THE REAL COST TO BUILD YOUR HOME | Custom Home | Building a house Cost

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Thinking about building a house and want a better idea of how much it will cost you well you've come to the right place by the end of this video you will know a quick and easy way to estimate your home build as well as how to break it down to get a more accurate budget I'm Dan Nagy, founder of Emmett Leo Homes, a luxury home building company and your insider into the world of building and redesigning luxury home quick reminder subscribe by clicking on that red button below and make sure to click on the notification bell right next to it to make sure you get the newest videos as soon as they come out okay first things first but those of you who watch videos for like 30 seconds I'll give you a gift and then you can click on that cat video right next to me you are watching this because you want to know how to easily price out your home build building a house will cost you anywhere from $150 to $500 dollars a square foot depending on its size labor the location and the materials you choose so if you're building a 2,200 square foot two-story with an unfinished basement you already own a lot expect to pay anywhere from $300,000 to a million+ to build it from start to finish. 150 to 500 is a big difference you ask... and you'd be right. But you wanted something quick didn't you? So if you're building a base-model nothing special or fancy a new well-built home you'll be safe to estimate about 150 dollars a square foot three hundred dollars a square foot you're getting into the nicer show homes at the track builders build they'll have like the butler's pantry maybe a shiplap feature nice garage doors here you can get into like the custom cabinetry territory $500 a square foot on the other hand is where you get everything custom high-end finishes high quality and typically things in a house you wouldn't find in your stand at home like secret rooms maybe an elevator or a copious amount of important finishes that you just have to have take into consideration that I typically build and sell my homes for about 500 plus a square foot there are many factors that come into play that often people don't think about or that will get you above that range so there you go there's a quick answer now for those of you who want to dive deeper into costing though stay with me here you may want to take notes you may not want to have anything planned but I will walk you through it and hopefully you'll have a much better idea an in-depth idea after so there are so many different factors affecting home building pricing that is impossible to have a one-size-fits-all that works everywhere instead there are some important factors that you need to consider if you want to dive deeper and get a clear view of estimating your bills so I've broken these down into four factors first one is location second one is size then labor then material so let's look at location a hop market is exactly that things cost more it's more expensive to build it's more expensive to buy and it's more expensive to hire builders if you're in a hot market you have to realize that your labor costs the lot costs and even material costs might increase substantially for an easy example think about the difference in building a home in Orange County California versus Saskatoon Saskatchewan a 3,000 square foot two-story home might go for six on our ground in Saskatoon whereas it might be six million in Orange County size building a smaller home will generally mean it will be cheaper but remember that you will always have a base price to get somebody on site building bigger might mean more complex construction uncommon material and even specialized labor brings us into labor you should know that builders are not all the same any builder can build you a house but not everyone can build you a well-built house if there's labor shortages be prepared to pay a premium to get your project move to the head of the line material they say that 80% of the home is in variable meaning that cost is pretty much the cost the same 2x4 costs the same in an average house as in a luxury house and the same concrete used cost the same there too where the biggest jump comes in the finishing costs that 20% of variable costed finishes can mean the difference between a $900,000 build and a 1.2 million dollar bill do you know what your market is doing in these important factors type yes or no in the comment section below and ask a question if you want to get more specific now let's jump into budgeting and actual build in this example we're gonna go with an average 2200 square foot home in an average neighborhood this is not a luxury build and definitely not in a hot market or upscale neighborhood if you need me to break down the cost of a luxury build let me know in the comments below and I'll do that in another video initial costs for this one we're gonna say about $14,000 builders architects designers engineers plans permits all things you might need in order to start moving forward you can either draw the plans yourself buy them from someone maybe online or have them custom made through a build or designer architect there's a video that I made that I'll actually link down below about how to choose the right people on your team depending on how crazy you get your plans could cost anywhere from 3 grand to maybe twenty five grand for this sample home expect about $8,000 for design drawing and stamping okay then you have your permit which will run you anywhere from four thousand six thousand depending on your location and size of the project site prep and foundation for this we're gonna be about thirty five thousand dollars now we get to the fun part the actual work first we have to prep the site we do this by calling in the surveyors mark exactly where we're going to be placing the house which allows us to know if we need to take any trees or move massive rocks things like that they'll also stake out exactly where the hole needs to be done for the foundation a surveyor can cost anywhere up to five thousand dollars for the entire job maybe even more then you have to dig the hole for the foundation this will cost you around 1500 to 2500 bucks in this example we then need to lay out and pour the foundation in this example we have piles that go in first followed by a nine-foot foundation wall at 2200 square feet this foundation that we estimate around $35,000 including all labor and material make sure that we think about any piles or peers that have to go underneath because that's gonna greatly affect your foundation go always consider where you guys are digging what type of ground how deep you're going and the possibility of massive rocks that will slow your your digging down really all these things create more time and money into your planning remember that the bigger the basement the more expensive it will be don't confuse the square footage of your foundation as much as the cost it it is when you build up so it's not the same cost per square foot okay next we get into framing fifty five thousand dollars so you have a foundation that's awesome now we have to frame a house on top of it typically most of the holes will be entirely framed out of wood this makes up the skeleton to the home that comprises of building walls floors and a roof system this is gonna be a hefty bill as the lumber package is almost entirely what your home is made out so let's think about it we need windows and doors in this home we're gonna say about $32,000 to bring this house to lock up and lock up is where no one or thing can get inside the home you'll have to have your windows and doors and sole usually this includes the shingles to protect the entire structure should it rain so that rain can't get in expect your windows and door package to be around $22,000 this number can vary greatly but a standard package will have enough windows for your house to be white and bright and your doors will actually be decent you can cheap out here don't get me wrong but in the middle of the winter you'll feel it also consider that your shingles are gonna cost around 10 grand to install on this two-story home next we've got mechanical mechanical is electrical plumbing heating and cooling we're gonna say around fifty seven thousand dollars fifty seventy five so for all of these these are preliminary costs and then there are finishing cause we're gonna put them all together okay so an electric an electrician might put a box in the wall to start with and then he'll come back and cover it for your electrical expect to pay around twenty thousand so they're gonna bring power to the house they're gonna run it through with outlets lighting low-voltage anything else you need this will include installing finishing lighting and any other finishing that they're required to do next we got the plumber expect to pay your plumber about 20 grand keep in mind that costs vary greatly in every area so you could definitely go higher or lower depending on what quality you choose especially on your finishing finally there's the heating venting and air conditioning or it's also known as your HVAC this will be around seventeen thousand dollars this ensures that you're cool during the summer and warm during the winter exterior finishes for this home we're gonna say around thirty eight thousand dollars so the exterior finish is very important a watershed in BRE the bull membrane followed by a harder covering that protects your home from Mother Nature now make sure that your house trap is sealed up properly and that all openings that windows and doors and anything else are double check to ensure that your installers are paying close attention because those areas are where all the leakage Calvin exterior finish also includes soffit fascia and eaves troughs to make sure that you water management is taken care of next we've got a hefty one eighty five thousand dollars for interior finishes now interior finishes is broken down into many different line items this will include drywall insulation and poly for that we've said 20 mm paint and wall finishes 15 grand flooring $18,000 now millwork which comprises of your cabinets and storage in the kitchen bathrooms and bedrooms that's twenty seven thousand dollars your countertops three thousand and appliances is around five thousand see told you you're gonna have to write this down just for a wine bed if you it's fine of course this is the extents that can vary the greatest from person to person be careful as you move through each line item movie from seven dollars a square foot to nine dollars a square foot we'll wrap up a quick $4,400 difference want to put a lot of tile in your house do you really want that wolf range quick expenses like these could blow your budget so fast okay then we're gonna put in a provision called general provisions and miscellaneous that's gonna be about twenty five thousand dollars there are quite a few things that don't really fall into labor and material these are normally things you might not think of where the worker is gonna use the bathroom how much is the garbage bin on site gonna cost are you paying for an on-site supervisor one of the cost that usually gets overlooked by the bi wire or the build-it-yourself er is the water and sewer connection and electrical generally the utility companies will choose the easiest location of hookup but it but if you decide that you want it somewhere else you might have to pay a little extra okay so let's total it up so as you can see the total cost to build this 2200 square foot home is three hundred and forty-one thousand and change or one hundred and fifty five dollars a square foot can you build this for cheaper sure can it cost you way more if you make mistakes here and there absolutely but what I hope for you in this video is that it gave you a great understanding of what goes into a home and what to expect to pay for it what did you guys think if you found this video helpful make sure to hit the like button below share it or tag with a friend and leave a comment what was your biggest takeaway do you still have questions let me know and I'll try to answer it as best as possible if you want to see some more luxury projects make sure to check out my website Emmitt Leo homes comm found in the description below where you can get your free copy of my luxury home planning guide
Channel: Emmett Leo Homes
Views: 1,032,079
Rating: 4.7600923 out of 5
Keywords: custom home, build a house, luxury home, luxury home design, things you need to know, interior design, custom home building tips, build a home, custom builder, winnipeg, manitoba, luxury homes, tips, building a house, building a home, matt risinger, robeson design, design build, home building tips, emmett leo homes, new home, dan nagy, home building, Cost to build a house, price per sq ft, real estate, home building cost, real estate investing, home builder, dave ramsey
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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