14-Year-Old PRO Fortnite Gamer Sceptic | The Next NINJA?

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if you want to be a streamer basically you have to stream every single day and you gotta have the grind so I first I killed a streamer I really popped this for him a forty thousand viewers at the time named T Fuu and I took a clip of that and uploaded to YouTube and it has like 8 million bees it was a regular day honestly imagine being 14 years old with a six-figure salary a Long Island teenager making big bucks just by playing fortnight my name is Goodman's Bukowski I play for night as a living and I'm 14 [Music] what's up guys yo yo what's up guys hey how's it going guy i streamer daily I mean I can go all the way up like 10 hours I've done like a 15 hour stream before but I try to make it as long as I can yesterday I do like eight hour streaming my goal at first was just to have fun oh my gosh probably have like two or three thousand hours o'clock he's always wanted to do this this has been his dream it's been you know it's tough to say it's been a lifelong dream for a 14-year old because he's only got 14 years under his belt but yeah it's been his lifelong dream that's all he's ever wanted to do I stood on stream once I hit my 100,000 followers on Twitch I will go and dye my hair color of your choice and I put out a Twitter poll and everybody just blew so I have good streams and I have bad genes but what makes a stream good in my opinion is I like my energy levels how I'm feeling how entertaining I was for that stream how people enjoyed it like that so it was about 10 years old when he really started getting into it and he would ask for monitor for Christmas keyboard for his birthday and we would also make him work to earn the things that he got all of these top skins are here a limited edition like you had to get a Playstation to buy this he would do a lot of household chores this one the honor guard which you had the by phone to get this one which is the galaxy skin which all said the by fun to get he would go to work with his mom on the weekends and help her out around the office to make some extra cash he makes all his own money now if there's something that he wants of course within reason you know it's his money he can go out and get it I just started collecting them since day one and bought him see what's gonna came out he's made two hundred thousand dollars playing it through subscribers this is my 100,000 subscriber plaque starts off at silver then you move over here to the gold one which is 1 million subscribers and it's pretty insane I didn't expect to get these in the mail but it's awesome he wanted to get new equipment bigger better which at first I was very hesitant to he's the yell at me you tell me I was ruining his career and I would laugh at him because there was no career at the time and I didn't even think any of this was possible every birthday or Christmas I would ask for every Sam monitor or a keyboard or a mouse and I just start building up this collection over time this is my camera right here this is where it record my face obviously I have the ring lights so it doesn't change the color of my face people don't want to watch something that looks like a potato down here we have the stream deck where it could change it from going for full face cam downstairs right here I have my keyboard it's a 60% keyboard this is a special mousepad as well which is glass code in it we kind of all looked at it as like he was playing any other sport if you were playing baseball we would go out and get him the best equipment the best bat the best glove make sure he's got the best equipment the best setup so he can do the best he can with it before like after school I get down here and before I game and all that stuff up in the trim off like 15 to 30 minutes keeps me physically and mentally fit I'd rather be in my chair playing video games but it's something they're gonna need so just to maintain the balance and health healthier lifestyle we're just trying to get a more active enemy to the gym it's also good for his mental health and his mental well-being just to get some fresh air and get some exercise and burn off some of the stress ah oh my god what is happening it's pretty crazy honestly having so many people like thousand people watch you on ones just thinking about that like 1000 people around the world just watching him when he first started out streaming goodra some curse it slipped and Griffin you got a kind of dial it back a little bit you got a lot of kids watching you you're a big influence on them and he kind of took that and went to a PG family-friendly stream it's definitely beneficial to be family-friendly it's a wider demographic kid that watch him now we're gonna grow up with him it's gonna be like the John Cena of streaming he's got the family friendly kids growing up with him when they get older they're still gonna follow we're in the living room right now just because if I didn't go out here and do all my work on this computer I'd be spending literally like 24 hours in my room non-stop his core curriculum classes are done online through the schooling but then he also has things that you wouldn't be exposed to in school I didn't know that axe existed before this balancing his bank account and investing his money so he's talking and learning about these things that you wouldn't be exposed to in a regular curriculum he's got really hectic at school everybody would come up to me and like ask pictures in my school I don't have to put on like the skeptic face and be super energetic around everybody and it would wear me out really bad half the school was following him around calling his name out in class it got to be a little distracting for him and he told us he made it clear it's gonna be hard to focus and get some work done so we decided as a team to pull him out and get him home school it's a lot of phone calls a lot of emails a lot of you know accountants attorneys teams his managers trying to work with sponsors pre-rolls in an advertisement he's probably sick of hearing me talk about responsibility and ask accountability but that's what we all try and drive into him that he's got to be responsible not just with his money and with his gaming and with the stuff he owns but with the platform that he's on he's got a lot of people follow him and a lot of people who watch him so he's got to be responsible with what he says on stream I'm insane I'm crazy who by gosh he seems to be falling into the roll quite naturally we do talk about things that are going on in other people's lives and how you can be a positive influence and how you can you know affect somebody's day just by smiling and by giving them you know a little bit of the life that we're now this is the world that we're in now it's an online world digital let's go dude look at the numbers like gaming has a lot more viewers than basketball or soccer right now this stuff didn't exist a few years ago so we're not sure where it's going to go in the future so we're taking it one day at a time this is kind of like a dream just keep it going this is like 100 million chance that this would happen no days off to me means that you are always grinding that you're always practicing that you have no break and you got to keep going and grinding
Channel: Whistle
Views: 12,286,080
Rating: 4.6845002 out of 5
Keywords: sceptic, sceptic nuke, sceptic nuke video, sceptic exposed, sceptic vs tfue, sceptic nuke prank, sceptic kills tfue, sceptic gold digger, sceptic vs slappie, sceptic fortnite, fortnite, fortnite streaming, fortnite sceptic, fortnite live, fortnite funny moments, fortnite dance, fortnite ninja, fortnite pro, no days off, no days off basketball, no days off baseball, no days off football, no days off soccer, whistle sports, the whistle, fortnite song
Id: ymiQzcEsFfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 37sec (397 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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