New from Coach Greg's Anabolic Kitchen - Protein Pizza!!!

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welcome to another episode of coach Greg's anabolic kitchen and today we are making high-protein pizza okay very anabolic super high in protein with me is my assistant Alison Smith nobody does that my mother Ali dog-lover Smith yeah even though we have cats do know were each gonna make a separate pizza because we don't you know there's no rules you don't have to make the exact same pizza she likes it different than I like it so we're gonna make it different so how do we start what do we do what's the first step so we take our p28 flatbread wraps yeah and we do what let's all stand here and you can go do it and we first toast them for a few minutes how many is three minutes three minutes in the oven at 300 degrees or 375 at 300 okay so I just throw them right in perfect thanks right on the what do you call that thing she calls it a shelf I call it like some onion tray yeah I don't think I ever knew what a name was anyway so it's in there for about three minutes it's gonna it's gonna cook for three minutes yeah so that way it gets a little bit crispy and doesn't get like soggy when you put the sauce and the other toppings on no she usually cooks these way more than me because she is pizza lover extraordinaire Extra Ordinary and do you always do it like that or what what can you do can you do without it you can do without if you want to if you're trying to save a couple of minutes I'm sure you can do it it just might be a little bit more soggy so not as crisp when you pick up it's not gonna like slop over if you crisp it up before yeah I made it with like you're lazy just I'm gonna rush me and you put it in and you and it's a little bit more soft like SOG like you're saying like hold it really well so if you like a crispy pizza pizza pie you just wanted the way making am I in the right accent hear that we survived I'm gonna tally I know to reduce to talk it this away something like yeah okay so while I was cooking let's go over some of the stuff we're gonna do let's do the cheese difference so you hold that my key and my cheese I don't call this cheese it's called protein squares protein squares you know why because there's only protein in it really it's four to five grams of protein and 25 to 30 calories depending if I get the craft or the blue menu or whatever other brand recipe they have and she has and it's low-fat yeah we got the fat free the healthiest the partly skim mozzarella that's the best one we could get in Canada in your in your states they have like fat free stuff like this we don't have that so the macros so it's 80 calories grams of fat it's five grams of fat and nine grams of protein in 80 calories in a 30 gram serving yes you can tell how much I actually don't look at the labels and depend on him to tell me what the label says yes and it's it's it's more tasty than my protein squares okay and don't write then I'm gonna dive cancer because it's processed I don't care I don't care when you're on cancer because another guy skin cancer anyway because of the Sun okay so we're gonna edit out about a minute see no problem mine is going to have 525 calories and hers is gonna have 565 calories so fairly similar protein is going to be 55 grams of anabolic muscle building protein in each one they're about the same so there we go it's nice and toasty it's not like totally cooked you know just a little bit to give it a head start if you okay too much then when you actually cook it with the toppings on it'll get too crispy too fast yeah you don't want it to burn it you cook it too long before you put it in it's gonna burn yeah so here's our pizza sauce our compliments and there's only 40 calories in the quarter of a cup so I'm putting a half a cup cuz I like lots of sauce sauce I'm not gonna use that much sauce so here we go you're seriously gonna put that much sauce that's what your recipe calls don't war at all just like test it oh yeah oh yeah wait I'm putting all of it because I'm all or nothing I don't half-ass anything here am as you know are there are there no room there's no rules so that you have to follow the recipe in my kitchen you have to follow some of the recipe there isn't any rule you don't have to but if you want it to actually work and taste good you have to do it you can't just skip out ingredients that are crucial that's so much sauce it's so much yumminess next what should I put next babe you put the cheese net shouldn't do I have to oh you don't you maybe don't I am because your cheese just melts so my cheese it kind of burns if you cook it right away so this recipe it's not for the like it's not as simple as some of my recipes you have to actually know what you're doing a little bit so I actually add the cheese later while it's being cooked so that it doesn't burn so what I have is ground bison meat because it's lower in fat and calories and I have and 100 calories worth of it and it is quite good and you like it more than me he bought some bison steaks and whatnot we bite some bison and we made hamburgers oh and you were like man I went to the store the very next day got six packages probably six packages and they were on sale which was awesome and lots of steaks and then yeah so I should spread that out so you want it spread out pretty you know evenly so my turkey how much you have to put it off I know but we're just gonna randomly just add topping so I'm putting on peppers I like a lot of these things I have three slices of turkey and what was the calories yours was 75 calories and mine was a hundred and deezer where's the package we don't have the package so I put the package away okay you keep doing that okay just so I can show them we don't care about so shut up this is what it is it's from Costco it's just cancer-causing you're gonna die meet it we don't give a [ __ ] it's yummy its processed and good for you all you guys saying it's not good for you you know what you're doing you're going to go to McDonald's next Saturday anyway so stop saying you can't eat processed meat because you're not perfect I'm not perfect well close to it right I'm just kidding I'm not not really perfect all right got to put a lot of mushrooms cuz I like mushrooms I do mushroom - okay well there's a lot there well I cut a lot they knew you liked them here I got it I gotta speed this up we're going to slow make this quicker tomato's bran then depending on your calorie needs if you want an eight hundred calorie pizza damn baby baby no baby Nikki okay so mine's done it's ready to go in the oven is yours done and ready to go in the oven do you want like season or anything on it do we have seasoning well mrs. - or no no I need to go fast we're making a video she doesn't realize that we're on Ana it's like I'm ready it's like a TV show you can't just go for a walk and be like oh do I want some we're trying to get this done we're talking we can't edit if we're talking it's your first time it's not even your first time on camera okay anyway we're going to put it in of it but we will do it your way 300 degrees okay it's sitting there nice and safe okay she's got the oven mitts on she's keeping it at 300 degrees you can there's no rules and baby Nicky's there but I'm gonna leave them because some people like they don't know I'll just let them eat my cheese so 300 to 375 degrees obviously the higher the temperature the faster it cooks but higher temperatures tend to burn things more so be careful and it's C okay it's about four minutes you've been cooking and I'm just gonna add some my cheese slices do not try this at home I am NOT responsible if you burn yourself on the oven or anything like that there's no rules you cook it as long as you want then it for about five minutes now so we're at about three minutes more and remember it's only at 300 degrees I wanted 375 she wanted 300 so it's very high because it wasn't a battle I wanted to like you pick your battles people I wasn't willing to fight over the temperature of the oven because there's so many other things I'd rather argue who eats these raps daily raps my raps every day do you cook them though okay I'll rephrase that who cooks their p28 in the oven daily which one you cook way more feet exactly so who would you like the expert on the pizza pinky well you've made them for me quite a few times in the past I make the b28 raps yeah with the dip I do i clear yeah have you seen that on my old video if you haven't checked it out check out some of my old videos people think oh what do you eat I eat what I eat what you see in these videos I eat all the time so the p28 the that rap you just saw you literally cut it into little squares and you put it in the oven for like three minutes and then you dip it in guacamole dip and it's awesome and if you don't have guacamole dip you dip it in some kind of salsa and it's awesome and baby Nikki's back with us baby baby would you like a pizza and I know I just want to like rub on the instep yes so you mom she likes a shoe where the baby Nikki a bad guy okay so it's been like 10 minutes it takes to cook 10 minutes it's been 10 minutes the timer was five then we put three 5 plus 3 is 8 and it's been longer than that because we said the times and stuff so she's now taking it out of the oven as you can see she kind of didn't allow you to see that it's now done and check it out so mine is more like yellow cheesy with that and then so there we go food food porn is that what we call it and then this one am i doing it good and so yours is more like a mushroom me pizza so you guys can decide which one you want to taste you guys taste we can't taste it I wanted to have like a taste test but we can't really do it well how can we do this the camera back over there well I uses a cutting board I don't use cutting boards cuz that's extra like cleaning but it was already dirty so I'm not - I could just cleaned it I do it early just watched it see I wouldn't have washed it that's too much work I don't clean things like that no you don't yeah you got one clean things you need way more sauce no I do not that's not well I like my not saucy what is it in other countries they don't have a lot of sauce do they no real real Italian sea food fat let's go yeah real Italian pizza I don't think well correct me if I'm wrong no we just pretend you know and sound confident well believe it well I don't really know but I think most real Italian pizzas don't even use cheese or much cheese well we have to wrap this up soon because that video will not work all right there hmm mm-hmm see how it doesn't it's crispy mmm so I can pick mine up and it doesn't like slop over Eddie shut this off and put it back cause it won't work cuz I have xeno tech skills I have to like shut the camera off and then redo it and then you can like put the videos together because if it's fast 30 minute it doesn't upload it's complicated [ __ ] that I hate all right you try yours huh I do just a small bite I don't like you're so babe hmm I'll try mine again hold on okay so here's my verdict you have to eat it don't take one I don't like spinach or tomatoes and it's so sloppy okay yes mine is less calories my name's way better mine had 40 calories less and had about the same protein and mine just like less fat overall like hers was about 20 grams of fat and mine's like 13 grams of fat or something mine is more thicker and heavier more volumous mine is more filling it's more veggie loaded yours is good the cheese is definitely better on hers and there's way more of it so I think if I had more cheese at me a bit better but then the cow gotta be hard on one more cheese please more filling it's really not much I have more meat mine's more meaty than yours for sure you're it more cheesy so I don't know I would pick mine over yours if I have to you one just because and I'm I would i if yours was just better I would eat yours but I think if I had any yours with my vegetables on it oh that's Nicky shaking the camera so yeah if I had mine with your vegetables on it I think it would probably like it better yeah alright we wrap this up you want to see my line of all kitchen videos your boob up right here one over there and one over here Greg do sitcom for coaching or Greg you set IFBB Pro on Instagram or to follow this little creature they go to what tell them kateri on instagram so much cuteness out of here bye bye
Channel: Greg Doucette
Views: 462,141
Rating: 4.9637609 out of 5
Keywords: Greg Doucette, healthy pizza, Fitness, natty, protein pizza, all natural, contest, bodybuilding, glutes, fitfam, healthy, weight loss, exercise, fasting, powerlifting, strength, fitness, fake natty, post show, healthy food, simple diet, off season, lean bulk
Id: EEHyY3dukic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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