Inkscape SHAPE BUILDER Tool Has ARRIVED in Inkscape 1.3!

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hey everyone welcome back to another video today I'd like to finally introduce you to inkscape 1.3's shape Builder tool [Music] before I get into all that don't forget to check out my website for more inkscape tutorials you can also enroll in my gim 2.10 masterclass on udemy or my WordPress masterclass which is also on udemy and I'll include all the relevant links from this video in the description the moment is finally here we finally have a shape Builder tool for inkscape 1.3 they've been developing this for a while now huge congratulations to the inkscape team but let me just do a quick demo of how this tool works so let's just scroll down here and I'm just going to create a new page here AKA a new artboard so I'm just going to come over here and click new page and now I'm just going to start off by drawing some shapes so I'll grab the ellipse tool and I'm just going to very quickly draw a cloud here and I'm going to hold the control and shift Keys that's going to constrain the proportions to a circle and also scale this from the center release my mouse let's just click left click on the color here in the swatches to set a foreground color and that's going to make this easier to see and if we shift click we can set a background color so I've got one shape here let's just quickly draw a couple of other shapes all circles to start off or ellipses and then hold Ctrl and shift to draw one last Circle there so I'm going to scroll up here in my toolbox make sure I have my select tool and rearrange the shapes to how I want them where I want them all right so to use the shape Builder tool we're just going to select all the shapes we want involved in this so in this case all of these circles or ellipses on the artboard and then we can either hit the X tool on the keyboard or click this third tool down in the tools over here and that's going to bring up this new window so it's going to bring up its own special little shape Builder window and now you'll see my Mouse has a plus icon and as I hover my mouse over different parts of the shape it's going to highlight that segment of the shape so what I can do if you guys are familiar with illustrator it's pretty much the exact same thing just click and drag your mouse and you're going to see it's going to select and combine the different shape segments as you drag over them so this is showing you the brand new shape that's created when you release your mouse you'll see we now have this one larger shape and then these three shape segments left over and of course I'm just going to finish off the shape so I'll click and drag my mouse and let me actually just release my mouse so real quick if I wanted to delete a shape segment instead of add it just hold the shift key you'll now see a little minus sign the highlight color will change to red instead of blue and now when I click on that that shape segment is gone if you weren't happy with the shape you selected you can hit the Escape key to start over and exit out of here otherwise you're going to hit the enter key and that's going to apply the new shape so there you can see our new shape let me hit Ctrl Z to back up and once again I'm just going to select all the shapes hit the X key and now I can very quickly just select all the shapes to combine them hit the enter key now we have a cloud so shift click let's change the color to Black and then just left click on white and of course I can grab the transform handles there hold Ctrl and shift and just scale that down so really intuitive tool I think they did a great job of this I'm sure they're going to refine this as they go but I do think it is a really awesome first pass and real quick I do want to demonstrate one last thing if I grab the rectangle tool and I click and drag and let's say this is a different color so it's going to be this sort of purplish pink color here and now I'm going to with my select tool shift-click and select both shapes The Styling that this takes on the new shape is going to depend on which shape I start with so let me hit the X key if I were to start from this rectangle shape and draw over and let's hit the enter key you're going to see The Styling is going to take on that of the rectangle but if I hit Ctrl Z and with my select tool select both shapes hit the X key and I start with the cloud instead and hit the enter key you'll see now it's going to take on the styling of the cloud The Phrase game changer has been thrown around a lot in recent years but this is the quintessential game changing feature for inkscape but there are also tons of other great features that have come out in inkscape 1.3 and I'll be discussing all those in a separate video thanks for checking out this tutorial if you liked it don't forget to like this video subscribe to my channel and click the Bell icon to be notified each time I have a brand new tutorial you can check out any of the relevant links from this video in the description but thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Davies Media Design
Views: 13,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inkscape, Inkscape SVG, Scalable Vector Graphics, Vector Art, Vector Design, Vector Graphics Software, FOSS, Free Software, Inkscape Shape Builder Tool, Inkscape Shape Tool, Illustrator, Adobe Illustrator, Digital Art
Id: 0T1rktV3ffs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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