14 Extremely WEIRD But LEGAL Ways to Make Up To US$8,000 A Month

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rock stars prepare to Journey with me into the wild wacky and wonderful profitable world of weirdness I'm about to reveal several eyebrow raisin but perfectly legal ways to stack up some serious cash we're talking about a whopping us eight thousand dollars a month yeah you heard me right forget that nine to five job that you're stressing over or the traditional hustles that I've been sharing here on this platform just for a moment because this list is gonna leave your jaw on the floor and if we do this right potentially your wallet a little fatter so brace yourself for this strange adventure of bizarre money making methods from the Unspeakable icky to be hilariously absurd these 14 extremely weird but legal ways to make up to eight thousand dollars in a month could be your way to financial Independence rock stars let's get weird together [Music] I'm having second thoughts about that introduction let's get weird together Odetta what are you thinking but trust me when I say some of these are beyond weird that said welcome back thanks for your loyalty and thanks for watching and to our patreon subscribers and club members to pick up on ourselves now let me confess that this first one it's unusual but it's not weird when compared to some of the others that are on the list and it is to sell your here well I could sell this if it were mine but it's not all mine have you ever looked at your luscious locks in the mirror and I'm not talking about the locks that you bought I'm talking about the kind that grows out of your scale and for my brothers out there especially the bald headed ones no offense there's gonna be others on this list for you what have you ever thought wow this could make me some good money well if you have welcome to the hairy Tales of selling your locks with a market that's pulsating for hair extensions and wig the healthier and longer you're here is the more you stand to earn meet Sarah she doesn't know it yet but her hair is worth a lot of money she gets her hair cut at a hair salon where it ends up being swept into a bin and thrown away that was until her friend told her about hair salon the worldwide hair trade Marketplace and rock stars every website that I mention in this weird side hustle video I'm gonna be posting it on patreon so you can easily get access to the website by clicking the clickable link and in the description of this video which is below the title when you click on more I'm gonna put the link that will easily take you over to patreon where where you can get access to the clickable links don't worry if you're not subscribed because I'm gonna try to either pop up the web pages here so you can do a quick Google search or I'm gonna mention the actual website address so back to here salon.com with hearsalon.com you can actually calculate the price of your here and then begin looking for interested buyers the only issue is your here takes time to grow so you may not be able to earn eight thousand dollars per month for this weird side Hustle but you'll definitely be able to earn some money on your path to achieving Financial Independence now if you're here is not your most profitable asset how about your undergarments and yes rockstars you heard me right websites like pantydeal.com have turned used not new undergarments selling into a woman business and I know rock stars if you're like me right now you're thinking why would somebody buy somebody's used underwear I'm about to tell you but before I do let's stop the Judgment because there is a clean profit to be made pun intended now it may shock you to learn that use the undergarments is in super high demand right now millions of people are buying and selling used panties every single day most of the buyers are obviously men but some women also buy used panties you would think the woman wouldn't have a need for this right because they have used panties but no every buyer has their own reason for buying used underwear that said most of them based on my research they are used for panty fetishes they may be seeking an intimate connection with a human being and they used panties often will satisfy this desire no rock stars I can't claim to understand it but it's a lucrative market so who am I to judge according to one seller's testimonial undergarment sells for around 20 to 30 dollars per set of panties and it leads me to the question at hand rock stars is this a weird side hustle that you would try now I know for me personally not something I would do but I try not to judge if this is not one of the weird side hustle that you are interested in please write in the comments for me too weird and for those of you who don't write too weird in the comments I see you but I won't judge you no moving on to cleaner pastures have you ever considered scooping dog poop as a lucrative business with websites like pooperscooper.com you are able to earn a a lucrative income and make good money doing so rockstars let's switch gear a little have you ever considered making money with your car but Uber wasn't for you and this one isn't that weird but it's somewhat unusual peer-to-peer car rentals is a booming industry and you can use platforms like turo and also get around if you are located in the US for you to take a car that you may be parking at work during the days or at home because you don't need to leave home as much rent it out on these platforms and most of them will cover your insurance for you and find the customers and also manage the entire transaction and your money shows up in your account I know some of you watching are actually located in Australia and I do have club members from Australia so drive my car is the peer-to-peer lending website the will facilitate this in the land down under now with some of these websites you can make upwards of four to six hundred dollars per week renting out your car I let your car gather dust when it can gather dollars instead speaking of dust rock stars have you ever considered that there may actually be a gold mine in your backyard the pet rock craze of the 70s it may be gone but the demand for unique and special rocks is still out there now being born in the 70s I wasn't around for that pet rock craze that was going on where Pet Rocks were actually a collectible toy in 1975 and rock stars these were really rocks marketed as living Pets the Rocks actually came from Rosarito Beach in Mexico and they would be shipped in cardboard boxes with actual breathing hole holes like it had life now while The Fad only lasted about six months and you can understand why weird as hell the founder Gary Dahl sold over 1 million pet rocks and became a millionaire recently pet rocks have made their comeback and you can now buy them on Amazon and although you can't use the term to describe your product as pet rock because the name was actually trademarked here is a large Market out there for special and unique rocks and you know what rock stars fortunate or unfortunate I'm one of the customers who's buying rocks look at my rocks here this one says Inspire for me they're motivational rocks with affirmations or affirmative words this one says gratitude and I have several more I actually give them as gifts to people as well not sure if they appreciate it as much as I do but I love to put these on my desk like in the days of using paper it would be a great paper weight but outside of that I just have them throughout our home as decorative pieces that will occasionally remind me to be grateful and to be inspirational believe it or not rock honed in which is what it's called is a popular Pastime the rocks that I just showed you I bought them on Amazon for thirty four dollars and I got 25 pieces with different words of inspiration to get started selling rocks as a side hustle you can check out rockseeker.com it started on your Stony path to Prosperity now rock stars let's get personal donating plasma which is something I've spoken about on this channel before so I'm not gonna spend a lot of time on it but it's not not for the faint-hearted but it's a worthy and rewarding Venture that you can use to make some money on this side you can earn anywhere from three to seven hundred dollars per month donating plasma twice per week and also should be very satisfying to know that your plasma that you have donated could potentially Save a Life say if you thought being a lifesaver has pumped you up how about the idea of being a life Creator as a sperm or egg donor you could bring joy to those who are longing for a family of their own but unable to do it because of biological limitations you you can make a whopping five to ten thousand dollars per egg donation cycle or around seventy dollars per sperm donation websites like cryobank.com is ideal for you to monetize your eggs or your sperm some of there are obvious medical requirements that you must meet and but if you meet those specific requirements you are able to cash in here especially as an egg donor and make up to 10 000 US Dollars now this next weird side hustle is one that I don't think I could bring myself to doing either rock stars and as I'm talking to you I'm thinking about it but I just think it's wrong it's selling used socks yes there is actually a market for used socks out there as shocking as it sounds and create your own fan site and sell your used socks on platforms like X model by adente IO and keep 100 of the money that you make me have a few pairs of used socks that I could potentially sell what about you rock stars is this even something that you're considering and if you're not please write too weird in the comments tooth socks are selling online from two to three dollars per pair but there are some people out there with certain fetishes that will pay 10 to 20 times that for your used socks this next one I'm gonna confess it right here I have considered it on a few occasions and it is selling photos of my feet can head over to funwithfeet.com and start snapping those feet selfies and posting them on the platform and you can make anywhere from 400 to a thousand dollars per month selling feed pictures feewithfeet.com they have sellers there that are making taking up to five thousand US dollars per month selling feet pictures now it's time to shake things up a bit because all of that was very unusual let's take it back to some science related ways to earn although there's still a little bit strange are you inquisitive and good at problem solving well mindsumo.com rewards your input on certain questions and they also will give you cash prizes the best and most creative answers for those questions on their website will get a reward that ranges anywhere from 550 to 1600 US dollars per weird or creative answer believe it or not but let's say that's not for you rock stars and you are more inclined towards medicine why not participate in clinical trials through the National Library of Medicine you can do so at clinical trials.gov in doing doing so think about it you may Save a Life by becoming a guinea pig I'm also on the same website become what's referred to as a standardized patient providing a safe environment for students to practice their skills on more this next weird side hustle is not for everyone it's more geared at lactating mothers because you can actually sell your breast milk on websites like Dot breast.com and make really good money doing so deity if you're not a lactating mother but you're in good health you can sell your poop which is the next one on the list yup you heard me right and I shared the details of it in this video here Stu can sell it to several companies actually and make good money doing so there are companies that pay upwards of 13 000 US dollars per year and there are others that will pay 40 dollars for a sample of stool donation Heidi poop is in high demand and it's used to treat various gut diseases now there are stool Banks out there that will just take donations but there are some of them like open biome which is in Boston that will pay you like I said earlier forty dollars per sample but there's another one that's in Europe and this is taymount clinic and they will also pay you for your thesis or your stool or poop now keep in mind most people aren't healthy enough to do it but if you're among the two percent and we're not talking about the two percent of wealthy people we're talking about the two percent of people who are healthy enough to sell their waste you can be thirteen thousand dollars per year richer basement next one not so weird but pretty unusual and I don't know if I could do it because of the emotional attachment but recently my family and I we were in New Jersey for a few days and on the radio I heard this advertisement for surrogate mothers about decide to go down this road in addition to being able to give someone something that they can't get on their own for 80 000 US Dollars which is what I heard on the ad for hope surrogacy you can give a couple or an individual something they can't give themselves thanks Paul said thanks for watching Remember to like the video if you got a good laugh because I don't know if there's that much value in this I'll be honest with you and if you are not yet a rock star go ahead and hit subscribe so that I can welcome you till next time walk good [Music]
Channel: Odetta Rockhead-Kerr
Views: 299,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Side hustle 2023, side hustle worldwide, Make money, passive income, unconventional jobs, easy money, monthly earnings, online income, quick cash, side hustles, digital earnings, earn from anywhere, alternative careers, Earn money, Online income, Financial freedom, Passive income, Entrepreneurship, Make money online, Freelancing, Wealth creation, Independent income, Money goals, how to make money online, make money online, side hustle ideas, odetta rockhead kerr
Id: dopT0pXzf0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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