12 Useful & Interesting ESP32 Projects for Beginners!

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hi everyone welcome back in this video we will be discussing some amazing projects using esp32 for beginners so let's get started number 12. this project controls the speed of a fan using a ttgo display and a rotary encoder the fan can be turned on or off by pressing the rotary encoder while turning the encoder in either direction controls the fan speed the RPM gauge on the display gives you precise speed control by rotating the shaft of the encoder pulses are produced which are counted by the microcontroller an optical Mouse can also be used instead of a rotary encoder which is an effective way to alter the speed number 11. the project will teach you to build a volt meter using an external ADC and an esp32 though most microcontrollers have an inbuilt analog to digital converter they are not that precise this module is a 16-bit ADC that communicates with the esp32 using the i2c protocol in the code the voltage reference is set to 4.096 volts this setup does not use a voltage divider circuit hence measuring voltages greater than the reference voltage may damage the ADC or esp32 but using this you can get a precise voltage of batteries or other solar kits number 10. keeping a track of the crypto price becomes necessary when you regularly invest in it well this project can make that easy for you this crypto ticker can display the price of any cryptocurrency as long as there is an API available for it in one of the exchanges it also displays the percentage change from the previous day's closing price the LED underneath the display also lights up indicating whether the price has decreased or increased the crypto price is updated every 15 minutes this saves power as esp32 switches to the deep sleep mode during the remaining time number nine you might have watched a movie in Halls with big screens but what's the smallest screen size on which you've watched it in this project Darwin used an 0.96 inch OLED display to watch his favorite movie he took all the frames from the movie clips and converted them to the size of the OLED display the file is stored in an SD card the esp32 reads this file and sends the corresponding frames to the OLED screen let's look at the promo with lights out and sounds on foreign if you want to design better pcbs or need features like remote working Advanced 3D viewing capabilities and mcad then you should definitely check out the free trial version of Altium designer and do you know that it just got better with an all-new Altium 365 you can share your PCB designs with a single click anyone with internet access could View and comment on your project from a browser with no additional license required so what are you waiting for give it a try and see for yourself the link is in the description number eight you might have made music using various devices but have you ever tried it using the motors yes you can do this with the Nema 17 steppers Motors as shown in this setup this is achieved by stepping a motor forward and backward at a particular frequency and by changing the step angle of the motor the notes of a song can be matched in this way you can easily play a song using the stepper Motors the LED sets show the status of the motor which is present at the left of the esp32 module number seven do you want to keep a track of the followers change from your various social media handles then you can start that with this simple project it fetches the data from the social media account and gathers it on the web application when you gain or lose followers a green or red LED lights up along with a buzzer sound foreign the track of the followers can be viewed on an LCD screen well this is just a prototype you can modify this to view it on a big display the notification message can be closed by pressing a push button provided on the setup number six our next project is a bi-directional vision counter that requires two ultrasonic sensor modules using this you can track the number of people entering or leaving a room the OLED displays present on the perf board display this data along with a number of people present at the moment this data is sent to the cloud which can be tracked from any smart device if a person is present inside the room the lighting controls can be automatically turned on if the room is empty all the lighting controls get turned off automatically this is a smart way to save energy right number five to send data between two points wirelessly you can either use a Wi-Fi module or a Bluetooth module but what are the distances greater and you have no internet connection in that case you can use a Lora module this setup shows how you can make a simple messaging platform using two ESP boards and Laura modules by pressing a button on the first board a message is received by the second board which can be viewed on the serial monitor the onboard LED on the modules flashes for two seconds indicating that a message has been received number four using this project you will learn how to send a captured image using the esp32 cam module to Google Drive it uses Google Drive API to upload images to Google Drive so you will require a specific client ID and password to access the folder to the cloud after uploading the code and installing the necessary python libraries you need to create a new project on the Google developer console enable the Google Drive API fill in the necessary details and create a client ID after that you need to copy the Google drive folder link and paste it into the python code and that's it now only those who have the login credentials can view the captured image and videos by esp32cam number three if you're starting with home automation then you can start learning with this project this project will teach you to control the status of an LED using an AWS Management console for this you need to connect an LED to the gpio 23 of the esp32 module with a 560 Ohm resistor and you can control the LED status from any part of the world first you need to create a thing and a policy on the AWS Management console when LED controlled is set to 1 on the console the LED glows and a message is sent to the serial monitor while setting the control to zero the LED stops glowing along with a message on the serial monitor number two this project is an advanced version of the previous one it uses a four Channel relay module to control various home appliances in your home using this circuit diagram you can power the module using a DC adapter [Music] the voltage regulator converts it to 5 volts the four pins of the esp32 are used as the output Now to control the status of any lamp select the corresponding topic and change its status inserting one will turn the lamp on while zero will turn the lamp off along with a message on the serial monitor number one today various devices are available in the market that monitor your health status and record the data over time but you can also build a small yet smart Health monitoring setup that measures your heart rate and oxygen saturation values after taking the reading it updates the data on the web server for that it uses an oximeter sensor and an esp32 module you just need to place your finger over the sensor and it will update the values on the web server which can be viewed on any device with an internet connection so these were some of the amazing projects that you can try with the esp32 if you're a beginner comment below the best one among them make sure to hit the like button and subscribe to our Channel if you want more such project ideas we'll see you in the next one goodbye
Channel: ToP Projects Compilation
Views: 387,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gauge for ESP32 and TFT, ESP32 and ADS1115 ADC Voltmeter project, Bitcoin Price Ticker, Play Video on a Tiny OLED Display, Musical Stepper Motors, Social Media Follower Notifier, IoT Visitor Counter, Sending messages with LoRa module, Send images from ESP32 CAM to Google Drive, Control LED/Lamp with Amazon AWS IoT Core, Home Automation with Amazon AWS IoT Core & ESP32, Pulse Oximeter Webserver, ESP32, IoT, iot, iot projects, home automation, home automation ptojects, new projects
Id: juCbVRq4Xhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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