12 Most Mysterious Ancient Technologies That Really Exist

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it's fascinating to think about the technology and inventions created by our ancestors it's mind-boggling to consider how they managed to build such impressive structures and develop tools that seemed almost impossible for their era in this video we've got all the evidence we need to prove to you just how inventive our ancestors really were get ready to be amazed the ancient Romans were truly ahead of their time among their most notable contributions to civilization were their aqueducts sewer systems and pipe networks the distributed water to Residents and carried waste away however for many years the pipes were subject to controversy with some suggesting that the lead in the pipes caused widespread lead poisoning which led to the downfall of the Roman Empire although we still don't have a clear answer on that front Recent research has revealed that the Romans began using lead pipes earlier than we previously thought a team of British and French researchers took core samples from the Oceania Antica a Harbor City of ancient Rome located about two miles from the shore they use carbon dating to determine the age of each layer which provided a record of flooding on the Tiber and the buildup of silt the layers of soil provided a detailed record of the use of lead pipes with researchers measuring the levels of lead in the layers according to their findings Romans started using lead pipes as early as 200 BCE and stopped around 250 A.D which is earlier than previously believed if you were to visit to visit turkey's Friesian Valley in antolia you'd find deep tracks all over the landscape running on for miles there may not seem anything odd about that at first but the problem here is that these can't possibly be real car tracks they're cut into the Bedrock and must be millions of years old obviously that predates the creation of carts it also predates the existence of humans what then made these marks it has to have been something heavy at their deepest the grooves penetrate three feet into the ground it's hard to write them off as a geological Oddity because they're so evenly spaced which suggests that they were made artificially faced with such a baffling conundrum it's no wonder that some people wonder whether they were left behind by alien visitors the history of the area says that the first roads in antolia were made by the Hittites about 3 600 years ago but these grooves are much older even if we go against the evidence and consider that they might have been made thousands of years ago rather than Millions how were they carved and to what end there are no answers here there are incredible historical sites all over Peru some of which date back thousands of years so it's unsurprising that a few of them get missed by all but the most well-informed of visitors hardly anyone knows about the stone present in the Tiny Town of hakira deep in the Peruvian Highlands but it's definitely worth seeing if you ever find yourself in the area nobody seems to know exactly when the megalithic prison was created but the most widely believed theory is that it was used by early Spanish Invaders who wanted to keep the Inca people out of the way while they stole all their silver and gold some people even believe that enslaved Inca people were forced to create the prison themselves but the sophistication and quality of the doors and Chambers suggest otherwise this may be a much older structure one which the Spanish just happened to come across and decide to repurpose the stone shaping technology required to create these openings in such precise shapes shouldn't have existed at the time they were allegedly made and yet here they are this could be yet another example of ancient technology that's been lost over the years we've already discussed the ancient Romans in this video and they're quite rightly credited with inventing many things they did not however invent the patara pipes of Turkey even though historians spent many decades believing that they did we can see why they were confused the pipe stretched between the sites of many former Roman settlements and outposts in the region but the Romans built their settlements to line up with the pipes the pipes were already there when the Romans arrived archaeologists are fairly sure about this for a few reasons the most persuasive of which is that there's no written record of the Romans creating the patara pipes the Romans like to write about their achievements at length so it's odd that they wouldn't mention a Marvel like the pipes the design of the pipes is also totally at odds with the typical ancient Roman architectural style a Roman pillar was discovered in patara in 1993 and upon the pillar are inscriptions detailing everything the Romans did during their time there right down to the creation of basic roads if the Romans didn't create the pipes though who did the cave of Kusa in Campobello di mazara Italy is a fascinating site with a rich history the ancient Greeks had been using the Quarry to extract Limestone for 150 years before they were forced to abandon it in the face of an invasion by Hannibal mago's carthaginian forces in 409 BCE this unexpected departure resulted in the workers leaving behind their tools and unfinished carved stones in many ways time has stood still at the site ever since despite the abandonment the site remains a testament to the Greek's impressive skill and artistry the quarries Limestone was used to build many of The Magnificent structures in the nearby ancient Greek city of selenute visitors can now witness the remnants of the ancient Quarry and see roughly 60 blocks of chiseled Limestone left behind including whole columns that were never transported to their intended destination designated as a sicilian archaeological Zone the cave of Kusa provides an intriguing glimpse into the lives and work of the ancient Greeks as well as a unique opportunity to explore the remnants of an abandoned Quarry that was once a thriving source of limestone in the 18th century the discovery of the laden jar revolutionized the study of electricity the glass jar stores high voltage electric charge between the inner and outer conductors made of metal foil the metal terminal protrudes from the jar lid to contact with the inner foil Peter Van mushen broke of lead Netherlands and German cleric Ewald George Von kleis discovered the laden jar independently in 1745. the laden jar was used to conduct early experiments in electricity and became the first means of accumulating and preserving electric charge in large quantities this allowed researchers to discharge electric charge as per their will overcoming a significant limit to early Research into electrical conduction Laden jars are still used in education to demonstrate the principles of electrostatics the latent jar is estimated to hold a maximum charge of twenty thousand to sixty thousand volts making it a high voltage device the jar was first used in electrostatic experiments and later in high voltage equipment like spark gap radio transmitters and electrotherapy machines the Greeks had known about the ability of Amber to attract particles when rubbed so we could almost call it an ancient Greek convention but they never refined it into anything quite like the laden jaw planning large-scale military operations was very difficult thousands of years ago when nobody had invented the telephone or the radio different armies came up with different solutions but Aeneas of Greece came up with a particularly Innovative one 2400 years ago his invention was the hydraulic Telegraph in practice it was little more than a stick in a bottle of water with pre-agreed messages attached to the stick if the two encampments of soldiers needed to communicate with each other they would each signal each other by Torchlight and then pull the plug on the bottle when the water level has dropped far enough to reveal the desired message another Torchlight signal would be sent to tell the other encampment to put the plug back in so long as both encampments did their jobs properly and they were using identical hydraulic telegraphs they could send each other basic messages it's not exactly WhatsApp but it was a massive Advantage for the Greeks over their less sophisticated enemies it was certainly a faster and more nuanced way of communicating across long distances than smoke signals which were the only other option at the time there's no way we can make a whole video about mysterious ancient technology without paying at least one visit to Ireland the Emerald Isle is full of enigmatic ancient megaliths but perhaps none more mysterious than caramore the archaeologists who discovered it in Sligo got halfway through the process of Excavating it before they realized that they weren't dealing with a regular Barrow while parts of the structure admittedly look like a barrel the design simply isn't consistent with any other Barrow in the country for a start it appears to have been used for more than just burials there are tombs at caramore that are more than five thousand years old but there's also a mound that looks like a little stage and a trench dug around the mound as if it were intended for people to stand in and look up at the stage did the ancient inhabitants of Sligo come here and perform plays in front of the Dead why are there such strong traces of charcoal in the soil carolmore is a place that forces us to ask plenty of questions but it's not so great at giving us answers returning to the topic of pre-columbian times in the Americas what are we to make of these Stone discs which have been recovered from sites all over Southern California archaeologists have taken to referring to them as cogstones because of their shape but it's unlikely that they were ever part of any machine their purpose remains a mystery historians have pointed out that there's more than a passing resemblance between these so-called cogstones and the equally controversial bronze gears that were uncovered in Peru some time ago but a link between the two sets of artifacts hasn't yet been established the majority of the stones can be found in the Santa Ana River Valley raising the possibility that an ancient and unknown civilization was based there in the distant past while it's never easy to provide a precise date for stone artifacts scientists think that the majority of the stones were carved between five and eight thousand years ago strangely many of the stones have a perforation in the center that's perfectly Square in shape we'd use Machinery to achieve such a perfect shape if we were making these Stone objects today but how these ancient craftspeople managed to do it without such technology in the past is unknown there's a network of underground tunnels running beneath Gilmerton Cove which is close to Edinburgh and Scotland the tunnels are so well known to the locals that they've been open as a fun attraction for children since 2003 who think of them as little more than a playground with Labyrinth qualities their true history is a little darker than that the tunnels are thought to be over 2 000 years old and over the centuries are said to have hosted Smugglers which is the Knights Templar and ancient Druids the true origin of these Stone tables and chairs carved directly into the Rock has never been identified a local blacksmith by the name of George Patterson claimed to have carved the tunnels himself in 1724 but it's now thought more likely that he simply rediscovered them and tried to pass off the work as his own he only partially cleared away the rubble when he found the entrance to the tunnels which would explain why two of them are still blocked the design of the tunnels has more in common with Celtic Traditions than anything 18th century but regrettably we'll probably never know for sure if solved what was wiped as the world's small mystery their claim relates to a 500 year old set of boxwood miniature carvings that have long confounded academics and Scholars the representations of Heaven hell and life on Earth carved in intricate detail on the artifacts are as confusing as they are impressive they were the must-have item of their era King Henry VII of England carried one around everywhere which led to them becoming seen as a status symbol they appear to have been cherished for around 20 years and then they disappeared from history there are no contemporary records of who made them or how we can't even recreate them using modern methods only 135 examples have survived to the present day 30 of them were studied by New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art in 2016 revealing that each of the pieces was created by making a circular piece of boxwood bisecting it slicing it into thin discs carving the discs and then reassembling them so neatly that the seams are invisible the wood comes from Belgium and amazingly all of the work on every piece appears to have been carried out by the same person the Ptolemy world map is a fascinating depiction of the world as it was known to the Greco-Roman societies of the second century it was based on the information contained in ptolemy's book geography which was written around 150 CE the map is notable for being the first to use longitudinal and latitudinal lines and to specify terrestrial locations using Celestial observations although ptolemy's work originally came with maps none have survived to the present day instead the map that we're familiar with today was reconstructed from ptolemy's coordinates by Byzantine monks under the direction of Maximus planets around 1295. the map's continents are Europe Asia and Libya while the world ocean is only visible to the West however due to ptolemy's mistake in measuring the circumference of the earth the Mediterranean is made to extend too far in terms of degrees of Arc the map also shows India being bounded by the Indus and Ganges Rivers but its Peninsula is much shorter instead Sri Lanka is depicted as being greatly enlarged the geography and the map derived from it likely played an important role in the expansion of the Roman Empire to the east as many Roman trading ports have been identified as India subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you'll be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: Inforado
Views: 38,883
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Keywords: 12 most mysterious ancient technologies that really exist, mystery, mysterious technologies, mysterious, ancient technologies, really exist, ancient artifacts, artifacts finds, artifacts, 12 most, top 12, most mysterious
Id: gcGpC-FP7b0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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