Technical Debt - HTTP203

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That introduction was too painful to sit through

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/emaciel10 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2018 🗫︎ replies
SPEAKER 1: One of the things I've been thinking about is we haven't discussed what we're going to call this series. SPEAKER 2: I would just say HTTP203. SPEAKER 1: But it's different because we've got people. EVA: Yeah. People-- like real people, not like humanoids. [MUSIC PLAYING] SPEAKER 2: Welcome. Who are you and why? EVA: Oh. Can I start with the "why" question? [LAUGHS] SPEAKER 1: Yeah. Go on then. Go on then. EVA: No. So I'm Eva, and I work at developer relations for Chrome. And I'm here at I/O to enjoy the beautiful weather and other participants and also to give talks and interact with people-- a lot interact with people. SPEAKER 2: I know. It's a lot of interaction, isn't it? EVA: Yeah, yeah. By the end of the day, my introvert self tries to hide inside. But actually, it's very worthy as well. It's critical. SPEAKER 2: It's like I really enjoy it. But I also need to recuperate a lot afterwards usually. SPEAKER 1: It's a weird part of this job, isn't it, that we take people who are traditionally introverted-- I think we'd all include ourselves in that-- and we go, what are we going to do for a living? Oh, we'll go on stage. SPEAKER 2: Talk to people all the time. SPEAKER 1: Yeah. And it's just all of the energy just sapped away at once, and then we have to go and lie in a coffin. SPEAKER 2: Fetal position, yeah. SPEAKER 1: Fetal position in a coffin. SPEAKER 2: [LAUGHS] EVA: Like you see, it's a bit difficult-- totally different if you talk to a group of extroverts and you hang out with extroverts. With introverts, it's different. Like, we just say hi, hi, and everybody goes their own way. And everybody is OK with that. SPEAKER 2: Yeah. That's the thing, like you said in the circle, all looking at you. EVA: But people understand, you know? SPEAKER 1: So one of the things that I encounter at these kind of events-- because I walk past people I sort of vaguely know or have met before-- and we'll walk past each other and go, hey, Mike, and hey, Jake. And now we're locked in. And it's that sort of thing. It's like, do you want to go for a picnic? [LAUGHTER] What's the next step? SPEAKER 2: I thought it was the thing where you pretend you haven't seen the other person-- you just keep walking. You just look at your feet, and you're like-- SPEAKER 1: Oh. So you're trying to avoid people. That works too. SPEAKER 2: I have been guilty of that. Some days when I'm too low energy, and I'm like, oh, that's a person. SPEAKER 1: No. I'm happy with the meeting and the talking. But it's when to break it off, and what's the rule there? Like you would say-- EVA: Oh, just say, oh, I have a thing. SPEAKER 2: Oh, a thing. SPEAKER 1: That's really good. EVA: The magical thing, yeah. SPEAKER 1: I've got a thing. SPEAKER 2: With a thing. EVA: And I'm so glad that Googlers go ahead of our needs. Have you seen the demo with the phone call, where the AI is doing a phone call for you? SPEAKER 2: In the future, we can just send that to the conference. SPEAKER 1: [LAUGHS] EVA: One thing is that all this technology behind it is so amazing and everything. But what amazes me the most is that [GASPS] there must be so many introverts in the world if they made a technology for people like me. I finally feel included, you know? SPEAKER 2: So what have you been doing? What, why-- what have you've been talking about? SPEAKER 1: What, what, why? SPEAKER 2: What, why-- well, we already had one why question. SPEAKER 1: What, what, why? EVA: Well, it started that we built an app with Adi, and it was crap. [LAUGHTER] SPEAKER 1: But that was Adi's fault. That was Adi's fault, right? EVA: No. It was an amazing app. You could go and check Google doodles, and you could play them, and it was all super interactive and nice. But it was just not performant. And when you do stuff with Adi and folks, it needs to be performant. So they made us fix it, and we learned quite a bit out of that. So we've been sharing that throughout the talk. It's actually much easier to run into performance troubles than we originally thought. So yeah. SPEAKER 2: [LAUGHS] Oh, that's a different one. EVA: Ta-da. SPEAKER 2: Well, we definitely mention your talk in the description. EVA: It's pretty easy to make a-- SPEAKER 1: What kind of performance problems were you hitting then? EVA: Well, a lot of stuff comes from the fact that when you develop things, it lasts over some period of time. And after some time, you don't remember what you did before, and so on. So things accumulate, right? And then you just forget. And we've been working with some tools that help you remind-- SPEAKER 2: There's your mistake. EVA: --what might go wrong. Yeah, if there were no tools, everybody was happy. Nobody had any scores, right? But now, there are tools that can reminds you of-- for example, I don't know, the library you forgot to kick out because you're not using it anymore-- about the images that are twice as big because you said, OK, I'll optimize them later, and this later just never happened. So it's all about process. It's less about the code, and the samples, and the techniques you use in the code. It's more about the process, like how to fit your performance habits into your overall-- SPEAKER 2: So how big of a role does Lighthouse play in that? Is that something where you think triaging if Lighthouse reminds you of everything that it needs to remind you of. EVA: There are new audits running each quarter in lighthouse, and it's getting better and better job of giving you just an overview of what you could be improving. And that's pretty neat, because usually you don't want to improve everything. You just need to pick and choose. So if you have a whole list, you can go and say, OK, apparently, this one, this one, and this one is cheap. So I'll do it now. And this one and this one are important. So I do it now. And these are expensive and not so important. So I just ignore them. So it's getting better. And it's really a good guidance. It can lead you through that process. SPEAKER 1: So what were the issues that you punted until later on? What was the stuff that was going to be really complex to solve versus the stuff that was really easy? EVA: Well generally, you want to add a feature, like you want to have some images on the page, and you want to land it as soon as possible. So you add the feature, and you forget to optimize it at the same time. So it's like the stuff-- if you don't do it, great at the beginning, straight away. You say, OK, I'll do it first initial version, agile style, and then I'll come back later and make it better. This later might never happen because, for example, you're preparing for a Goggle I/O or something like that. SPEAKER 1: Oh, yes. So is there a difference between working towards performance stuff versus working on features because you've been doing sort of both, right? EVA: Yeah, that's the thing. So we decided to write this app without taking performance much into consideration and see how it is to retroactively go back and fix those things. That was the kind of exercise. SPEAKER 2: It's probably very realistic, because I think most teams work and, like, let's get the functionality first and optimize later. SPEAKER 1: Oh, but then it puts you in danger of not doing that last step. SPEAKER 2: I know but-- SPEAKER 1: It's like, oh, we'll do accessibility at the end, and then people go, oh, the project's over-running. Let's cut it there. SPEAKER 2: But also that's people throwing around the whole thing-- you know, premature optimization is the root of all evil. So you have people actually trying to follow all this conflicting advice. EVA: I mean, of course it's really good to start with designing for performance first. And it really leads to great results. But I mean, sometimes it does not happen. If you have a lot of [INAUDIBLE] in your project-- you have your boss, you have your marketing team, you have other folks, and you need to juggle that. And sometimes you are realistically in this state where you have an app, and you want to make it more performant, and you need to do retroactive work. So we just wanted to explore that a little bit and see if Lighthouse is a really good tool that can lead you to some gains there. And apparently it is. SPEAKER 2: So when you were developing this app, did you basically give feedback to the Lighthouse team and saying, "this did not get caught by Lighthouse, fix it," kind of thing? EVA: Yeah. So there were some areas where we were appointing stuff like this. And fortunately, most of the time the answer was wait a quarter or two. It's in progress. We're getting there. We know it will be there soon. So it's a very dynamically developed tool. SPEAKER 1: So you've been in the Sandbox as well. EVA: Oh yeah. SPEAKER 1: The area of I/O where we've got all of the apps. EVA: They have speakers there. SPEAKER 2: Why is it called a Sandbox, because it's not like-- when I think of "sandbox," either it's an actual box of sand. Or it's like a metaphor for where you go to build things. But that's also not happening. EVA: No, no. It's about faces. Have you seen kids going into the sandbox and the face they make at that point, like pure joy. SPEAKER 2: Oh. SPEAKER 1: Well, in England we call it a sandpit, which sounds like-- it sounds like where you might die. It's a different between-- EVA: It's like arena? SPEAKER 1: --put your kid in the sandpit [HISSING] kid's gone. Never mind. [LAUGHTER] SPEAKER 2: Well, it's not quicksand. SPEAKER 1: No. Well, do you know? SPEAKER 2: A quicksand pit. SPEAKER 1: Yeah. Well, I had a sandpit growing up. But we also had cats. So the sandpit was not a fun place to be. EVA: Ooh. SPEAKER 1: So when people are saying the sandbox, that's all I'm thinking of is oh, it's going to be full of-- EVA: It depends on your definition of fun, I guess. [LAUGHTER] SPEAKER 1: In the north of England, we'll take any fun we get. Like, oh, modeling clay-- no. [LAUGHTER] So who have you been meeting there? What kind of things have you been doing? EVA: I've met quite a few of Google developer experts. And it's pretty cool, because they have so much passion, and they usually specialize in some narrow area. I can't know about every single nook of web. So it's always very enlightening to see all this passion. SPEAKER 1: But knowing all about all of the web, that's something I remember having to let go of. We're talking 15 years ago, I kind of felt like I knew a reasonable amount of the web. This was kind of in the IE6 days, when the web had essentially stalled. But then new things we're being added. So then we started to get IndexedDB, WebGL and that sort of thing. And I panicked at first thinking, how am I going to learn all of this? EVA: I feel young now. SPEAKER 1: Right. But you don't have to learn all of this, right? EVA: Yeah. That's why a lot of people are choosing their specialization path these days, I think. Web performance is one possibility. Other people focus more on the back end side of things. I mean, the web is broad, and there's space for all types of specialists, I guess. SPEAKER 2: I mean, that's where I see part of our job most, to try and figure out which APIs are relevant to everyone. Stuff like, for example, CSS Grid is probably useful to everyone, and everybody should take a look at that. SPEAKER 1: It is so useful, and I feel I only know 1% of it. And it's so powerful. SPEAKER 2: That's probably enough for most of the time. And then there is the niches-- do you really need to know WebGL or WebUSB. You don't if you don't have a use case. SPEAKER 1: Good, because I don't know either of those two things. Thank you for validating my skills. [LAUGHS] SPEAKER 2: And that's something where we have been trying to also get better at-- and with projects like these, because in these projects you figure out Grit was useful here, and I can see it being useful in more use cases. Or you find out I had to resort to feature x, even though I don't think it should be the case. Can we do something to make it easier for developers? EVA: I think what is cool about the web is there is a lot of community around different areas. And it's not a matter of being a specialist in every single area, so that you can have a cool project. It's when you have a project, and you have a particular problem to solve on that project, you can go out and find information that is relevant to you on a given particular moment in time. So as long as this information is findable, you'll be fine. You just need to know how to look for it. SPEAKER 2: I mean, it's good, though, that we're keeping an eye out-- to have people like you actually field test this stuff so that it doesn't-- it gets sooner than later. English is hard today. SPEAKER 1: Yeah. EVA: Yeah, told you. SPEAKER 1: It's getting late. EVA: It is-- these type of things, yeah.
Channel: Google Chrome Developers
Views: 8,337
Rating: 4.6363635 out of 5
Keywords: Web performance, technical debt, lighthouse, Chrome Browser, chrome google, JavaScript, HTTP203, Jake Archibald, Surma, Ewa Gasperowicz, google chrome engineer, chrome dev, chrome developers, google chrome developers, chrome developer tools, web developer tools, chrome web, web developer, web development, software engineers, web developer chrome, webkit, GDS: Yes;
Id: i7darFvRDVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
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