14 Red Flags in Men You Should NEVER Ignore.

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so let's talk about red flags in men so if you're dating someone or in a relationship with someone and he does these things then it might be time to look the other way [Music] hey guys welcome back if you're new here my name is jills and I help women step into their power and become their best selves live their best lives so if that's something you want to do you should subscribe and stick around so I've got 14 red flags for you guys today which is kind of a lot but I was writing an outline for this video with my phone and I just kept thinking of so many and I didn't want to trim the list down anymore you know I feel like there's a lot of red flags out there and this isn't going to be the obvious stuff like he's flirting with other girls or he forgets your birthday it's the good stuff so here are the 14 red flags that you should never ignore in men but remember before I dive in that you are deserving of a good man and a good life partner don't keep someone around just because you feel like you won't get any better you attract what you think you deserve okay let's get into it so number one is the I don't know man and what is the I don't know man you ask it's this what are your career goals I don't know well what do you want for the future I don't know what do you want for dinner I don't know what movie do you want to watch I don't know what are you looking for in a relationship I don't know it's the man who can't make up his mind and lacks decisiveness and intention it's the man who doesn't think about his future or what he wants it's the man who even though he probably doesn't even realize it is looking for someone to lead him if you are a feminine woman then this is likely something that's not gonna make you happy and it's not a good quality for a life partner when you're with someone like this and when you're with someone that's just like you know really passive about things that means that you are the one who's gonna have to step up all the time and that is a hard no you might be a nice guy but this relationship will just be incredibly unfulfilling and probably lack a lot of passion number two is that he says all of his exes were crazy this always makes me laugh this is a huge red flag at some point you think that he would maybe take a step back and think hey what's the one commonality in all of these situations what's the one thing that stays the same in every single relationship oh it's me if a man thinks all of his exes are crazy then I think that it's either one of three situations one he's probably just very disrespectful towards women in general he's likely very very disregarding of their valid emotions and feelings and needs and he probably just doesn't understand women very well and that makes him feel bad about himself as a man and so he says that they're all crazy too sometimes there are just crazy people out in the world like they do exist maybe all of his exes are crazy but in that case he's probably not a very good judge of character or maybe he's just very crazy and toxic himself or three he has somehow made all of these girls feel crazy or feel utterly insane because of how irritating he is so in all three situations not good best to avoid you also don't want someone who talks about other people in a negative way you want someone with high integrity that is so important if you develop a deep intimate relationship with this man and you break up a year later is he gonna go talking about you behind your back and calling you crazy is he gonna reveal all of the intimate details that you told him in confidence it's possible now a big red flag not just in men but in everyone is that they can't ever apologize they can't ever own up to it when they do something wrong and they never take fault for anything this will be a person that will be incredibly hard to have as a life partner it is just not conducive to a healthy relationship and it will lead to anger resentment and just feeling very misunderstood undervalued and unloved everyone makes mistakes even the most perfect person in the whole entire world makes mistakes a red flag is not that a man made a little mistake a red flag is that he can't recognize it own up to it and just have the emotional maturity to say oops I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that so you might not be able to notice this next red flag until you like really get to know him better but it's very important to notice how does he act when he gets angry does he Express his anger in healthy ways is he still respectful to you or whoever else is involved can he handle himself in these moments it is totally okay for a man to feel upset or angry his emotions are valid but does he do this in a mature way or is is he totally immature and disrespectful does he yell at you does he say rude things that you'd normally never hear him say does he do reckless things when he's angry this is a big no and won't make for a good life partner you want to be able to fully trust and depend on him if you want to get married one day maybe you even want to have kids one day how will he react when they do something wrong what kind of example will he be setting and just a side note when a man is upset or you guys are having an argument if he respectfully excuses himself and says that he wants to come back to this conversation later a lot of women can feel really triggered by that because it can make them feel like they're being abandoned but this is actually quite healthy and mature a lot of women love to talk about things especially in the moment but men sometimes need time to process their thoughts and kind of calm down a little bit and so you might feel really bad in that moment and like you're feeling abandoned but him doing this can actually be a huge sign of maturity and that he has the self-awareness to realize what he needs next red flag in men I'm just gonna say it this is just my opinion 98 of the time men can't just be totally platonic friends with a woman I do think that it is easier for women to be friends with men but not necessarily the other way around and don't get me wrong I have male friends but the differentiating factor here is that they are all closer with my husband we don't just plan things regularly to go hang out alone that would be very weird I think that if a man chooses to try to keep his ex as a friend it's a red flag there's usually a reason he wants to keep her around of course to every rule there are always exceptions like maybe your families are best family friends and they're gonna see each other all the time and you know they want to be on good terms that makes sense maybe they work in the same professional environment sometimes it's obviously best to be on good terms or maybe he was previously married had kids and you know got divorced it's obviously ideal to be on good terms with your ex-partner the mother of your children and to have have a sort of like healthy respectful relationship being on good terms with someone though is one thing that's fine but being like legit friends that's generally not a good sign in my opinion next is when his actions don't align with his words if he says one thing and then never ever follows through on it if he says that he really likes you but he puts in absolutely zero effort action speak louder than words trust his actions over what he says we also don't particularly want a man who's not in alignment and doesn't do what he says again people make mistakes sometimes and that is okay but if this is a pattern like you're seeing this Behavior over and over again then that is not conducive to a healthy relationship you'll lack trust in him you won't feel his love and Devotion to you and you'll always be questioning things so it's best to avoid these types of men now number seven just to be clear for anyone new this channel is for a feminine women who are interested in more masculine Partners so the number seven red flag is that he doesn't pay on the first date now if this was me I wouldn't go out with him again this shows that he's not in his masculine energy and he doesn't have that protector provider mentality it's a very clear indicator of that and that he's not willing to make even a small investment to see if you guys could potentially have a beautiful future together but here's the thing men don't want to feel like they're being taken advantage of so in my opinion I do think it's kind to offer to split the check and then hopefully he will say no no I've got this and you don't argue or try again at that point you just receive and say thank you I know some people have different opinions on this but I think on a first date never mentioning the check can kind of sometimes come off rude of course there are exceptions like sometimes you gotta read the room you know like sometimes he makes it very clear that he wants to pay and if that's the case that's great just of course be appreciative but if he doesn't pay for you at least you get clarity that he's probably not the right man for you because if you're looking for a masculine partner specifically then this is a red flag another red flag especially for things like the first few dates is that he never asks you any questions about yourself he should be interested in getting to know you and not just talking about himself for two hours he should want to know about things like how do you like to spend your free time where did you grow up what was it like oh you saw that movie too what did you think of it it doesn't need to be these super deep questions he doesn't need to be asking you about your childhood traumas there just needs to be effort there and getting to know you and wanting to know your thoughts however this does not mean that he should totally bombard you with questions and make you feel like you're in an interview it should just be clear that he has a real interest in getting to know you now next if he never makes plans to see you like never plans things out in advance with you another red flag if he's just shooting you a text like hey going out with my boys in an hour to the bar you want to join or if it's 9 or 10 p.m and he texts you like hey I'm about to watch a movie at my place want to come that's not good enough if that is the only sort of communication that you're having with this man then he is not really interested in you time to move on and not spend any more energy on that person it should be more like hey are you available this weekend I'd love to take you out to dinner or something like this new movie just came out do you want to see it with me on Friday that's what we're looking for if he's not planning things in advance with you again he's probably just not really interested in you and he's just keeping you around definitely a red flag it's best to focus your energy elsewhere also just to be clear I'm not saying that he can never text you last minute for something fun that's not what I'm saying but if that is the only sort of communication that's happening then again red flag the 10th red flag is that he takes way too long to call or text you back now obviously of course there are always exceptions like maybe he's on a camping trip and he doesn't really have service or he has a really important work function that day or he's just really busy at work but like in general if he's taking forever to get back to you like that is a pattern that you're recognizing then you're probably an afterthought you don't want to be an afterthought next word flag in men is when he clearly can't take care of his things if his home is a disaster if his sheets are clearly never really changed regularly if his clothes have stains all over them if his car is always messy and dirty if his dog is never brushed or never walked it's not a good sign this just shows a lack of responsibility a lack of maturity and a lack of discipline all traits that are not very good for a potential partner if you can't take care of those things how do you think he's going to care for you how do you think he's going to care for your future kids one day if you want them how do you think he's going to care for the home that you guys own together one day probably not very good he's likely not gonna change and you don't want to be his mother now he doesn't have to be obsessed with cleanliness and organization to be a good person or a good partner let's be real most men are a little bit messier than women in general and that's okay we all have our strengths but there is a big difference between having a drunk drawer in the kitchen and maybe leaving some clothes out in the bedroom sometimes versus a dirty nightmare another red flag that I think is very important to notice is if he makes condescending or sarcastic jokes at your expense here's the thing every joke has a hint of Truth so if he's doing this he likely has some underlying insecurities or has some negative energy towards you even if he doesn't even realize it and this person will not make for a very good teammate and you want a partner that is devoted to you sees the best in you and always lifting you up after almost 13 years of being in a relationship with someone I can't tell you how important this is all these are are tiny little insults that he passes off as jokes and that's not okay even like backhanded compliments it's all the same thing there is no point in having a partner around if he is not lifting you up and adding value to your life now this next red flag is more so if you have been in a relationship with this person for a while like several months or something I think it's a red flag after being his girlfriend for at least a little while if he never posts any photos of you on his social media now of course some guys don't have social media or they had one but they don't really use it anymore like you know it's still on the internet but he just doesn't ever log in anymore he doesn't ever use it he doesn't ever post photos anymore so in that case if he's not posting a photo of you that is totally fine it's in line with his normal behavior and honestly I love a man that's not very active on social media I think in general that that's a good thing but if he's normally on social media and if he's regularly posting photos after you guys being together for months and he has never once posted a photo of you guys together that screams red flag to me that sounds like he might not want to put it out there for some reason again if he's never posting photos on social media then that's fine you can just ignore this point but if he is posting photos of him out with the boys and him holding a fish and him with his dog but never a picture of you guys together there's probably a real lack of commitment there and last but not least probably one of the most important red flags of them all if something in your gut feels off about him don't ignore it your intuition is very smart your intuition knows more than you think it does don't discount these feelings that you have even if it seems like on paper everything's going good now those are all the red flags of course there's more that exists and if you have any share them Below in the comments but if you want to know what makes a high value man go check out this video is he marriage material 10 traits of a high value man instead of talking about what we should be avoiding let's talk about what we want to attract into our life so I will see you over there or I will just see you next time bye
Channel: Jillz Guerin
Views: 80,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dating red flags, red flags in dating, dating advice, red flags in men you should never ignore, red flags in men, dating advice for women, dating tips, red flags, red flags in dating a man, red flags to look out for in a man, red flags about men you should never ignore, dating tips for women, relationship advice, obvious red flags in guys when youre dating them, feminine energy, masculine energy, how to be more feminine, how to be more feminine for women, jillz guerin
Id: cHCXrSbyG38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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