Do personality tests work? - Merve Emre

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The worst is "I'm ABXY so I'm incapable of this or that or the other." No you're just too lazy to work on yourself because it's hard and uncomfortable.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/VanEagles17 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2020 đź—«︎ replies

MBTI is a meme culture and it entertains me

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/namjmnam 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2020 đź—«︎ replies

Thanks, too many people treat their result as some sort of end-all be-all that can solve their personality issues, or find the perfect mate.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Cuddle-Junky 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2020 đź—«︎ replies

A prerecorded questionnaire tied back to two housewives with no psychiatric experience or education in psychology. No qualifications whatsoever.

Half the time I take the test, I'm an ENTP.

Not gonna lie though it's hilarious when posts here call me out totally

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/HeroSmasher 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2020 đź—«︎ replies

Cheers. Thanks for sharing. It's indeed a very complex branch of science. Furthermore, there are some people that insist on saying that psychology is not a science at all. It's hard to argue about that too though. I am currently studying psychology, and the doubts seep in too.

About personality tests. There is definitely nothing wrong with personality tests and types, it eases our minds on conceptualizing people's behaviour and tries to provide information about why certain people behave the way they do. Yet, this is also dangerous, for people who have taken the test (i.e MBTI) could be trapped in his/her own imaginative concept of his/her self. Becoming less motivated to do good things/ actions that are "opposite" of their personality types, and becoming less harsh to self to intolerable behaviour like bad habits and such because they "fit" their "personality type".

Currently, this branch of knowledge is evolving, especially in the west. Personally, I consider western psychology is still in its infant phase. The reason for this is probably how we are trying to measure something intangible to out senses. A near impossible task.

I do believe in the presence of the soul inside our body, a very unpopular opinion amongst scientists and scholars these days. Though if I may write down my opinion on this; it is simply impossible to measure one's true self. There is also a probability that our soul is the one that defines our "personality". Thus our true self could be the marriage between our soul and our real-life experiences. Intricate thing, life is. And most exciting of all, humans.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Siremeng_Ville 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2020 đź—«︎ replies
In 1942, a mother-daughter duo Katherine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers developed a questionnaire that classified people’s personalities into 16 types. Called the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, or MBTI, it would go on to become one of the world’s most widely-used personality tests. Today, personality testing is a multi-billion dollar industry used by individuals, schools, and companies. But none of these tests, including the MBTI, the Big Five, the DiSC assessment, the Process Communication Model, and the Enneagram, actually reveal truths about personality. In fact, it’s up for debate whether personality is a stable, measurable feature of an individual at all. Part of the problem is the way the tests are constructed. Each is based on a different set of metrics to define personality: the Myers-Briggs, for instance, focuses on features like introversion and extroversion to classify people into personality "types," while the Big Five scores participants on five different traits. Most are self-reported, meaning the results are based on questions participants answer about themselves. So it’s easy to lie, but even with the best intentions, objective self-evaluation is tricky. Take this question from the Big Five: How would you rate the accuracy of the statement "I am always prepared"? There’s a clear favorable answer here, which makes it difficult to be objective. People subconsciously aim to please: when asked to agree or disagree, we show a bias toward answering however we believe the person or institution asking the question wants us to answer. Here’s another question— what do you value more, justice or fairness? What about harmony or forgiveness? You may well value both sides of each pair, but the MBTI would force you to choose one. And while it’s tempting to assume the results of that forced choice must somehow reveal a true preference, they don’t: When faced with the same forced choice question multiple times, the same person will sometimes change their answer. Given these design flaws, it’s no surprise that test results can be inconsistent. One study found that nearly half of people who take the Myers-Briggs a second time only five weeks after the first get assigned a different type. And other studies on the Myers-Briggs have found that people with very similar scores end up being placed in different categories, suggesting that the strict divisions between personality types don’t reflect real-life nuances. Complicating matters further, the definitions of personality traits are constantly shifting. The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, who popularized the terms introvert and extrovert, defined an introvert as someone who sticks to their principles regardless of situation, and an extrovert as someone who molds their self according to circumstance. Introversion later came to mean shyness, while an extrovert was someone outgoing. Today, an introvert is someone who finds alone time restorative, an extrovert draws energy from social interaction, and an ambivert falls somewhere between these two extremes. The notion of an innate, unchanging personality forms the basis of all these tests. But research increasingly suggests that personality shifts during key periods— like our school years, or when we start working. Though certain features of a person’s behavior may remain relatively stable over time, others are malleable, moulded by our upbringing, life experiences, and age. All of this matters more or less depending on how a personality test is used. Though anyone using them should take the results with a grain of salt, there isn’t much harm in individual use— and users may even learn some new terms and concepts in the process. But the use of personality tests extends far beyond self discovery. Schools use them to advise students what to study and what jobs to pursue. Companies use them decide who to hire and for what positions. Yet the results don’t predict how a person will perform in a specific role. So by using personality tests this way, institutions can deprive people of opportunities they’d excel at, or discourage them from considering certain paths.
Channel: TED-Ed
Views: 831,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: personality test, personality quiz, personality, myers briggs personality test, myers briggs personality types, myers briggs, MBTI, big five, disc assessment, enneagram, process communication model, introvert, extrovert, ambivert, personality traits, psychology, self evaluation, carl jung, test design flaws, subconscious, education, animation, merve emre, Seoro Oh, TED, TED-Ed, TED Ed, Teded, Ted Education
Id: lN7Fmt1i5TI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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