14 NCIS actors, who have passed away

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I'm trying to illustrate that life can still be full it can still be rewarding that there are certain advantages to being a vampire what you have just done here is more difficult and vastly more dangerous with an incredible 20 Seasons under its belt NCIS has been a Mainstay of cbs's primee time roster several regulars and guest stars have tragically died away over that extremely lengthy run of the TV program from the thrilling chases to to the witty banter in the autopsy room NCIS has captivated audiences for years but behind the scenes the show has also experienced its share of loss today we pay tribute to 14 talented actors who graced our screens as part of the NCI family but are no longer with us number one Charles dering characters such as Dog Day Afternoon The Sting Tootsie Oh Brother Where Art Thou and the Muppet movie are just a handful of the films that Charles dering has appeared in that have received positive reviews from film critics in addition to being nominated for an Academy Award on two separate occasions for his Parts in to be or not to be and the best little whouse in Texas the late actor was also awarded a Tony Award for his performance as big daddy in the Broadway production of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof in the year 1990 over the course of his career dering had has also been on a significant amount of television in addition to being a recurring role on Rescue Me for which he was nominated for an Emmy he was a series regular on the sitcom Evening Shade for which he was awarded an Emmy in addition to being the first actor to ever win an Emmy he had a career in the film industry that spanned around four years he had a career in the film industry that lasted for 4 years and he was the first actor to ever bring home an Emmy Award during which he appeared in the television miniseries captains and the kings in 1976 the series homicide life on the street and NCIS where he was known for his performance as Ernie yoast in the critically praised episode call of Silence in 2004 in a previous interview with USA Today dering stated that he was born with the ability to portray a character he went on to say I was born looking older and I've been aging since I was a teenager not only did he leave behind an impressive body of acting work but he also had a highly decorated military career he passed away in 2012 due to natural causes at the age of 89 the website of the United States Army states that he was a survivor of the D-Day invasion that took place on June 6th and that he was awarded a silver star as well as three purple hearts number two Nina fos actors who are getting older often have the opport opportunity to shine on shows like NCIS unlike a brief appearance on a sitcom or soap opera a guest spot does not demand a big-time commitment nonetheless the roles that are typically offered are typically far more substantial NCIS in particular appears to do an excellent job at casting longtime Veterans of the industry and assisting them in landing one final big role before they either retire or pass away you should know that Nina fos with was given the opportunity to play Victoria malard in two episodes of NCIS the first of which was in season 2 and the second of which was in season 3 fch was given the opportunity to portray a significant character in the Canon of the program because she was Donald ducky mallard's mother her career which began in the 1940s and lasted until the present day was brought to a close with this visit which was one of her final appearances Gunsmoke Bonanza and Murder She Wrote are just a few of the great television shows that she has appeared in her significant credits include films such as the Ten Commandments and An American in Paris as well as television shows according to a report from The New York Times fch passed away in 2008 at the age of 84 the newspaper described her as an actress who played nuanced Parts number three Terry rhods despite the fact that he was not particularly well known character actor Terry rhods was a well-liked figure in Denver it was observed by the Arts blog culture West that his influence on the theater in Colorado was longlasting there were dozens of Country Dinner Playhouse acts in which roads portrayed the role of the leading man it was as a main cast member in the fox sitcom living in captivity that he got the closest to making it big in Hollywood unfortunately the show was cancelled before the end of its first season as a result of the cancellation Gordon the security guard of the gated neighborhood where the episode was located was the character that he played on the show subsequently a significant number of his characters lacked names and were solely characterized by their occupations he was able to achieve what a great number of other character actors had a difficult time doing he was able to secure regular work one of the episodes from the first season of NCIS included roads in the role of Captain and Dr Brett Peters casting directors frequently regarded him as a professional in the medical field on That 70s Show Bones My Wife and Kids Two and a Half Men and a plethora of other television shows he has also played the role of a physician in the film Liar Liar rhs portrayed the role of a pilot and movie goers may know him from that role as reported by culture West he passed away in October of 2013 when he was 61 years old number four Annie woring at the age of just 45 Annie woring who had appeared as a guest star on NCIS passed away from cancer in January of 2023 in spite of the fact that she was more recognized for her appearances on the television shows 24 The Vampire Diaries and Bosch as well as for her role as Tess in the critically acclaimed video game The Last of Us woring made an appearance in the episode of NCIS season 8 titled false witness as Deputy district attorney Gail Walsh according to deadline woring was diagnosed with cancer in the year 2020 however she did not allow this to prevent her from pursuing the career that she cherished and she continued to work for as long as she was able to be employed she continued to play the recurring part of rosalin Dyer on the rookie until the year 2022 and she also performed the role of the Borg Queen in the second season of Star Trek peard with her portrayal as peard she completed a full circle in her career she made her first appearance on TV in 2002 when she appeared on Star Trek Enterprise on her Instagram account the actress Abigail Spencer who collaborated with woring on the television show Timeless sent a touching homage to woring describing her as the most exceptional scene partner Spencer continued by saying that woring was the ringer and the backbone of many of the Productions that she was a part of number five Gregory itson a great character actor is able to play numerous different characters within the same world of shows which is one of the genuine markers of a great character actor during the course of his lengthy acting career Gregory eiten performed this action on multiple occasions maybe most memorably on the Star Trek series over the course of Deep Space 9 Voyager and Enterprise iten portrayed a combination of five distinct personalities aside from that he appeared in a number of roles on the television shows empty nest Night Court the practice and of course NCIS under Secretary of State Lawrence Culbertson in Jag director Charlie in a pair of episodes from season 1 of NCIS and Spencer Downing in an episode from season 17 of NCIS which turned out to be his final role were the three characters that iten played on NCIS and the shows that are related to it the Downing family business isn't exactly what it used to be one of iten's most notable and well-known roles was that of President Charles Logan on the television show 24 which he portrayed for a total of three seasons because of his performance he was nominated for two Emmys iton passed away in 2022 as a result of problems that arose during an emergency surgery a time limit was decided upon by his family he was 74 years old in a tweet that served as an homage to itson director and producer John casser who collaborated with iton on the television show 24 wrote he will be missed by his 24 family who would have loved and respected him without reservation you left an indelible Mark May you finally find peace my buddy number six Michael Gilden his career began with a cameo in the 1981 Chevy Chase comedy under the rainbow Michael Gilden who was born in Los Angeles and passed away by suicide in 2006 at the age of 44 had a remarkable career that began with their presence all of the actors who appeared in the film were from the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz and he was one of several little person actors who appeared in the movie A few years later when when Gilden was hired to play one of the Ewoks in Return of the Jedi he would rejoin with Carrie fiser who had also appeared in that film Carrie fiser was included in the film in subsequent years he appeared in a number of major Motion Pictures including Pulp Fiction Last Action Hero and my giant where he performed both acting and stunt work in addition Gildan had a diverse career in television appearing in shows such as the Amanda show Family Law Charmed and CSI he also had two episodes in the fourth season of NCIS in which he portrayed the role of Marty Pearson in addition to work as a stock broker gildin was actively involved in organizations that provided assistance to individuals with disabilities at the time of his passing his wife the actress Meredith Eaton made history when she became a member of the cast of the television show Family Law the accomplishment of becoming the first lady with dwarfism to ever be a regular on a television series that airs during Prime Time number seven Sam sarpong even though his life was cut terribly short Sam sarpong was able to accomplish a great deal during his lifetime an actor model television host singer writer producer and director the multi- henet was born in London he also worked in the creative Industries his appearance on the third episode of the very first season of NCIS made him one of the show's earliest guest stars almost a decade later when the multi henet was already working as an actor model television host singer writer producer and director he started his career as an actor his appearance on the third episode of the very first season of NCIS made him one of the show's earliest guest stars his acting career got off to to a good start about a decade earlier when he was cast in an uncredited role in the television show my so-called life during the years that followed he made appearances on a number of television shows including ER Everybody Hates Chris 24 and Bones which helped him build a respectable television resume after his death he had a postumus cameo on the television show American Crime Story by the time he was 11 years years old sarpong relocated to Los Angeles to live with his father the independent reports that he participated in basketball while he was in high school and that he had the intention of playing professionally on the other hand when things didn't work out he went to acting and modeling instead as a result of his work as a co-host on MTV's yo mama and later as the host of the pre-show presentation for the annual BET Awards he became a well-known television presenter both on screen and offscreen he demonstrated his musical abilities by appearing in films such as car a hipop and serving as a music supervisor for a number of films it is worth noting that he was also a successful recording artist in his own right with his group The League having sold more than 1 million records all over the world in October of 2015 sarpong committed suicide by jumping off a bridge in the state of California he was 40 years old according to a statement released by his sister television broadcaster Jun sarpong his demise is a tragedy for the entire world number eight Jerry Becker Jerry Becker who is escorting the show's version of President George W bush through a flight is one of the actresses that you meet for the very first time in the very first episode of the National Security Agency NCIS Becker is one of the few persons who can say that they were able to assist in introducing the show to millions of viewers over the course of 20 years something that not many people can say theater was the actor's First Love and it was in the theater that he completed most of his work particularly in the Chicago area throughout the 1980s and 1990s it was in 1993 that he made his most significant stage appearance which was in the Broadway production the song of Jacob Zulu in which he played the role of Marty Frankl throughout his career Becker has portrayed a wide variety of characters in films and television shows he has had significant roles in films such as Donnie Brosco man on the moon Mickey bluee eyes and Spider-Man which was released in 2002 within the context of Spider-Man he portrayed a member of the Oscorp board of directors who was in conflict with Norman Osborne on the company's intentions to sell itself after transforming into a Green Goblin he is ultimately put to death by Osborne the decade of the 2010s marked Becker's departure from the acting industry with his final credited screen performance being an episode of Law and Order from the year 2008 according to Chicago Theater bike ride he passed away in April 2019 as a result of issues that were associated with diabetes number nine Renee Ober jenoa in spite of the fact that you have not watched a single episode of Deep Space 9 it is possible that you are familiar with the character of Odo The Shape Shifter who was portrayed by Renee Ober xenoa during all seven seasons of the show Ober xenoa was most well known for his performance in that role yet he was much more than just a Star Trek actor moreover he was a regular cast member on the television shows Benson and Boston Legal additionally he had appearances in films one of which was the first Mash in which he played the role of Father John muli it was just as exciting to watch abers shinoa's life offscreen as it was to watch him on screen following in the footsteps of his grandfather a well-known post-impressionist painter from Switzerland the New York native was given his name his mother was a member of the French aristocracy and a relative of one of Napoleon bonapart Marshals his father was a journalist who was born in Switzerland and his mother was a member of the French army throughout his Boyhood he traveled to Paris and London and he also spent a short period of time living in an artist Community he was a talented actor who was successful both on stage and in front of the camera he appeared to have always been destined for a career in the Arts through his performance in the musical cuckoo in 1970 he was awarded a Tony Award additionally he was nominated for two Emmys one for Benson and one for the practice he ultimately won the Tony award it was during the 10th season of NCIS that he made his one and only appearance as Dr Felix Blackwell in 2019 at the age of 79 abers shinoa passed away as a result of cancer number 10 Ralph weight Ralph weight a veteran of Television had been appearing on the small screen for a considerable amount of time previous to his presence on on NCIS which lasted for eight episodes despite the fact that he was nominated for an Emmy for his performance in Roots he was most well known for his portrayal of patriarch John Walton senior on the long-running historical drama The Waltons he portrayed this part throughout all nine seasons of the original series as well as six additional television movies weight also had roles in films that are considered to be Classics such as cooland Luke and Five Easy Pieces on NC CIS he played the part of Leroy Jethro Gibbs Jackson Gibbs father who would later become the series main character until the very end of his life waight continued to depict the figure they had created in the 11th season episode titled honor thy father Jackson Gibbs passed away this episode was broadcast three months after Edward weight passed away in February 2014 when he was 85 years old to this day I am your father you certainly are waight was also involved in political work he faced defeat in a primary election in 1990 special election in a general election in 1998 when he attempted to run for Congress in the state of California actor Cheney clay spent the majority of his career working in television with the exception of a part that was substantially eliminated from the film Legally Blonde which was released in 2001 his longest running role was as the recurrent character officer Asher on the shield which aired on FX and won multiple Awards he appeared in a total of 16 episodes of the show some of which were broadcast after his passing in 2007 the fact that Asher was one of the few persons on the show who appeared to have won Vic Mackey's trust was one of the more prominent aspects of his character CSI Cold Case and Las Vegas all featured clay in guest starring roles and he also appeared in Las Vegas as an FBI agent clay appeared to be carving out a niche for himself on police shows the second episode of the first season of NCIS featured him in the role of Corporal Paul Brinkman which he played for the first time according to the information provided on his Memorial Website clay died suddenly in July of 2007 at the young age of 34 as a consequence of complications resulting from sleep apnea the film oneway to Valhalla which was released 2 years after his passing featured him in his final role that he finished number 11 Bruce GR one other actor who has been on both Jag and NCIS Bruce gray has had distinct roles on both shows it was in 2002 that he made his debut on JAG playing the role of Brigadier General Sawyer subsequently in 2004 he made the transition to NCIS playing the role of assistant director Jonathan overmy in an episode from the first season gray had a great number of guest appearances in the 2000s and 2000 10s including roles on a variety of television shows such as How I Met Your Mother the westwing and Boston Legal amongst many more these are just two of the few examples the roles of vice admiral chakote a senior Starfleet officer were also played by gray in the television series Star Trek the Next Generation and Star Trek Deep Space 9 gray was born in Puerto Rico to parents who were from Canada but he spent his childhood in San Juan until he was a te teenager he got his start in the theater by performing in andrle and the lion at London's mermaid theater where he was cast opposite Donald southernland he then traveled to England to further his career after that he went back to North America and began his acting career in Canada following that he eventually settled down in Los Angeles which is where he was living when he passed away in October 2017 at the age of 81 in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter producer Allison Richards stated Bruce was not only an incredibly talented actor but he was also an incredible role model throughout the production thanks to his warmth generosity and remarkable humor he was able to win over the hearts of everyone involved in the production of don't talk to Irene Starship Troopers Water for Elephants and My Big Fat Greek Wedding are some of the other movies in which he has appeared because of his prominent Parts number 12 Miguel fer the death of Miguel ferer who passed away in 2017 at the age of 61 due to throat cancer was one of the most significant losses that the NCIS family has suffered Ferrer began his role as Owen Granger on NCIS Los Angeles as a recurring character during the third and fourth seasons of the show subsequently he became a main cast member for the fifth through eth seasons of the show fer would not be the first or only series on which which he would be a regular player throughout his career which spanned more than four decades he appeared in the casts of a great number of television shows furer resumed his role as FBI agent Albert Rosenfield for the resurrection of Twin Peaks despite the fact that it would not air until after his death he had previously played the character in The Original Series in the film that followed up to the series which was titled fir walk with me love is the Cornerstone upon which such a system is built in addition he was a prominent cast member on the show Crossing Jordan and he appeared in multiple episodes of the protector and bionic woman all of which were released in 2007 it was in the first RoboCop picture that he made his debut on the big screen since then he has appeared in films such as Star Trek 3 traffic and Iron Man 3 in the Marvel film he plays the role of Vice President Rodriguez a tainted individual who was removed from office due to his involvement in the terrorist assaults that occurred at the Mandarin ferer was also involved in a significant amount of voice workk he contributed his distinctive tones to a wide variety of series including Jackie Chan Adventures Adventure Time and Young Justice as well as Disney's Mulan ferer was the first cousin of George Clooney who in a statement released after his passing told variety that Ferrer made the world a better and more humorous Place despite his passing number 13 Barbara tarbuk over the course of her lengthy career Barbara tarbuk who had previously appeared on stage and Cinema was a regular on the soap opera circuit prior to taking on a recurring position on General Hospital that lasted for more than 40 episodes she appeared in multiple episodes of Dynasty falc Crest and Santa Barbara in the asylum season of American Horror Story she played Mother Superior Claudia which would turn out to be one of her last performances on TV this was her most recent extended stint on a series tarbuk gathered up an extensive resume of television program appearances between her days as a soap opera actress and her Dying Years these appearances included roles on ER NYPD Blue 6 feet under and other shows as well as an episode of NCIS from the first season to the next even though she didn't appear in a lot of movies she did have roles in films such as short circuit Curly Sue and the remake of Walking Tall that was released in 2004 according to the Hollywood Reporter tarbuk was an acting instructor at UCLA in addition to having a significant amount of experience working in regional theater a degenerative brain ailment known as celt yakob disease was the cause of death for the Detroit native who passed away in December of 2016 her age was 74 four number 14 David mallum on September 25th 2023 6 days after his 90th birthday actor David mallum passed away due to natural causes he had played the role of Dr Donald douge Mard on 461 episodes of the television show Naval command and control after Mark Hammond left the cast of NCIS in 2019 his absence in the forthcoming 21st season will be felt by everyone and will Mark the end of an era long before he won over the hearts of audiences with his portrayal of Ducky mallum was already a well-known face the legendary films A Night to Remember in the Great Escape were the first to feature him in a supporting role which led to his initial rise to prominence Ilia kuryakin a Russian secret agent was a character that he played on The Man from Uncle for 104 episodes and he would be recognized for decades in addition mallum appeared in the British drama cits as well as the Supernatural series Sapphire and steel later on he developed a preference for donating his vocal skills to cartoons providing the voice of Professor Paradox in the Ben 10 franchise and Alfred pennyworth in three different Batman direct to video films over the course of his 90th year mallum has narrated documentaries written a mystery novel and even released four unique studio album albums with Capital Records on these recordings he showcased his musical ability by playing a variety of instruments he is left by his wife four children and eight grandchildren mallum will be much missed while we mourn the loss of these talented actors their contributions to NCIS and the entertainment industry as a whole will not be forgotten be sure to like share and subscribe for more enlightening videos like this
Channel: Prime Discovery
Views: 34,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 32 NCIS Actors, Who Have Passed Away, 32, NCIS Actors, NCIS, actors, passed away, unique qualities, acting, ultimate expedition, ultimate, expedition
Id: gvOqT-5vKVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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