12 Top Homebrew Games For Retro Consoles Worth Playing!

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so today is all about Homer games for retro consoles everyone knows Indie hits like undertale they're hard to miss if you're part of the gaming world but here we're diving into something special brand new games for old systems and a lot of the time these have a modern twist to them these are passion projects by folks who adore these consoles and know them inside and out if you're a bit skeptical about H games or if you love them either way this video is for you because once you play a good one you'll see why there's so many people into them and on this channel we're all about the weird the odd and the unusual especially home games for retro consoles so I thought why not ask a bunch of YouTube creators to pick one Homebrew game that they think is worth playing today and the diversity in their picks was nothing short of fantastic even if you think you know the scene there's likely something here for you and who knows you might just find your next need to playay game speaking of favorites you got a favorite hobu game drop it in the comments so we can all check it out out know someone who loves Indie Games I would think this is the perfect video to share with them so before we begin big thanks to everyone who helped make this happen now let's dive into those games how feeling John rigs here this video is right up my alley cuz I am a huge fan of aftermarket homebrews Indie Games things of that nature and if I was going to talk about any one game man there's so many great games you can choose from from way back in the day and even some ones that just came out a little bit ago but I'm going to show some love to Kahan games Kevin Henley one of the ogs in Nintendo Homebrew so let's talk about Chum Le's Adventure the Quest for Pinky that's right there's a Pawn Stars game endorsed and licensed by Pawn I don't know if it's licensed but at least made with approval because this game was actually featured on the Pawn Stars TV show it was you could look it up yourself and why wouldn't they talk about this game now when it comes to Homebrew it's all about that inspiration this game well I mean it certainly resembles Kung Fu doesn't it like a lot of it but what a fun idea what a fun way to to uh to to make a game where it's just like okay here we go this is a game for Chum Lee from Pawn Star it features Chum Lee looking for his dog pinky and you have to uh just get rid of these annoying customers there's like the old ladies there's these kind of nerdy looking guys there's these kids running all around later stages even have birds and ceiling fans that drop from the ceiling but then the fun of the game is finding out who the bosses are at the end of the stages because you know the bosses are going to be people from the TV show too right so when you make your way to the end of the stages that like oh okay this is going to be cool this is so you see like who else is in this game and you kind of laugh and chuckle a little bit about it too and I mean the game itself isn't that difficult honestly but just the fact that we can make a Nintendo Homebrew game with approval of a current IP got to understand that they there could have been a Pawn Stars game for the Nintendo DS was there maybe there was you know they can make a pawn star game for like the PlayStation 4 the PlayStation 5 but it's cool to see these new IPS on these older systems if that makes sense so very cool to see very cool to have a lot of great suggestions in this video definitely check out all of them and um and thanks for having me man it's all I can I can talk about home brw all day I usually do hey there my name is Ron and game beaters hit me up saying hey we're making a video a little collaboration on uh some home brew games that you know are worth playing I I know I'm kind of breaking the rules here but today we're doing one for the ladies Jane Austin's 8bit Adventure from bitwise reprise LLC I just got this I don't know anything about it the guy who made this game sent it to me and I figure hey let's uh debut it here thought the story behind the creation of this game is kind of interesting the guy who made it his name is Matthew Justice he's got a name of like a superhero he's a software engineer and his wife likes Jane Austin novels and decided you know what he's gonna work with his wife as she's a big fan of Jane Austin he's a engineer he's going to make a game with his wife so I thought that was kind of neat poping into the Retro USB abs wouldn't have it any other way she got sucked into a 8bit freaking video game yo hey the jumping feels pretty good this music is freaking sick dude oh hell yeah we're getting a weapon okay this is kind of cool man I don't know I don't know nothing about Jane Austin this is this is this is this is I oh [ __ ] when do I get to fight some stuff dude oh oh the stages are the books oh all right now that I'm not lost anymore why does every every game's got to have bats dude oh a frog if you read the the the book this stage is based on was there um bats and sheep and and frogs oh okay so if you're interested yeah there you go freaking 8bit jane.com you could play as Jane Austin messing some things up controls are smooth gameplay is smooth kind of kind of neat there you go the immortal John Hancock here and I've been asked you know what is one of my favorite home brews of all time that's a tough one for me because because you know I have an extensive aftermarket and Homebrew collection and uh I had to think about this and it boiled down to this what was probably the most impressive one that I've played in most recent years and I keep going back to this and this is Ricky and Vicky for the Atari 7800 and this was a limited release there was about 550 copies on physical released on the 7800 and there's a lot of people like oh man it's sold out now where can I get this game well the good news is you can't get the physical release anymore and aftermarket prices for this are pretty expensive but you can pick this up for 10 bucks on Steam and so that is what I recommend is checking this out on the Steam and why is why is this a great Homebrew game 100 Levels it's one or two player it's like a puzzle platformer and it looks absolutely fantastic it really pushes the envelope for what the 7800 was capable of now it does have an extra audio chip on the actual physical release but you know for some people that think that that's cheating you know there was a lot of Nintendo releases that had extra chips in the cartridges to push the capabilities of that so I think this is a wonderful and absolutely brilliant release it has a cinema before and telling the story um you play one of two characters there's different modes in the game itself where it's a totally different game there's boss fights there's a lot to enjoy about this release and it's absolutely one of my most favorite aftermarket releases of all time definitely if you have a steam account check it out it is compatible on the steam deck even though it doesn't say it is I just checked it out on my steam deck no problem you have to configure a controller no big deal highly recommend it what's up guys Russ lman here and we're talking home brew games and I certainly love picking up new games for retro system and we got right here baddy zabella just looking at the Box this game looks awesome obviously it takes some inspiration from elvir with the sexy lady on top here this is put out by Retro Room and you get a full box for the game itself manual inside which looks fantastic and even the cart itself is green I love the way it looks sticking outside the back of my Game Boy well let's get into some gameplay with her family home haunted and no one else she deems worthy to take on the Phantoms it's your job to scour bad Isabella's house and solve the puzzle ridding her home of those terrible entities once and for all don't be expecting any accolades for your endeavors baddy doesn't offer much in the way of Praise but if sass is what you're hoping for she has that in an abundance can you help bad Sabella solve this eerily Sinister case or will she also fall victim to the Phantoms haunting her home so this plays like a point in click adventure game and again it has that sass with the story should I get dressed no way well enjoy the view while you can game ain't started until I do such a fun time I live streamed this and went through it and had a good time playing it it probably took me about a weekend to complete the game I did get stuck on some parts oh what was that what was the the castle the number in the castle but it wasn't that difficult and I'm super excited to have it in my collection I just love that there are new games coming out for retro systems and I really don't see anyone developing stuff for the Game Boy so definitely don't pass on this one head over to Retro Room and see if you can grab yourself a copy of Badd zabella all right let's check out the next entry hey everybody Jay here from Square pegs and when Dan asked me to be on this video I was super excited he asked me about home brew games and there's one in particular that I absolutely love and I want to show it to you this is the cursed night this takes place in a futuristic world and it plays a little bit like Mega Man it's an absolutely fantastic title with a wonderful difficulty in play here that just sings the game is wonderful it is exactly what you want an aftermarket Sega Genesis or Sega Mega Drive game to be it's Picture Perfect this is one I backed on Kickstarter but you're able to find it pretty much anywhere so I strongly urge people to check this one out it's one one of my favorite games it's a super challenging and super fun game and it has an absolutely brilliant design the curs Knight is amazing what's up everyone you got Tire chainsaw here and I want to show off a fiscal home brew for a system that does not get enough love I'm talking about the flight of pigus on the Master System so the first thing that you are probably going to notice is how gorgeous this game is it is incredible what two mindes was able to do when creating this game but this game is just as fun as it is beautiful this shoot them up has plenty of flavor you're going to be a little pig with wings flying around and shooting everything in sight the colors really pop in this game and the game has a lot of action on screen now every shoot them up has to have some awesome boss fights and thankfully flight of pigas has those look at some of these huge bosses for this home brew this game is fast it's fluid and it is a musthave for any Master System collector who loves home [Music] brw hey what's up everyone game Dad here and my pick for a like super standout indie game has got to be choo choo mimic now it is is a new game being released by John Rigs and it's already actually winning Awards the game is Just puzzle action at its finest it has a lot of those like old school like mle Mania Vibes to it it's got great music going it's challenging gameplay what's cool is there is more than one way to beat each level now sometimes there's only one way you're going to get a level beat but sometimes you can find different paths to accomplish the same goal the game is super fun it's super addicting and it has a ton of levels as you go through it really starts to ramp up the difficulty where you're going from using one night to two nights three nights and it is just an awesome game and super fun to play so hi here I am dami from the game beaters and of course you're going to get my opinion on a home brew game that I think is worth playing today all these other guys have great picks so far right and they all have their own reasons for why they pick what they pick so let's go over my pick the legends of AIA for the NES so I'm often asked about my favorite homeo game and while I don't have a single favorite there's one I'm already nostalgic for and that game is Legends of AIA why well it was the first NES Homebrew that really felt like a genuine NES game to me it wasn't the first I had played other titles like battle kid but legends of Alia truly felt like it belonged to the NES era like many games from the time the game play was thoroughly enjoyable and I wasn't disappointed at any point so what is Legends of Alia about well it's somewhat of a nod to Legends of Zelda you play as a character who's armed with a sword and accompanied by TI who is your trusty owl sidekick at first Tido acts like a boomerang in Legend of Zelda where you can use them to attack the enemies and retrieve items but as the game progresses Tito gains more and more abilities such as transporting you from one place to another this game is filled with exploration and puzzle solving across various maps and dungeons plus the soundtrack is as captivating as anything else from the NES era now the controls are nuanced and like Legend of Zelda they might not be perfect but they're exactly what you need for this particular game play the game isn't overly difficult but it offers a decent challenge my first playthrough took about 4 hours which I think is ideal for a nest game in fact I think it's one of the systems benefits so in the end Legends of AIA reminded me of why I fell in love with the NES era for anyone looking to capture that gaming magic or discover what dedicated fans can create Legends of AIA is a must play it really is a heartfelt nod to the Past crafted with care and detail that only modern NES developers who are also enthusiasts can provide and there you have it the legends of AIA for the NES if you're looking for a copy of this game it's not available anywhere but the secondhand market and it's crazy priced but you can download it free and I'll leave a link below so you can find it and I think you'll find this next one really interesting hey everyone uh thanks for watching and Dan from the game beaters thanks for having me on man uh dude I've been a fan of the game beaters for a while now I always like to watch their streams too on Tuesday nights but he asked me what my favorite humre game was so I immediately thought of my friend uh The Immortal John Hancock and he made this awesome game called Blum sakam it's super fun it's a puzzle game 25 unique puzzles and dude you got to like use your Noggin man if you don't like you'll run out of pieces and the level's over quick so you really got to plan ahead on what you're going to do each time you're playing this it's a one player game but that's all right by me cuz I'm a one player dude so this is definitely a favorite of mine and I'm really happy that I could share this and you can get this on Super Nintendo and the Sega Genesis and I think a few other platforms but also he sells them digitally too on a USB stick as well so if you ever see him at the Expose and stuff uh make sure you hit them up for a copy of this thanks for having me on the channel the game beaters Dan uh and thanks to the immortal John Hancock oh who by the way he actually signed this copy for me too so uh that makes it even sweeter for me but yeah hey everyone thanks for watching and uh take care hello everyone Dr Scott from the game closet here and one of my absolute favorite Homebrew games for the mighty Atari 2600 it is called fall down and I got my copy from Atari a .c a few years ago and it came with this beautiful full color manual remember color manuals some companies still include one because they are cool fast-paced screw your opponent over fun has never been this intense on the Atari 2600 play against a friend or the CPU as you try to jump down the next platform being first to the next platform earns you a point and there are even powerups along the way but don't get caught at the top of the screen because an instant death awaits you with eight modes to challenge one or two of you and and tons of addictive fun you won't get bored by this title very easily fall down is still available for purchase on Atari age.com for around $30 plus shipping so grab yours today and thanks for having me on hey everybody Captain eler here I want to thank Dan from the game beers for inviting me to be be on this video now just a couple years ago I was pretty much against home brw I didn't really see the point of them I thought I'd much rather spend my money on actually licensed games because they're probably better and what was I wrong there is a lot of crappy licensed games out there and there are a lot of amazing Homebrew games out there so the game I want to talk to you about today is my favorite that I've played and that's not many but it is extremely polished and an extremely good game for the NES and that is Twin Dragons so Twin Dragons came out in I believe 2017 from broke Studios and you get to play as dinky and minky who are two dragons who are waiting for their uh new sibling to hatch out but a sorcerer shows up and steals it so they have to go save the day so this is a pretty traditional platformer you go around the levels you can collect Peppers every 100 Peppers gives you an extra life dinky is the green dragon and he has the ability to swim he also has ability to get a power up so he can fire larger Fireballs so you have to do his think gets you hold up and hit attack and it'll do that and then later in the game you become minky who has the ability to fly now minky cannot shoot big Fireballs however it does get an ice power up that can freeze enemies which is very very helpful and then eventually towards the end of the game you actually get the ability to switch between the two on the Fly depending on the situation because minky cannot swim so if you try and go on water with minky you're going to die and obviously dinky cannot fly so you're going to need some spots where you have to fly so it's extremely polished it's prettyy similar to other Platformers on the NES actual license games you know you got your levels you got your boss fights boss fights are very heavily pattern based right you find figure out the pattern you're going to be able to beat it the game is not super tough there are tough moments it definitely picks up and challenge as the game goes on uh I believe I streamed it in one night in 2 and 1/2 to 3 hours something like that so you can easily get it done in one sitting depending how much time you have have uh definitely in one day it has passwords which is awesome but it's a very fun game and this is one of those games I'm glad I really eventually tried and kind of opened up to when it comes to home brw so I I learned about this from my buddy EC Meers he streams a ton of NES Homebrew and this is one that always looked really good so I finally pulled the trigger and bought it and I could not be happier uh I'm sure at this point you know it's bad I think like I said 7 years since this game came out sure most people know about it most people have probably played it that are in the home brw Community but if you're new to the home brw if you haven't played it it is one I highly suggest like I said it is very polished it could easily have been an actual licensed NES game and it is better than so many licensed NES games out there it's a must play in my opinion you like Platformers you like the NES you got to play it so thank you so much again to Dan B from the game beers FR me to be a part of this it was a lot of fun and I look forward to hearing about more home RW games that I need to check out roelly is a 2019 nesid scrolling platformer by Chris Lincoln AKA opania a longtime developer who is best known for his Castlevania ROM hacks the holy relics and CH of mysteries roelly is his first completed Home Room programmed entirely from scratch at 6502 assembly so what is Ry relly is what you would get if raccoon Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog Were Somehow merged in a transporter Mal function he can run he can jump he can curl up into a little ball and bounce weirdly enough Ry really loves to roll and he can zap enemies while he does it he also loves picking flowers to give him heart refills items and powerups while Roy's main attack is to toss marbles at his enemies or stomp them he could also blow bubbles that he can use as platforms to retire places or he could grab a balloon to Traverse a stage and drink different sodas that make him float pound the ground or even walk on air he can also bully Ducks into giving him a ride there are a lot of ways to to get through the game 16 stages and bosses facing enemies along the way like snakes foxes Ducks AP possums and of course bats don't want to fight you can avoid enemies or maybe make some new friends Roy was programmed to fit onto 40 kiloby cartridge just like Super Mario Brothers and despite its small size it has the same amount of complexity and charm as the game that inspired it with lots of Secrets and diverse stages that become increasingly challenging as the game progresses fortunately there are checkpoints and passwords so it's more fun than frustrating everyone seeking a pure NES experience should get this game digital copies only $9 but if you want a cartridge with a box at a 30-page manual illustrated by Daniel Adams you can order it from the 6502 [Music] Collective well that wraps it up big thanks to all the creators who helped make this video possible I know that there's so many hre games worth playing for all the consoles out there and I'd love to hear what you think is one of the best SWS worth playing today leave a comment down below and we'll see you soon
Channel: The Game Beaters
Views: 6,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game Beaters
Id: CRfnTlS-Jng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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