12 Most Deadliest Spiders in the World

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[Music] want to see more cool videos on our channel we do so press this Bell and enable to send notifications whether you're out in the wilderness or in your home you're never that far away from a spider however there are so many different spider species approximately forty thousand worldwide that it's hard to figure out which ones you need to worry about and which ones are harmless number twelve Brazilian Wandering Spider z-- these species are sometimes also referred to as banana spiders because they are frequently found on banana leaves they have an aggressive defense posture in which they raise their front legs straight up into the air Brazilian Wandering Spider z-- are poisonous to humans and they are considered to be the deadliest of all the world's spiders their venom is toxic to the nervous system causing symptoms such as salivation irregular heartbeat and prolonged painful erections priapism in men scientists are investigating the venom of Brazilian Wandering Spider z-- as a possible treatment for erectile dysfunction number 11 black widow spider one of the most notorious spiders is the black widow spider they are found in regions that are temperate dark and dry throughout much of the world including the United States South America Africa southern Europe and Asia and Australia the females are the most distinctive of the species for several reasons the first is that they are about twice the size of males and they are about 1.5 inches long National Geographic lists them as the most venomous spider in North America with a venom that is 15 times stronger than a rattlesnake a bite from a black widow will result in the small pricking of the skin but don't let the size of the mark fool you there's a dangerous amount of venom coursing through your veins which can cause severe muscle cramping nausea and paralysis of the diaphragm which can result in difficulty breathing a bite can theoretically kill infants and the elderly but no recorded cases of this happening are number ten yellow sack spider yellow sack spiders are part of the Chira campion genus and there are different species found throughout the world like the United States Australia Europe and Japan both males and females are about half an inch big and are often pale in color one interesting thing to note about yellow sac spiders is that they love the smell of gasoline this problem actually led Mazda to recall 52,000 cars in March 2011 because yellow sack spiders were building webs in the emission system a yellow sac spider's venom contains saito toxin which is a nasty substance that impairs cell functions often leading to cellular death you will immediately know if one bites as their bites are incredibly painful the good news about a yellow sac spider bite is that it's not going to kill you you may wish you were dead when the pain hits but there have never been any reported deaths number 9 whistling tarantula Australia has its own species of tarantulas some of which are known as whistling or barking tarantulas due to the hissing sound they make when provoked their venom is not fatal to humans but it does pack a punch thanks to the one-centimeter fangs that deliver it while they don't pose a fatal risk to adult humans a bite from one will kill a large dog in under 30 minutes if they do strike a full-sized adult with full and venom ation you can expect to vomit your guts out for as long as six to eight hours number eight brown widow spider the brown widow spider is an incredibly dangerous cousin to the more familiar Black Widow these lovely little beasts carry a particularly dangerous neurotoxin in their venom which can result in a condition named after the spiders bite called latrodectus 'm that being said a bite from a brown widow spider is going to hurt a lot there have been no recorded deaths from their bite but the pain from a single bite has been described as being hit with something like a sledgehammer the venom will cause immediate pain and muscle contractions and if left untreated in a particularly sensitive location the bite can result in spinal or cerebral paralysis number seven the Redback spider the Redback spider is a close relative to black widow spiders you'll notice the striking resemblance but the red back is only found in Australia and they are recognizable because they have a red stripe on their back luckily most Redback spider bites aren't serious only about 250 bites every year need anti-venom a person usually experiences sweating especially near the bite nausea muscle weakness and vomiting we're pretty sure that these symptoms would have been extremely uncomfortable for the man whose penis was bitten by a Redback spider in April 2016 while he was using a public toilet luckily he was released from the hospital after a few hours of sheer panic and terror number six six-eyed sand spider the six-eyed sand spider is found in deserts and other sandy places in southern Africa with close relatives found in both Africa and in South America due to its flattened stance it is also sometimes known as the sick side crab spider bites from this spider to humans are uncommon but have been experimentally shown as lethal to rabbits within five to 12 hours there are no confirmed bites and only two suspected ones on record however in one of these cases the victim lost an arm to massive necrosis and in the other the victim died of massive hemorrhaging similar to the effects of a rattlesnake bite toxicology studies have demonstrated that the venom is particularly potent with a powerful hemolytic necro toxic effect causing blood vessel leakage and thinning of the blood and tissue destruction number five the Chilean recluse spider the Chilean recluse spider is considered to be the most dangerous of all the recluse spiders and their bite can cause some serious damage or even death recluse spiders have garnered quite a reputation for themselves over recent years and the Internet is awash with some pretty ugly photos of the effects of their bite the venom of this group of spiders is known to be necrotic ie flesh-eating and whilst usually mild can result in a condition known as lacasa lism in these severe cases the area around the bite begins to die and a deep open sores formed there is no effective treatment for these bite wounds and they may take months to heal sometimes requiring skin grafts in the very worst cases limbs have needed to be amputated and there have been a significant number of fatal bites particularly from the Chilean recluse on a more positive note the recluse is so-called as it is relatively shy and not regarded as aggressive number four northern funnel-web spider the northern funnel-web spider of Australia is the largest of this genus reaching sizes over three inches long and is easily distinguished by its habit of dwelling in trees these spiders are attracted to water and often fall into swimming pools leading to encounters with homeowners trying to scoop them out of the water the venom from all funnel-web spider species can kill a human within minutes if no anti-venom is available this makes the funnel-web spider one of the most poisonous spiders in the world number three Sydney funnel-web spider while Australia may be known for its larger more toothy animals there is one spider that stands as the most dangerous of them all in the land down under one of the most dangerous of the funnel-web spiders is the Sydney funnel-web spider specifically the male's the Sydney funnel-web spider is listed by Guinness World Records as being the most venomous spider in terms of toxicity to humans in fact if one were to bite you in your chest it could kill you in 15 minutes the venom contains a compound called a trackhoe toxin which inhibits a primates nervous system and when they bite they don't hold anything back snakes typically reserved their venom and don't deliver it all with a strike but spiders are far less conservative they issue a full and venom ation with a bite and there have been numerous deaths attributed to the Sydney funnel-web spider prior to the creation of an anti-venom in 1991 number 2 Harry mystery spider sometimes the panic from a suspected spider infestation can be just as dangerous as a bite itself in 2012 this insect at first suspected to be a previously undiscovered species of tarantula a wave of fear in the Indian state of a song with colonies of them reportedly attacking villagers and causing painful swelling to victims who reportedly were bitten later died in tinsukia district of Assam but authorities later said they weren't sure whether the patients perished as a result of an animal bite or from treatment by witch doctors who cut them with razor blades to drain the wounds in the aftermath of the panic scientists have expressed doubt that any spider newly discovered or otherwise was to blame for debts number one Mouse spider there are around 12 species of mouse spider in Australia and their name comes from their soft furry abdomens and not from the fact that they might eat mice although I'm sure they would aren't with huge fangs and venom that is similar to that of the deadly Sydney funnel-web spider this spider is every bit as dangerous as it looks whilst the mouse spider is potentially dangerous it is far less aggressive than the Sydney funnel-web plus it often gives dry bites I eat without venom therefore it appears lower on this list than its meaner cousin thank you so much for watching and if you enjoy the video please let me know by clicking the like button do share write a comment and don't forget to subscribe so that you can catch up my next video [Music]
Channel: Mind Boggler
Views: 419,991
Rating: 4.7597122 out of 5
Keywords: The most dangerous spiders in the world, world's most dangerous spiders, top 10 most dangerous spiders, most dangerous spiders, dangerous spiders, dangerous, spiders, brazilian wandering spider, brown recluse spider, sydney funnel web spider, black widow, brown widow spider, six eyed sand spider, most aggressive spiders, redback spider, wolf spider, yellow sac spider, mouse spider, most poisonous spiders, most dangerous spiders in australia, mindboggler
Id: t1R-bh0JeZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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