12V 60A DC from 220V AC for High Current DC Motor 1000W - Amazing idea
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Channel: Mr Electron
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Keywords: high current motor, high current dc motor, ac 1000w, dc 1000w, 12v dc to ac 220v, high current ac dc, 220v dc motor, ac motor 220v, ac motor 12v, 1000w motors, 12v from 220v, motor 1000w, 1000w dc motor, 12v 220v, 220v, 12v dc from 220v ac, 12v dc motor, ac to dc motor, 220v ac, 220v ac to 12v dc, how to run dc motor with ac current, dc motors amazing, 12v, dc motors, how to make 12v generator at home, dcmotor, motor 12v, 12v dc motor generator, high current
Id: J6c_3qf5sAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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