12 Most Rare And Expensive Abandoned Cars

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as a rule of thumb rare and expensive cars don't get abandoned even if they're a little run down and in need of mechanical attention they're still valuable to collectors the problem with rules of thumb though is that not everybody follows them the abandonment of valuable cars might be less common than the abandonment of average automobiles but it still happens you're about to see a whole shocking series of beautiful abandoned cars in this video dubai is an excellent place to look for abandoned luxury cars some of the business people who live and work there have so much money that they can throw away their old luxury cars as easily as the rest of us throw away our old mobile phones and evidence of that practice can be found in a car lot that's become known as dubai's luxury car graveyard some of the cars belong to people who've got into financial difficulty dubai's strict laws mean you can be jailed for getting into debt and missing a few payments on a luxury car is an easy way for that to happen more than 3 000 such vehicles were recorded at dubai international airport during 2012 before being removed and taken to the graveyard examples of dusty forgotten cars found in the parking lot over the years have included a jaguar xj220 a limited edition ferrari enzo a ferrari mondile and acura nsx and several different porsches and bentleys the owners have a limited time period to come forward and claim their vehicles before they're seized and then sold on at state-backed auctions [Music] a brand new maybach 57 would cost you close to four hundred thousand dollars and that was before manufacturer daimler decided to stop making new models if you had one in mint condition right now you might be able to sell it for half a million dollars or more that doesn't appear to matter to whoever owns this maybach 57 which has been left in a parking lot in can france for at least four years people regularly turn up to take photographs of the car and some even wrote messages in the dust on the trunk to remind the owner to move their asset but nobody ever came back for it by the time it was impounded and taken away the suspension appeared to have weakened and thieves had come to take away the ornaments from the hood but it's still easily 250 000 worth of used car to the right buyer fortunately as the parking lot was mostly covered rust hadn't yet set in to start eating away at the body work you might be familiar with the name uday hussein he was the son of disgraced former iraqi dictator saddam hussein like his father he's no longer living but during his lifetime he built up an impressive collection of supercars and rare collectibles one of them was this long forgotten ferrari f-40 somehow the car ended up in the possession of iraqi gangsters after hussein's death and was briefly shipped to turkey to hide it from looters when it came back from turkey it was apparently missing a few parts its owner lost interest in it at that point and thought so little of it that he even used the roof of the car to store unused tires it's since been brought up to full working order and refurbished again and in more recent pictures it looks like it's in regular use don't expect to see it leave a rack any time soon though the person who owns it quotes journalists a price of over one million dollars when they make inquiries [Music] how does a priceless 1925 bugatti type 22 brisia race car end up at the bottom of lake maguire in italy the answer has a little to do with drinking a little to do with card games and a lot to do with wanting to annoy customs officers the car was once owned by legendary french racing driver renee dreyfus best known for winning the monaco grand prix in 1930. renee was a drinker and a gambler and during a high-stakes game of poker with swiss millionaire adelbert bode in paris he bet the bugatti on a hand and he lost bode attempted to drive his prize home to switzerland but was stopped at the border by customs officials who told him he couldn't bring it into the country without paperwork bode was so offended that instead of filing the paperwork he dumped the car in the lake and abandoned it that's where it stayed until 2009 when a crowdfunding effort saw enough money raised to haul the wreck of the car up out of the lake and sell it at auction even in such poor condition it sold to a california-based car collector called peter mullen for 75 000 it's now on display at mullen's car museum and he says he has no plans to restore it we already nominated dubai as one place you could expect to find success if you went looking for abandoned luxury cars you don't have to go far across the middle east to find another candidate in the shape of qatar which is also full of people who are so rich that luxury cars are disposable items to them in 2010 an exceptionally rare and valuable vehicle was found gathering dust in a remote qatari parking lot a jaguar xj220 this model of car was literally a dream come true for jaguar designer jim randall he claims the appearance of the vehicle came to him in a dream and he was able to take the vision out of his dream and turn it into a reality in this case though the dream has unfortunately turned into a nightmare we don't know the full story being the abandonment of this once proud jag but it's clear from its appearance that it's been standing in the open for a long time leaving a beautiful big cat to die like this is shameful and we hope that in the 10 years since someone has come along to take better care of it if the workers who'd been sent to demolish an old barn in north carolina usa had done the job that was asked of them in late 2017 we wouldn't be able to bring you this next story at all instead of proceeding with the demolition as instructed the workers decided to take a peek inside the condemned barn first and that's when they found five beautiful but forgotten classic cars even the least valuable of the five is noteworthy it's a bmw 325i allrad that was once shown off at the frankfurt motor show in 1985. next up is a triumph tr-6 a classic british sports car that's been made even rarer by the fact that the original british mechanical fuel injection system has been removed and replaced at the factory by zenith stromberg carburetors for the american market the propane based morgan plus eight is also worth your attention but the two cars that really blew the workers minds were a big block shelby cobra and a silver ferrari 275 gtb4 the prancing horse only had 13 000 miles on the clock it's thought that all five cars had been in the barn since 1991 and their owner had long since passed away what a lucky discovery most of the abandoned cars you'll see in this video have met their fate through misfortune or incompetence that isn't the tail of every abandoned supercar though this bugatti veyron ended up at the bottom of a lake because its driver american car dealer andy house was a criminal trying to commit insurance fraud and he paid a cool 1 million for the highly desirable bugatti in 2006 and a week later he insured his new vehicle for precisely double that amount he didn't even wait a month before trying to claim on that insurance policy and he drove the veyron into a lake and left the engine switched on which ensured that the stunning vehicle would be damaged beyond repair he might even have gotten away with the scam we're not for the fact that a nearby pedestrian had spotted the car coming and taken his phone out to record a video of it as a result he caught the whole thing on camera andy house didn't get his money he got a jail sentence instead happily the veyron got a new engine and was sold on to a more responsible owner a lamborghini miura getting lost or going missing just once is a tragedy for it to happen to the same car repeatedly is unthinkable and yet that's exactly what's happened to the iconic aristotle and nasus miura p400s the car was formerly the property of greek singer and racing driver stamatis kokatas who received it as a gift from his millionaire friend aristotle onassis kokodas loved it and drove it everywhere for many years but he lost interest in it after it broke down and had to be sent back to lamborghini for repairs he took the vehicle back when the repairs were finished but left it parked below the hilton hotel in athens for the next 40 years it finally reappeared in 2012 and was sent for auction by kois in the united kingdom but didn't meet its reserve price it then disappeared a second time before resurfacing in 2017 when it was again offered at auction and again failed to meet its reserve price since then its whereabouts have been unknown we have two questions here why is this famous and iconic car struggling to find a buyer and where does it spend the years between its auction attempts [Music] one way to keep a precious vehicle away from thieves and vandals would be to bury it we're not recommending it as a safety method because burying a car is highly likely to damage it but it would definitely keep a car hidden from thieves the people who buried this gorgeous green 1974 ferrari dino 274 gts weren't thinking about safety when they interred it below the ground though they were thinking about cold hard cash the owner of the car was struggling for money and paid two men to bury it for him so he could claim on the insurance instead the bungling criminals buried it in the belief that they could claim their share of the insurance cash and also keep the car for 30 years they got away with it but someone tipped off a detective who ordered an old parking lot to be dug up and located the car fortunately the dry los angeles mud it had been entombed within had mummified it as opposed to wrecking it and the ferrari has since been fully restored amusingly its new owner has had customized license plates fitted to it with the words dug up printed on them tokyo might not be quite as opulent or ostentatious as dubai or qatar but it's still the sort of place where people might see a supercar parked on the streets and think nothing of it if that weren't the case it's likely that this black ferrari 456 gt might have been stolen long before now it's been standing in a humble parking lot on a quiet tokyo side street for more than 10 years and nobody knows who left it there or why it doesn't look great but when you think about the fact that it's been subjected to a whole decade of hot summers and rainy seasons it's amazing that it doesn't look far worse we still don't think it's likely that you'd be able to open the doors and drive away if you had the keys though the rust on the brakes is so severe that they're probably totally seized up internally things have fared a little better everything looks neat and clean and there's even a packet of cigarettes there as if the driver had gone for a brief walk and intended to come back to the vehicle dare we wonder what happened to them the black ferrari in tokyo might look a bit of a mess but it's far from being the shabbiest old ferrari in japan we think that dubious distinction might have to be given to this ferrari daytona which is in a horrendous state after spending four decades in a filthy barn in a more rural part of the country in its prime this was the fastest car in the world and even in this condition it might be worth more than one and a half million dollars ferrari built 1200 daytonas over four years starting in 1969 along with five competition cars used in endurance races this forgotten barn dweller though is the only street version of the vehicle ever to be made with an aluminum body and its rarity is a big factor in the price enzo ferrari sold the car to his friend luciano conti in the year of its release and conti sold it on a year later to another owner who sold it on to its japanese keeper a year after that before its 2017 discovery it hadn't moved an inch since 1980 after being identified at long last it was shipped back to marinello in italy for a full restoration for some reason 40 years seems to be a popular amount of time to leave a classic car behind a rod this aston martin db4 has spent 40 years in the open air in massachusetts usa and even in this almost totally wrecked state it's said to be worth 400 000 technically speaking it isn't even abandoned the owner parked it in the early 1970s bought a new car and never gave his old aston martin a second look in all that time the 1960 built db4 has been damaged by woodland not only growing around it but straight through parts of it back when it could move it would have been capable of going from 0 to 100 miles per hour in less than 30 seconds which is some serious acceleration for a car of that era since its 2018 rescue it's had all the foliage removed from both its interior and exterior but it still needs some serious restoration work performing on it when it finds a buyer let's hope that happens sooner rather than later subscribe to the channel turn on the notification bell and enjoy watching new 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Channel: Lightning Top
Views: 134,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Rarest And Expensive Abandoned Cars, Abandoned Cars, top 12 Expensive Cars, Rare And Expensive Abandoned Cars, Rare Cars, Rare vehicles, 12 most, top 12, lightning top, compilation, lightningtop, EverSee, Expensive, Rarest And Expensive
Id: B-0z615uVFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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