15 Most Dangerous Spiders In The World

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spiders are one of the main features during halloween and for good reason too they are usually small and can be squashed under the foot of a child however some spiders pack a heavy punch of venom that can put a grown adult in the hospital or six feet under they are not to be trifled with these spiders will not leave you with superpowers like the movies they'll do much worse and it won't be nice best to stay away from these creatures when you see them here are 15 most dangerous spiders in the world before we get started make sure you hit that like button also subscribe to our channel and turn on notifications so you can keep up to date with all our latest and most exciting content number 14 brazilian wandering spider the brazilian wandering spider gets its name from its place of origin and their love for traveling they are similar to north american wolf spiders but are bigger and have more toxic venom these spiders contain the most neurological venom among all spider species and this has earned it the top place as the most dangerous spider in the world a brazilian wandering spider is a small group of spiders that can be found in tropical and subtropical regions they are mainly found in foliage on the ground but the preferred spot is on banana leaves earning them the title of banana spiders a brazilian wandering spider has a distinct longitudinal groove on their oval car base and banding on their upper legs their true front legs are filled with strong bristles on the lower side which they use for defense brazilian spiders are nocturnal and highly venomous the brazilian wandering spider spends their daytime resting inside cozy places including fruits and flowers and only comes out at night to hunt for food aggressively when they feel threatened they will raise their two front legs straight up into the air giving them a threatening look the venom of the brazilian wandering spider can cause excessive salivation muscle shock and irregular heartbeats but this only happens when the spider is agitated or hurt and wants to protect itself in other cases the spider can bite without releasing any venom children are known to be more sensitive to the bites of a brazilian wandering spider because they have a weaker immune system unfortunately death can occur in minutes even if anti-venom is given immediately after a bite number 13. black widow spider the name of the spider can be used for a horror movie as it is enough to cause a shiver in your spine the black widow spider can be found in temperate regions around the world and their reputation precedes them black widow spiders are not aggressive but quite notorious known for the hourglass colored mark on their abdomen they are small growing to about 1.5 inches long but their venom packs a punch black widows spin large webs where females suspend a cocoon containing hundreds of eggs young spiderlings will leave the web as soon as they come out of their eggs however the web remains intact the web of the black widow spider is used to capture prey such as mosquitoes grasshoppers flies and caterpillars they have bristles on their hind legs with silk that they use to cover their prey cutting off all hope of an escape spiders can't eat solids so they need to liquefy their prey before sucking up the fluid the black widow would puncture the insect using their fangs and inject some digestive enzymes into it by nashing their fangs and the power of the enzymes the insect is liquefied and then they can easily suck up the fluid the black widow gets her name from their intense and deadly mating ritual after mating the black widow kills and eats her mate black widows are solitary creatures except during the mating season the bite of the black widow is greatly feared due to the power of its venom it is said to be 15 times more potent than that of a rattlesnake when bitten a human will experience paralysis nausea aches the paralysis will result in difficulty in breathing bites can be fatal to small children and the elderly however deaths are generally rare black widows bite in self-defense and would rarely attack first number 12 brown widow spider as you might guess the brown widow spider is a relative of the black widow and is as feared as they are they can be found in tropical regions of the world the brown widow spider may be hard to identify due to their varied coloration and they also have some resemblance to young black widows one way to identify them would be by the presence of their egg sacs that are woven with silk spikes just like the black widow spider brown widow spiders range from gray to brown and dark brown with the same hourglass orange or yellow marking on their round abdomen male brown widow spiders do not have the hourglass marking females are much larger than male brown widow spiders reaching about 1.5 inches in length the markings of the brown wooded spider are distinctive and will darken as the spider ages brown widow spiders have poor eyesight and rely on the vibrations made when an insect falls on their web before they can get food their webs are sticky and irregular with a tangled design that makes it easy to capture prey when an insect or bug lands on the web the brown widow rushes and bites it and wraps it up in silk to save for later after all its hunting is done when a brown widow bites it injects a neurotoxin venom into its prey the bite of a brown widow is not as toxic as that of the black widow neither is a life-threatening human victims may have had red swelling and some localized pain but no fatalities have ever been recorded number 11. brown recluse spider brown recluse spiders are more commonly known for their violin pattern on the back of their cephalothorax on which legs are attached this violin pattern is the distinct characteristic of the brown recluse spider the base of the violin points to the head of the spider while the neck of the violin points to the spider's rear the brown recluse spider is hairless and small tan or dark brown in color with dark legs their legs take up most of their size with each leg being about an inch long unlike other spiders the brown or clue spider has only six eyes compared to the eight eyes of other spiders one may not be able to tell as the eyes are too small and can't be seen with the naked human eye they can be found in a number of cities such as nebraska ohio illinois kentucky and georgia they build irregular webs that look disorderly but act as a shelter they favor dry and undisturbed places such as garages cellars wood piles and sheds the brown recluse male spider is somewhat nocturnal and will leave their webs at night to hunt for food bmos prefer to stay closer to their webs human to brown recluse contact happens when their webs are disturbed a brown recluse spider is not aggressive and will bite only when it feels threatened even though the brown recluse spider's venom is more potent than a rattlesnake it injects only small quantities into its victims brown recluse spider venom is toxic to tissues and cells an enzyme in the venom causes a breakdown in this victim's skin fat and blood vessels this in turn leads to necrosis the death of tissue and the surrounding areas in serious cases the venom from a brown recluse spider can lead to blood clots coma and death number 10. six eyed sand spider it is easy to tell where the six eyed spider gets its name the six eyed spider can be found in desert and sandy areas of africa and some parts of south america there are medium-sized spiders that grow to about 0.6 inches in length and 2 inches in width including the legs the 6-eyed spider is usually reddish brown or yellow in color with no distinctive body patterns they remain in a flattened pose earning them the nickname of a six eyed crab spider these spiders are great at disguising themselves with their sandy environment by covering themselves with sand particles using their stiff body hairs called sete the six eyed sand spiders can also bury itself in the sand as camouflaged but when not buried the sand particles covering their body do a good job despite their somewhat scary look these spiders are shy and secretive preferring to stay undisturbed when disturbed the six eyed sand spiders will bite when hunting for prey they bury themselves in the sand strike when the prey comes close they have a very poor sense of direction and use their front legs to hold their prey the six eyed sand spider can run fast in short bursts before it buries itself again under the sand to wait they are also very patient the venom of the six eyed sand spider is toxic and can result in blood thinning and tissue destruction there is no anti-venom for the bite of a six-eyed sand spider number nine chilean recluse spider the chilean recluse spider is a native of chile like its name implies it can also be found in uruguay peru argentina and brazil like other recluse species chilean recruit spiders are in various shades of brown and have a black line running from the upper part of its thorax looking like a violin they grow to about 1.5 inches and are considered to be quite venomous some chilean recluse spiders don't have the black marking on their thorax their webs are built in an irregular manner and disorderly these spiders are nocturnal animals and will leave their webs at night to hunt for prey like most other spiders jalen recluse spiders keep their eggs in silk sacks containing hundreds of eggs and females will not wander too far from their webs when the eggs hatch spiderlings will stay on the web for a short time before wandering off on their own they feed on small insects and other spiders chilean spiders are not usually aggressive even though they are regarded as one of the most dangerous spiders they will only attack when disturbed or threatened when a human victim is bitten the results can range from mild to severe symptoms could be irritation swelling and necrosis which is the death of skin cells the bite might be painless at first but can swell to almost 10 inches and become incredibly painful with time a first aid remedy would be to apply aloe vera or an ice pack or both and seek medical help number eight funnel web spider the funnel web spider is another species of spiders whose name precedes it they build their webs in the shape of a funnel to lure prey in through the large opening of the funnel while they wait patiently at the smaller end when a prey lands on the opening they quickly run over and cover it using silk to prevent any chance of escape these spiders are considered as one of the deadliest spiders on earth they grow to about 2 inches and are brown or black in color final web spiders have distinctive fangs long spinnerets and shiny carapace which is the hard covering of the front of their body females are larger than males and can live for several years compared to the short few months of males males typically spend their time wandering about in search of a mate and will die soon after the mating period funnel web spiders are nocturnal and hunt mostly at night they also prefer humid climates as they have tendencies of drying out in hot temperatures to mate male and female funnel web spiders will spar until the females concede and agrees to mate both then rear up their bodies and mate female funnel web spiders lay her eggs in the burrows and would not wander too far from the web the venom of the male funnel web spider is extremely toxic and contains robust toxin female funnel web spiders also have venom but do not contain robust toxin their venom can result in the death of a human however there is now an anti-venom for the species venom and human deaths are rare number 7. sydney final web spider this spider gets its name from the unusual shape of their webs their webs are shaded like a funnel and open wide at the end of the tube the spider then stays at the narrow end waiting for insect prey to make contact with the web once this happens it rushes and captures the insect at the mouth of the funnel funnel web spiders are large and bulky and are feared in most parts of australia where there have been several human deaths as a result of their venomous bites there is an antidote for the main toxin in the venom but it is only effective if administered immediately after a victim has been bitten because the venom can kill an adult human in about 15 minutes an adult funnel web spider can reach almost 4 inches when stretched out their fangs are rearward facing and are strong enough to pierce through your fingernails funnel webbed spiders are aggressive nocturnal animals and will wander around at night males are most active after the summer rains when they start their search for a mate if one night wandering is not successful they find shelter and wait till the next nightfall while wandering they usually come in contact with humans because they find shelter in shoes and houses females are calmer than the males and would remain in burrows with the characteristic funnel web at the entrance the venom of the funnel web spider causes fibrillation that results in rapid heart rate breathing difficulty increased blood pressure and numbness number six katipo spider katipo spiders also called nightstinger can be found in grasses driftwood sandy beaches and sedges all over new zealand they have a preference for damp dark places such as under logs of wood near beaches they are not an aggressive species of fighters and would bite when there is no other option the katipo spider is considered an endangered species and a relative of the widow spiders the incidents of katibo bite are very low thanks to their preferred habitat and low interactions with humans the katipo spider is small and is an abdomen that is the size of a pea they are black with white markings and a distinctive red stripe running from the middle of the abdomen to its rear it also has the same hourglass red marking as the other widow spiders but under its abdomen male and juvenile katibo spiders have more white on them and will go through several mold stages before turning completely black males are never able to attain the size and darker shades of the female kittipu spider in addition only the female kitipo spider is capable of biting a human and inflicting pain because the fangs of the male katibo spider are too small katipo spider bites are not very common and may not seem serious at first however the pain increases with time and becomes unbearable symptoms include fever uncontrollable shaking abdominal cramps and sweating number five red legs widow spider the red leg widow spider can be found in some parts of florida and lives in sand dunes dominated by sand pines sand pines can only be found in peninsular florida red leg widow spiders make their webs in palmetto bushes around 30 centimeters above the ground the red-like widow spiders has a reddish or orange cephalothorax and its abdomen is black with yellow rings and red spots while its legs are red it gets its name from the vermilion red color of its legs unlike other widow spiders it does not have characteristic hourglass shape on its underbelly but rather it has two small red marks female spiders are twice the size of males possibly due to their reproductive features the red-like spider is as venomous as other widow spiders such as the black and brown widow however there is little contact with humans and as such no fatalities have been recorded the venom of the female red-legged widow spider contains neurotoxins that can cause muscle spasms and ooze from a localized wound male and juvenile red-like widow spiders do not bite number four armed spider with a name like armed spider you should be ready for whatever the spider species dishes out armed spiders can be found in north and central america due to its narrow distribution the armed spiders considered pressing to brazil they are part of a larger spider family known as tienetti who look much like the wolf spiders large armed spiders grow to about 2 inches but the average size of the arm spiders is about 1.5 inches their bodies and legs are light brown or gray in color and have varying abdominal colors and patterns making them difficult to correctly identify the body and legs of the arm spider is covered in short hairs that are brown or gray in color similar to their body color the venom of the armed spider consists of both proteins and peptides that attack the nervous system of invertebrates and vertebrates including humans however it is believed that the armed spider is not built to attack large animals like humans due to the size of their mouths and their and venom characteristics when hunting prey they inject their venom into it and stops every chance of an escape usually an armed spider will deliver a dry bite a dry bite is a spider bite that contains no venom it is believed that they do this to conserve the venom in their bodies when tested the venom of the armed spider was more potent than many other poisonous spider species there are a few recorded cases of armed spider venom deaths recorded number three missolina missolina also known as mouse spiders are found in most parts of australia and favor open forest and semi-arid areas they are widely dispersed and it is believed that this is due to the way spiderlings move away from their nests they balloon aerially over many kilometers a rare ability among spiders most spiders are only able to disperse over short distances by walking mouse spiders can grow up to 1.5 inches in length and can be identified by their large bulbous head and jaws they are sometimes confused with the funnel shaped spiders mouth spiders have black or dark blue abdomens with a light gray or white patch on top they possess an orange red-eye region and jaws their legs are long and slender with short hairs female mouse spiders are larger more solid and stockier than their male counterparts they also possess a black cephalothorax and body like most spiders mouse spiders feed on insects and small vertebrates or even other spiders they are nocturnal and would only hunt at night their diet is not limited to insects as they have been known to use their strong jaws and potent venom to tackle lizards and frogs mouse spiders possess a toxic venom that is as potent as the funnel web spiders but is known to deliver only dry bites fortunately because they live in less densely populated areas human to mouse spider bites are uncommon however if a person is bit first aid treatment should be given immediately before seeing a doctor number two huntsman spider australia is a favorite home to many animal species including the feared huntsman spider huntsman spiders are large hairy and long-legged spiders that are gray or brown in color they have flattened bodies adapted for living under rocks barks inside dead trees and crevices their leg joints are twisted and spread out to aid their preferred living style unlike other spider species that have bent joints giving them the appearance of crabs like other spiders huntsman spiders feed on insects and invertebrates huntsman spiders have an interesting mating process with caresses and drumming of palps the human huntsman spider then inserts his palps into the female to fertilize her eggs female huntsman spiders lay about 200 eggs and keep them in a flat oval sack made of papery silk the sack is white and she stands guard over the sack over about three weeks without eating as is expected she will be quite aggressive during this time frame and will show defensive moves when provoked some species will rather carry their egg sacs while they move about female huntsman spiders soften and tear open the egg sac to help the spiderlinks come out unspin spiderlinks are pale and will stay with their mother for several weeks before they disperse before dispersing they molt several times and darken it is not a terribly dangerous spider but when it can deliver a very painful bite with swelling when accidentally handled or provoked such as tapping it when it is inside your shoe number one red back spider the red back spider is named after the prominent red stripe on the abdomen of the species of spider an interesting fact to note is that only the female redback spider has the distinctive red stripe on her back and jet black abdomen while the male has white markings juvenile females are brown with white markings their original habitat was in western australia but they have quickly spread out to other man-made settlements such as new zealand the uk and japan the female redback spiders are usually larger in body length of one centimeters than their male counterparts who grow to only about four millimeters males have a shorter lifespan of just a few months compared to the two or three years enjoyed by the females this could be attributed to their weird mating rituals that end in cannibalism during mating the male redback spider somersaults and basically surrenders himself to the female his somersault lands him on the fangs of the female bringing him closer to her mouth this sacrifice doesn't stop the mating process and his death is slow as she slowly devours him it is believed that the reason for this is to increase his chances by producing offspring through the female redback by fertilizing more eggs by fertilizing more eggs with her she is less likely to accept any other male attention so his death will not be in vain the female redback is the spider to watch out for because of their venom they are usually not aggressive unless they feel threatened the venom of a redback in a human can cause severe pain swelling and sweating a person can also experience vomiting nausea and an increase in blood pressure luckily there is now a red back venom but that has not reduced the over 2 000 red back related hospital visits each year and that's the 14 most dangerous spiders in the world please if you like this video give us a like and tell us what you think in the comment section check out our 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Channel: Facts Junkie
Views: 395,094
Rating: 4.8595977 out of 5
Keywords: top 15, top 10, top 5, facts, interesting facts, amazing facts, factsjunkie, lists, top15, dangerous spiders, spiders, venomous spiders, poisonous spiders, most poisonous spiders, brazilian wandering spider, yellow sac spider, funnel web spider, most venomous spiders, largest spiders, wolf spider, brown recluse spider, redback spider, most dangerous spiders, black widow spider, mouse spider, venomous, dangerous, poisonous, wild animals, insects, deadly spiders, creatures, species
Id: crucDdbbyA4
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Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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