13 pieces of advice you didn't ask for but need to hear

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Today I’d like to share with you some simple tweeks I’ve made to make everyday life better somehow, whether it’s made it easier, more fun, more hot, as in, being more hot, more productive, organized, badass––basically, more-something-positive-fill-in-the-blank. It’ll be highs, it will be lows, you will have no idea what to expect from this rollercoaster of a list. Stopped smiling and laughing things off just to avoid making the other person uncomfortable. Ouuuffff. If this hasn’t been the story of my life. I’ve always HATED making others uncomfortable. Like I just cannot handle the secondhand embarrassment. Even if the other person actually SHOULD feel uncomfortable or embarrassed because they did something bad, I'd rather just laugh it off and be like “oh no that’s okay that’s fine” just to avoid that situation. But I’ve been working on it and I continue to work on it. I still make missteps but oh boy does it feel good when I successfully don’t reassure someone's rudeness or ignorance or whatever it is. I think I saw this on TikTok where it said “being in an unhealthy relationship is the same feeling as worrying whether or not you left your straightener on.” and isn’t that the god damn truth. Realizing I have a multitasking problem and trying to do something about it. I can’t even comprehend the concept of single-tasking at this point. I’m super scatterbrained, I always try to do a million things at once. As we know multitasking isn’t even real, we're just switching from one task to the other and thinking we’re getting a lot done at once when in reality, at least for me, I just end up being super disorganized and I don’t get a single thing done properly. Yayyyy. My multitasking hell hole is my computer. That’s where all of my work is, that’s where I pay all my bills, shop everything I need, hunt for apartments, handle my email, google random things like what happens if a rabbit gets wet, and yeah, basically my entire life. I quit alcohol. So, I’m not a big drinker. I may have a glass of wine or two at dinner with friends. And while it for sure can be enjoyable, I almost always feel kind of weird the day after. Regardless of how little I drink, I end up not sleeping well and I never wake up the day after feeling fresh. And I very much value and love early mornings and that feeling of newness and freshness. So last year I decided 2023 was going to be an alcohol-free year, and I actually didn’t have a drop until about one week ago where I had one drink. Sure, no big deal, but having that drink made me realize I don’t miss it at all. Now I don’t know what the rest of the year will look like for me, but yeah, I just wanted to share that. 5) Get really good walking and running shoes. So I’ve been a big fan of Hoka shoes for years, but my old pair was kind of wearing out and so I got a new pair recently and was re-reminded of how big of a difference it makes to your walking or running experience to have a pair of shoes that feel like walking on clouds. You can never talk someone into treating you right. I write my thoughts and feelings down daily. Seriously. You need it. It’s like going to the bathroom but for your brain. This is obviously not new to me, I started journaling the second I came out of the womb, but I will not stop talking about it because maybe you’re still on the edge about this whole writing about your feeling stuff but look. You’re complicating it, that’s why. Or you don’t see the point. The point is to check in with yourself. And you don’t need the fancy notebooks. Open up your notes app and write a sentence about what you’re currently feeling. Do that every day. Sometimes you’re the whole package at the wrong address. Splurging on quality things is worth it. So a few years ago, well, quite a long time ago now, I slowly started making the shift. I bought less and less cheap stuff, and more expensive stuff. I started learning about production processes. I started learning about materials. I almost completely stopped shopping for fast fashion. I’d say 90% of my wardrobe today is clothes made out of natural materials. So what are the benefits? Look, more expensive, when it comes to clothes, oftentimes DOES mean better. Better quality, better working conditions for those who made your clothes, better sourcing, better materials, more long lasting etc. Less news intake. It’s not normal to be bombarded with horrific events. It’s unhealthy. Seriously. Yes we should stay informed, but we don’t need to be aware of every single crime that’s been committed every single day. I had a period of time where I was watching so much news that I just felt awful. I lost hope in humanity. I grew resentful. I started hating all humans. Like, it got bad. And it didn’t do me or anyone else any good. Always speak the truth. Now, I don’t mean the tiniest white lies like if you’re invited to dinner and they ask you if it tastes good and you say “so good” when in reality you think it lacked some salt and the potatoes were dry. There’s a line between truth and rudeness. I actually used to be someone who was a bit too honest, and I’ve had to teach myself about that fine line. Look, I don’t need to explain this to you, you know exactly what I mean. We’re all smart people here. Now, if there’s one thing I cannot stand, it's lies. I can’t stand it when I catch myself lying to myself, as in, lying about my own feelings or lying about how something I did affected someone or whatever. I also have no tolerance for being lied to. Liars are not the types of people I want to associate with. I think they’re low-quality people. Now, why should you live truthfully? Because truth means peace. It makes you live without a lump in your stomach. It makes you live without regret. It makes you life without guilt. Seriously I cannot imagine a life where I have to carry lies around. I imagine it’s like carrying a set of heavy dumbbells around wherever you go, and I can’t fathom why anyone would choose that. I put everything in my calendar. If it’s not in my calendar, I will 100% forget about it. Literally even meeting up with friends or going to dinner, it has to be in the calendar or I’m not showing up. Things might turn out differently, but better, than you could’ve ever imagined. Obviously life doesn’t always turn out the way we had imagined or initially wanted. And it’s easy to beat ourselves up over that. Literally. So I had a situation a few months ago where something I had really hoped for… ended up not happening. It sucked and I was sad. But today, right now, I’m so so grateful and happy that thing didn’t happen. Because something better has come along. Have patience. Have faith. Trust the plan of the universe. You’ll be fine. In fact, you’ll be better than fine. You just have to stick around to find out.
Channel: Lana Blakely
Views: 162,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new years plans, new years resolution, how to plan your life, how to structure your life, plan life, plan for success, self care, self love, self nurturing, how to take care of yourself, get out of a rut, self care practices, organize life, how to organize your life, personal growth, personal improvement, 2022 academic year, productivity app, fresh start, new start in life, i want a fresh start, introvert, plan your life, organize your life, sigmaos, SigmaOSpartner, browser
Id: NaFoxCWj2v0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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