5 Realistic Side Hustles No One is Talking About ($100+ Per Day)

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have you guys heard of Jackie Mitchell she wanted to buy a house but she needed $10,000 in order to do so so she set out to make $100 a day for 100 days in a row while still working her 95 and guess what she actually did it and she actually exceeded her goal so at the end of this video I want to reveal to you how much she actually made but in the meantime I want to show you exactly what she was able to do to make a $100 a day so you can do the same because I have like that mindset like if somebody else can do it so can I so I hope you guys do too so if you are looking for some real actual ways to make a $100 a day then this is the video for you so you guys ready to get into it let's go okay so let's start with the sight hustles that cost the least to the most so number five was using this site called prolific now I'm really not into survey sites at all but this one was the highest baying survey site that I have ever seen I actually have never even heard of this one and you you can earn like $7 for 10 minutes and I checked it out and it's legit so jaie would do this in between work at her 9 to5 and on this day particular she made $116.90 now this isn't like much money at all but when you're trying to hit $100 a day every bit counts so this is a higher paying survey site that they sometimes have a weight list for but definitely still go ahead and join the wait list because you want to be able to get accepted into this if your thing is to do surveys or you don't mind doing them this is probably the only survey site you want to be a part of because they pay higher than any of the other ones and you're not just wasting all your time so when Jackie was doing this she would earn between $10 to $30 per day and I'm going to put the links to all the sites that she used in the description below next she will also participate in focus groups now this isn't something that she would do daily but every like two to three months she would be a part of these focus groups that PID her like $100 an hour and they doesn't last that long so it's probably like $100 for that entire day but that's still a nice amount of money when that's your whole goal for the day so I'm going to put the ones she use in the description below and some other ones that have worked for my viewers as well now focus groups for those who don't know are typically just like guided discussions about a particular product before the company actually launches it out to the public you know they want to get good feedback before they just have like a a huge mess so that's kind of idea why they have focus groups and it is a real great way to make money it's just not very consistent but if you're looking for some Xtra ways to make money I highly recommend them because just like randomly a nice extra $100 or something like that next now she wouldn't do surveys on swag bucks because swag Buck is another survey site but what she would do is she would actually pay games on swag bucks and that's how she was able to make some extra money as well now I know that she's saying that she played this game called gold Monopoly and she made $218 just from playing it now some of the games they have like these tiered where you can just get rewarded with $5 for an introductory level and then like the top here could pay up to like $160 or more so they have like this is a a real thing guys like there's a whole like subreddit of Swag bugs just for people who are into playing games and trying to make money like they give you all these tips and everything like that so it's really cool and I'm going to put the link in the description below if this is something that you want to do like I love to play spider solitire and while uh doing this uh preparing this video I saw that you could do spoted Sal on swag bucks to make money so I'm like I'm just I do it anyway I might as well just do it and make money at the same time so it's not for everyone but she did it and she was trying to hit her goal so she's like what can I do that's just seamlessly where I can just earn some extra money so this worked for her I'm going to try it too so I highly recommend it for you guys too if this is going to be your thing it's not for everybody but something to check out now before we get into the higher paying ones I do want to show you a way that you can make money through it just expressing your creativity so if you guys have heard of skillshare you'll know that it is the largest online learning Community for creatives with thousands of classes led by industry Pros across like film illustration design painting crafting music and more and even if you're not sure like what you are interested in I recommend just like looking through their learning paths like look at this so if you go to their learning paths you can just kind of scroll down to see like what they have like launch your vector illustration Journey edit eye-catching videos and Final Cut Pro like this is stuff that I'm interested in so I would just continue just to kind of see what else do they have like these are learning paths that you can take to learn new skills so I like going through this to say like what else can I do you never know what might pique your interest so I definitely just highly recommend just checking it out and one of the problems that I personally have is cooking like I just do not enjoy cooking but I also don't enjoy going out all the time so I'm trying to master like the art of being productive as a busy entrepreneur and mom and wife and still have some easy meals to cook so the struggle is real out here and if you guys have any good dinner ideas go ahead and put it in the comment section because I really do need help with this so one of the things that I saw on skillshare which I love that now I'm taking the class is from one of my favorite YouTubers Ali abdal on how he's actually created a class for people like me on how to cook productively like I'm learning from this guy and it's a meal planning system for beginners so this is something I definitely need help with just like meal planning and what I want to do is I want to master this massive problem that I'm having so I canot only help myself but others who have the same issu and when you solve problems you can make money so I wanted to share this same thought with you guys just think about like where are some things that you have issues with or problems with that you might need to solve skillshare is a perfect platform to use to actually kind of find the answers to your questions and then document it you know use Jackie as a great case study to say like if I just document publicly what I'm going through and then and share the process of me actually being able to achieve this goal that I'm trying to make you can make a lot of great money which we're going to get into in a little bit and skillshare has thousands of classes of things that you can learn and get this skillshare they are sponsoring this video and offering 30 days free to the first 500 people on my channel that sign up with my link below that I'll put in the description so if you guys want to try new skill Hobby and document it definitely try this or even if you don't want to document it still check it out and do it for your yourself you don't have to have the world see what you're trying to improve on because this year should be all about just investing in yourself that is the best investment that you can ever make in yourself so take this opportunity to get this for free and I want to thank skillshare for sponsoring this video and offering this awesome opportunity to my viewers okay back to the site hustles now the one that made Jackie the most was this site called Data annotation and they paid her between $15 to $25 per hour hour and these this job entailed things like training AI systems in various ways like editing content flagging grammar checks and more and they paid her daily so let me just show you the site really quick so this is the website right here Dena annotation Tech and I'm going to put the link in the description below and it says work from the comfort of your home get started today so you can easily just go ahead and sign up here and I'm just going to show you really quick this is all that you do you do task earn money simple as that so you just got to create account take the starter assessment and start earning now Jackie gave this job like a three out of five because she says while it does pay well it's not very fun it's like boring work so just keep this in mind like this is a way to make money but it's not going to be something that you're going to just be like I can't wait to do this today you know but it depends on like what level you want she needs to make the money so she did what she had to do to make the money now this type of work it seemed pretty popular because they do have some weight list so what I recommend is still go ahead and sign up they may not have a weight list so that would be great for you if they do still sign up for the weight list because that was I think she had to get on the weight list as well but after that she was able to get in and started making money every single day and she started documenting it just like these every single day on how much she made for the day so the beauty of documenting this whole entire challenge publicly it brought a whole entire income stream that Jackie never expected like number one by posting to Tik Tok that she wented to do this challenge she got 50,000 links on this first post she doesn't wasn't even like posting on Tik Tok so she didn't have a huge following then so just by just a simple post that she wanted to do this challenge people were all in just supporting her and rooting her own and that is really what actually kept her accountable to do this because people were expecting this so this is also like a great accountability partner and it was starting to bring in money so doing these posts every single day about her results for every single day she started making money and getting more followers with the Tik toac Creator fund and even though that this Tik toac Creator fund does not pay that much it was still enough to help her meet her $100 a day go so every little bit was just coming in and it was helping her make this go so this is why I'm saying if you want to do something like this go ahead try and create a Tik Tok account and I'm going to put hers in the description below so you can just see exactly how she did it and how you can do it too this is not like she's the only person that can do something like this and one of the other income streams she started getting was brand sponsorships like Brands started to reach out to her because they wanted her to Showcase or or test their products on her actual Tik toac Channel and she was getting fixed fees or free products just to do a quick Tik toac video about it so that all started just to kind of accumulate and that was how she was able to also reach her $100 a Dayo and the third unexpected income was user generated content and this is also known as ugc so if you don't even know what this is it's basically where Brands know that their customers they better relate to Everyday People people instead of these like professional uh hired actors so they're trying to get people that look like just you and me who are showing up on Tik Tok to create a quick Instagram real or a Tik toac about their product so that they can showcase that on their page so you don't even have to have a following to get paid to do these they just want to have a everyday kind of person take a video about their product and they're going to use that on their page not yours so that's how you can get paid and this is how she was able to also help meet her $100 out a day go because some of these posts that she was getting paid to do was $100 that was an easy quick Tik toac she had to create for $100 and then she was done for the day cuz her goal was just $100 a day so the total amount Jackie made in 100 days with the goal of earning $100 a day came to $10,000 972 which exceeded her goal so from a combination of during daily surveys games data annotation and extra income from brands in Tik Tok ugc and this is how she was able to do it so she estimated needing about 5 hours per day to earn this extra $100 a day while still juggling her 9 to5 and as her Channel grew and things became more automated she said it was taking her an additional like 2 to three hours per day so just to keep in mind that like this stuff it takes work and it is not like the best but it is doable and that is the most important thing so if you are looking for some real ways to make money these are some definitely things that you can do while still working at 9 to5 so which one would you guys try let me know in the comments section I'd love to hear from you guys and just kind of see like what kind of things would you want to do from this I know what I want to do so I'm going to definitely get the spider soliter and just start making money on things that I'm doing like anyway and if you guys are looking for one of the easiest side hustles no cap that brings in a passive income I highly highly highly recommend you watch this video right now on one of the best work from home businesses for any beginner this does not cost you a dime to get started and you can go ahead and get started today so I highly recommend you check out that video if you want to make a new passive income I say this is for anyone like anyone disabled college student stay at home mom anybody you got a 9 to5 that works for you too I'm doing it and I know you guys can do it too all right check it out and as always thanks for watching have a great [Music] day
Channel: Whitney Bonds
Views: 45,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: side hustles, ways to make money from home, make money online, ways to make money online, extra money
Id: ZSdDXulvnUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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