12 Most Mysterious Artifacts Finds Scientists Still Can't Explain

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the world would be a very boring place if we understood everything we ever saw so we're glad that isn't the case life is made more exciting by mysteries and mysteries crop up all the time in the field of archaeology our leading experts are frequently baffled by some of the astonishing discoveries they make but if you ask us that only makes the discoveries more interesting here we're going to check out some of the all-time great mysterious archaeological finds [Music] the entire site of stonehenge in wiltshire england is a prehistoric mystery that we know very little about but if we were to go into detail about stonehenge we'd be talking about it for a full 15 minutes instead let's focus on a strange artifact that's been discovered at the site the so-called golden lozenge of stonehenge the beautiful artifact was discovered in 1808 by british archaeologist william cunnington as he excavated a grave close to the megalithic stones and is thought to have belonged to a high priest a tribal chief or perhaps even an ancient monarch the lozenge is one item among a collection that cunnington discovered prompting speculation that he may have located the crown jewels of the former king of stonehenge the fact that the four thousand-year-old grave hadn't been looted before cunnington came across it is remarkable the decoration on the face of the lozenge is organized into a pattern of lines and shapes that suggest the artisan who made it must have had advanced knowledge of geometry some people have even suggested that there might be elements of astronomy hidden within the complex design but so far that hasn't been proven and nor has the identity of the item's owner do the paintings on the rocks of shotisgar india represent astronauts aliens and unidentified flying objects well the people who conducted a study of them certainly think so in fact they're so convinced that they contacted the indian space research organization and asked them to come and verify what they were looking at even if we disregard the more outlandish claims about these ten thousand year old paintings there are still significant mysteries here among the many animal paintings on the rock walls are depictions of giraffes and kangaroos neither animal is native to the country and we are not aware of any evidence that suggests they'd have been common sites in india 100 centuries ago either where would these cave artists have seen these creatures in order to paint them and why did they paint them right next to pictures of human fish hybrids the paintings that have attracted the most attention and controversy seem to show humanoid beings descending from disc shaped objects in the sky they're either wearing helmets or they have oversized heads we're not saying that they're definitely aliens but we don't have any better ideas do you it's obvious that the well of santa cristina and paula latino italy was an enormously important site for the people who built it we just don't know why it was so important it's too decorative and elaborate to have been a simple well but we can't work out what its other purposes might have been we don't even know its real name we only call it the well of santa cristina because of the 12th century church nearby but the well was built much longer ago than that it's around 3 200 years old and was most likely made by the neurologic civilization who once called sardinia their own unfortunately the neurologic people had no written language so understanding their ancient monuments is a little difficult the well is surrounded by buildings that might have been dwellings with a central meeting point but we can't know that for sure the bottom of the well is accessed by a beautifully constructed stone staircase and there's a space at the bottom that might have been a place for rituals to be conducted but we can't say that for sure either it's an enigma but it's a very beautiful enigma the chakra shraw temple of nala sopera mumbai is a special sacred place known primarily for two things the first thing that makes it notable is the fact that it's 900 years old and is considered to be an ancient wonder in its home country the second thing it's known for is this remarkable stone carving of the deity vishwakaman and the strange objects he appears to hold in its hands a recurring theme with great ancient works of construction is that modern archaeologists can't work out how they were completed with such high degrees of accuracy when it comes to angles and symmetry this carving might hold a clue look at the object that vishvakamon has in his right hand you might be tempted to say it's a camera but it looks more like a theodolite a precision instrument used for working out angles in his other hand there's a very long very flat instrument which some people believe to be a weapon but others say is more like a geodetic ruler this is exactly the kind of thing you'd use in conjunction with a theodolite if you were to measure angles across a distance and attempt to build with precision is this a coincidence or is it compelling evidence of ancient technology in 2007 an amateur metal detectorist in a field close to digit england came across a stunning iron age mirror it's one of only 58 ever to have been discovered and one of only 18 to have been found in one piece in the 13 years since its discovery a number of stories and myths have attached themselves to the object now known as the didcot mirror whatever this 2100 year old object might have been used for chances are it wasn't for vanity to the ancient world a mirror was a magical device that allowed its bearer to peer into an alternative world which means that this artifact with its stunning latin patterning might have belonged to a shaman iron age mirrors which appear to be a type of archaeological discovery that's exclusive to britain are often found in burials with their glass faces tilted towards the skull of the deceased suggesting that they might have had an unknown connection to death or the afterlife that might have been as simple a purpose as verifying that the deceased was no longer breathing or as complex as providing the soul a pathway to another world pueblo bonito in northern new mexico has a wide range of titles and accolades attached to it it's the largest of all the ancient structures you'll find at chacho cultural national historical park and is considered to be the center of the world as far as the chacoan people were concerned even its name translates into english as beautiful town building the great house was a labor of love for the chacoans with work beginning in around the year 850 and continuing for almost 300 years one of the most amazing discoveries made here is actually a comparatively recent one in 2009 studies proved that the samples of cacao found within some of the pottery shards recovered from pueblo bonito were mexican in origin the substance is known to have been used in important rituals by the cocoan people but it was always assumed that their cacao came from somewhere local now that it's been proven to be mexican we can say with certainty that there was trade and travel between mexico and north america long before the spanish arrived that's only a small part of the story and mystery of this site though the structure has 800 rooms and we'd be lying if we said we knew what went on and even half of them how far back into history do you think we have to look to find the first object we could refer to as a calculator should we start with the first electronic calculator in the 1960s or should we go back 3 300 years to the invention of the abacus in china perhaps we should do neither perhaps what we should really do is look at the ichango bone which was carved in the democratic republic of congo 22 000 years ago the bone is thought to be a baboon's fibula upon which is marked the first recorded piece of arithmetic in known human history the markings on the bone are divided into columns with the columns subdivided into groups each group on the left-hand column is split into groups of four all of which contain 11 13 17 and 19 notches adding up to 60. these are four consecutive prime numbers the middle column contains groups of eight which also add up to 60. in the right hand column we're back to four groups of notches again adding up to 60. there's little doubt that there's a mathematical system at work here the big question is what it might have been used for there are so many ancient roman ruins in the united kingdom that archaeologists have become accustomed to finding them it takes a lot to surprise a roman archaeology expert in the uk so the perplexing discovery of this strange winged structure in the county of norfolk must be especially unusual the never-before-seen building shape was found close to the ancient town aventa ikonorum it's approximately 1800 years old and is totally unlike any other roman building discovered in the country before that wouldn't necessarily be exciting or not for the fact that the romans were the world's first flat pack builders using the same architectural styles and designs repeatedly wherever they went this one is not only unique but also built in an unusual way using chalk and clay foundations and timber and clay lump walls that means it would have been a lightweight building and may only have been intended to remain standing temporarily to mark a special occasion what that occasion might have been is unknown and if it were a common occasion we'd expect archaeologists to have found evidence of other buildings like this elsewhere in britain the question of where and when the human species that we know today originated is a hugely contentious one with new theories being advanced all the time one of the most compelling we've heard in recent times was presented to the royal society meeting on ancient dna in london england in 2013. according to the proponents of the theory a close examination of the genome of the denisovans an ancient humanoid species reveals that their dna contains traces of another species that cannot be identified in other words it implies that these ancient human ancestors were themselves created by breeding between even earlier humans and an as yet unknown second ancestral species the species is said to have come from asia but almost certainly wasn't human or neanderthal the genetic material used as a basis for the theory was taken from the teeth and finger bones of adenosoven from inside a cave in siberia although not much is known about denisovan society or even what they looked like the fact that their civilization doesn't appear to have spread far from its siberian roots means that there's a lot of genetic material gathered in one place it's just a shame that we don't currently have any other genetic material from this unknown early hominid species [Music] what's the truth behind the tale of the so-called giants mummy is it even accurate to refer to it as a historical artifact at all we'll let you be the judge of that all we can do is tell you the tale if the story behind this famous photograph is taken at face value the giant semi-mummified skeleton was discovered in a cave close to san diego california usa in 1895 by the two gentlemen standing either side of it according to their measurements the giant mummy is eight feet and four inches tall it was taken straight to the smithsonian museum where experts studied it and confirmed that it was a genuine artifact they were also able to confirm that back when this gentleman was alive he'd have been even taller reaching almost exactly nine feet at this point the press was summoned by professor lucas of the smithsonian university and that's when the mummy disappeared it was later claimed that the smithsonian had elected to have the mummy destroyed after determining that it was a fake but it seems odd that they didn't notice this until just before the press was summoned unsurprisingly the institute was accused of orchestrating a cover-up an accusation that some people still level at it today while we're talking about hugely controversial artifacts what are we to make of this strange skull found in bulgaria in 2014 is it as some people claim it to be the skull of a werewolf or is it a well put together hoax the skull was allegedly discovered inside a locked box by farmer trachea dragonoff who also claims that the box itself was wrapped in chains when he recovered it from his field after digging it up during plowing it's easy to see why he thinks it might be a werewolf the jaw and teeth are clearly wolf-like whereas the brain casing is much larger than it would be in a wolf and appears more like the shape you'd see in an ape-like species this might not necessarily mean that it's a werewolf though a condition known as paget disease can sometimes cause the head of a wolf to grow in change in size so that could explain the unusual appearance we see here if this was nothing more than a diseased wolf though why go to the trouble of cutting off its head and then burying it in a box wrapped in chains there are quite a few objects and artifacts that are claimed by their proponents to feature the oldest known writing on earth but the despio tablet might be the definitive article this object disproves the idea that the ancient sumerians came up with the concept of writing 6 000 years ago but not all archaeologists are comfortable with the idea of shaking up the timeline of writing with such a bold statement that's why the tablet has been attracting controversy ever since it was discovered in a lake close to castoria in northern greece in 1993 as it's made of wood the tablet can be dated and it's been shown to be over 7 250 years old unfortunately as we have nothing to compare it to translating the text has not been possible it might contain a deep philosophical statement about the nature of life or it could be someone's shopping list unless we're able to recover more examples of the same writing we may never know for sure that means that we'll never know who created it either we might be able to take credit for the invention of writing away from the sumerians but we don't know who to award it to instead subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you soon
Channel: Amazing Stock
Views: 368,437
Rating: 4.8031883 out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Mysterious Artifacts Finds Scientists Still Can't Explain, archaeological finds, ancient finds, mysterious artifacts, scientists still cant explain, most mysterious, ancient mystery, archaeological mystery, mysterious finds, artifact found, 12 most, top 12, most amazing
Id: S_gXV3N9DUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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