12 Meals and a Side in 90 minutes | Scratch Made Freezer Meals

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hello friend welcome back to Anchor Homestead it is beautiful outside and I want to be out there and so we are going to get in the kitchen we are going to do some meal prep so that not only can I get in and out of the kitchen quickly today but so that coming up through Garden season meals are not going to be something that I have to spend as much time on because I would rather be out in the garden so the first thing we're going to do is we are going to can some baked beans I've never done this before I've always wanted to and I am excited to start learning how to can I know how to canned beans but I've never can't baked beans before and I'm excited to learn how to can meals in a jar now baked beans isn't necessarily a meal in and of itself but it's a side dish and so by canning this it's going to make upcoming meals a lot easier because for a side all I have to do is open up a jar of baked beans and we have a side for dinner so the first thing I'm going to do is get five cups of these can no these are Great Northern beans washed up because I'm going to use my electric pressure canner that's on the stove so that I don't have to pay attention to it and that can be canning while we go ahead and we are going to make six I think maybe seven different marinades for the freezer so that I have main dishes ready to go all I have to do is throw those in the crock pot the oven or on the grill for dinner this is four cups and this is five cups of beans so we need five cups of beans because one cup is going to go in each one of these quarts and I could put five quarts in my pressure canner so that's how many beans we're gonna get washed up first [Music] I'm putting one cup of beans in each one of these jars my goal is to see if I can get all these marinades done in the time it takes for these beans to cook in the pressure cooker now we get to add the ingredients that make these beans into baked beans so we're going to do a quarter cup of brown sugar I don't have brown sugar up here I have some downstairs but I have sugar and molasses so I'm just going to make my own right into the jar so a quarter cup of sugar in each jar and then just about a teaspoon and a half of molasses and that's going to make our brown sugar for us we are pressure canning these beans beans have to be pressure canned because they are a low acid food we are going to be adding ketchup and vinegar to it but it's not quite enough to it's not near enough actually to make it a safe water bath canned product so we are going to get these in the pressure canner this is some homemade ketchup that we made last summer with last year's tomatoes each jar is going to get a half a cup of ketchup I got this recipe from Ruth Ann Zimmerman she is a Mennonite mom she has a YouTube channel I can link this video down below where I got this recipe from her and she's pretty active on Instagram and she's an avid canner and I was inspired when I saw this video to make this to make my life easier this summer when Garden season is in full swing so I do have some store-bought ketchup too that was in my fridge because one jar wasn't quite enough this ketchup jar is almost empty so I'm just going to go ahead and finish it out and put the rest of the ketchup in each one of these jars each jar is going to get a little bit of mustard these are onion flakes these are homegrown onions that I dried and flaked up you could use fresh onion the recipe says but I thought we would use onion that's dry just to save us a little bit of time the recipe called for vinegar it didn't say what kind and I'm going to use some apple cider vinegar in this recipe today oops the next ingredient is salt black pepper and a pinch of red pepper flake this isn't in the recipe but I thought I would add Just A Pinch the very last thing we're going to add to our baked beans is some bacon I have some pre-cooked bacon I love keeping pre-cooked bacon in my freezer so that I can pull it out and use it anytime I need so we're going to put the equivalent of about one and a half slices of bacon each one of these jars the awesome thing about learning to can your own items is you can control the ingredients you can control the flavor profile and you just have a lot more control over the food that you make when you're able to can it up yourself and the awesome thing about having some pre-cooked bacon in the freezer is I didn't even have to cook any bacon in order to have this done here all right so I think I chopped up a little bit too much but that's good so now all we have to do this is really really simple this is coming together in a matter of minutes is fill these jars with some water now I'm doing a cold pack method which means that everything is the same temperature and it's cold so the ingredients are cold the water is cold my canner is going to be cold and that's going to put us at a lower risk for breaking jars so once I put water in there and fill it up I am going to give it a stir to get any air bubbles out and to mix up the ingredients now you can see that once I stirred that we need to add a little bit more water so we're going to do one inch of head space on each one of these jars you can see here why you want to make sure you stir it really well because the water was not able to get to the bottom of this jar so we're releasing all those air bubbles and then we're going to have to add a little bit more water to make sure we get our one inch headspace [Music] this smells so good so if it tastes anything like it smells and this is going to be a winner I'm wiping the rims down on each one of these jars just to make sure that we have nothing that is going to inhibit a good seal I'm going to put a new lid on each one of these jars I already have my water in my canner so all I need to do is add my jars foreign [Music] we have this on venting this is just like an instant pot except this is rated for canning but you use it kind of the same way as you would an instant pot I have it on vent I'm going to select pressure can and I'm going to can these for 90 minutes at my pressure it's going to warm everything up it's going to vent for 10 minutes and then we will close this and then we will let it pressure can so you definitely do not want to use a regular instant pot to Canon I get that question quite a bit but they are not rated to regulate the pounds of pressure and the temperature and the time and all that stuff that needs to be regulated in order to have a safe product so this is a designated electric pressure canner I could link it down below if you're interested in it it is my absolute favorite canning tool I have a stovetop canner that I like and I use it and it is a more affordable way to get into pressure canning and I will never I'm not gonna give it away or anything like that because a lot of times if you've been here I use both at one time but I absolutely love this because now I can just kind of set it and forget it there is one more step I have to do but it will beep at me when I need to do that next step and I'm going to be in the kitchen but I don't have to watch a gauge I don't have to listen for something it is going to take care of the next steps for me as opposed to my stove top one that I have to babysit a little bit more I am now going to switch gears and we are going to make a bunch of dinners and I don't really want to have to pay attention to a stovetop canner and that's why I have this one what I'm going to do first because I'm really notoriously bad at doing this step because I'm going to label my bags on what we're making so what we're gonna have for dinner is the honey chipotle marinade I'm going to do one that is chicken and one that is beef I'm gonna put today's date which is May 5th and like I said what inspired this was this really cool cut of beef that I found at Costco and I had never seen it before and I normally don't buy beef at Costco because I buy it from a local farmer but I wanted to try this cut out because if I like it I will ask my butcher next time I get a side of beef to ask him to butcher it this way so that it's something that I can try so we're gonna do a honey chicken honey Chipotle forgot to write Chipotle on there honey marinade but the Chipotle is an important part I think I'm gonna do one of those in honey and I think I'm gonna do one of those in beef and I'm gonna do one of those in chicken so honey Chipotle beef and I've got to figure out so and the other thing that inspired this was I found Chicken on sale I saw those stickers and I have to use it today or freeze it today so I am going to marinate it and then get it in the freezer I have those reusable silicone bags I don't like to use those with raw beef so I do use disposable with when I do this foreign the first thing we're going to get started with is the beef I've got two packages of chicken thighs three packages of chicken breasts a package from Costco which has two pork tenderloins and this beef and I don't know exactly how many marinades we're gonna get to and how many meals we're gonna get to I want to use it all because all the chicken has to be frozen today and so we're gonna start with the beef because I can just check this off and be done with it because I know that I only want to make the beef in the honey chipotle marinade and the Mongolian beef so let me show you what this is this is so interesting it's a New York beef loin roast that's cut extremely thin I've never seen this before you can see how thin they are and they're going to cook up in no time it's almost like what I would think a Philly steak would be I've never cooked with that before and I'm gonna make this for dinner tonight we're gonna have tacos and I'm gonna make the honey Chipotle so I'll show you what this looks like cooked up I have two Mongolian beefs here so I'm going to divide this meat in thirds between the three different bags and then this one is the honey Chipotle this might be a total flop of making it this like this I don't know but we are gonna we're gonna try it out for the honey chipotle chicken I'm gonna use chicken thighs and I have two packages here of chicken thighs since I need to clean up the chicken thighs for this marinade I like to cut any excess fat off or anything like that I'm gonna go ahead and get both of these packages prepped and cleaned up so that when I go to make the other marinades they are already done and I can just go ahead and do this real quick that was one nice thing about that beef is I didn't have to do any prep or anything I could just throw that right into the Ziploc bag I might go ahead and prep the chicken breast too I like to cut my chicken breasts in half when I grill them because I think they just cook up a lot faster on the grill and it's a lot easier to cook them evenly because chicken breasts have that thick side I I have found that that side gets by the time that side is done the thin side is way overcooked and super dry so if I cut it in half lengthwise then they cook a lot more evenly and I like to just cut the excess fat off of the chicken thighs because Josh and I don't really enjoy biting into that if that fat hasn't rendered off totally on the grill I'm gonna put Stitch six chicken thighs in each one of these bags six chicken thighs makes it perfect for Josh and I to be able to enjoy dinner and then we'll each get usually another lunch and or dinner from the leftovers from that I usually only cook dinner about three times a week and then we enjoy using what I've already cooked for lunches and dinners and things so I love cooking but I also like the convenience of not having to cook every night of the week and then not feeling the pressure while on the nights that I don't want to cook that oh goodness we need to go get takeout or something like that I can either pull out some leftovers that we've already cooked or I can just pull out one of these marinades like the Mongolian beef that we're gonna make I could pull one of those out of the freezer let that thaw cook up some rice cook up a vegetable and Bam we have an easy dinner on a night that I don't feel like cooking making the kitchen messy super super easy so like I said earlier what inspired this big massive marinating meat Marathon was the fact that I found the chicken on sale and it needed to be used or Frozen on this day so I picked up the chicken yesterday and it needs to be taken care of so I thought why don't I just prep a bunch of marinades and get that in the freezer now this beef I saw at Costco twice and the first two times I did not pick it up but the third time I I I purchased it because I'm so excited to try it spoiler alert I absolutely love it and I went to Costco after I had made this and I was talking to one of the Costco employees who works in the book tour shop and I asked them if that is a common cut because I have never seen it before and she said it's there really regularly so I'm sure if you ask if you've never seen it in your Costco they probably have it it is traditionally used for hot pots but also people like to use it for grilling or Philly steak and things like that but this is one way I like to save on my grocery budget is if I find something on sale I will purchase it and then instead of just throwing the raw meat in the freezer I thought I might as well take just a few minutes and get it prepped so my life in the future will be a little bit easier I got all the meat trimmed prepped and in bags and I've divvied out the meat into the correct bags and I know that we are going to be getting 12 dishes 12 Mains today from what I have done now I put all of the meat in the refrigerator and I just pulled out the two that we're going to be working with the first one we're gonna do is the honey Chipotle and then I did go ahead and I washed all the produce that we're gonna need for these marinades I grabbed out a bunch of spices I'm sure we're going to need more than that I have our cutting board our clean one ready to go and then here is the meat that we're going to start with right now a lot of these recipes we're gonna make right in the blender so we are going to get the blender dirty this one time this afternoon I'll rinse it between no need to completely wash it though because a lot of the same ingredients are in these different recipes and so we'll just use the blender once and we'll get a lot of juice out of it and only one time cleaning it so for the honey marinade that's the first thing we need to do and I need to pull up my recipe I already forgot to pull out one of the ingredients for this recipe but no worries just some limes so I'm gonna get four limes Juiced I might do five because these are kind of small little limes so we'll do five [Music] and we are gonna need cilantro for this recipe that's parsley this is cilantro so I'm going to use the stems and everything I'm hoping to get out into the garden and actually plant cilantro today our canner is now producing steam so that needs to vent for 10 minutes once it's venting for 10 minutes we'll walk this and then it will start the countdown of the canning for 90 minutes so this is a jar of Chipotles in Adobo this stuff is so good if you've never cooked with this before it can be a little bit spicy that's why adding the honey is going to help balance the flavor so I'm gonna put four of these Chipotles are smoked jalapenos and Adobo sauce is kind of a vinegary sauce and I'm going to pour about half that jar of the sauce in there now we're going to add a ton of the spices salt garlic powder paprika coriander cumin oregano onion powder chili powder honey and the oil of your choice I'm going to grab my bigger container of oil just so that this will go a little bit faster we're going to use a lot of oil today for these marinades and that's everything this recipe calls for so we're going to put the lid on and blend this up and then give it a good taste test okay I want to give this a taste test before we put it on our meat because we can adjust the seasonings now but we won't be able to in a minute that is the perfect balance of heat and sweet with a little bit of fresh well a lot of freshness from the cilantro and the lime and the smokiness of the Chipotle if you've never cooked with canned Chipotles before they are so good so let's get this marinade on our meat I'm going to divide this marinade between the two so we are maximizing our time in the kitchen so this is what I'm gonna make for dinner tonight but I want to make sure I get this marinade all in those little thin slices of meat so it's going to take a little bit of maneuvering around hopefully the meat isn't just kind of breaking up in there hopefully they're holding together [Applause] our pressure canner is now counting down the time for the baked beans [Applause] [Applause] this is going to go in the fridge for dinner tonight and I'm going to lay this flat like this and this is going to go in the freezer just like this so I'm gonna go put this in the freezer and fridge I'm gonna grab two more bags out next recipe we're gonna do Mongolian beef now we're going to use the beef the thinly sliced beef this is my mom's recipe and I need to find the recipe she normally makes this with flank and ribs which are beef ribs that are cut the opposite direction of what you would normally think and this recipe is absolutely delicious I like flanking ribs but I've never cooked them or made them before so this might be the perfect alternative to those my mom has to special request them when she wants to make them usually she'll make them once or twice in the summer for a barbecue but I might if we like this beef too we might have to special request it too because I had never seen this before in a grocery store so the first thing we're going to add is one cup of soy sauce I think mine is a low sodium soy sauce and then the next thing we're going to add is a half a cup of brown sugar and that was white sugar so whoops I'm going to go ahead and put a little bit of molasses in there tablespoons of ketchup I'm just going to eyeball this garlic the next thing is ginger I have some fresh ginger here so I'm going to peel it real quick and then I'll get it grated into our bag you could use powdered Ginger if you'd like I just happen to have some fresh in the fridge so we're going to get this used up [Music] rice vinegar quarter cup these recipes will be linked down below so you don't need to remember any measurements sesame oil Sriracha this is some homemade sriracha and there we have it two more dinners done I'm gonna just mix this up really well lay it flat and get it in the freezer I just rinsed out our blender so we can make the Greek marinade I grabbed four lemons out of well it looks like five lemons out of the refrigerator we're going to get going on this one next so I need the juice of four lemons [Applause] we'll also need lemons for the Caesar chicken so I will only juice the four of these and the other one we'll use for the Caesar chicken I don't have my compost bowl out so things have gotten a little bit messy around here so I'm going to take a second just to tidy this up get all this in the compost bowl now we need some fresh dill fresh parsley salt garlic some dried oregano and the oil of your choice I don't want to puree this completely I kind of want to just chop it so I'm going to turn it on low [Music] the Mongolian beef because that obviously I made it directly into the raw meat but I know that that recipe is good and I want to just make sure I can adjust the seasonings on this one before I put it in the chicken oh so Herby and delicious and Lemony and fresh all right so this is going to go into our chicken breast I have these cut in half again so that they're nice and thin so this can be a main dish or I could cook this and it could top a salad in the summer this is the perfect summer recipe because it's just full of fresh herbs and hopefully we're going to be having our own herbs coming out of the garden here pretty shortly foreign [Music] [Applause] I forgot one of the ingredients so I'm gonna open these back up and put it in real quick which is some white wine vinegar so just a splash of that in each one and there we go there's our Greek chicken [Music] all done [Applause] we're going to use our blender one more time well actually two more times but I just got it washed out and we're gonna start with lemons again so this next recipe we're doing is the Caesar lemon chicken so we're making my mom's Caesar dressing which is super easy and it's not a creamy Caesar dressing like most of them it's a vinaigrette paste dressing and it is so good I have both a creamy Caesar dressing that is phenomenal and then I have my mom's they're just a little bit different but for this recipe I'm gonna make the more vinaigrette style Caesar dressing so I have lemons so this recipe is really really easy it's equal parts lemons parmesan cheese and olive oil so I'm gonna get this grated up and then I'm gonna get these lemons Juiced into the blender and then I'll show you what the recipe ingredients are we just got my eyeballs Josh is getting coffee oh man it's okay now I'm going to add one cup of oil good amount of garlic salt foreign that makes it absolutely delicious is worcestershire sauce [Music] I've never put parmesan cheese on chicken on the grill before and I think that's brilliant I think it's going to turn out so good I love this recipe it's perfect for a salad and now I think it's gonna be perfect for a marinade I have chicken breast here I think this would be good with chicken breast or chicken thighs these were the ones that were on sale I normally cook with chicken thighs but I think this is going to be just as good with chicken breast now this marinade is the off oh wow tea Tiny Seed in this avocado this is a avocado buttermilk marinade and you can if you don't have buttermilk on hand because a lot of times I don't have buttermilk on hand you can substitute some sour cream if you want or some yogurt and plain yogurt instead of Buttermilk and this marinade makes a delicious salad dressing too or taco bowl dressing if you are going to make some beans and rice you can whip this up and make an avocado dressing to go on your burrito bowl if you want so what we're going to do is we're going to do this in the blender it's going to come together in just a minute and we're going to start with our avocados and we need two jalapenos I'm going to keep the seeds in mine because we like a little bit of heat you can remove the seeds from all of them or just one of them if you want so we're gonna put those in there we're gonna get some fresh limes Juiced into it and while I'm down here on The Cutting Board I'm also gonna cut one head of cilantro and that's going to go in the blender now we're going to add some cumin pepper salt and buttermilk one last thing to go in cube of garlic you need to taste this buttermilk dressing oh that's perfect that's got some heat to it I might need I probably should have taken the seeds out of two of those jalapenos and just left the seeds in one I think I'm gonna add just for Josh's sake because I love spicy he doesn't like quite this hot I think to balance those jalapenos I'm going to add maybe about a tablespoon of honey that will be good and I think I'm going to add the beauty of cooking at home you can adapt it and change it to however your family likes okay let's give this a taste test now oh that's perfect still got a nice heat to it but a little bit of sweet to help bounce that I've got one package of chicken breast sliced in half and then I have some chicken thighs here in the package with chicken thighs I have six chicken thighs and in the packages with chicken breast I have three chicken breasts that are cut in half if you don't have buttermilk you could substitute yogurt for the buttermilk look how beautiful that color is that green color it's amazing two more done one more marinade to go and that is Cuban pork so I just ran out to the outside fridge and I grabbed some oranges I need to get these washed up because we are going to zest these oranges so let me get these washed up along with our blender again we're getting great use out of our dishes today out of our cutting boards our blender our micro plane where did it go right here and this is I'm using a pork tender one for this you could use a pork shoulder if you wanted to use this recipe to slow cook this recipe you could slow cook pork tenderloin but it gets pretty stringy I like grilling pork tenderloin because it's so tender hence the name pork tenderloin that it grills up really well and you can slice it thin and it's just so delicious but that's why I don't like slow cooking it because it kind of just falls apart and gets really really stringy but if you wanted to use this marinade and have it for a slow cooker recipe then I would use a pork shoulder that would be really really good and slow cook it that way and you could do the same thing make this marinade put it on the pork shoulder throw it in the fridge pull it out let it marinate for a while and then when you're ready to use it my microplane has been broken for a really long time but it's still functioning I can still use it so I haven't found the need to go buy a new one so we're gonna zest I'm gonna zest four oranges because I need quite a bit of orange juice so once I zest these oranges then I'm going to juice them into this blender along with probably five limes we're gonna put some lime juice in here our canner's still going so we haven't even been in here doing this for an hour and a half yet not even close look how beautiful these oranges are I'm gonna be here for a second squeezing these oranges if you did not want to go through the effort of squeezing fresh Citrus you could certainly use I just squeezed it on myself you could certainly use bottled I don't have any bottled lime juice right now but I have a lot of fresh lime so this is a great way to use them up now we're going to add one bunch of cilantro I do add some of the stems because it's going to be Blended I don't really worry about the stems some fresh mint I need to get this growing in the garden as soon as possible because it grows like a weed and it can be kind of pricey to purchase it at the store fresh the next couple ingredients are the spices so I just added cumin that's black pepper salt and a couple chunks of our homegrown pureed garlic that's frozen cork tenderloin for this recipe I like pork tenderloin because this is what I prefer to grill when it comes to Pork and because it grills up so quickly you know what I should taste this first before we put this on our meat and because it grows so quickly it stays nice and moist versus I find pork chops to dry out pretty easily oh that's delicious that is so good I don't think it needs any seasoning adjustments you know what it might be seeing the oil for it I forgot the oil I'm just going to put the oil directly on the meat and here we go we have two more dinners ready to go now there's two a couple different ways I could serve this to change up the dinner because they're the same kind of meat they're the same marinade I could Grill them and then make you know a side salad a rice dish or something like that and we could have a meat protein and starch or I could Grill them and we could turn them into sandwiches Cuban sandwiches with pickled onions and mustard and cheese you can have the same marinade and depending on what you serve it with and how you serve it you can really change up the dinner so you're not having the exact same dinner two nights in a row even though it's the same cut of meat in the same area so delicious so into the freezer it goes so this is what I'm working with here I normally clean as I go that's the type of cook I am but that did not happen today so I am going to take a second now that all the marinades are done our canner is still going it has this good 20 minutes left on it so we were able to get a lot done I'm gonna bring everything out of the fridge once I get this cleaned and I will go over it again what we made today because we made a ton of stuff and we have dinner done too so not only in less than I mean it's been an hour this has been in here for about an hour and 10 minutes we have been able to get five well I guess we can't count the the beans because we did that before obviously started counting down but we were able to get I don't even know let me get this cleaned up and then I will we'll count up how many meals we make because it was a lot all right time to focus let's get this done I'm normally someone who likes to tidy as I go but today I was let's just get it done and I did not tidy as I go a lot of these ingredients I used for multiple recipes so I didn't find the need to put them away to just then pull them out again so now I'm going to go ahead and focus and get this kitchen clean so that I can go spend some time out in the garden with you because that is the next thing we are going to be doing on this day and I'm really excited to get out into the garden I love cooking I'm passionate about cooking I love cooking from scratch I love learning new skills and stretching my culinary abilities by learning to make things that typically we buy at the grocery store like homemade tortillas but just because I enjoy spending time in the kitchen does not mean that I want to spend time in the kitchen every single day for example today or that I even have the time to spend in the kitchen every day so for example today's a computer work day for me I am not going to leave my desk all day and I really don't have the time or the energy really to spend much time in the kitchen so today I'm gonna pull out one of the Mongolian beefs and I'm going to let that thaw in some cold water and then once it's thawed I will throw it in the fridge and that will be ready for me to just Grill up really quickly I will steam some vegetables and I will make some rice and so I will have a beautiful dinner that is going to take me less than 15 minutes to throw together I don't have to make a marinade I don't have to think in advance on pulling out the different sauces to have meat marinating all day I can just pull it out of the fridge and let it thaw and then continue to marinate as it's sitting in the fridge waiting for me to make dinner now you will see later on how I pull together dinner on this night and it's just doing these bulk freezer cooking days are a way to one save some money because I am not falling into the trap on the nights that I don't want to cook you know running out and getting take out and I was able to take advantage of that sale that I found on the meat and fill my freezer with that and two I can control the ingredients so I can when I make these marinades because I'm making them for homemade from scratch I can control if I want to use fresh or dried herbs if I want to use a seed oil or a non-seed oil and I can base those choices based on my personal preferences my convictions my budget and then thirdly I can just make an entire mess of this kitchen here on this day I can spend an hour just completely tearing it apart a half you know half an hour or so cleaning it back up and then now I have all these marinated meats and dinner's ready to go where I'm also going to save myself a ton of time because I'm not gonna have to clean the kitchen as much next time I go to make dinner with one of these freezer meals kitchen is clean the instant or the pressure canner almost at instant pot is done now it just needs to cool just like an instant pot it has to cool and the pressure has to come down before you can open it except on one of these canners they do not have a manual release you want it just to come down naturally so we're gonna let that cool that probably is going to take a good 35 minutes or so before it is ready to open kitchen is clean so we got a lot done let me show you all the stuff we got done today this is incredible my My Future Self is already super grateful for all the work that was just put in 12 dinners in the freezer except for this wait which one I want to do the beef this is the beef this is going to be for dinner tonight so I'm going to stick this in the fridge these are all going to go out into the freezer for dinners this coming spring and summer we have Mongolian beef this is Cuban pork tenderloin Caesar chicken Greek chicken avocado cilantro buttermilk chicken and what we're having for dinner tonight is honey chipotle chicken but we're having the beef version so this is beef this is chicken and the rest of these are going to be for dinner throughout the summer and spring now that I got the kitchen work done and it's cooled down a little bit outside I'm gonna get these in the freezer and then we're gonna go do some planting and I've been thinking about it as I've been working in the kitchen but I still don't totally have a plan so we'll go out there together and kind of work through a few things we spent the whole afternoon in the garden together and now it's time for dinner so I'm going to show you how I throw together dinner and this is going to be a very typical way I might throw one of these marinades together for dinner but I'm first going to take these baked beans out of the canner they do need to sit for at least two weeks before you open them so I will label them put them in the pantry and we will give them a try this summer I have the grill going right now I pulled out some shredded cheese that was already done some pickles these are red onion pickles quick pickles some homemade sour cream homemade hot sauce some spring mix and some homemade tortillas that I had in the freezer and I pulled these out this morning to thaw so we can have those I didn't have to make homemade tortillas so the meat is going on the grill in just a second we are going to have a delicious dinner as long as the steak turns out which I'm sure it's going to be delicious hopefully it's not too spicy that's my one thing that I worry that it might be a little too spicy Chipotles are one of those things because they're jalapenos jalapenos sometimes are hot and sometimes they're not my goodness I love this new cut of beef it is probably one of my new favorites it only took a matter of a couple minutes on the grill super fun super delicious and I can't wait to try the Mongolian beef with this cut of meat as well [Music] absolutely excited for Josh to come in here and enjoy enjoy tacos for dinner it's Taco Tuesday so it is a good day so thank you again for being here thank you again for being you and I can't wait to see you next time bye friend
Channel: Acre Homestead
Views: 224,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Acre Homestead, Freezer Meals, Cooking from scratch, batch cooking, Food prep, large batch cooking, cooking at home, scratch made meals, mega cooking day, large freezer meals, freezer meal, easy freezer meals, postpartum, postpartum prep
Id: QiIfYru56gY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 51sec (2931 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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