15 Strangest Abandoned Hotels In The World!

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there are plenty of abandoned houses hospitals and cars around the world but what about hotels in what situation would a multi-room building ever become abandoned you might be surprised [Music] from a luxurious hotel that used to have champagne filled swimming pools too one left behind in a ghost city here are 15 of the strangest abandoned hotels in the world number 15 abandoned Hotel Belvedere global warming is to blame for a lot of things but did you know it could also be to blame for the abandonment and closure of Belvedere Hotel in the Swiss Alps [Music] many a traveler used to navigate their way through the winding mountainous roads to access the Rhone glacier every year a 330 foot tunnel would be drilled through the river for people to bike and climb through the area even featured in the 1964 James Bond movie called Goldfinger but then the Rhone glacier started receding and visitor numbers to Belvedere Hotel declined it may have been open for 135 years but wasn't gonna stay open for a hundred 35 more gap started forming in the steps there were no escape paths and visitors had to share bathrooms some visitors even claimed that their mattresses were packed with old horse hair as the glacier receded even further the hotel started to shift around on its base it was only a matter of time before mother nature said enough was enough and the hotel turned off its vacancy sign in 2050 to go on we have a cool challenge for you all it'll take about five seconds to complete let's make a deal just leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and hit the notification bell and you will get 10 years of amazing luck and fortune try it it actually works number fourteen Lee Plaza Hotel Detroit USA looking at the Lee Plaza Hotel in Detroit today it's hard to believe it used to be a hotel of grandeur now if you're lucky you'll find a single surface that isn't broken or graffiti the back in the 1900s the Lee Plaza Hotel was a 17-story Art Deco building for the wealthy and in it had a beauty parlor grocery store game room flower shop childcare area library ballroom balcony and dining room it was one of the most beautiful hotels in Detroit an area that was thriving in the 1930s it was built by Ralph T Lee a Detroit builder who made over 1 million dollars on construction work in the area in as little as two decades he had over 30 buildings but when Ralph sold the hotel to another company the decline started the company fell behind on their payments and it ended up in the hands of several receivers Ralph became the building's manager but his questionable dealings and undertakings meant though tell became bankrupt and it was eventually sold to the city to become senior housing it was closed in 1997 and was stripped of everything of value before sitting derelict for years fortunately that has now been sold to a developer with construction plan for 2021 number thirteen ryu-yan hotel pyongyang many building owners hope to achieve accolades with their structures some aim to have the eco-friendly estill de in the world while others aim high for the tallest building in the world embarassingly the ryu-yan Hotel in Pyongyang North Korea as the title of the tallest unoccupied building construction began of a new hotel in the country's capital that would be over 1,000 feet high with 3,000 rooms and five revolving restaurants it was meant to be one of the most significant new buildings in North Korea but it isn't after construction began it was supposed to open in two years but that day never came by 1992 it reached its goal height but it had no windows or cladding for nearly two decades and sat like a concrete eyesore over a city with many people wondering what on earth was going on today it's been clad in glass and metal and it now has beautiful LED lights to make it less of an eyesore at night but it's still not open to the public and construction work continues to start and stop number 12 Roy's Motel cafe Amboy California you may not know the names of all main travel routes throughout the United States but there's one that everyone knows and that's route 66 this very classic Americana Hotel on that historic route which now brings travelers and tourists from around the world is Roy's Motel cafe in the small town of Amboy California while the cafe is not abandoned the road mostly is thanks to the addition of the interstate highway system it was removed from the United States highway system in 1985 but that doesn't stop it remaining a significant part of America's culture on that lonely road a giant 50 foot neon sign stands out like a sore thumb and that sign belongs to Roy's Motel cafe the cafe has been an integral part of Amboy California on route 66 since the 1950s and it's showing no signs of slowing down step back in time and enjoy a simpler time of life every year it's home to annual events such as the Amboy fly in and the Laughlin River Run and is still a firm favorite for motorcyclists and other travelers looking to explore the historic highway number 11 Khalu davao palace hotel kirk croatia Penthouse magazine owner Bob Guccione had big plans for the hollow Deveaux Palace Hotel and Kirk Croatia [Music] he sunk 45 million dollars into it and treated his guests - champagne filled swimming pools and continuous service of caviar and lobster but as it turns out such luxury is not the most profitable way to run a business and it took a mere 12 months for this luxurious vacation destination to start losing money it might have been a fancy hotel with a casino swimming pools endless bars and the best views but it didn't attract as many foreign visitors as he thought it would to turn a profit when the Civil War broke out in 1991 the hollow davao palace hotels number was up it became filled with refugees and everything from appliances to furniture was stolen all that was essentially left once the chaos died down was its foundation the hotel could probably look a million dollars with a fresh lick of pain and some elbow grease but as it sits there are no plans for its development it sits as abandoned and spooky as it was back in the 1990's numbert said policia hotel Pripyat Ukraine two guesses as to why policia hotel in Ukraine sits abandoned when it was clearly Otel of luxury in its day that's right it's positioned in the now abandoned city of Pripyat the city that was once home to nearly 50,000 people but was evacuated permanently after the Chernobyl disaster of 1986 the eighth story hotel is located in the center of Pripyat well located for the important people who used to stay there it was built during the 1970s as accommodation for senior party officials and I profile delegates among other visitors who were there to visit the Chernobyl nuclear power plant it was as luxurious as they come with bright red walls and a nightclub and had dozens of rooms after the accident at the Chernobyl power plant it was a command post before finally being abandoned today nature has taken over with peeling walls and overgrown weeds not to mention dirt and filth from floor to ceiling the hotel is famous not only for its imposing position in the city centre but for how familiar it is to young people the hotel featured in call of duty 4 modern warfare a video game that's popular around the world number 9 Hotel Belvedere Dubrovnik Croatia if you're a game of Thrones fans and you might just recognize this abandoned hotel Hotel Belvedere is located in Dubrovnik Croatia and while one save lavish hotel now lies abandoned and unloved except for its brief stint in film production the hotel was in operation for around six years from 1985 it was built with over 200 rooms and each had its own private boat dock and helipad it's hard to believe it was the picture of perfection especially now as it's been left to crumble into the sea ever since the Croatian war of independence the hotel has stayed empty Croatian refugees took shelter in it during a 1991 city siege but aside from that and brief Game of Thrones filming it hasn't checked in any tests today the 18 floors of Hotel Belvedere are covered in broken glass fallen walls and collapsing terraces fortunately Russian billionaire Viktor Vekselberg has bought the hotel for fourteen million dollars and plans to bring it back to life whether or not it'll become a hotel again remains to be seen but rumor has it that it'll be far more modest than it was during the 1980s number a hotels in virosa famagusta cyprus imagine going to work one day than never ever being able to go home again that was the reality for many people living and staying in parotia Famagusta Cyprus in the 1980s Turkey invaded Cyprus and took over the northern third of the island the beach resort which was a hotspot for the rich and famous was fenced off and now remains a ghost town it's not that no one wants to return to these beautiful white sandy beaches and resort apartments it's just that they can't with army patrols order to shoot on sight and high fences there's simply no way to enjoy what used to be called the French Riviera of Cyprus while much of the area has since been looted and lost to the elements much of it still remains frozen in time the car yard still contains brand new cars from the 1970s and homes even feature furniture and all the owners worldly possessions one can only wonder what remains of the many hotels and motels that are dotted along the water's edge even all these years later parotia is still off limits with fights ongoing for who owns or occupies the land legally number 7 Grand Hotel Coupe re coupe re Croatia seaside villages throughout the world are often built with beautiful resort style hotels hugging the outer edges of the ocean and at one time coupe re in Croatia was like that too yeah now a trip to the beach at KU para is a history lesson in a day out with the family all in one it's hard not to notice the bullet holes and missile marks in the five hotels dozens of villas and resort directly behind the beach back in the 1960s the beach at Kumari was booming it was a military resort for the top members of the Yugoslav army and was a desirable location for soldiers and their families to relax it wasn't long before this stunning seaside village became an icon and pioneer for the region's tourism industry but then the homeland war broke out the Yugoslav army burned and bombarded the resort until it was a mere shell of its former self the croatian army set up in what remained of the hotels in 1998 but they were damaged seemingly beyond repair privatization of the resort and hotels began in 2001 and locals stripped anything valuable like copper piping and tiles while one hotel remains as a reminder of Croatia's dark days the rest were demolished by 2017 number six Baker Hotel Mineral Wells Texas the Baker hotel in the town of Mineral Wells Texas could have been something great in fact it was for a time believe it or not it was modern medicine that put this luxurious hotel on shaky ground it was the first skyscraper to be built outside of a metropolitan area and was the brainchild of locals who were tired of non-locals benefiting from their mineral springs they started collecting money to build a large resort and Theodore Brasher Baker builtin construction began in 1926 and the hotel was a thing of beauty it had an Olympic sized swimming pool 14 stories 450 guestrooms shops a ballroom a bowling alley and a gym the entire building cost around 1.2 million dollars which would be over 16 million dollars today sounds like a sure thing right for a time it was and even though it opened just before the stock market crash had continued to be a favorite among the rich and famous who sought wellness from the mineral springs by the 1950s antibiotics were a thing doctors were steering away from recommending health spring waters and instead were telling people to rely on modern medicine the popularity of the hotel thrived and faltered throughout the years but it finally closed its doors in 1972 number five rum orphanage boo yukata is Stan bull Turkey in the late 1800s European passenger train company company international days wagons lits who produced the Orient Express hired an architect to design and build a luxury hotel and casino [Music] Paul was going well and the structure was built on a hilltop on bukata the largest island of the princes islands in the Sea of Marmara it was 20,000 square metres and surrounded by a pine tree forest the setting was as exquisite as they come but then sultan abdul hameed ii decided that he wouldn't issue a permit for it to operate the company had no other option but to sell the building a greek bankers wife purchased the building donated it to the ecumenical patriarchate of constantinople for use as an orphanage it became home to around 1,000 boys under the name of rum orphanage but was closed in 1964 for over half a century it lay abandoned one rumor has it that it may become an international environmental Institute in the future number 4 hotel Ponce Intercontinental Ponce Puerto Rico it's hard to understand why Hotel Ponce Intercontinental in Ponce Puerto Rico sits abandoned and crumbling in the heart of the city it was the first modern hotel in the city and offered stunning views from Elva guia hill and over the Caribbean Sea to everyone who stayed there or saw the hotel it was a raving success it was where all the celebrities diplomats and people who were anyone would stay and it was well ahead of its time in both architectural design and furnishing it was also always busy which clearly means something good in business and then it closed the city wasn't declining the business wasn't suffering and there didn't appear to be any trouble at least from an outsider's perspective therefore no one really knows what happened of course there's plenty of speculation some say that the location was difficult to access and that there could have been some labor conflicts but the real reason is unclear today nearly half a century later it remains in the city center decaying and abandoned with no real plans for what will happen to it next if anything at all number three and the hills resort Poconos mountains Pennsylvania a common mistake that business owners make is that they grow too fast they see that their business is going well so they quickly make it something way bigger than it was from the outside it looked like Penn Hills Resort in the Poconos mountains in Pennsylvania went about everything the right way and yet the resort lay abandoned look at this everyone look what I'm staring at I don't know it started as a tavern in 1944 then slowly grew to include 100 rooms and the title of a popular honeymoon resort by the 1960s it covered 500 acres and had a golf course ski resort and luxurious villas with heart-shaped bathtubs wedding bell shaped outdoor swimming pools and even an ice rink any loved-up couple would jump at the chance to spend a night here and that's why it started being called the paradise of Pocono pleasure but over time the quality and financial situation of the resort declined the final nail in the coffin so to speak was when the 102 year old owner passed away it was then revealed that the business owed over 1 million dollars in back taxes two months later in 2009 the resort closed and Monroe County took over the property number two Buck Hill in Poconos mountains Pennsylvania it's sad to think that this graffiti covered building was once a thriving in where the rich famous and well-to-do would spend their free time Buck Hill Inn in the Poconos Mountains in Pennsylvania was the epitome of elegance back in the early 1900s [Music] out of all mountain resorts it was the one that everyone thought would succeed it was set upon 1,000 acres of land and had an amphitheater Golf Course indoor pool tennis court and even places to go horse riding 400 rooms also featured in the 300,000 square foot facilities and it wasn't uncommon for many of them to be full at once but by the 1970s business was slowing down and even into the 1980s they were enabled to pick it back up by the time 1990 rolled around the owners closed it for good since then many people have thrown money at it to restore it to its former glory but none have been successful now it has become victim to Mother Nature vandals and those who want to strip all the valuable materials from it for profit number one abandoned Sheraton or era Sangha Rarotonga in the Cook Islands has been a desirable holiday destination for many years but it was never at its peak there was no five-star resort or must-visit hotel and no one was really doubt doing anyone else that was all set to change in the 1980s when an Italian backed hotel project got underway the goal was to revolutionize tourism in the Cook Islands to make it a place that everyone wanted to go to things were well on their way but then at around the 80 percent completion mark construction ground to a halt allegations of mafia connections and money laundering in Italy were made and funding for the project came to a screeching halt in the end the Cook Islands government was left with a massive debt of around 120 million dollars which nearly bankrupted them since then many attempts have been made to finish the hotel but no one ever quite succeeded now though there are plans in the pipeline to carry on the Sheraton hotel construction process and bring it back from its spooky abandoned state to a desirable hotel that people actually want to visit it's spooky enough staying in a hotel during the off-peak season but imagine going to one that's abandoned altogether have you seen any of these in person or know of any others also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Finest
Views: 520,473
Rating: 4.8576808 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned places, creepy, scary, strangest, places, haunted, mysterious, strange, in the world, most mysterious, buildings, creepiest, mystery, unbelievable, abandoned buildings, exploring, Strangest places, abandoned towns, ghost towns, creepy places, strange places, abandoned hotels, creepy abandoned places, hotel rooms, haunted places, abandoned cities, abandoned house, ghost town, mysterious places, abandoned building, Strangest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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