13 HARDEST PS1 Games of All Time

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we've already done it for the ps2 so now we got to go back even further here are 13 choices for the hardest ps1 games of all time we'll start with pretty difficult and then get to the really hard stuff but again these are our personal choices you might disagree or have your own list so let us know in the comments but anyway let's get started off with number 13 and talk about tenchu stealth assassins a lot of people remember the original tenchu of being a hard ps1 game but it's really one of the easier ones on this list that's not to say it isn't extremely challenging though especially on the higher difficulties really the magic of the difficulty of tenchu was a couple things number one like a lot of the games on these lists part of it was just struggling with the ps1 era controls but the second thing is that once the game leaves the starting stuff it doesn't hold your hand at all it's a lot of trial and error that's a common theme on this list but sometimes that and lack of hand-holding is really what makes challenging games really really special next at number 12 let's talk about blast Oh blast Oh was a surprisingly hard action third-person platformer don't let the Space Ghost superhero phil heartman voice acting aesthetic fool you the game ramps up the challenge pretty quickly it did the thing a lot of platformers did at the time it required pinpoint jumping accuracy on finicky small fast-moving platforms plus most of the levels were just weird floating hallways in space that had no walls whatsoever so you really could just fall to your death at any given time also you were constantly fighting off while jumping a bunch of other different aliens and robots rapid-fire shooting you and whittling down your health it can all end really really quickly and back in the day it took a lot of work for someone to reach the finish line it wasn't impossible but it had some rough spots next to number 11 let's talk about the original crash bandicoot for a second here's the thing we really wanted to include this one crash is absolutely not the hardest ps1 game but we think the original one deserves some props for being absolutely the most challenging of the crash games especially thanks to a few insanely tricky levels I mean I mean the game had some stuff that was so oppressive that they had to cut it from the game that should at least tell you Naughty Dog's mindset for the time while designing this game for a lot of younger play at the time it was their first introduction to intense trial-and-error platforming with a character that can unforgivingly die in one hit so props to them for that but next at number 10 fear effect is another crazy one it might be because of the controls though honestly in the modern age it felt a lot like classic Resident Evil which it definitely took cues from but it had extra spy elements and craptastic stealth Ronin to really really make things trial and error like intense trial and error five minutes in you'll likely find yourself dying and dying until you get into the groove again we're still early in the list this isn't the hardest of the hard but yeah you're gonna need to choose your way through a lot of this one this is another one where it's really just time and age that has affected how difficult it was we were all just dumb kids playing this game but still we talked about it and we're including it but next at number 9 we have Riven no I'm not talking about League of Legends I'm talking about the sequel to mist the legendary PC puzzle game Riven is hard to explain why it's so difficult but what I can say about it is that it's extremely challenging but also completely fair you're not like oh come on that's [ __ ] this is a PC puzzle adventure game through and through and an experience like this is really unique for someone who may have been strictly console at the time so you really need to think outside the box every single element in this game from the visuals to the locations to items sounds are all like a giant interconnected puzzle and it's up to you to decode it like a giant Rubik's Cube it's hard but in a different way it'll test your brain and it's awesome especially for the time period because it was likely you didn't have a guide or a website to help you at all it's just a unique and damn good and challenging experience but over at number eight look I want to bring up the original driver game for some reason actually sorry the game is technically called driver you are the wheelman some people will argue that specific points in driver 2 are much more difficult and I get that but I want to point out the insane difficulty spikes the original game had most notably the freaking opening tutorial mission that was really really damn difficult I had two friends that never got through it and dropped the game completely you had to prove your skills at a parking lot by pulling off driving maneuvers sometimes even when you pulled it off the game doesn't quite register it and count it and the time limit is extremely short and unforgiving it's hilarious that the starting mission was this damn hard it doesn't sound like a big deal but if you played it you know you know what we're talking about also if you got through you had an enjoyable normal challenging game but by the time the last mission came around it was another huge spike in challenge with cars flying everywhere it was near impossible unless you were on an easier mode but I digress I'm getting heated let's move on next at number 7 we have ninja shadow of darkness this game was brutal it's another one on this list that is partially just challenging thanks to the technical limitations of the time and the controls the biggest most annoying thing in the game was lining up your attacks you're on a 3d plane but the camera is angled and the movement being so specific that you had to make sure you were standing at the right perfect angle for attacks especially projectiles to really land the game would constantly culminate in like a massive gauntlet it would just throw waves and waves and waves of enemies at you almost until your hands were exhausted it was like a beat him up turned up to 11 plus not only I got a pointed out stages were littered with like these traps that could kill you that were there to just totally make your life a living hell because you could barely even see them it was rough a lot of people including myself have fond memories of the game but hikes Nix it number six we have heart of darkness this game was a surprise that's for sure I've always wanted to talk about this game on a list but I never really had the opportunity this big-budget animated game took like six years to develop and when it did finally release it caught people by surprise because it looked like a kiddie game but it had brutal difficulty because of the way the game was animated and all of the pre-rendered stuff your jumps had to be specific down to the frame he needed to have pinpoint accuracy and the game was filled with all kinds of like [ __ ] one hit kills many of those which had horrific death animations that happened to the main character who was a child which you would not see coming it was really a weird weird mess of a game that I have fond memories of but I remember getting stuck for like weeks on end now down to number 5 the first Rayman was one of the first games out on the original PlayStation so you might expect the type of challenge you get traditional old-school platformers and you definitely get that for sure but even games of that era - the original rayman is still incredibly unforgiving rayman really loved requiring a level of precision in your platforming jumps and attack timing that it just isn't seen in a lot of games today and the amount of bottomless gaps and spike pits you'll fall into over and over and over again is staggering dude and that's just the environmental hazards and traversal mechanics the enemies in the game are a whole other bag of worms entirely in Rayman there aren't just dudes out there for you to fight no that will be way too easy instead they just pop into the environment like they're like Nightcrawler or something and they can very easily just boom catch you off guard and kill you which is way less than ideal that said gotta say man the game is still well-designed legendary and fun enough that you're gonna want to keep going and keep at it despite how often the game just freaking outright punches you in the face it's almost [ __ ] hard at times if there's a reason why Raymond is still like a legendary platformer next at number 4 from software games have had a huge reputation obviously for being super difficult super unforgiving and not holding your hand or even putting you in the right direction that's definitely the case in 2019 and it was also the case back in 1994 when from soft-launched Kings Field on the PlayStation so King's field was a first-person dungeon crawler but aside from that perspective not a lot is different from modern from soft games the game drops you right into a world populated with tons of incredibly difficult enemies that you are in no way ready to take on with some of them being able to just one shot you right into oblivion total [ __ ] but that said it's a pretty solid little dungeon crawler once you're used to it combat is super rudimentary and definitely does not help make the game any easier but due to the simplicity and difficulty taking out an enemy feels like a real big accomplishment and even if you're just gonna get surprised from behind by a squid monster or something mere seconds later and then die again but next at number three let's talk about tomb raider 3 tomb raider 3 hates you you may not remember it but it definitely does within the first 20 minutes of playing in that first starting area you'll get your ass handed to you by all sorts of environmental hazards as you try to figure out just where the game wants you to go he'll looking into it this seems to be a really super common experience with a lot of people giving up before moving past the first level sighting things like constant surprise boulders spiked walls and ceilings quicksand spike pits fire and all sorts of other perils that just come out of nowhere straight-up murdering you and then having to start all the way over at the beginning Tomb Raider of three takes the initial pitch of Lara Croft going into dangerous tombs and really really takes it to the extreme now from Tomb Raider one two three the difficulty clearly escalates raiding ancient spooky tools should be dangerous and hard as hell and Tomb Raider 3 definitely definitely delivers on that front but next at number two Darius Gaiden is an example of that classic style of difficulty synonymous with arcades where games would just beat your ass into the ground as a way to make you spend more money and goddamn is Daria skating specifically are really a rough time this is a 2d shoot-'em-up which is by its nature one of the games generally revealed for how challenging they are to begin with and this one is especially difficult even for the genre being a shoot-'em-up here just a ship in a side-scrolling environment taking on tons of alien fish ship things and avoiding obstacles and man they throw a ton of stuff at you it's insane even for this type of game the upgrades and weapon pickups are plentiful which is good I'll say that but it's that way because it knows you're gonna be dying left and right if it's not a giant yellow fish ship firing these massive energy blasts at you it'll be one of the many many smaller swarms a barrage of tank fire or just general obstacles that get you it's a game that will kick your ass repeatedly and not feel bad about it but that's part of the charm it's super fun even when you're being ground into the dust but at number one totally want to talk about this one another one we've never been able to talk about before alundra alundra is known for being an incredibly dense and deeply challenging RPG that was a big hit in Japan some folks on message boards out there have deemed it one of the hardest RPGs ever you play as a London this dude who learns he has a power to enter people's dreams he's shipwrecked on an island with villagers facing deadly recurring nightmares and you set out to save them it's got top-down action but some of the puzzles really were absolutely brutally difficult dungeons were extremely unforgiving in terms of respawn locations or continues and health items were always really scarce as you were getting your asses kicked by enemies they really rough and brutal alongside the fact that like random fireballs and traps and things in the locations could kill you as well but again it was the challenge of the puzzles really back one that released it was really really hard to find anyone that even finished the game despite it actually selling well like I said especially in Japan and being a decent hit that it eventually got a sequel we put it at number one really just because yeah it's crazy hard but it's also just a damn good game - like we said these are game X's choices these are our personal choices for the hardest ps1 games I'm sure there's gonna be plenty of you out there saying those games are all easy if that is the case we want your list we want to know what games you found the most challenging back in the day if you were a 90's kid I'm sure you got plenty let's talk about this stuff down in the comments if you guys enjoyed this video and maybe learned about a new game clicking the like button is the best way you can help us out we would really appreciate that but if you're new consider subscribing because we put out videos every single day but as always thanks for watching and we'll see you guys next time
Channel: gameranx
Views: 888,350
Rating: 4.8513145 out of 5
Keywords: ps1 games, hardest ps1 games, hardest playstation games, hardest psone games, ps1, psone, hard games, hardest games, top 10 ps1, best ps1, hardest playstation, gameranx, gaming
Id: j8wrAgg-i2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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