Alternator DEMO Wiring, connection to Battery, Capacitors, Inverter, Modification

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hey guys well I have a alternator here this is a CS alternator is a Delco so it's GM and it's hooked up to the test rig here so it's hooked up to an induction motor there's a three quarter horse motor so I have the motor generator set up here and I just want to show you some of the wiring here and how to hook this up so this one here is a CS alternator it has a built in regulator so the wiring on this alternator is pretty basic we have three wires now the first wire here on the plug goes directly to the main positive output of the alternator the second wire here also goes to positive but it's switched and the third wire goes to a light bulb so basically you connect one end of the light to this wire and the other end to pause so you can see here that these two now are switched between the the main positive or the battery positive to these two wires so we can switch it on switched off you can see here there's on/off so now to hook this thing to the battery is really simple you have your chassis ground here so that's your negative so we have that this wire here is gonna go over to the battery and then we have a positive here coming off of the main batt terminal so it's really easy how this is wired and we'll come over to this battery here this is an old battery this positive here is connected to the positive the battery and then the negative on the chassis of the alternator is connected to the negative on the battery switch the switch on you'll see the indicator light coming on so once I start this thing then the indicator light should come off so you don't have to start it with this on because you can start at first and then turn this on so it doesn't really matter I got to give it a little bit of a spin because they start up in this motor it's not very good [Music] okay so there we go it's running now the alternator is not on but to turn the alternator on all I do is just click on the switch so now you can hear the difference between when it was off and on so we'll check the voltage in the battery now see 14.5 volts almost like it's working just like it would be in the car you can do now is if you want to use this like an inverter generator all you have to do is attach an inverter to your battery now this battery here is really small this isn't the battery you want to be using for this but as a demonstration I'll show you connect this up now you shouldn't spark around batteries but I'm just doing this example this battery bends over here actually but you shouldn't do that anyway connect it up and you can see here now lights on and what I can do is then plug in something I'm gonna turn on the lamp now it's hooked up to the inverter and you can see now that you can power the light and that's only about a 23 watt bulb so that isn't very much so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put in up at 100 watt incandescent bulb and I'll turn it on and there you go so you can hear the load now on the alternator I'll turn on the bulb and you can see now the voltage draw back to drill up to the embroidery this so it's a weak battery so you can see the voltage draw quite a bit and now this thing's struggling to actually get back up to speed again so basically now we have ourselves a simple inverter generator we're using the generator connected up to the battery bank and then we have the inverter connected up to the battery so if you have a stronger a larger battery this would work a lot better now so you can see the light coming on and you can switch that off now okay so I want to also show you how you can hook an alternator up to capacitors and make it work now this one here has the built in regulator so I'm going to show you with the same way I hooked up to the battery so I've hooked up the alternator to a capacitor bank here now these are old capacitors nowadays they be replaced with super caps and super caps would basically you could probably get enough super caps to to make this alternator work and it would only be about this size these are outdated this is all I have to work with here if you could get super caps then this would work a lot better the alternator is not on right now and you can see that there's only about 400 millivolts in the capacitor so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna switch on the alternator and you can see that it hasn't started yet so the only way you can really get this thing going is you need to put a little bit of a charge into the caster's while it's working so what I do is I have a little battery pack here at 7.2 volts and all I have to do is just connect the negative and the positive for just a split second and this should turn on so this up we'll watch the and that's all it took so now the alternator is working with the pastor's so I'm going to hook up this spotlight to the cast event and so there we go we have our light powered up over there and there's our voltage drop connect the positive on the inverter here the now the inverter is on see over here turn the light on here so that's a 100 watt bulb and then I'm going to connect up the spotlight at 200 watt bulbs running now so we have 200 watts and I'm gonna connect up that spotlight again power the drill off the capacitors as well start gonna switch off the alternator and let's see what happens that's it and switch it back on and see and there we go it'll come back on and off as long as the capacitors aren't discharged then you can turn this thing on and off so disconnected the plug off the alternator and I just want to show you a small modification that I've done I'm taking the old inner part and what I've done is I've just separated the regulator from the field connection so basically the positive that would have went inside of this alternator to the positive brush is disconnected and I've ran a wire out and also I ran a wire out from the regulator so when you saw the alternator working before these two wires were connected together so that meant that it was working normally as it would in the car so this would be our field contact basically without a built-in regulator so now this whole stator can work with the regulator or without so if just connected to this wire here to the pause you'd have a battery pack and a little push button make sure you connect the right wires so spike the cap those 25 points so what I'm gonna do is I hooked up the receptacle again alternator power drill okay so I'll hook up a variable resistor now what I'm going to do is I'll crank up the resistor to the maximum I'll get the thing running I'll try dialing down a little more control of director 25 volts by putting the resistor in there it actually helps so now I'm hooked on these blower fan resistors here and basic I'm starting from this coil and going all the way around so I'm using all the coils going to do a spike could have here and get me let's see so check the elephant holders turn on drill here with these resistors here it won't overload the old man because things getting pretty hot and see how hot Harold who saw the team button so we get a constant 25 volts at this rpm here so he increased the rpm I did get about 70 volts so and 70 volts will power skillsawz grills anything like that anything with a universal so that was just another demonstration on the alternator setup here and thank you for watching
Channel: kurtscottage
Views: 2,245,049
Rating: 4.6417098 out of 5
Keywords: alternator, how-to, Do It Yourself (Website Category), Energy, Demo, Power, Kurtscottage, electric motor, Capacitor, electricity, generator
Id: bzHYtA5LbAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2013
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