135 Pound Weight Loss || KETO Vs. My Diet || Anabolic Cookbook - REAL Results!!!

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he can't even believe it he's so excited again goosebumps watch this he's so happy [Music] coach greg and today i'm reacting to a video by amenity from 300 pounds to six pack abs body transformation great descent diet follow my diet can't wait to watch comment on this video let's see how he did it and how hard it was and so on this is the story on how it went from this to this he went from a 300 pound circle to a man with abs the proof is in the pudding or in this case pie protein pudding ever since i can remember throughout high school throughout college i was always pretty overweight maybe in the obese category just want to make it clear you guys understand you don't need to be very heavy to be obese i'm obese i coach craig i'm obese bmi 31.7 over 30 it's obese he's 300 pounds i'm not even 200 let's see seven foot tall the guy was obese clearly but i really got super big and ballooned up after i finished college and i got a desk job my first desk job this is when things definitely went downhill for me mentally i wasn't doing the best you know i wouldn't say i was depressed but i was probably on that route and i just have to be real with you guys my diet was absolutely horrible guess what he did he fasted he'd skip breakfast skip lunch any what he wanted at suppertime and whatever he wanted sometimes was 5 000 calories why because ghrelin came far and punch him in the mouth he in fact described himself as suffering from a binge eating disorder a lot of people who are practicing intermittent fasting actually have binge eating disorders sorry telling you what you need to hear or not what you want to hear you want to hear oh if you fast you eat whatever you want not gain weight 300 pounds he did this it wasn't working you start eating cat put the fork down too delicious the food becomes too highly palatable eating pizzas and ice cream candies chips it's not possible you can't put the cookie down as arnold would say i wouldn't eat anything for breakfast i wouldn't eat anything for lunch for dinner on my way back from work i would stop at the grocery store every single night i would stop at the grocery store and i would buy frozen pizzas i would buy entire packages of oreos or whatever sugary snack i would drink mountain dews and powerades any kind of sugary drink and every single night i would go home carrying all this stuff and i would eat it every single night i would eat everything that i bought i could very easily put away 5 000 plus calories in in one sitting and i'm not saying this as like oh look how much i can eat like how you know i'm not saying this as like i'm i'm proud like this is a really embarrassing thing for me to tell you guys i can do the same thing what it does is it makes it harder to lose weight because you need more food to feel full when you're full you're probably not going to eat now are you once you're full you're not going to eat my diet works because you can be full he would walk up one flight of stairs and get winded i have two choices i can either keep doing this and suffer the overweight related illnesses that are coming from being obese or i can get healthy i can learn what do i need to do to be healthy and move forward i can do better than last time i had no idea how to eat right so i went to google type in on google i would type something like uh lose weights fast or something right probably something like that right and i remember a google image thing came up and it was a keto diet gave keto a shot he lost about 80 pounds on keto in a few months so he lost 80 pounds in 120 days most people say success victory keno's the best diet on the planet right coach greg i thought this was a coach greg promotional video it seems like it's keto go cranky wrong keto clearly the best diet your first thought may be like oh my gosh that's so amazing like that's that's crazy i cannot stress this enough do not do this guys do not do this do not do this diet keep in mind my nutritional knowledge was zero i didn't know anything about uh crash dieting which i was inadvertently doing at the time i was just like oh this is what dieting feels like it feels like death yeah you lost 80 pounds felt like death seems to me i'd rather be overweight than feel like death feeling like death is not a good thing i'd rather be awake than asleep and a nightmare he was dying and in a nightmare when you're suffering to that degree the weight loss benefits they're not worth it it's not worth it and what do you think happens when you feel like death for 120 days you're going yo-yo back to your old diet you're gonna say i can't do this enough is enough i can't handle it anymore you're gonna go back to your old ways you're gonna put all the weight back on you're gonna feel like crap and then you're gonna do the diet again back and forth back and forth back and forth that's what people do that's the life cycle of people's dietings it's a vicious cycle of nonsense what you need is a vicious cycle that's a circle a diet for circles like you and me we're all circles man woman black white blue green we're all circles it's 2020 be a circle follow a circle diet that everyone can follow you can eat it this way all the time all foods fit inside the circle if it's outside the circle bring it in cut out some of the fat the sugar the calories make it healthier add in some fiber and some protein bring it inside the circle and eat it be full be satisfied be happy so obviously this type of diet is not sustainable and the only reason that i was able to keep it up for those 120 days was because i'm a stubborn even with the most stubborn genetics the most willpower you can only do a diet like that for so long then you go off the diet and you're gonna gain a ton of this weight back and here is where one of the luckiest moments of my entire life happened i knew i had to change up my diet somehow to make it more sustainable i knew that something had to change so i went to youtube and i typed in something like healthy recipe for weight loss or something like that right and one of the things that popped up was a video from this guy named greg ducette and this guy's channel was just blowing my mind this guy was ripped and he was eating french toast and ice cream and coach greg appeared coach yes coach greg he discovered coach greg and i'm telling you if you don't watch my videos you're missing out if you do you know why you're watching them because the diets make sense the information makes sense finally someone that can explain things to everybody and all this these were like previously foods i was like oh my gosh you can't eat that like you can't there's no possible way you can have french toast because it's carbs or something right and here i am like yeah you can and he's like well i said the proof is there he's doing it himself his clients are doing it other people are saying it's working and so this is when i dove head first into the nutritional side of youtube and my brain became like a sponge all of this information that you could possibly learn about nutrition i wanted to learn everything he started watching all my videos and other people's videos they make sense he learned more and more and learned for himself he took ownership he was proactive for his health he didn't say oh i'm going to blame the hormones calories in calories no that doesn't work i'll go watch all these people that make excuses for why i'm overweight i know i'm just gonna accept my body for what it is it's 300 pounds i can accept it no he said i'm not accepting this i'm accepting i'm going to make a change and better myself and live a longer and healthier life and now he has abs what's your excuse do you want to be like him and find a way or do you want to just accept yourself a hundred pounds overweight you might not be able to get a six-pack like this guy and you don't have to all you need to do is be better than you are right now if you're 300 pounds 299 is an improvement if you're 500 pounds 499 is an improvement you do not need to be an extremist you just need to be healthier and better than you are right now i'm promoting improvement i'm promoting health i don't suggest everyone go on a low calorie diet and be shredded i say hey imagine your dream physique oh i'm sorry to pass i want to be like this guy and i have a six-pack sorry you're probably gonna get halfway there he went from 300 to 200 300 to 200 you want the same thing course you do maybe it's a little too unrealistic some can do it oh yes some do it chances are you probably can't 250 pounds is light years healthier than 300 light years game changing life-changing improvement you don't need to lose a hundred if you lose half of it amazing half amazing every pound counts research supports this you lose 10 pounds you're gonna have a healthier body the more you lose to a point of course you don't want to be too extreme you want to be anorexic but when you lose weight and you become healthy you lower your bmi you're going to live a longer and healthier life my diet is sustainable it's for the rest of your life other diets they're not some are sure if you have the greatest will power and you can do what is working for you keep doing your diet if you identify as a circle like me follow my freaking circle diet and want to learn more and more and more about nutrition then everything else just kind of fell into place oh but it's fruity fructose oh i shouldn't have fructose strawberries greek yogurt oh that's dairy cat dairy are you kidding me oh protein powder that's processed you can have processed food oh my god how dare you do that protein powder is amazing oh carbs is eating bread and fat free cheese is not dairy how can we have dairy gee who's low calorie barbecue sauce we can't have that it's full of chemicals we can't have it all sugar-free jell-o no what about the chemicals it's got probably aspartame or sweetener oh no popcorn yay for popcorn but there's chemicals oh research says popcorn chemical oh you can't eat popcorn has to be whole foods and a ninja blender with protein ice cream i think this guy may have watched one of my videos or two or a hundred and low calorie dense foods spinach mushrooms throw that in why not eat healthy don't cut out the food groups you can eat it all large salads you're full this guy is eating my diet more than anyone i've ever seen in my diet now that is how i eat people this is how i eat today is october 5th now this is a big day for me personally because 100 days ago today i started a 100 days of clean eating challenge and as you can see every single day that i did the um volume eating greg you said died i just wrote another you know countdown day on my thing guess what after 100 days no person they want to just stop oh i reached my goal i did it yay for me 100 days let's celebrate i'm going to eat pizza not on my diet 100 days in i can keep going because the circle diet is for life it's not a diet it's a forever diet the dose that diets forever you're gonna keep doing this you can sustain it for the rest of your life this is why i like this so much because i know it's not for now it's forever it is forever you don't realize it some of you haven't tried it and you don't understand and unlike me i know all the research i know all the signs i've coached all the athletes i've been eating like this for decades and i know without question i'm right not everybody knows this information you don't know what i know and it's so hard for me because i try to share it and you don't just believe me right away you say i watch this video that person disagrees they said you're wrong this study says this i'm like no i've already read all those i already know this i know this more than anything i know in my life this is the diet that works for life it's hard because you don't all believe me if i had 10 million subscribers more would believe me but not everyone everyone should believe me he did the math he's in just over a 500 calorie deficit a day he's losing weight at a healthy rate he's not crash dieting you're thinking oh but he lost 80 pounds 120 days and kate is better it was a nightmare he was suffering it felt like death and guess what he lost all this weight after losing that weight the last 16 pounds is for sure the hardest pounds to lose what's harder the first 10 pounds or the last 10 pounds and people who are familiar with weight loss know that like the more lean you get like the harder it becomes the more grindy it is if that makes sense so this is supposed to be the hardest part of weight loss these 100 days was like the easiest thing ever i'm i'm not even gonna lie guys he can't even believe it he's so excited again goosebumps watch this he's so happy do you know how happy it makes me feel to be able to read watch and see all the people doing these diets and being successful it's amazing it's so amazing to see other people who are learning from me and being successful he's so happy he's successful he's reached his goal but guess what it's not because of me it's because of him he put in the work he researched the diets he was proactive it was him who did it all i just helped he learned from me but he's the one that did the learning he's the one that did the research it's not spoon fed to you you have to watch the videos you have to know what to do yourself you have to be the one that decides what you put in your mouth and what you don't you have to put the fork down you have to go for the walk to go to the gym it's not easy so when he gets his goal is he going to stop the diet no he's going to eat the same thing only more of it same as coach graham when i'm dieting for a professional bodybuilding competition i ate the same exact foods as i do right now only difference i eat less of them instead of six french toast eight five instead of three bags of popcorn eight two it's less of the same thing it's the same diet i love everything i eat i eat the same thing i just eat more of it when i'm not trying to lose weight and when i'm trying to lose weight i just hold back on the calories a little bit by eating less of it because it's calories in calories out that decide if you lose weight you can eat less food and less calories or you can burn off more by doing more cardio choice is yours you should do both you should be exercising 150 minutes of modern intensity cardio a week for your heart the most important muscle it's under the pecs it's your heart don't neglect that don't forget that so all the gyms are closed so you're thinking yeah but he's probably rich probably as a professional trainer probably hired coach greg to coach him nope he's doing this all on his own his gyms are closed he borrowed two dumbbells he's gonna lift at his house on his own he's not making any excuses he watches my video he's gonna go and try his best to train harder than last time coach gregg says i don't care what situation you're in you can do better than last time soon as this video's over why don't you go for a walk why don't you go to the grocery store and buy something healthy why don't you buy my freaking cookbook make the change be proactive he made the change he was proactive he watched all those videos he is the reason for success i'm not the reason he is the reason believe in yourself you can freaking do it even though abby doesn't think you can i do i believe in you i think you can do it you can lose weight if you want to [Applause] i mean this is amazing this has to be the best video i've ever seen this is amazing he even has a quote from me saying i believe in you you can do it it's at the end of this video i believe in you you can do it use him as an example i know he knows you can do it too he is living proof that it works make the change hope you enjoyed my video hope you watch his made my day to be able to watch this and talk about it greg ducette.com for coaching greg you said ib bro bloop it up two videos be sure to watch them both get motivated get your ass doing something better make the change today and until next time i'm out out of spit there we go
Channel: Greg Doucette
Views: 260,523
Rating: 4.956193 out of 5
Keywords: Greg Doucette, Coach Greg, Anemity, 135 pound weight loss, Anabolic Cookbook, healthy, weight loss, exercise, powerlifting, strength, fake natty, natty or not, Squat, Deadlift, Leg training, Leg Day, Off season, glutes, harder than last time
Id: Uqmc1jgE_OY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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