10 Incredible Arduino projects of the year 2022!

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hi everyone welcome back in this video we will be discussing some amazing projects made using arduino let's get started number 10 if you have a 3d printer at your home this fun little project might just interest you adam beedle created a robot that could swing just like spider-man it needs a little more work but overall it's got the capabilities of being the next spiderbot he used a 3d printer to create the parts of a robot and an arduino for it to shoot out a hook and make it swing the process is by no means fast and it takes trial and error to make this spider bot make a complete swing after sending out its hook no need to have complete knowledge for this project you can simply try it out like adam beedle did and have fun in the process number nine do you ever want to speed down the park with your own skateboard well this do-it-yourself electric skateboard by evan cowie oh is not just controlled by arduino but is also equipped with led lights and a wireless remote to control the speed the led lights on the board are built in a way that if you put pressure on either side it will only light up that pressured part to signal nearby motorists cars and other vehicles that you are on the road the motor and pulley system is what makes this skateboard breeze through in speed without the need to use your feet to keep moving [Music] you can speed up as well as slow down with a wireless remote through this do it yourself project you can get your very own 1 dollar electric board for half the cost [Music] number eight what a way to make something become multi-purpose with this do-it-yourself shelf that also acts as a clock once the room dims do-it-yourself machines give an in-depth tutorial on how to make this multi-purpose project with an arduino led lights a wooden board and a 3d printer the 3d printer helps in printing out the parts that will act as both a shelf and a clock where the led lights will be placed to light up the arduino is what makes this completely possible and through programming the led lights will light up to give you the time this setup gives you a place to put your plants books and knick-knacks on the shelf and when the lights are down the clock can now be seen giving you the time do you want to level up your game of pcb design by working on high level pcb projects if yes then you should definitely check out altium designer altium provides functions for users with all levels of experience and requirements and now with octopart inclusion you can get real-time component insights as you design your pcb and altium this can save your time as you can buy the part number directly from the octopark website check the link given in the description for more details number seven the element 14 team has a limited edition arduino uno mini gold board and they used it to make a wearable electronic a necklace the neopixel strip makes the trinket give a rainbow of lights and makes it into an electronic techie necklace the lights can be changed into different colors and animations the necklace will also have its own battery pack so it can be moved around easily there won't be any user inputs on the necklace though so that more space can be saved each of these components were carefully planned in free cad and had a case constructed around them with the uno mini in front and center gives it a sweet look number six another high-tech clock that can be your very own do-it-yourself project is this mechanical seven segment display which is driven by 28 servo motors what is so fascinating about this project is that instead of led lights a servo motor swings out and back into display the time [Music] controlled and powered by the arduino you know each segment is programmed to move with servo drivers in real time [Music] although the segments will require some initial adjustments but once you're done you will have a great unique clock with a unique twist on the display number five just a simple project in the process upair creates a potentiometer using a metal knob an arduino and an oled display after the arduino is programmed it shows the position of the knob when twisted and displays it on an oled the numbers can vary from 0 to 100 including the decimal according to the position of the knob is turned this little project can be used for other projects you may need that require these exact measurements or you can simply build this at your own expense and for a fun learning experience number four a project that comes in different names but can act as a stopwatch a flappy bird game or the showcase an evil eye volos project builds this 3d circuit to make a freeform arduino project that with the press of a button it can start and stop the stopwatch make jumps in the flappy bird game or cause the moving evil eye to blink this project only requires a few items and general programming knowledge for it to work an arduino pro mini is used and can be programmed with codes and the oled display showcases the feature mentioned and requires only the push of a button to have fun and try it out number three no pet sitter that can watch over your pets while on vacation well no worries there with this pet feeder do-it-yourself project fat pet feeder while away your pet can get their own food with the press of their paw or simply a code that gives the food at their feeding schedules per day the food gets automatically into their bowl and your pet can get their chow powered by an arduino and built from parts from a 3d printer this project is easily manageable and only gives enough food for your pets to eat with a portion wheel quite the innovative project while you're away in school at work right number two make your own games or use this do-it-yourself project as your own controller this game system is powered by an arduino and an hcc module the mod boy can act like a gamepad for you to spend your time with simple games you've made sean hodgins made a simple game through programming called the bubble burst to showcase how it works and the game gets displayed through oled display on the other hand it can also be your very own controller to play games on your pc no need to buy a controller when you can build a two in one project like this one number one you can make your very own metal detector plus a remote control robot in the same package with this project do-it-yourself builder builds parts of the metal detector robot using a 3d printer this robot gets powered and programmed using an arduino that at your will with the use of a controller moves the robot around once the metal is found underneath the detector it makes the same beeping noise a metal detector would so if you ever lose a coin somewhere on the floor or a metallic object this bad boy would really lend you a hand so these were just some of the many cool projects made using arduino if you have more to say make sure to leave a comment down below so we can know what you think while you're at it make sure to hit that like and subscribe button to keep supporting us and we'll see you in the next one goodbye
Channel: ToP Projects Compilation
Views: 683,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ROBOT that swings like SPIDERMAN, DIY Electric Skateboard, Hidden Shelf Edge Clock, Wearable Electronics, Mechanical 7 Segment Display Clock, Knob over OLED Display, Freeform Arduino Project, FAT PET FEEDER, Arduino Game System and Controller, Metal Detector Robot, Arduino projects, new wrduino projects, arduino projects compialtion, top projects compilation, compilation projects, tpc, top, top projects, iot, project ideas, best projects compilation, arduino new projects, 2022
Id: 0fi5p-8jXf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 26 2022
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