12 State Cross-Country Motorcycle Trip Documentary Film

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[Music] America the land of the free and the home of the brave where I can ride my motorcycle freely across country because of those who sacrifice to keep this country free to all those who are serving or who have served in our armed forces I say thank you for this opportunity to ride free once again [Music] [Applause] say it dude I've got one question for you your brain is sending its bro [Music] all right if I look sweaty and hot it's because I am it's been a heck of a day but I believe I am officially packed and I leave tomorrow morning first thing I'm gonna have to put the phone on silent the guys are so excited they've been blowing up GroupMe texts all day and into the night here excitement is in the air let you ride huh [Music] June 2018 me and my brothers set out on a tenday 40 500-mile cross-country motorcycle trip that would take us through 12 States starting in our home state of Washington we travel through Oregon Idaho Utah Wyoming Nebraska Kansas Missouri Oklahoma Texas New Mexico and Colorado I'd never personally ventured this far east from Washington State on a motorcycle so I was excited to see what was in store but we had some very long days in the saddle and short nights ahead of us to make this all happen there were several purposes for this cross-country motorcycle trip aside from just riding bonding freeing our souls and seeing God's gift of breathtaking scenery first we had a group of brothers and sisters we had never met in person before except for a few these bikers that we were to meet are the Corps and stand for everything it means to be a law-abiding biker they are the beloved patron members of law-abiding biker media the motorcycle and majority then 99 percenters these paper members their families and their friends left nothing to chance and had a spectacular group ride and dinner meet up event ready for us when we arrived in Nebraska I'll tell you that there's no better feeling when you're far away from home to have a true family of like-minded bikers awaiting you with open arms the hospitality we were showing was amazing and something that shall never fade in my mind the rest of my days this event is exactly what makes the law-abiding biker community great and why I will never give up on my mission it's a biker revolution after all and this proves it and the second purpose for this trip well you see the sworn few law enforcement motorcycle club is expanding with much caution to make certain we get only the best of the best as members we had a group of guys that are a prospective chapter they were riding over from Tennessee to meet up with us in Kansas City the plan was to ride and hang together for a few days and some lasting memories were made so this is a documentary film of our motorcycle travels over ten days 4,500 miles in 12 states there were amazing roads we rode and those that were not so amazing although writing many miles and long days was a big part of this trip the complete experience would be a combination of the places we'd go the scenery we get to see the people we'd meet the bonding the culture the laughter the frustrations and yes the mini debacles so hang on tight this is our ten-day Midwest motorcycle trip [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] researching say tsegga be outside [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] girl [Music] I guess the obvious question would be how did the crew get to the point of exhaustion and fall asleep in the Duke city Hardy dealership in Albuquerque New Mexico well we'll have to go back seven days prior to sort things out here we are bright and early in the morning day ones [Music] there's a gas leak the Northtown the can't seem to fix it up so they call you the start of this first day I only needed to pick up law dog so we met for a quick cup and chatted about what the trip may bring it was unusual to not have any of the other local work going with us on this trip we left Yakima and headed straight towards the tri-cities to meet up with members of the sworn few Red Mountain chapter law dog and I just rode and it was a beautiful morning it felt good to relax and breathe and try to sort out what this trip may bring that first leg of a trip is always a time of anticipation and excitement and it makes you ask yourself will I get to do and see the things planned and what unexpected experience are in store for me what permanent memories will be etched into my mind we met up with the guys at rattlesnake cardi Davidson in Kennewick Washington and it was time for some burro hugs what's up boys [Music] rattlesnake party Davidson you sold a few bikes to young guys around here yeah okay so no come on down see him if you guys are looking for a bike to take care yet ask for junior tell them well buddy by comedian so we now had our core crew of guys that would be riding and hanging together for the next 10 days we had no real purpose this day other than laying down 3-1 miles to get to Twin Falls Idaho where we'd be staying for the night however this day would bring an experience I was not anticipating and won't forget we take 82 and cross over the Columbia River into Oregon and shortly after get onto i-84 felt great to be riding with a group new product we started carrying in the wall buddy biker store biker jerky it's in the lab store well that's biker jerky you got to get this in your saddlebags guys nice Brit best meat you've had in your mouth oh wait till the saliva moistens yeah yeah just look just a warm-up de fer oh just my season and oil barely gets warmed up on the bike [Music] Oh [Music] it takes [Music] and it looks like we're getting off at Baker City Oregon here likely to grab some chow because it is like 1 o'clock KJ's corner brick barn grill Baker City Oregon is a quaint little town with a population of around 10,000 we found a place to eat called AJ's corner brick Bar and Grill and the food was good and the beer was cold it's certainly worth a stop if you're a biker passing through I told you earlier that I'd have an experience a state that I would not forget you really need to hear what happens you see we were in a rush like usual and I left one of my cameras on my backseat forgetting about it we took off down the freeway and headed for Twin Falls Idaho after only a couple of miles my heart drop and I realized what had happened we quickly headed back to Baker City but I had no expectation the camera would be found and figured someone had already run off with it I think you two would have also had this mindset in today's day and age after all I had a camera stolen just years before when I was in Sturgis upon returning to the front of the restaurant we learned from a nearby business that someone had located the camera and left a phone number to call so it could be returned I was in disbelief after a quick phone call we went to the Safeway store where I met with two amazing and polite little girls Kimmi and Kelsey and their grandma sandy who all live in Baker City yes they actually recovered my camera and returned it to me with enthusiasm they didn't actually run off with it I was dumbfounded to say the least it's easy to become jaded that there are still very good solid people in the world pay it forward right as a small thanks I bought Kimi and Kelsey and espresso of their choice and they were so very thankful this really set the tone for me for this trip and we headed out of Baker City and headed towards Twin Falls Idaho [Music] you get it but alone you're always staring at you know that we arrived in Twin Falls Idaho which was our destination for the state we quickly got checked into our hotel we walked a short distance for a quick dinner at the La Fiesta Mexican restaurant we had a great dinner and wind it down for the day good service good food the owner of the restaurant realized we had a YouTube channel and he decided to serve us up with some shots on the house the friendly staff here took great care of us and after dinner it was time to call it a night because tomorrow would bring one of the longest writing days of the trip and some unexpected things would happen morning sunshine a short day dude there we are bright and early in the morning day two from Twin Falls Idaho to Cheyenne Wyoming is our plan 617 miles 9 hours there's a sticker and business card so I'm gonna order one of these from you the cero 3d he was interested in GoPro mounts so a few of us were up early so we could visit the majestic Snake River Canyon at sunrise it's it's just north of Twin Falls Idaho the parent bridge crosses the canyon and was once the highest bridge in the world when it was built back in 1927 on September 8 1974 Evel Knievel attempted jumping this Canyon on his rocket-powered cycle but failed when his parachute deployed too soon and brought the rocket to a stop in midair he drifted to the bottom of the canyon and barely missed going into the water motorcycle trips bringing many surprises and this early-morning activity was not planned until the night before at dinner I can tell you that it was a humbling experience of pure beauty that I'll never forget and it became an unexpected highlight of this trip yeah put this one on your bucket list right now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] frickin amazing this morning at sunrise totally worth getting up early if you're in the area you've got to check it out yeah we'll stop with the brief either side scooty I need to go underneath [Music] I agree Hey Starbucks called the police because they said you locked yourself in the bathroom so I called the police you but you've been trespassed from Starbucks and we left Twin Falls Idaho early and started laying down the miles as we needed to get all the way to Cheyenne Wyoming [Music] out in stormy weather I might have the booze but nothing ever stop me turn off my shoes you might think you'll see me falling to the ground [Music] my we had to make multiple stops for gas water and food of course and quite honestly those stops can create much laughter at times Robbie what did this guy so that we're at a gas station in Utah and some guy said something cars denting hail this afternoon and Cheyenne we know so it's car denting Hill will it DEP motorcycles to know motorcycles are zoom Oh crying then big deal I really hope that I really hope that is the wrong information yeah it is the radar shake motorcycle denting hail well it says motorcycles are exempt but find out over pastors in cases Sturgis Jeff is out everybody rob Sturgis Jeff oh you just put on two rings and aw yeah you Todd yeah you put rings on this is Utah Jeff now no no you're just going no helmet oh yeah full on until that hey let's I don't feel good where's the hippies well you can ditch the helmet dude it's no big deal if you go down your head will be fine right don't worry about it dude you're probably good I do what's right so the angel on the right shoulder the little guy on the right shoulder saying do what's right yeah yeah attaboy wait it came to pressure pretty irresponsible right and we'd make another stop in South Weber you toe to meet up with Popeye who had left Twin Falls early to meet his sister for breakfast hey Scott what was it you asking for pictures of of his sister Scott last night was that you there's no comment you know what's coming we still had a ton of miles to go so we wasted very little time and headed out of Utah and into Wyoming via i-80 this is straight-up freeway riding to make the miles that we needed to we were still threatened with some major storms but we kept our fingers crossed that we'd missed them we were blessed and mostly wrote around the storms except for some light rain at times [Music] we made it to little America in Wyoming for lunch which sits in the absolute middle of nowhere or as I like to call it B F II they call it Wyoming's little oasis this place only exists because of travelers and truck drivers as it is located on a coast to coast highway IAT it has all the necessities such as gas food and rooms the food is definitely not something to holler about but it will get you by and get you back on the road pretty good though have you eaten here before is it good it's good all right you like the relishes what do you get nice nice I might do that put the sweet relish on it yeah pop I ride the Hat it's got a humpback there for you to sit on you can do it so what is there to do a little America sit on sit on a dinosaur we left little America and we're only about halfway to Cheyenne at this point we still had 294 miles and four and a half hours saddle time to go we throttled down and mostly rode around the mini distance storms but we did get some light rain this was just freeway riding with not much to see yep and then it happened the first major debacle of the trip and we were just 15 miles outside Cheyenne Wyoming I lost the ability to shift and the lever went loose I had to take the next exit to a frontage road to figure out the full extent of the problem after further examination and in some heavy winds we learned that the inside of my shifter lever splines tripped out where it connects to the shifter arm luckily I was able to manipulate the shifter arm with one hand to change gears to get my bike to the hotel in Cheyenne Wyoming we'd have to figure it out in the morning as no dealerships were open we made it to the BEST WESTERN PLUS inch and where the nice staff led us Parker bikes undercover as a wicked Hill storm was predicted be real from the swarm UMC California crew had ridden to meet us here and was waiting we got all checked in to our rooms quickly and it was time for some grub in this one uber town got the ubers ready ladies he's right there so if you want to become an uber driver there's no competition definitely Diane slaying the world's problems not a one-horse town one goober town one over town and we got to make sure when the Li and all those guys get out that they call us right away so we so Brad as he app up and running right here so that we know when the one who were opens as soon as they get out so we can navigate says not available so we helped the same over twice and got the entire crew to teachers restaurant that had been recommended by hotel staff we were all tired hungry and thirsty I think everyone that was at T Jo's that night would tell you that the food was outstanding and the steaks were done to perfection and delicious I highly recommend stopping by T Joe's if you're writing to Cheyenne the ambience and relaxing environment at T Joe's are also worth noting [Music] [Music] after dinner it was time to over back to the hotel and luckily there was more than one of them out now oh yeah that's why we're riding with surrett hauling ass what's your name Surya yeah I just want to say you drive this thing like you stole it I like you you come you came in here hot are those stop signs just advisory in Wyoming just advisory sunny what's in a little did we know that we culture to Sturgis Jeff this evening with the uber experience yeah I think he needs to get out more often you don't have to pay you bur cash Jeff it's all on it's all on the interweb you know it's all taken care of on your bird yeah dang I mean that is impressive you're livin large out of all places you take your first over and Cheyenne there we go seems to be the end of day two I'm gonna get up in the morning and figure out my shifter and all that so hopefully the local dealership has what I need if they [Music] clear day [Music] so arrived early here at high country harley-davidson in Cheyenne Wyoming hopefully has the parts for my shifter so you're aware of this problem I know it is I knew 14 to 16 yep there you go I knew it too and I was like you know I've redone the linkage because that's a problem too but you know I didn't do the backside of the splines there right the shaft in the yep and the the arm exactly and if you guys are booked I get it I'll do the work right here in the parking lot but if you guys aren't booked nice yeah they do have it so thanks Robbie grad can I just write on the back with you oh yeah we can ride what do you call it where I'm facing them yeah cowboy dude what'd you do to your wrist dude I've never mind we don't want to know never mind ace can you hold that up for my first step yeah got to get a shirt while I'm here oh I told you guys I would so you sold me a shirt you're a good salesperson sold me a shirt and she sold me a sign right there awesome man all right hey thanks a million buddy you guys really good dealership with my bike fixed and a $50 deductible it was time to hit the road as we were behind schedule we needed to get to Papillion Nebraska as a sworn view MC perspective chapter had written out of Tennessee to hook up with us for a few days it was going to be another day of long hot freeway riding via Interstate 80 to reach as far as we needed to in the short amount of days we had this was the only way [Music] the [Laughter] been trying hard to sell you soon also many times we do no one's buying and after a long haul it was time to fuel up and grab some lunch we stopped at a Flying J truck stop and on the property was a place called Max's Highway diner just like the little America in Wyoming the day before this too is in B Fe but then again riding through Nebraska all day made me feel like I was in B Fe which is honestly a humble and peaceful feeling Max's Highway diner is a fun place to eat and has an old-school vibe with much decor so give it a try if you're riding through it's worth the stop oh so many times people when they jävla who are you tweeting yoga tweeter box are you on the tweeter Bob instagrams how about the snap in a chat Oh Japanese snap you on that one what's your ears your name is raka dial Dundee there dude just look 10 bucks oh man and that's why I would never have to script my documentary films the brothers I ride with are never dull we powered down i-80 to make our way to Papillion Nebraska in humid 100 degree heat [Music] and we arrived at the Fairfield Inn & Suites in Papillion Nebraska where we'd be staying the next several nights Papillion Nebraska is not a large town it is an 1870s railroad town and suburb of Omaha it has a population of about 20,000 [Music] patron Russell Roberts hey guys right here waiting in Papillion Nebraska the night before the patreon event how far did you write your brother two days two days hundred miles thanks Pat but 610 the first day man mark Arnold the second day right here all right well we're Canada yes and we met up last year at the when we're up in Canada the patron event up there yep twenty hundred twenty-eight hundred miles sorry together good to see you brother think she's writing down thanks Rob so for the first time we met our brothers from Tennessee in person as they had written to Papillion they are working towards a possible sworn few MC chapter in their area so the next few days would be very important becoming a member or chapter of the sworn few MC takes a ton of hard work and dedication we ordered up multiple ubers and headed for a place to hang in Papillion called brownies watering hole that had been recommended to us we ate and had drinks into the evening and it was a great time of bonding and laughter brownies watering hole has an old-school look to it and it's a fun place to hang the service was pretty good and the beer was cold however I will warn you don't try to order a steak there as it was horrible overcooked and rock-hard but hey I was hungry but if you stick to the simple easy to make bar food you'll probably be just fine don't come here for food yeah unless you're even contacts or something whatever you had so we finished up at brownies and decided to over back to our hotel across the parking lot is a place called jerseys and we ended up there to continue hanging out and enjoying each other's company yeah the guys let loose a little bit and it made for some great memories and bonding and yeah you guessed that scooter the same one who licked the bug filled fairing earlier in the day go figure all right so I'm heading back to the hotel I left all the other guys back at jerzees all right here I am back in the hotel room big day tomorrow I have no idea how late the guys are gonna be out that's up to them patron date tomorrow i'm excited however it's always a little bit stressful the night before I'm ultimately responsible for everything I want to make sure it goes well goes off without a hitch all my gears ready I'm gonna be up way earlier than all the other guys getting ready I got to get some sleep you guys got to get out of here good night all right here we are bright and early it is patron meetup day I'm gonna go to coffee and prep weather looks okay so far and after some last-minute prep of camera gear I rode to the McDonald's parking lot in Papillion to meet up with a large group of patron members of law-abiding biker media I am always so excited before these events to actually meet members in person rather than just online I'm always humbled by patron members and they're giving spirits and this group is no exception organizer of this patron event so I appreciate you guys picking here to come hang out with absolute Chuck nice to meet you nice to meet you Rhonda nice to meet you Rhonda hey what's uh Baker you tan the rest if they don't eat toxic threatening the breast tight other bones till about 2:00 in the morning and you don't get the nice thank you we'll never be more than a beer and soda the drink and I'm bringing a big bottle of bourbon to mr. flea yes nice to meet you in person sup buddy Harry Jackson Gary Jackson good to meet you buddy I saw Ross earlier this morning at Starbucks but Ricky here from Chicago big nice from Iowa Roger Walsh free from Wichita Kan that's nice Derrick Davis there you go thanks for coming buddy before we brief about the ride real quick I do want to give credit because every location we go to like in Canada last year we really rely on our patron members to help me organize this stuff and these guys put this on they've got a really nice route horse that they organized some a good local hospitality and food and stuff like that somebody had to come from right there we go awesome the patrons are here and can feel the excitement in the air it's gonna be just a great day great right I think we avoided all the storms patrons there you go get up guys right pledge a certain amount per piece of content we put out no risk to you you can put a monthly cap there's benefits t-shirts to try a Facebook group access to our premium videos and of course you get to be involved in the meetups because we're always traveling and you never know where we're going next get signed up link in the description below oh yeah and it was kick stands up and time to ride and hang all day with this awesome group of patron members [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and after that beautiful ride we stopped in the thriving metropolis of Ashland Nebraska which has a population of about 2,500 normally and during the peak tourist months it has a population of two thousand five hundred and two the local patrons had arranged for us to hang out and refresh at VW's Pub and Grill but before we could relax we had to handle something bikers helping bikers is what this is all about what did you do god that's sketchy we got a key fob down in the Ashland sewer system how many bikers does it take to get a key fob that is a trick question don't drop it again Russell look at the look at those arms dude you should have put your baby whale on first though nicely done bro nicely done after recovering patron Russell Roberts key fob everyone was ready for a cold one this became a time of relaxation and a time to let down and really get to know each other on a deeper more personal level and that's what I always look forward to at these meetups to think that I can ride cross-country far away from my home and meet and get to know like-minded bikers is still so surreal to me starting the law-abiding biker community over six years ago has blessed me in so many ways that I had never imagined we ate snacks visited and drank pre-prohibition beer together and it tasted so good on this hot humid day in Nebraska sounds old patron remember Ross Holmes from Chicago unexpectedly bought everybody drinks out of his own pocket this is just another example of how I'm always humbled by the generosity of the patron members this is what the motorcycle of majority the law-abiding bikers then 99 percenters are all about it's a biker revolution like never seen before we left BWS Pub and Grill and headed out to finish up our day ride I was taking ahead of the group to see the La Noma lighthouse on Anoma Beach which is a privately owned recreation area developed around an artificial lake and that was very cool the group caught up with us and we joined in we rode together until we eventually reached the Omaha Gun Club in Omaha Nebraska and what an awesome facility that had been reserved for this meetup and dinner after all what's more American than riding a motorcycle all day hanging with real bikers eating meat drinking beer and yeah all at a gun club god bless america the dinner and the bonding that ensued was that of the most authentic Midwestern hospitality imaginable the patrons their families and friends made this event happen and I need not say another word for you to get a picture of what this was all about I'll never forget this day and the real down-to-earth people I met [Music] Oh the night watching the stars in the city [Music] Stasi [Music] [Applause] [Music] the tales we will tell you [Music] there you go patron event 2018 pretty good a vet huh mark it was awesome better yes here almost oh you can't say that Canada oh yeah nicely done rode nicely and there you go day four is a wrap I'm gonna try and get some sleep because I am exhausted [Music] I feel better every day so day five up bright and early in the morning here short ride today 165 miles about three hours we're just going from Papillion Nebraska and we're gonna end up in Kansas City Missouri everyone met up with me at a coffee shop where I had arrived very early like usual to get some work done for this film we all put our rain gear on in preparation for predicted precipitation you know writing in rain gear putting it on really sucks but it's better than the alternative of being soaked and cold there wouldn't be the Midwest if we can get some golf ball-sized hail on us hopefully we have to dodge the tornado that's really good a downpour this is good hail and a tornado note then it's complete and so we hit the road towards Kansas City Missouri now that the patron meetup day was over it was time to turn our attention back to our brothers out of Tennessee who are seeking to start a sworn few MC chapter and it's a good thing we geared up because we definitely hit rain but only 165 miles to Kansas City Missouri that's nothing [Music] you know everything riding on the relevance the bass of it best isn't it scooter you know it's better than being at work when it's nice and it's true we're still on motorcycles on vacation bro I always like it when people dry their shield in about one minute bro it's the inside one minute oh yeah yeah yeah true true so what what lesson have you learned about riding on long distance and in the rain no half hell no more you notice everybody here eventually converted even Rob finally [Music] it's a good thing it was a short writing day because something unexpected would happened just miles outside of our hotel in Kansas City Missouri goats bike pretty new Milwaukee eight something happened about a mile outside luckily I happened a mile outside when he lost all his motor oil you can see we actually checked the oil and just like barely registered on the dipstick again at least we made it here by soil all over everything so trying to get it to as a local dealership here quick this one's here soaked with oil remember there is a recall for the clamps yep that is not a healthy-looking cap holy cow dude it's kind of sketchy whoever buys mirrors like this freaking morons man I just came up after looking on goats bike and stabbed myself Ryan's got to go to these ought to be outlawed these kind of mirrors just saying man's ridiculous l DS bike here look at that got a rock in the headlight on the way here that was our shortest day ride dude our shortest day ride and we got there's a rough one rein in and shed headlights oh my god about blew up a motorman we learned that one of the oil cooler lines on goats bike had busted loose and that's why everyone behind him was splattered with oil spray there was a recall on these clamps and goat had his bike in his local dealership for that very recall prior to this trip he was not happy to say the least that it was not taken care of shout out to Wirth harley-davidson in Kansas City for getting right on it and sending a trailer over to get the bike it was loaded up and on its way for repair as we had many days of riding still ahead we all split up for a while and some went to the dealership and some of us wrote to town to the laundromat you're gonna make someone want a hell of a housewife some day bro and my job on long trips it's always wise to have a little time to hit a laundromat so you don't have to pack as many clothes and can just clean what you have we hung out at the laundromat and it felt good to just sit and chill for once and of course we talked to some locals [Music] so sitting there real deal from the locals at the Hampton Inn in Kansas City Missouri drop some gear and what we're headed to a baseball game what baseball game the Kansas City Royals versus the Los Angeles Angels so little entertainment for the name Kansas City is the largest city in the state of Missouri and has a population of about four hundred and eighty eight thousand making it the 37th most populous city in the United States we didn't get to spend much time in Kansas so I must return someday to really experience it yes this muggy in Tennessee ghost yep yep same yes pretty much guys are crazy man how's that how's that riding in the rain man bye dude you're alive man hired but dude real quick how long how many miles and how long have you been right here from Washington State to Kansas City Missouri 26 hours and 15 minutes 26 hours dude you are a frickin machine real deal here guys holy cow man look tired so dude all you did was stop for gas that's it what was in there strap food to yourself dude and Nachman dog tree yeah right nice dude little tip trick of the day man and you just put it you get your name on a website right no okay and while Jonathan went face-first into a pillow goat and others were still dealing with his bike issue and the rest of us we headed to Kauffman Stadium for a Royals game hey did you guys have some awesome pizza or anything down there yeah oh yeah straight up fresh possum pizza you like the emirate everyday life funny every time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now I'm really not a big professional sports fan but this was a very good way to relax after writing so many days and so many miles we got to drink a few cold ones visit laughs and chill with the guys from Tennessee trust me it was not about really watching much of the game [Music] and this guy here likes baseball about as much as I do [Music] so who won the game bro 12 1 2 your Tuesday or anybody else to do that Royals and now what baseball is about now I don't really watch as they just go on visit right apparently the other guys are some barbecue place where Darren in over 20 right there anyway they don't forget they heard pretty standard so after the game several the guys thought it was a great idea to get a ride in the back of a pickup with some random person to try and find a good barbecue place in town [Applause] the rest of us we took an uber to hopefully meet up with them after we figured out where they had actually gone we did finally locate the other guys and we all met at gates barbecue in Kansas City we had great service and the food was great and I recommend it if you're in the area [Music] Sturgess jeff and i returned to our hotel while the others headed into town and for what i've been told several had a very late night day six we are headed from Kansas City Missouri to Amarillo Texas 549 miles about nine hours saddle time they got setting out it was raining we may hit some weather today I hope not all the guys or behind me gathered up around the bikes and the Tennessee guys are headed back home their way so before we get going just a quick stop at Starbucks everybody's dragging a little bit here Hyundai sick so what are we planning out here you know I wouldn't get Jeffery on route 66 section of route 66 we're gonna try to hit part of Western the western part of route 66 today right well in the cities at parallel by fully all the way to Amarillo and end up nice and so we parted ways with our brothers from Tennessee and headed out on the road we needed to lay down some freakin miles this day Sturgis Jeff did some last-minute planning and wanted to hit parts of route 66 I was excited to see what the state would bring to include an eating challenge that scooter would be professionally competing in later in Amarillo Texas okay maybe scooters not so professional but he'd given an all-american tribe and we'd have a great start to the morning right into the lush green scenery through Kansas [Music] do you have the state challenge tonight bro and your heat you're filling yourself how are you gonna complete the challenge competitors you supposed to be fast but right now dude competitive eaters no better to train all day prepare yourself better you're a trained athlete massage this thing yeah get it ready dude get it all loosened up you're gonna be able to do it bro I don't want to pay the hundred bucks right so you got to do it but if I see you getting back and often like so as long as he gives it his all and you and you verify that he's giving it as all he's mentally in you will buy it if he puts us out and can't eat it nice nice offer Brad nope there you go not like your friends supporting you are you nervous and mentally nervous you know the challenge that Texas or gold oh it's gonna be medium rare [Music] we continued our freeway riding Southwest through Kansas and we're having pretty good luck with the weather and making time then our luck ran out as the weather moved in on us boy it's cooling down quickly feels good but oh hell we dropped like ten degrees as we work our way towards that and we made an emergency stop to gear up for the storm [Music] [Applause] hear that little thunder action going into the eye of the storm Robbie let's do hyah the storm chasers oh yeah for motorcycles bro good yeah you know protocol oh yeah look at it the entire NASCAR pit crew here today hungry you're not eating yet water throw your stomach with water hydrate yourself okay take this seriously huh he's gonna be a winner yeah yeah yeah he's paying for it and we rode on and the rain never got too bad but I'm sure glad we gear DUP and it wasn't long before it was time to take our ring gear off and the day just got hotter and muggier from there as we wrote in Kansas and into Oklahoma we learned that the toll systems are very annoying they're everywhere it seemed and some take exact change you may or may not have it was very frustrating trying to figure out the system and be in compliance and we dropped out of Kansas and headed west across Oklahoma via i-40 and a hundred plus degree weather at freeway speeds making time [Music] and we were able to get off i-40 for a moment at Weatherford Oklahoma and in a small section of route 66 and it was not a well-maintained section to say the least [Music] [Applause] we got off i-40 at Elk Ridge Oklahoma and made a very quick stop at the largest route 66 sign in the world at the national route 66 museum and it was pretty cool [Music] are you hungry thirsty why are you hungry cuz I haven't eaten all that's that's what that's what competitive eaters do your training we left Elk City Oklahoma and laid down our last leg of this day's trip towards Amarillo Texas via i-40 and it was just plain hot straight and wide open as we neared Amarillo the air cooled as the Sun set to the west believe it or not this very stretch of riding became one of the highlights of the trip for me it was absolutely serene and I could tell everyone had a peace about their spirit [Music] warning what you are about to see is that of a highly trained professional eater and Bullard law abiding biker advise you not to try this without proper training and proper peanut gallery to assist and what a great way to end the day as we roll into the big texan in amarillo texas with our highly trained competitive eater scooter to attempt the famous steak challenge to get bragging rights a t-shirt and your meal for free you have one hour to eat a 72-ounce four and a half pound steak cooked to your liking a baked potato and bread easy right after all adam richman of man vs. food did it in 29 minutes oh and you can't vomit do you think scooter has what it takes swim sit so you can't change your mind have you done it before No he's been training for six months he did it what are you doing over here no go sit go sit at your spot my advice I'm not getting it all done oh nice nice does he have to eat the potato and everything too so the whole thing okay you say so somewhere here we got a subscriber the YouTube called out what's up brother what's your name Mike Mike nice to meet you Maisie Ron yeah awesome subscribe to the YouTube channel hey thanks man appreciate it thank you you look in your enemy down are you I in your enemy down right now so he can't vomit okay alright don't follow it have your seat dude you've trained for this for six months [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] doing well but a long ways to go [Music] [Music] and while scooter sat alone attempting this ridiculous challenge the rest of us ate a reasonable-sized state drank beer visited and of course heckled scooter to give him the support he needed but all jokes aside I give scooter props for doing this as nobody else manned up do they go through all the gristle to verify its gristle they reach you and check it do you have any words of wisdom for him Oh words of wisdom ten minutes dude there's your words of encouragement at all ambulance standing by out there quick drinking them four three two one the man for even trying that get it to go back all right Roger heading to the bathroom and to the bathroom get away it to see how much scooter actually ate how much 17.5 left bro that's dang good man and you get to keep that Cup sure see you get a free shirt out of a brochure this this says right so if you come to Amarillo Texas you gotta try the Big Texan really cool place [Music] [Music] and what a great day this ended up being we wrote straight to our hotel a short distance away and everyone hit the rack we had another good solid day of hot weather riding ahead of us and another very unexpected debacle that would really set us back all right here we are in the bikes this morning early this is day seven and we're headed to Gallup New Mexico well 425 miles about six hours saddle time already warming up very quickly shorter day than yesterday though that's gonna be nice Amarillo Texas also known as the Yellow Rose of Texas as it takes its name from the Spanish word for yellow has a population of around 200,000 and is the largest city in the Texas Panhandle the city was once the self-proclaimed helium capital of the world for having one of the country's most productive helium fields and Amarillo also operates one of the largest meatpacking areas in the United States pantex the only nuclear weapons assembly and disassembly facility in the country is also a major employer some big attractions to Seanna Murillo are Cadillac Ranch and the Big Texan steak ranch we only got to spend a very short time in mrl oh but what I saw it makes me really want to return someday to see more [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nice to meet your brother you know yeah so how do you - from here from here I'm from North Carolina in North Carolina nice you're gonna bless our bikes want to bless you in that way we're here blast you and I slash your houses place you missus bless everything but he needs to be blessed i dude so everybody said you had a nightmare after the state challenge while you were sleeping last night what yes that is true so this nightmare I had last night and then I didn't know where I was at and I looked around and I realized I was laying on a plate so I look up then there's this big cow and he had a knife and a fork and he started cutting into me and eating me so what your dream was a cow had you on a plate and was trained to eat you yeah and after we were blessed by some nice folks at Starbucks some of the guys apparently needed to go to a cowboy store called calves endures in Amarillo so they could feel like well Cowboys I guess even though they rode motorcycles and not a one of them even owns a damn horse you tell these guys they're not Cowboys they think they're Cowboys and they're gonna get a belt buckle all right all right they think they're Cowboys for the day good choice Robbie oh yeah good choice good choice and after the crew all felt like real cowboys there was time to hit the road for the day ultimate destination will be Gallup New Mexico with another day of straight-up hot temperature freeway riding following I 40 West [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] scooters 82 year old woman our first stop scooters in the bathroom he's feeling the pain from the state challenge last night oh that sounds horrible oh my god let us know we'll call 9-1-1 if you need it by the way I will let you know he went Milady's hold on dude so much for the steak challenge bro not normal dude it did not sound normal in there I'll tell you that we hit the road and bomb straight through to Tucumcari New Mexico Tucumcari we wanted to get off i-40 here to hit a short section of route 66 and visit a souvenir store it was about a hundred degrees and the shop didn't have any appropriate air-conditioning Tucumcari okay I say alright with my accent alright got an accent don't I but the nice lady inside gave us waters to rehydrate we shopped around and I got a route 66 sign for the law-abiding biker studio [Music] [Applause] [Music] we left Tucumcari and ran a short section of route 66 I couldn't help but notice the abandoned businesses along the way like a ghost town I'm not sure what happened here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] shortly after we met back up with i-40 and throttled down towards Gallup New Mexico [Music] [Applause] and we took an exit off i-40 into Moriarty New Mexico I believe that's how you say it probably gasps for sure and some lunch Brewery got AC in here got AC thank you the Sierra Blanca brewery was not a pre-planned stop but a real godsend in this blistering hot desert we were in they had air-conditioning great hospitality and most of all yep ice-cold beer on tap you can order food from another local business that delivers here it felt great to relax inside for a bit and I got a full tour so Sierra Blanca say the challenge Neymar fights the warrior in Mexico Lori or did I say alright we're here yep what's your name thanks brother magic all [Music] so on the weekend we live music Fridays for this food truck Friday the sedatives you got Oktoberfest blues rock barbecues many other business throughout the year thank you alright Sierra Blanca brewery thumbs up and after lunch it was right back into the blistering heat running straight roads towards Gallup New Mexico the scenery did get a little greener as we neared Albuquerque and yet another debacle of the trip happened ten miles outside Albuquerque when b-real started having wiggle in the front end of his Road Glide if something's going to break it'll definitely do so in the extreme heat we slowed down and limp the bike to Duke's harley davidson albuquerque to figure things out another debacle the course yes sir I need a new couple shirts to get me to the trip we're going to laundry that's an experience move bro straight-up experience by a young lady shirt sell me a shirt I'll take one large please see I'm an easy sell leave our mark baby wheel bearings even though it's a 2017 got replaced from bearings [Music] so do you remember at the beginning of this documentary film I asked how the crew ended up falling asleep on day seven of this trip in Dukes Harley Davidson in Albuquerque well now it should be all clear you see seven days of a hardcore cross-country motorcycle trip with plenty of fun times and debacles will do that to any writer [Music] and after many hours of diagnosis and eventual front wheel bearing replacement we were back on i-40 towards Gallup New Mexico in 105 degree heat in the late afternoon but hey at least some of the guys got some rest as you saw we wrote long stretches of straight roads on i-40 with not much scenery except from time to time riding through New Mexico was still beautiful in its own way and hey I'm still on a motorcycle riding with my brothers many states away from home and it's hard to beat that [Music] [Applause] [Music] we were all exhausted when we made it to Gallup New Mexico and we pulled into our Motel the Red Roof Inn which made the motel 6 across the way it looked like the Hilton but we made the best of it after last night where we stayed dude hey break it up serious paper jam yeah you got to take it apart yeah you got it yep you got to tear it and start over yeah nicely done saving the day good work Robbie did you unplug it oh good work this place have like real Keys like metal keys no but that one does oh yeah and they step up they have a pool though dude we don't even have a pool we haven't checked the grounds okay you're right we don't know of all the amenities like this is sketchy by the hour turn that AC on geez nothing like having the room prepared for us with AC on in New Mexico at 107 degrees we got power get that on Robbie so apparently our air conditioner we call it down it just plain isn't working we up great we've actually been upgraded we now have the view of the pool dude we now have a view of the pool we've got courtyard access at this time oh yeah that's a big upgrade smells funny in here yeah smells a real funny bingo as the Sun set we headed into town for a quick dinner at a chain restaurant as we were all ready for bed on the right back the air felt great compared to the 105 degrees it's bad when you're in the roach motel and you wish you were in the motel 6 across the street we hit the rack and I was very excited for the next day as I will get to write a road an area that is truly amazing but I can check off my life list you've got to see this day 8 [Music] [Laughter] [Music] not gonna miss this place [Music] Gallup New Mexico to Grand Junction Colorado Gallup New Mexico for bikers I'll say that it's a fair place to stay in between destinations but there's nothing real exciting here it has a population of about 22,000 and a substantial percentage of that population are Native American with residents from the Navajo Hopi and Zuni tribes the city was founded in 1881 as a railhead for the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad and named after David Gallup a paymaster for the railroad it has on the trails of the Ancients byway one of the designated New Mexico Scenic Byways because of the nearby rugged terrain it was a popular location in the 1940s and 50s for Hollywood westerns [Music] you have you ready for it and up you betcha I'm excited I've missed opportunities at least twice to get there nice you got stored we got stormed out big time once I'm excited cuz it looks like it's gonna be a beautiful day I'm just ready to ride a road with no doubt for the last thousand miles with something yeah exactly it's curves that's all we want be real had to split off and head back to California the rest of us left our lovely motel in Gallup New Mexico and headed north on highway 491 for some flat and hot riding to start the day and the temp got two triple digits in no time there's not much a/c but a few houses now and then in the middle of nowhere it makes me wonder who would settle in such a flat dry hot place with nothing around for miles it seems like such a godforsaken land but hey there's something for everyone they say we cut across bi a five for a shortcut and eventually hooked up with highway 371 to the north [Music] it was north from there on Highway 550 we went through flora Vista and Aztec New Mexico as we crossed into Colorado it was becoming greener and more beautiful and that was very welcome to us all we were all anticipating what we knew was to come later this day we made it to Durango Colorado and stopped at the dealership for a break dude no more it's a flat freaking dry no curved roads dude it's nice this is so beautiful dude that road coming down in yeah and then the one before that right I wish we would have had a clearer stretch I totally dude it's gonna get better though bro looking looking to the north man hi how are you I need one of you to find your favorite t-shirt that's what I do at every dealership I'm usually in agreement my wife says I wear wait way too many black Harley shirts so I need to I need to do color let me see that that is pretty cool all right sold twenty he'll always find the clearance rack for us yeah buddy cuz he's smart this is a cool from what I've seen of it just driving through this Durango I would love to come back here and stay for a day and just check it out it looks really cool oh yeah and the time had finally come and I could feel the excitement of the crew what you asked well we were headed out of Durango Colorado to write the million dollar highway which is well known by motorcycles as one of the best roads to ride but more about that highway a bit later for now we just wanted to enjoy the ride there north on highway 550 out of Durango towards Silverton the temperature dropped to 83 degrees as we gained elevation which was the coolest we felt in a while on this trip the smell of the trees was welcomed and the cool fresh air could be felt in our lungs after days of pounding the miles on flat roads in triple digit temperatures I know that each of us felt that we had earned this ride it's times like these that a bikers soul is truly set free [Music] and we made it to the start on the south end of the official million dollar highway yep it gets even better than what we had just written the million dollar highway stretches for about 25 miles in western Colorado and follows the route of us 550 between Silverton and our a Colorado many say the highway is dangerous challenging and potentially hazardous to drive it's characterized by steep cliffs narrow lanes and a lack of guardrails but I'll tell you it's worth it [Music] the origin of the name million dollar highway is disputed there are several legends though including that it cost a million dollars a mile to build in the 1920s and that it's filter it contains a million dollars in gold ore [Music] about halfway between sillerton and our Ray is the Red Mountain ghost town it was once the largest mining camp on Red Mountain Pass [Music] [Music] we drop down into the town of El Rey Colorado where the million dollar highway ends and we were in awe of what we had just experienced our a has a population of about 1,000 but clearly has a large tourist draw the town was originally established by miners chasing silver and gold in the surrounding mountains at the height of the mining there were more than 30 active mines we ate at the El Rey brewery where if you get a seat on the upper deck you can overlook the town and the magnificent backdrop of mountains make sure you look straight out when you're on that balcony and see if you can find the beautifully placed American flag on the hillside [Music] [Music] and we left our a for our last leg of the trip the state towards Grand Junction Colorado via Highway 550 to the north we went through the city of Montrose where it turns into highway 50 and continued on eventually going to the city of Delta and others it wasn't long before we were back into some long flat straight roads yeah a hundred degrees out crosswinds severe Gus it's a good idea good idea not wearing a helmet there scooter yeah nice you get it but alone [Music] it didn't matter what Mother Nature was throwing at us at this point with the wind and temps as I know that in our souls and minds we were all still back on the million dollar highway [Music] never in a while you see us can succumb before it's too cuz I can't wait let's put on we'll be singing right now this house I had glasses treat you in that severe crosswinds that crosswind was a bit yeah yeah I didn't want to take my hat off because it was holding my glasses how are you young lady good hot it's hot and windy out there on the freeway are you stealing that bike sir step off the bike I just leave it running all night [Music] [Music] gonna be pulling people over this is just like the Red Roof Inn yep nothing like having the broom prepared for us with AC on New Mexico at 107 degrees very similar and the AC is on it actually works everyone cleaned up a bit and we all headed to a random restaurant we picked that was within walking distance of our hotel we ended up eating at a place called seat rolla's Italian Grill and pizzeria the food and service were great we all just relaxed and reminisce of some of the awesome writing we were blessed with this day but stellar day but we everybody is spent second day in a row but a million dollar highway if you get a chance to ride it worth money notes worth a million dollars should be on your life list for sure we had a long day ahead of us tomorrow so we're hitting the rack Grand Junction is a city in Colorado is a western slope region and has a population of about 65,000 it's known as a hub of Colorado's wine country the Grand Junction area has developed as a mountain biking destination with many bikers coming from all over to enjoy the area's abundant single track trails I'd like to go back to Grand Junction someday and spend a bit more time you get it but alone you're always staring you need another great food [Music] everyone guzzled some coffee at Starbucks in preparation for the 630 mile freeway riding day are you ready for this 630 mile day oh yeah it's supposed to be like 78 up there that's we're gonna have to get coats on if at 78 and Boise that's like freezing temperatures because our bodies are acclimated to 100-plus I don't know what we're gonna do yeah we're not acclimated nevermind we hit the highway about 7:15 a.m. and started on i-70 North our ultimate destination will be Boise Idaho the state shortly after leaving Grand Junction we crossed into Utah there's nothing special about this portion of the ride and it's a wide-open but I will say it felt very nice at only 73 degrees [Music] when you're done anyway you're short bypassed the competition [Music] this happened all the way back in Kansas City Missouri we knew about it Robby's bike and yesterday he lost a piece of glass when we go home we're gonna replace it with one of our in-stock vision X headlights anyways I don't think any of us had a high expectation for this day we just simply needed to lay down miles and take very short breaks but we got off i-70 and headed north on US Highway six towards Salt Lake City and wow what a pleasant surprise that was as we got past price Utah it was great to ride the curves see the beautiful rock formations and ride in the cooler weather I definitely suggest writing this highway if you get a chance it's totally worth it [Music] it will get you the future albums show [Music] well we powered through to Ogden Utah and that's good that's about half the miles down about started out a little over 600 a little more than a half 297 to go to Boise Idaho we're gonna get a quick lunch gas up all that good stuff oh yeah making good time doing good yep would you choose scooter would you choose spicy probably why to keep the grease in your system didn't want to shop it or anything yeah heart attack did if you would make yeah for scooter misses in-and-out burger did you see the you was crying he was crying back on the freeway man and while some of us ate a bit healthier for lunch and felt better about ourselves we all needed to make it quick and get back on the road we left Ogden Utah on i-15 north and powered down with about 225 miles to go we eventually merged onto 84 West which would take us the rest of the way into Boise Idaho we all fought a brutal unrelenting headwind as we powered towards Boise we had to make one last fuel stop and uh Nass about 165 miles southeast of Boise after the quick stop it was back on 84 fighting that headwind the entire way and it beat us all up pretty good I know what you've seen so far preconceptions down the [Music] [Music] you should at around 5 o'clock p.m. we finally rolled in to Boise Idaho and made our way to the Red Lion Hotel where we'd be staying we were all exhausted from this long ride day but there's no way we were wasting our last night on this cross-country trip and Boise is a town that always delivers we visited here often over the years you saw it coming Boise is the capital and most populous city of Idaho it is located on the Boise River in southwestern Idaho and has a population of around 225,000 making it the 99th largest city in the US Forbes reports that Boise is one of the top 25 fastest growing areas in the u.s. coming in at number 1 on the 2018 list and that Boise will maintain that trend but of course with becoming a big city you also get the big city issues unfortunately I've seen all those problems progress over the years but for now if you're riding through I'll say that it's a great place to visit and stay over [Music] going downtown Robbie going downtown I've got a bad idea some debacles have happened in downtown Boise before who do you think of Boise on a Friday night so far so good yeah you know Enzo sounds not even down bro [Music] we decided to eat at the bitter Creek Ale House in downtown Boise besides it being packed the food and service were pretty good oh and the beer was cold [Music] [Applause] [Music] and of course the night progressed and we visited Tom granny's pub for a bit we ended up at a favorite watering hole of ours called reef and we always hang in the upper outdoor tiki bar and you can guess the memories of this cross-country motorcycle trip that were spoken this night like old fishing stories they were [Music] and as usual on a weekend the streets of Boise are getting a bit wild [Music] Oh [Music] all right here we are final day day 10 headed from Boise Idaho to Yakima Washington area 356 miles about five and a half hours south of fame easy day we're gonna get a town a little late I'm up early to enjoy the morning some of the guys have too much fun in Boise Idaho last night we decided to start the day right with a good breakfast at Cracker Barrel in Boise it's always good food if you've never tried one skiers alive he's alive I ended up getting a few more gifts from my daughter's back home and I have no idea how I found room for them as I have to pack so much film gear along with my regular gear but I did then it was a quick cup of Starbucks to really get the blood flowing well just getting down at Starbucks here in Boise Idaho this is the last leg of the trip it's just me and law dog together so the last leg the Wenatchee guys took off and they got a longer ride the tri-cities guys so hanging out with the last day everybody brings up but we're gonna throttle down and get home so law dog and I hit the road which would be freeway writing via i-80 for to the northwest out of Idaho and into Oregon the last leg of the trip is always somewhat emotional in a weird sort of way and there's an unexplainable inner peace that happens although you've had a blast on the trip and created unbelievable memories you're all so exhausted and looking forward to getting home and seeing your family being in your own house and sleeping in your own bed the miles go by so quickly as the entire trip replays in my head the good times the laughter the Brotherhood the sights the sounds and yes the debacles all play back for me like an old movie I find that the trip was really just a 10-day blur and the memories they'll take time to fully reveal themselves to me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] did I cut you out thank you time is it's not a lighter there's not much energy in the screw Lepidus one day did they fix ya know today six because we had one down date the patron right that's restricts right yeah because when day was down we're gonna have a right plan for one day but definitely no do day right yeah yeah so day six definitely not as much energy I'm still having a blast though got one question for you Aveda stand [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ryan Urlacher
Views: 679,127
Rating: 4.8119192 out of 5
Keywords: motorcycle trip, cross country, motorcycle documentary, harley davidson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 17sec (6077 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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