rounds but I think the entire profile of the tank is a little bit too high it could have been made with a much lower profile in my opinion making it harder to hit here's how an aat would look like next to a more modern Earth design tank the aat was also extremely vulnerable to explosives placed underneath the tank and also towards the rear where all the more important components of the tank were placed as reliable as Repulsor technology was there was no redundant system for the aat if the repulsory generator was knocked out by a well-timed shot to the rear of the vehicle or if the aat drove over a land mine EMP pulse weapons also disabled the vehicle making them collapse through the ground and once these repulsors were disabled the tanks were basically impossible to move unlike wheeled Vehicles which could be towed by another vehicle now it's unknown how high the repulsors can lift the vehicle layer Vehicles like Speeders can essentially fly with their repulsors dialed to the right setting the aat's repulsors don't seem to have this kind of capability for some reason which makes it unable to tackle uneven ground or more off-road surfaces foreign lift as your main propulsion system is that it can't drive through a deflector Shield again we're not given the reason why this happens but I'm guessing it's because the reflector Shields usually contain Ray and particle Shields which can block both physical objects and also particles it's possible whatever the deflector Shields can block will also block the anti-gravity measures of a Repulsor lift this is a huge oversight in design by the separatist droid army because many large conventional battles in the Stars Galaxy will include theater Shields or even planetary Shields while wheeled Vehicles Walkers and ground units can slowly pass through these shields these hover tanks will have to be transported in by another means and they'll have to have the repulsors completely turned off in order to pass through a shield in some cases they'll just have to wait outside the shield until infantry units are able to take down the generators this one has been such a big deal if the aat wasn't the separatists main assault tank and armed for that exact purpose no matter how powerful your gun might be if you can't make it to the battle you're pretty much useless the separate destroyed Army was made up of 100 droids occasionally you'll have an organic or half organic commander and Special Forces might also be organic but there was basically no reason to design organic interfaces for all of your vehicles and Technology some designs in the CIS reflected the mechanical nature of their military like the Droid Fighters or the ig-227 Hellfire class Droid tank you know what makes a Hellfire class such a great vehicle besides the barrage of homing missiles it has and the wheel propulsion system that allows it to move incredibly fast if the Hellfire is ever knocked out no Clone Trooper can go into it in commandeera and then turn it against the separatist Army that's because the hail fire class didn't have a cockpit or any interface for Organics and because it didn't have these unnecessary compartments and made the vehicle lighter smaller and much faster the aat for some reason was designed for an organic crew with fully laid out control surfaces with mechanical levers buttons and switches this is a tank designed for a droid army that only uses droids Droids that can interface with a vehicle without any physical controls and not only are there controls for Organics in the aat it also requires a crew of four droids to fully operate this creates an open space within the a18 which makes it larger and heavier and that open space could have been used for armor or something more important like a shield generator the crew consists of two Gunners a driver and a commander all these tasks should be able to be handled by just one computer brain after all the Hellfire class Droid can Maneuvers shoot command itself all at the same time with no problem there's only one reason why they want to design the aat in this way and that's because they want to sell it to organic armies but even then automating the aat tank by placing an advanced Droid brain in it couldn't be that hard after all the aat have been used more than a decade before the Clone Wars even started there is plenty of time to adapt to a new system you're probably better off taking the tank crew and assigning them to protect the blind spots of the aat like the atat the aat was commonly deployed without any infantry support leading to its eventual destruction countless Shepard's tanks were destroyed by infantry units climbing up the tank and then dropping EMP grenades or detonators down into the commander and Driver hatches which should have been locked in the first place I mean in World War II American tankers on the Western Front typically didn't lock their hatches unless they were completely overrun that's because they had infantry supports and generally German soldiers couldn't get that close to the tank but then again they didn't have [ __ ] Jedi running around the battlefield with magical powers Distributing detonators to 10 Crews but it wasn't just the Jedi with their Supernatural powers during this there's also the clone troopers and your average resistance fighter and that was only because of the lack of infantry sport but because of the massive blind spots around the vehicle especially in the rear once again we asked the same question we asked in our last episode with the atat and also with the X-Wing why can't they have some kind of external sensor or Hollow recorder that gives the crew inside a 3 360 view of its surroundings this is Star Wars there are much more advanced in our own society yet our militaries are already testing AR systems as we speak for armored vehicles and although the aat did have anti-personnel lasers on it they were fixed in a forward position the aat's main Cannon was a beast it was able to easily take out Republic attes with a few well-placed shots one of the problems with this weapon though was its massive recoil because the aat wasn't rooted to the ground it lacked the stability of a traditional firing platform and that's even more confusing because the a18 was occasionally used as an artillery weapon both for direct and indirect fire and without any locking mechanism to secure the vehicle it had accuracy issues especially when firing multiple rounds at the same location unlike traditional energy weapons the aat's main Canon also functioned like a kinetic energy one the aat was actually equipped with shelves that were encased in plasma the claims are that the metal shell helped increase penetration in the run and reduce the friction increasing speed now the penetration region makes sense but I'm not so sure about the friction idea and the increase in speed although we do know that plasma rounds typically dissipate the longer they travel because the plasma cools down now if there is a conductor like metal which is able to surround the plasma or the plasma surrounds the metal I guess you can use it as a conducting material to maintain its form for a longer period of time there are also different types of shells from bunker Busters the high explosives the anti-personnel and even a special tank that fire defoliator runs although I agree there are some advantages to having actual shells fire out of your Cannon the main problem is now that the tank has to carry a large amount of ammunition which definitely increases the weight of your vehicle and limits how many shots you can fire opposed to a tibana gas powered Laser cannon the aat can only carry 57 rounds before it needed to be reloaded with a tabana gas laser cannon your main concern is overheating rather than running out of gas the shells also depended on an auto loader system which was just another component that could break down also all the shells were located at the bottom of the tank which also is where the arm was the thinnest making a small landmine detonation turn into a massive explosion so while the Canon's power was impressive it also had some major design flaws which limited the effectiveness of an aat another option that could either replace or at least supplement the aat's Firepower would be missile launchers like the ones we see on the hail fire Droid the separatists were known for their Advanced missile technology and used it very successfully against the Republic these weapons were typically guided had a much longer range than traditional energy weapons and had more explosive damage the only problem was they were quite expensive and took a lot of space they also could be stopped by countermeasures but typically only starfighters and larger Starships had countermeasures while some aats were outfitted with dumb Rockets imagine how much damage they could do with a few long-range missiles that functioned Beyond line of sights the Republic heavily depended on line of sight weapons and aat could destroy several Walkers before they got even close to them with a long-range missile system and if they had it to buy a gas laser cannons system they could replace those shells with missiles instead now my last complaint with the separatist aat is its turrets it hardly ever seems to turn it seems like it has the capability to slightly turn but only when the vehicle is not moving I might be wrong but it's really hard to find footage or information on how much the turret actually moves also because it's located at the rear of the vehicle it can't decline the barrel that much making a huge blind spot in front of the tank now according to my research George Lucas originally wanted the aat to be more like a heavily armored assault Chopper or a flying tank similar to the hind you can kind of still see some resemblance in its design this might explain why the hole kind of extends upwards so much allowing the pilot and Gunner to sit at staggered Heights so that they can both have a clear line of sight even though the separatist tank doesn't even have any viewports the stubby arms on the side of the tank that carries additional weapons also is very reminiscent of an assault Chopper and then there's adding a Repulsor lift to the tank which is another helicopter-like quality that's really what the aat is also so visually appealing to me it just looks like a giant bird of prey but as a main balancing it just isn't well designed as say the Republic's own hover tank TX 130 saber class well guys you probably watched our last video where we broke down the 10 plus with the atat if not we'll link it in the corner somewhere around here with a card I want to know in the comment section below which tank you think is better the walker from last time or the separatist hover tank the arc-170 has always been one of my favorite ships in Star Wars immediately upon first glance I thought it was an ugly duckling but the design grew on me especially when I started noticing how much it resembled one of my favorite real world aircraft the A10 Thunderbolt aka the warthog I love the sound of rat in the morning now every part of me wanted to do a video about how awesome the arc-170 is and how it's the best medium Starfighter in Star Wars but it simply isn't it has some major design flaws and also doesn't really fit the type of role it's designed for and that's a Pity because this is a great looking Starfighter and it actually does have a lot of potential oh and one more thing because of the general lack of video for the arc 170 we'll be using a lot of Battlefront 2 game footage I apologize beforehand about my piloting skills had I been alive during World War II I probably would have been volunteered into a Kamikaze Squadron [Music] I think most people don't realize how large starfighters and Star Wars actually are especially the ark 170. a lot of that has to do with the fact that most of the time when we see starfighters it's usually against the backdrop of the vastness of space for some epic battle featuring huge Capital ships that also dwarfs it in size but if we take something like the arc 170 and put it next to something a bit more familiar say like a school bus we begin to see exactly how large it is at 12.71 meters long the arc-170 was just as long as your average school bus and with an enormous wingspan of 19.85 meters it'd almost be as wide as a six-lane highway in my opinion that makes Arc 170 way too large to just be a simple fighter as a matter of fact if we put the arc 170 next to the F-22 Raptor one of the larger birds in our Air Force began to realize just how unnecessarily large these chips are and then perhaps the most important size comparison is just how small the arc-170s main enemies are the vulture droid and the even smaller but deadlier Droid Tri Fighters it comes to no surprise that when these small cheaper Droid Fighters encounter the arc-170 they usually won with their Superior speed and maneuverability and although the arc 170 is classified as a long-range reconnaissance fighter it was commonly used as a space superiority fighter and escort fighter these were jobs that this fighter was ill-equipped to do because of its large size and lack of maneuverability what made it worse every time one of those cheap Droid Fighters took out one of these expensive Arc 170s and also potentially killed the entire crew of three for some reason the arc-179 only had a pilot but also a co-pilot rear Gunner and even an Astromech first let's look at the rear gunner in defense of the arc 170 Star Wars space combat is usually fought at close ranges with unguided line of sight Munitions this isn't all that different from the type of combat we see in World War one two and to a lesser extent in the Korean War and even the Vietnam War and while bombers kept rear-facing guns all the way through the Cold War fighter aircraft long ago abandoned this practice for one most engagements during the jet fighter age took place with missiles at longer ranges it also as aircraft became faster and more maneuverable it became tougher and tougher to calculate bullet trajectory and hit enemy targets while moving so fast and twisting and turning all at the same time starfighters and Star Wars fly in open space where there is an air resistance or gravity Wells affecting flight speed they also added Advanced inertial dampeners to decrease the effect of gravity on Crews so these ships were capable were flying at much faster speeds but also they were much more agile than even modern jet fighters which consequently makes it even tougher for a rear Gunner to hit anything at all on top of that laser cannons fired projectiles that are slower than the gunpowder weapons we use here on Earth making things even more complicated if you take a look at our own world in World War II most Fighters had already abandoned using a rear gun and focused on maneuverability and speed over more rear-facing Firepower and without a rear turret and Gunner the aircraft also became smaller and lighter as a matter of fact the Republic Alliance famously took Republic era y wings and removed the rear turrets and Gunners for the same reason as a long-range reconnaissance Starfighter I can assume that the arc 170 is probably designed for longer missions this is why the arc-170 could hold enough rations for the entire crew for three to five days another redundancy measure the arc-170 had was having a second pilot who sat between the pilot and Gunner this individual took over piloting if the main pilot was asleep so that you know he didn't accidentally fall asleep behind the controls and fly them into a black hole or an asteroid the co-pilot also had control over the forward-facing guns now having your co-pilot arm and fire missiles is common practice in our own Air Force co-pilots are oftentimes referred to as Weapons officers on Dual C aircraft now in this case the co-pilot not only controls the proton torpedoes but also with forward-facing lasers which in my opinion should be controlled by the pilot who is more able to adapt to the movements of the ship more importantly for a Recon ship it would be more beneficial for the co-pilot to handle scanners and Communications rather than just the weapon systems alone but strangely enough there's no mentioning of this role on the aircraft then there's hardly any information about the scanner package on this ship [Music] now what really makes the additional crew members unnecessary is the fact that there's an Astromech bolted onto the back of the ship with astromex like R2D2 and bb8 these little robots are fully Alive in intelligent AI beings and in some ways they're even more Human Than This robot trying to hit on padman the closer I get to the worse it gets the thought of not being with you I can't breathe now the main reason that snow Fighters have Astro mix is for their Advanced navigation and calculation abilities it takes a tremendous amount of calculations and detailed Star Charts to properly calculate these jumps otherwise you risk flying into a gravity well and having your flight plan delayed or even worse most nav computers could have a few preset courses but in order to make on-the-fly calculations you really need a Droid droids were also great coupons they could manage the energy usage for all the systems on board making sure the craft ran at maximum efficiency they can also run Diagnostics to find out problems on board and even potentially repair them they could also use scanners and help with the communication process some astromics like R2D2 could even pilot the ship themselves and help fire the weapons and an Astromech is Tiny and doesn't require too much additional space or Creature Comforts it doesn't even need to eat or drink or go to the bathroom I mean look at the entire separatist Navy it's all droids so having an Astromech on top of a three-man crew is just completely a waste foreign 70 is equipped with a decent hyperdrive rated at 1.5 in comparison the Millennium Falcon widely known as one of the fastest ships in the Galaxy had a class 0.5 hybrid drive now while the arc 170 hybrid driver is pretty decent especially compared to civilian ships it actually wasn't really all that great when compared to other military hardware take a look at the Shepard's Navy the Droid Fighters are all battery powered and have limited range and no hyperdrives put ships like the separatist Providence class Dreadnought had a class 1.5 hyperdrive as well which could easily keep up with The Arc 170 and hyperspace which kind of completely defeats the purpose of a Recon ship the Recon fighter should be able to outpace a larger separatist capital ship in case it jams its Communications and the r170 needs to jump back to Friendly space in order to give a physical report now during the Galactic Civil War only a few years later both sides equipped 1.0 class hyperdrive including the successor of the arc 170 the income X-Wing another really odd design choice for the arc 170 was the fact that it had extremely heavy lasers on its wingtips I mean look at just how ridiculously large these things are these lasers are reportedly heavy enough to even Pierce capital ship armor making the arc 170 perhaps accidentally a great Strike Fighter this is also where the aggressive and aggressive Recon comes from the problem with this kind of heavier laser is that it consumes a larger amount of energy and produces a larger amount of heat which means it can overheat quite quickly so most of the time these lasers had Governors on them to prevent overheating and even damage to the system that meant these larger lasers had slower firing rates which is actually quite a handicap in a dogfight and for some reason the r170 just had these two giant lasers it didn't have any additional smaller and more rapid firing laser cannons on top of that like the X-Wing the arc-170s lasers are on the wingtip which means the pilot had a calibrate to point at convergence in order to hit objects further complicating the whole firing process so the arc 170 was a huge aircraft it's almost the size of a gun boat really and this made it not only easier to hit in a line of sight dog fight but it also made it easier to spot on scanners the ship also had massive heat sink radiators and foils on the wings due to its heavy laser which increased its thermal footprint these are opposite of the type of traits you would want under reconnaissance craft Recon aircraft here on Earth Focus heavily on stealth capabilities high altitude and high speed performance to stay at a reach of enemy Fighters and missiles the arc-170 on the other hand was just a flying tank but more on that later so as we mentioned before larger lasers meant a bigger cooling system like the X-Wing the r170s entire Wing structure was for cooling you don't really need wings for space flight and repulsors and inertial dampeners make lift unnecessary for in-atmosphere flights now the problem with this radiator system is that there is no air in space which means traditional heat sinks and radiators have a problem finding and conducting material to take away all that energy if we look at the ISS it uses an ammonia cooling system which leads heat away from essential systems into cooling fins that slowly radiates and dissipates the energy into space the problem with the arc-170s design is that the radiator and s-foils are located quite close to the center of the ship a better position for S foils will be on the tip of the Wings kind of like how the ETA axis is designed this pushes the heat out as far away from the rest of the craft as possible this would also consequently put the lasers closer to the middle of the aircraft ideally is Center aligned with the cockpit making firing a lot easier so The Arc in Arc 170 is short for aggressive Recon which kind of is a weird phrase we're taught that reconnaissance is all about Gathering as much information as possible hopefully without being detected that's why reconnaissance craft in general are usually small and operate in single or small units the idea is the longer you can stay hidden the more information you can gather aggressive reconnaissance almost evokes the idea of a skirmisher a light unit designed to harass and poke enemy formations while looking for potential weaknesses a great aggressive reconnaissance craft would be the Republic's stealth ship used by Anakin against Admiral trench it had full cloaking measures and a large amount of proton torpedoes which allowed it to make a quick strike and then go back into stealth mode The Arc 170 was the opposite of stealthy although it did have a lot of Firepower now my next question is why are manned Recon craft used in Star Wars at all on our own planet we had more or less phased out manned Recon aircraft like the high-flying U2 or Blackbird we have satellites for strategic planning and smaller uavs for tactical reconnaissance the Star Wars Universal fully capable of creating similar drones and the empire was famous for using them to scout planets for hidden rebel bases these unmanned Scouts were extremely small and harder to detect and more importantly they were much cheaper and they didn't endanger any living beings now you probably saw this next Point coming from a mile away the arc-170 is not a reconnaissance craft this designation is flawed and shows that the Republic military leaders misunderstood this Craft's capabilities just like how Hitler wanted the me-262 to function as a bomber for his revenge strikes even though as a jet-powered fighter it was clearly more suited to be a high-speed Interceptor if we take reconnaissance out of the name arc-170 we're only left with aggressive and that's what the arc-170 is with its large capital ship laser cannons rear Gunner co-pilot who functions as a weapons officer slower speed heavier armor and Shields and clearly an attack fighter I mean the thing even has giant cooling ducks for in-atmosphere flight which is why it reminds us of the A-10 Warthog in the first place the arc-170 was really more of a fighter bomber any crap slow enough to require a tail Gunner and weapons officer better have the Firepower to back up all that weight now if we take a look at the arc 170 using the parameters we would use for a fighter bomber now things are beginning to make a lot more sense on the gigantic battlefields of Geonosis and arc-170 arm to the teeth could do some real damage against separatist Ground Forces so guys that is our analysis of the arc 170 personally one of my favorite ships in the Star Wars Universe I really do hope we get to see more of this craft hopefully we'll see it in the new season of Clone Wars which is actually a deleted season that Dave filoni is Reviving we do know that there is a major battle in this Arc so maybe we'll see the arc 170 return to the battlefield maybe making some ground attacks and shrugging off some laser Blends like a warthog would created by Quant systems engineering the ETA actus II along with the v-wing which serve as a template for future Imperial designs specifically for the senior Fleet systems TIE fighter in space superiority craft compared to its successor the eta2 actus was a pretty well-equipped Starfighter which served as the bridge between Old Republic and Galactic Empire designs the Republic prior to the Clone Wars had drawn on civilian soldiers which meant that they put an emphasis on pilot survivability and safety the Galactic Empire had an opposite philosophy which started growing during the latter years of the Republic as Chancellor Palpatine who turned into the emperor started stripping away the last remaining traces of the Republic I love democracy everything and everyone in the empire was designed to serve the emperor and his Ambitions and the Tie fighters poor and minimalistic design which put little emphasis on Pilot's survivability was an example of that so the ETA act this too was very much Palpatine and the Empire's first step towards a More minimalistic Design today we're going to be breaking down this craft and looking at its flaws the ETA actus 2 was primarily designed to replace the Jedi fighter otherwise known as the Delta 7 ether Sprites this was a very minimalistic crap designed specifically with the Jedi in mind as a matter of fact many essential systems and scanners were removed from the craft to save weight what resulted was an extremely maneuverable and stripped down Starfighter that was difficult to put for individuals without the force the ETA axis 2 built on this design and was even faster and more Nimble than the Delta 7. the ETA axis 2 was designed alongside the v-wing and the arc-170. the liner two designs were created for widespread use amongst the Clone Pilots but because the ETA Act is still performed quite well in the hands of the Jedis and more importantly because it was so small 192 of these spiders would be equipped on each vendor-class Star Destroyer now the ETA Act is 2 Clone Trooper variant usually didn't have astromex and more or less stripped down versions than the Jedi ones but because this craft was designed for Jedi punishment the clone troopers couldn't utilize this craft to its fullest potential one of the major steps backwards that the ETA Act is two took from The Ether Sprite design was that it lacks Shields as a matter of fact a lot of Jedi Pilots protested against the manufacturers for this exact reason although I can't prove it I wouldn't be surprised if ultimately Palpatine was responsible for this design choice to increase Jedi casualties and make them easier to kill during order 66. [Music] foreign ETA act as to craft would incorporate Shields later on but more or less this design would stay in place without proper defenses when seeing our Fleet systems designed the typewriter it would incorporate the ETA axis 2's lack of shields claiming that speed and maneuverability was better than being slow and protected but the real reason they did this was more likely because it significantly decreased production cost and energy requirements interestingly enough the other ship the Tie Fighter was based on the v-wing did have shields But ultimately the design that senior Fleet systems would incorporate from that ship was also one of its flaws a lack of life support systems which I'm sure they explained by saying less air meant tougher Pilots but in reality this was also another cost reduction measure while speed and maneuverability did keep Pilots alive in large-scale space panels even the best Jedi Pilots couldn't account for a shrapnel stray laser fire or even space debris and micrometeorites not having Shields wouldn't have been as big of a deal if the ETA axis 2 was heavily armored like say the arc 170. the arc-170 could actually shrug off a couple of laser blasts after chills went down and many of these resilient Fighters made it back to the hangar with a few Battle Scars the ETA axis 2 was not only unshielded but also extremely lightly armored this meant the pilot actually had a very small margin for era this is why again the ETA actus 2 was really more suited for Jedi Pilots rather than clones now this overdose Alliance had a variety of missiles at their disposal but perhaps no other weapon in the separatist Alliance arcelona was more feared by Republic Pilots than the buzz droid missile these weapons deployed a cluster of tiny droids which clamped onto enemy starfighters and quickly using cutting tools to dismantle their whole and essential systems this sometimes led to the ship being disabled or even worse the cockpit venting into space or the ship just exploding there were very few defenses against Buzz droids but the ETA actus 2 was extremely vulnerable to these Droids not only because of their light armor but because the radiator and foils on the wings were virtually uncovered to allow better thermal radiation and because of the wide spread of the bus Droid canisters it was almost impossible to avoid them so even talented Pilots like Anakin and Obi-Wan Kenobi couldn't avoid getting caught in their range watching and learning Padawan oh okay what's going on over there [Music] oh that's not good one of the major reasons why the ETA axis 2 was lighter and smaller than the Delta 7 etherspire was because the front hole of the former design was removed giving the ETA axis 2 a split bound Design This slot the front of the canopy unshielded from collisions from space debris and enemy fire it also significantly weakened the structure of the ship The Ether Sprites triangular design was able to withstand much more pressure and stress now one advantage the ETA actors 2 did have over The Ether Sprite was that it had a full Astromech socket the Delta 7 fuselage was way too thin and only special astromex could work in its slot it basically had one of those annoying micro USB ports instead of a full USB port now one of the main reasons you would have an Astromech on board was for calculating hyperspace jumps but despite having Astromech droid built on board the ETA axis 2 was too small to incorporate a hyperdrive limiting its range significantly which is probably why the arc 171 of the few Republic starfighters large enough to have a hyperdrive was designed for a Recon roll despite being poorly suited for the job because the ETA Act is two the v-wing and the torn Fighters all didn't have hyperdrives that meant that the majority of the Venture class star destroys 400 plus starfighters then has hyperspace capabilities this severely limited the benetar's ability to carry out long-range offensive attacks and because it lacked close range Firepower like later Star Destroyers would have this was a huge problem in order to allow starfighters to travel in hyperspace the vendor class Star Destroyer deployed a series of hyperspace Rings the ETA Act is too when paired with the silier 45 hyperspace Drive was rated as a class 1.0 hyperdrive capable vehicle which was actually quite fast at the time the problem was deploying the Rings and storing them in the middle of combat was a complicated issue and just wasn't practical the hyperspace Rings would be discarded after you serving as a very easy target for the enemy so usually squadrons had to assign fighters to defend these rings so the ETA actors too had a way to get back home the ETA actor still had two laser cannons but no concussion or proton torpedo launchers this significantly limited the Craft's ability to serve in an anti-capitalship role due to the veterinary class star destroyer's lack of Turbo lasers it depended on the smaller craft for more Firepower without heavier weapons the ETA Act is too had to get pretty creative in order to damage larger Capital ships oh I have a bad feeling about this foreign just limited to chasing enemy starfighters in place of proton torpedoes the ETA act this too had ion cannons for a secondary firing mode the ion cannons were good for peacekeepers because they could disable civilian ships temporarily without destroying them in combat hitting the enemy with laser cannons was preferable although ion cannons were pretty useful against droids they only deactivated them while lasers permanently destroy droids and then give them a chance to reboot also iron cannons were widely inaccurate specially at further ranges and the smaller ion cannons like the ones on the ETA axis were ineffective against larger capital ship Shields you need something significantly more powerful like an ion torpedo to damage a larger craft despite his minimal systems the ETA Act is 2 still generated a considerable amount of thermal energy which needed to be dispersed from the craft system in order to prevent it from overheating and getting permanently damaged that spoils on the ETA actors too were put on the tips of the Wings which was the optimal location for heat dispersion away from the center of the craft the problem was even though the entire Wing was basically heat sink the surface area was still too small to properly get rid of enough heat it's the same problem smaller and thinner gaming laptops face and one of the limiting factors and Technology designed in our own world smaller devices means less area to dissipate heat which is why the latter type fighter design would feature gigantic s foils which were larger than the body of the craft the Bala core sound would ultimately determine the future in Starfighter design during the battle of the heavier and fully equipped arc-170 suffered extremely high casualties when compared to the ETA axis II this would lead the Republican ultimately Imperial designers to favor the more agile and less armored TIE fighter design over something more well-rounded like the X-Wing but I would argue trailers of the arc 170 was due to that craft specific design flaws which we talked about in another video you can check that out right here and it was also due to the extremely small and agile enemy Droid Fighters I face rather than the ET axis 2 Superior design although the ETA Act is to perform better than the arc 170 did against the Droid Fighters it doesn't necessarily mean that unshielded starfighters are better than shielded ones unfortunately Empire believed in this philosophy and chose wrong ultimately the X-Wing which in many ways was a lighter version of the arc 170 would outperform the minimalistic type fighter which was the successor for the ETA axis II so an update about my Jedi bathrobes I talked to one of my Mandalorian Hunter friends and he actually told me that this is made out of genuine Ewok fur and I gotta tell you guys it is so soft and comfortable which is just another reason why we should be domesticating Ewoks because they have great meat and now apparently they have great fur as well anyway today we're going to be talking about the Grand Army of the Republic the Clones were amongst the best Soldiers the Galaxy had ever seen But as I've said many times had palpe mcgruden face not been playing both sides of the war the Republic would have lost the war against the separatists within a year today we continue our 10 flow series by looking at everything the Grand Army the Republic did wrong during the Clone Wars we're not going to be specifically talking about the clone's fighting ability and their weaknesses too much we looked in depth at their flaws and advantages on our other channel generation films you guys can check that out over here after you watch this video foreign the Republic Senate was a mess even the most nonpartisan issues got caught in a sticky web of bureaucratic political nonsense even as region after region seceded from the Republic it still took the Senate over two years to pass the military creation act which overturned the millennia-old Busan reformation and allowed the Republic to finally field an army the strange thing is when one Jedi happens to accidentally stumble upon a secret world that has been hidden by some unknown conspiracy and finds an entire Army that's been in production for over 10 years the Republic Senate Embraces this Army without even batting an eye or making one of those subcommittees that they love appointing themselves to this was highly uncharacteristic for the Republic Senate there should have been at least an official inquiry into how stable these clones were or more importantly shouldn't someone have asked who made them and for what reason and where did the funding come from all Obi-Wan Kenobi found out was lost Jedi cipho Diaz was responsible for placing the order but how did a Jedi who was essentially a monk with no belongings raise all that money in secret the Jedi Order is relatively rich but had no part in helping fund this Army a quick investigation could have looked at sifo Diaz's closest friends and contacts including former Jedi separatist leader Count Dooku The Intergalactic banking Clans had not been nationalized by Palpatine yet but they would still need to cooperate to a certain degree with the Senate investigation because they were a part of the Republic and some of the key individuals in the investigation like scifo Diaz was a Jedi who were technically employees of the Republic some digging would probably uncover a massive transfer in funds from Count Dooku to cypherdius if nothing is found they can also check out the financial transitions to the Camino cloning facilities such an expensive project will have to have a money Trail and eventually will lead investigators to the source of who created this Army foreign uncharacteristically the Republic Senate quickly passes the military creation Act without really understanding what the Clones were this was due to the discovery of a massive separatist Army The Joint Army that the separatists fielded was huge in number compared to the Republic judicial forces and even the Grand Army of the Republic this is due to cheap low quality droids the separatists were using while the CIS was much smaller in territory and population compared to the Republic it was rich in raw resources in industrial worlds they were able to quickly repurpose their entire manufacturing output to build and Supply their military the first batch of clones was already paid for but much like a cheap printer the low upfront costs oftentimes hit extremely expensive maintenance AKA in costs not only did it take a considerably longer time to create a clone when compared to a Droid they also required a massive amount of resources to grow train and need to be supplied on the battlefield and also have living quarters when they weren't fighting while it took at least nine years to fully train a clone it took just minutes to create a B1 aldroid and no matter how much better a clone is at fighting he'll never be able to beat a hundred droids [Music] now I understand why the Republic needed an immediate reaction forced to counter the shepherd destroyed Army but I don't understand why the Republic leaders didn't look at alternative soldiers to supplement their Clone Army the one real advantage that the Republic had was its population they greatly outnumbered the separatist Alliance maybe the galactic Republic exists in a more enlightened period than our own where citizens no longer need to fight in Warriors to defend their own homes maybe the Senators realized that asking their constituents to fight would be political suicide but I'm not talking about a draft but maybe just asking for volunteers I'm sure there are plenty of people who were patriotic enough to join or just were looking for an adventure maybe a way to better their own lives through service that or I'm sure you could just go to the lower levels of Coruscant and press some sewer rats at the service as Canon Fighter the point is let's not pretend that life was not cheap in the galactic Republic sure you had the rich and Powerful in the middle class who elected the Senate but what about the vast amount of people living outside the system in impoverished conditions to them three Square meals a day and some weapons training might be Step Up in life [Music] the separatists were using balance Roots well they were really repurposed security droids so why wasn't the Republic looking at the supplementing their forces with machines as well again extremely cheap and quick to produce and like the cleanse I had no rights and didn't vote so it didn't really matter if a massive amount of them ended up getting destroyed now I'm aware that many of the leading Droid manufacturing companies of the Techno Union left the Republic to join the separatists but the Republic still had massive manufacturing capabilities and many defense companies like quat engineering carillion engineering blastec and iraqid industries but instead of looking into creating a battle droid they feel that costly weapons platforms like the arc 170 Recon fighter which was not only extremely slow but had three live clones on board and and these created easy targets for the much cheaper Droid Fighters the whole point of the ruson Reformation was not to destroy the Republic's ability to defend itself but to decentralize all military funding this in theory would maintain the Republic's many regions ability to protect itself while decreasing the chance of an all-out Galactic war and oppression by the federal government but of course this only works on paper in practice things are a lot more tricky although funding was redirected to fund local Defense Forces enforcements of how these funds were to be spent was lacks and over-the-year galactic-wide peace and lack of conflict saw the funding that was originally slated for defense to be repurposed for other projects and Ambitions after a thousand years of peace and stagnation I'm sure most regions and planets either failed to meet their necessary defensive spending quarters or just plain got rid of them this is why during the Clone Wars we rarely ever see any planetary Defense Forces and the ones we usually do see are under equipped and serving more as police forces rather than a proper military defensive unit the Republic was at a huge disadvantage in this war not only were they outnumbered by the Droid arming they also had a massive amount of territory to defend whenever they moved their small Grand Army the Republic to One World it left several other worlds wide open to attack in the beginning the war the clones were far too few in number and way too expensive to really serve as Frontline units the first match of clones numbered only two hundred thousand and many of them would go on to Paris during the Battle of Geonosis due to terrible leadership in the Jedi and another million clones were on the way while that easily would outnumber most standing militaries on Earth today on a galactic wide scale it was ridiculously low that's why oftentimes the Republic was deploying battalions or even just company-sized units that try to claim entire worlds these clone units would have been put to better use as advisors and trainers in foreign internal defense instead of trying to protect the millions of worlds in the Republic the Senate could have started enforcing defense quotas on these worlds which really was for their own benefits especially known as the separatist Army was going around taking over systems [Music] placing the Jedi in high command positions during the Clone Wars was completely idiotic the Jedi were excellent combatants but had next and no experience leading troops into battle and I'm sure very few understood Logistics are strategic planning as a matter of fact on some occasions the Jedi would even Place children in command of military units which surprise led to defeat the Republic still had Military Academy scattered throughout its systems on more militarized worlds they also had clones that were ready to be promoted internally to command positions the Clones weren't droids and were fully capable of leading their fellow clones into battle they all had over nine years military training which was far more than a Jedi had on top of that they didn't have any dogmatic religious views that could skewed their judgment during combat foreign while parts of the Techno Union did believe the galactic Republic the Trade Federation still stayed in the Senate despite the fact that they were very obviously working directly with the shepherdist alliance to undermine the Republic's war effort isn't it weird that the Trade Federation Security Forces used during the Naboo crisis and would direct resemblance to the separate destroyed Army even the tanks that they use are exactly the same while the Republic probably didn't want to risk losing the Trade Federation they should have at least posed sanctions and investigated potential ties between the Trade Federation and separatists I personally would have at least temporarily banned their representatives from the Senate and use other covert means to stop their meddling the separate destroyed Army had a really clear weakness that really wasn't exploited by the Republic until the latter years of the war the entirety of their army was made from droids Droids that were poorly shielded from emps and ion weapons it wasn't until the Battle of malistar that we actually see larger scale ion weapons being used this is something that the gar should have looked into right away ion weapons were already available to The Wider Galaxy and had to add a benefit of not damaging Organics it also seemed like most gar Vehicles had decent shielding to EMP and ion weapons so they could have just went crazy with these kind of weapons if they wanted to especially when the Clones are outnumbered foreign but instead the Clones fought the drones in conventional battles that very much favored the separate destroyed army with their greater numbers and separatists were able to attack far more worlds and the jar had the capability to defend and so in the beginning of the war the clones were rushed from one battle to another without respite a greater focus should have been placed on taking out key enemy commanders with special forces the separate destroyed Army was very much a top-down command structure without higher level command droids or organic commanders the separatist Army would have seen a great decrease in their efficiency although the droid army technically did have ncos they were hardly any different from your average Rank and file battle droids and their grasp of tactics was limited at best this should have been the main job of the Jedi and other Republic special forces like the clone commandos killing off their commanders the gar would have had a much easier time slowing down this episode Army and would have prevented them from Fielding new Army groups foreign at the end of the war the separatist High command surrendered and then issued a signal galaxy-wide that shut down most of the droids it's surprising that the Republic wasn't able to figure out that the battle droids had this kill switch they had access through endless amounts of battle droids on the battlefield and could have taken them apart to discover any weaknesses they might have had instead of just using Conventional Weapons to destroy the Droid they could have found the kill switch or they could have developed viruses or figured out a way to jam the droid's communications it just seems like a missed opportunity to not look at these alternative ways to fight droids one of the reasons why looking at the ships in the SQL era is a bit harder is just the general lack of detail Disney has provided also the lore hasn't been given enough time to age and refine it to something that can be loved and poured over with a crazy attention to detail one of the ships that I really want to talk about that comes from the Last Jedi is the mg100 sf17 star Fortress admittedly I've spent my fair share of time already on this channel making fun of the design choices and functionality of this piece together bomber so obviously now it's time for us to piece together all these random thoughts and basically do a full-on 10 flaws video now one of my biggest pet peeves with the mg100 star Fortress is the fact that its fuselage is vertically aligned and there's also gravity on the entire ship this means the engineers and Gunners on board had to literally climb a flight of ladders that acts as a large portion of the ship something that crew members in the novel Cobalt Squadron actually complained about it would be much easier and safer if that Central passageway didn't have any gravity at all this will allowed the crew to pass easily through the center section of the ship and also make inspecting the payload much easier as well ships like the star Fortress have a device known as the universal dampeners this creates a bubble of anti-gravity around the ship they can adjust this machine to limit the gravity to just the cockpit [Music] the resistance is made up of Veteran Fighters and a lot of the decision makers actually fought in the Galactic Civil War yet leaders like Admiral Ackbar General Princess Leia and fighter 8's wedge and tillies they all knew exactly how to fight a larger more powerful force and that's what slash attack runs while Rebel Capital ships were always kind of mad they're starfighters and bombers were superb and more importantly Nimble enough to carry out those slash in one attacks that's why the Rebellion heavily used the a-wing and the b-wing bombers so why such a big change in strategy and tactics when it comes to the star Fortress these heavy bombers weren't maneuverable at all and worst yet extremely slow it also took a very long time to deploy them and for a group like the resistance any prolonged fight will usually end up causing heavy casualties it just seems like an odd ship choice for the organization even the venerable y-wing would have been a better choice although it's very likely there were only a few left in the Galaxy with intact fuselages foreign to make matters worse Shield coverage seem to vary from one ship to another although most star fortresses had some kind of deflector Shield at least covering the ball turret Gunners the ships did also have additional armor plating on them but again a bit too little and a bit too late in the middle of a dog fight the B7 Flying Fortress which is what the star Fortress is playing homage to was known for absorbing crazy amounts of damage and still being able to make it back to base sometimes when multiple engines knocked out and even chunks of the controls on the flaps and wings missing but the sf-17 star Fortress seems to lack this durability but is also just as slow [Applause] in order to compensate for the lack of speed and armor on these bombers resistance Pilots were trained to fly in a tight formation in order to protect each other with their overlapping defensive fire while this worked quite well again with bomber wings during World War II the problem is the type of weapons they had in World War II and Earth are very different from the ones they have in Star Wars the biggest large area damaged weapons World War II Pilots had to worry about was Flack the flag while dangerous was not as dangerous as individual German Fighters so they chose to stick together but in Star Wars you have massive ion cannons Giants turbo lasers Buzz droids and all sorts of dangerous weapons that are very effective against bunched together targets there is one advantage to Flying close to one another and that's the ability to overlap Shields but again not all star forces had Shields and the overlapping Feel the Fire would work better if there were more than just two Gunners on each star Fortress although these formations will be relatively protected from the rear they'll also be very vulnerable from the top and the bottom foreign Fortress could carry over 1 000 proton bombs or other Munitions of the same size this is probably the primary reason why this ship design is so strange and so slow this is definitely a crazy amount of Firepower but really Falls more in line with the Imperial first order philosophy rather than the resistances the first order Navy could take a lot of punishment and then also dish out a lot of punishment whereas the resistance usually depended on Precision strikes and quick moving missions in order to limit casualties on top of that once the bombs were armed the star fortresses were basically Tinder boxes ready to go up in flames [Music] foreign s are really cool but an internal weapons Bay that opens into vacuum but is enclosed off from the main cockpit is a pretty stupid design but no design is dumber than the proton bombs used in The Last Jedi these supposedly smart bombs were guided magnetically to their targets which is just a terrible design Choice without any type of propulsion after being released the star Fortress would need to be extremely close to a Target in order to successfully release their payload so close that survival is basically impossible if the enemy target has any defensive AA Fire And if the enemy Fire doesn't get you the explosion from those thousand bombs you just dropped at close range will and the reason you have to get really close is there's a good chance that your bombs will miss the Target because they're too slow or worse yet they might even get attracted to other pieces of metal flying around the space around you including your fighter escort or your fellow bombers I really don't understand why they use these things although it should be noted that the star Fortress could also carry probe droids and rocker propelled Munitions which were a lot more useful [Music] if your ship is way too slow doesn't have a lot of armor on it and also doesn't have a lot of defensive weapons and you really need to get close to your Target in order to attack it what do you do well you don't get inside the ship but if I were to give you a real answer it'd be probably stealth but unfortunately the star Fortress also had an unreasonably large Heat Signature which made things kind of difficult on scouting missions not really sure why this ship was sent on scouting missions but it was on one Mission Rose Tika while working as an engineer on the star Fortress Hammer had to create power baffles to stop the immense energy trace of the star Fortress from showing up on first order sector scans [Music] the rebels used to remove the rear turrets from the y-wing partly to save weight but also because they didn't have enough Pilots the resistance was even smaller than the Rebellion so why waste crew members on a ship like the star Fortress the heavy bomber had a crew of five a pilot two Gunners Bombardier and engineer and that probably still wasn't enough they probably should have had a co-pilot slash Navigator or at least an Astromech to work the hyperdrive along with two additional Gunner turrets to cover the blind spots in front and below and above the bomber still I would rather take three Wild Wings than one star Fortress at least the y-wing has the chance of reaching its Target the star Fortress was manufactured by slain and corbel for the new Republic towards the end of the Galactic Civil War by the time of the rise of the New Order the ship was relatively old and primarily being used in a civilian capacity as a freighter mining vessel or for emergency services the general ineffectiveness of the ship was a result of not only the design but also the age of the design defensive measure and armors that would have been adequate during the Galactic Civil War no longer worked against the first order this ship was basically the cheapest way to deliver a massive amount of Firepower what they really should have done with these ships was equip them with long range guided Munitions and then keep them away from the front lines and use them kind of as space artillery using them as a main Strike Force was far too dangerous because the bombers were so slow that it exposed the rest of your Fleet and escorts for longer than necessary now if you know anything about World War II Aviation you'll see some resemblance between the star Fortress sf17 and another heavy bomber the B-17 Flying Fortress a four engine long-range bomber by Boeing that carried out many of the air sorties for the Allies over France and Germany everything from the name of the ship to the Bombay doors to their formation to even the gun turrets pay homage to this period of time well visually it certainly is interesting the star Fortress Is unfortunately a clear example of why form over function is usually a bad idea the cr70 counselor class cruiser is one of the first Starships we see in Star Wars if we are going by chronological order in a way this Republic frigate is like the cr90 Corvette of the prequel era built for a similar purpose and used by similar individuals with a similar mission the first version of The cr70 Counselor Cruiser entered service shortly after the Russian Reformation somewhere around 1990 BBY the leaders of the Republic had quite optimistically promised the future for the Galaxy that was without violence destruction or chaos the councilor class cruiser was one of the first government ships built during this time and exemplified the spirit of this reformed Galactic Republic used by the government's Diplomat senators and other important officials the Consular class cruiser was completely unarmed and unable to defend itself from enemy fire post-new Sith Wars The Republic navy and its Jedi leaders had been completely disbanded meaning that these Cruisers oftentimes had to travel the hyperspace Lanes without a federal escort Kingsley a local Defense Force might accompany their mission but they usually had a very limited and restrictive jurisdiction in which they could operate even though the elite lawmakers in the galactic center felt like peace was attainable in their time it was clearly a whole other story on the fringes of the Galaxy the red paint on the counselor class Cruiser's hole signified the Diplomatic Immunity in ancient other Republic would have the same pain would also later be used on Jedi Fighters and later on vinegar class Star Destroyers now these Republic agents could signify as much as they wanted on how they were neutral and not to be harmed but how Pirates and corporate overlords reacted to them really depended on the situation not having weapons on a ship of this size in importance is completely naive it also limited a diplomat's options when it came to accomplishing their missions or going through a negotiation this was not even a normal thing for other civilian ships which most certainly would have been heavily armed if traversing through the more wild areas of the Galaxy of course not every counselor-class Cruiser was used for diplomatic purposes these ships were officially run by the judicial Department who are sort of a federal police who now were also given additional duties now that the federal military was gone while the Senate and the chancellors had their own guard the judicials would actually Ferry them around in such ships but there were also special concert-class Cruisers that were also modified for combat duty this meant that they were oftentimes used as light assault Cruisers and also frigates as well as troop transports but this wasn't because the Consular class cruiser was flexible in its design it was more a result of the Republic's limited Military budgets the Jedi were said to have chosen this ship primarily because of its very utilitarian nature this means that this ship was clearly designed for civilians and used civilian quality materials so even if you do install military upgrades to its frame the Consular class cruiser was more a Toyota Helix than say an infantry Fighting Vehicle doesn't matter how many Kevlar inserts you put inside the door panels you probably are not going to survive battle if it gets too hairy even when the ship was converted for military duty it still lacked the right Armament for the job it was required to do prior to the Clone Wars a cr-70 republic frigate was usually armed with only four turbo lasers and two concussion missile launchers this was a ship that was 115 meters in length you're armed like a much smaller gunship it also lacked Point defense weapons which were usually used to fend off enemy starfighters these would have been relatively easy upgrades to make to the cr-70 after all this was a carillion Engineering Corporation ship they usually had a massive aftermarket and also plenty of docking points for bolt-ons with the start of the Clone Wars project supercharger was started by the Republic's defense procurement office at the Battle of Geonosis the Republic military lacked a true escort Fleet for its acclimator assault ships and had to rely on just snow Fighters and Corvettes the charger cr70 retrofit as it was called the included additional armor and also weapons and placements [Music] now you'd imagine a diplomatic Cruiser like this which is unarmed and has a blockage style engine orientation would be ridiculously fast but the cr-70 could travel at only around 900 kilometers in atmosphere while this might be a bit above average for your typical civilian ship it was slower than most starfighters and Patrol ships many of which could top out at over 1200 kilometers per hour the charger cr70 retrofits were installed with larger engines which did increase the speed substantially but these were usually not used for diplomatic missions [Music] even if a consular class cruiser was able to make it to hyperspace its 2.0 Clash hyperdrive was undersized and underpowered especially when you consider that many Republic and rebel alliance ships had a class 1.5 or even a Class 1 hyperdrive as the many larger ships of the line if your enemy could somehow trace your trajectory once you jumped they could definitely reach your destination before you could [Music] for a ship of its size the councilor class cruiser had a pretty small crew this usually was made up of a captain a pilot a co-pilot a navigator a comms officer and about three or four technicians Consular class Cruisers were sometimes equipped with as few as2 crew members a pilot and a co-pilot without a weapons officer or engineer on board they would be at a serious disadvantage in a major battle it was said that the crew number was kept low for security reasons the less crew members you had on the less people you had a screen in case someone important like Palpatine came aboard I would argue that most likely this was more due to the judicials lacking Manpower and funding While most civilian ships do run skeleton crews in order to save costs especially long-range haulers it becomes a huge liability to have such a large ship be so understaffed especially one that attracts unwanted attention with its paint job the cr-90 Corvette which was used during the rise of the empire and Galactic Civil War period usually had a minimal crew of 46 and up to 165 depending on the mission it wasn't significant larger than the Consular class cruiser at 150 meters in length a skeleton crew usually means that each crew member has more responsibilities and overall the ship becomes less efficient and less responsive the Consular class cruiser also lacked ample space for its passengers It could only fit 16 to 24 individuals depending on the configuration of the ship this was largely due to the fact that the counselor class cruiser featured luxurious State rooms with thick walls and insulation for privacy instead of the bunk style common sleeping areas most military ships had this again points to the fact that this ship was most likely designed first for civilian use rather than military use but still the Republic would use this ship occasionally as a troop transport making it one of the least efficient transports of its size foreign was able to function with such a small crew because the majority of its systems were automated or basically maintained by droids while this was seen as a significant advantage and cost saving measure for a ship that could encounter battle it was a liability especially because Pirates and Raiders are more likely to try to stop this ship and then board it and take it over rather than to destroy it these type of enemies would oftentimes use overpowered ion projectiles which could take and ship offline for several minutes or hours and not damage or kill anyone inside this is why most ships feature large engineering departments so that they could quickly repair or replace any damage components if the crew is mostly made out of droids you're going to have a significant problem because they'll all be knocked down by the iron blast droids also tend to be unnoticed in Star Wars meaning it would be relatively easy to sneak aboard a spy or some other malicious actor in the guise of a maintenance Droid [Music] despite the important type of cargo this ship carries around it had a surprisingly few number of skatepods while there was actually three but there were two standard ones midship and then there was a larger Salon pod beneath the bridge the slump out had multiple purposes they were heavily armored and sealed from probing and bugging and were appointed for serious negotiations in diplomacy the salon pod also served as a common room for the rest of the ship and in an extreme situation could even be jettisoned off the ship as another Escape pod this large room could hold around a dozen people but was quite bulky and lacked any real maneuverability or defenses which meant it was a pretty easy target for an enemy Force ideally a ship like the concert class would have more individual Escape pods making it difficult for the enemy to destroy or seize all of the survivors of the battle [Music] now whenever a vehicle or a ship enters combat for the first time any major design issues will immediately be noticed by either the crew if they survive or by the officers in charge of the after Action Report usually within months if not weeks quick fixes and modifications will immediately be implemented along with a longer a list for the manufacturers to implement at the production level the concert class cruiser however had two larger issues that could not easily be altered by some clip-on mods first the bridge was located in a precarious location at the head of the ship and slightly jutting out as a matter of fact some people might be reminded of an etherian's head and neck area the arthurians were not known for their fighting ability they were slow lethargic and if I'm being completely honest they were extremely boring as well this type of bridge might be useful for a freighter which requires more visibility when performing complicated docking procedures but on a combat trip this was a massive liability the bridge should be in the most protected area of the ship ideally somewhere in the middle of the body and it most certainly should not be placed on a raised platform even if an enemy Captain has never seen a corellian ship before it's pretty obvious where he should attack for the maximum amount of damage then there was the large cluster of communication antennas and satellites that sat at the top of the ship right before the engines The Shield generator was also nestled there and relatively unprotected one direct hit in that area from an enemy turbo laser and the ship would not only lose its Communications it would also lose its Shields now at the concert class cruiser was designed only for the civilian Market I probably would have left it alone most Carilion ships are after all designed as blank slates that an owner can modify any way they want to but as a military ship or a transport the Consular class cruiser needed to be more specialized and better designed for battle I considered the ship as more of a stopgap measure rather than an actual military ship it's amazing that the Republic used this Cruiser for more than a thousand years well guys I hope you enjoyed today's episode don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button so you don't miss out on the rest of our awesome content as usual thanks for joining us today if you're watching this you are generation tank
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 558,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: generation tech, star wars, star destroyer, imperial class star destroyer, b1 battle droid, separatist battle droid, death star, death star weaknesses, death star weapons, death star II, eta actis 2 light interceptor, arc 170, arc 170 fighter, x-wing t-65b, x-wing, rebel alliance soldier, consular class cruiser, starfortress
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 56sec (9656 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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