14 Magical Homemade Harry Potter Crafts
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Craft Factory
Views: 1,987,232
Rating: 4.9174395 out of 5
Keywords: diy, craft factory, rainy days, crafts, hacks, how to, life hacks, crafting, kidspiration, harry potter, harry potter diy, harry potter crafts, magic wand, diy magic wand, harry potter wands, chocolate frogs, butterbeer, butterbeer recipe, easy butterbeer, harry potter decor, gryffindor, gryffindor tie, harry potter costume, harry potter outfit, harry potter accessories
Id: bTIE-jgpy8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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