1/2 John Travolta on Jonathan Ross show 2007 Full interview P1/2

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as we're saying you like a pop a movie star is this something that comes to you naturally did you always have this charisma on screen or is it something you can learn oh gosh I don't know how to answer that I think you have to help me with that one I was born with it well you've got a funny-looking face but it's a very attractive function well it shouldn't work but it does it's hard it's true it's beautiful in its own way thank you you could tell this before oh come on I've asked my wife to have it tattooed on her breasts she hasn't answered Jon's over here because he's got a new movie out in the UK I've seen the film we're going to talk about in a minute but first of all did you fly yourself in did you throw yourself in under your own steam in your own plane I did I'm incredible that must be just about the greatest feeling it can be yes in a long time and that's got to be a pretty big plane you're doing it from the u.s. to here what size plane image it's a Boeing 707 oh that's a big play that's a huge play how many people do you have on the plane with you when you're flying oh well it used to have when it was an airline service probably at 150 but for me it has about 30 people possible - and what do you do with the rest of space you've got a bowling at their bedrooms you've got living room do you have beds in the living room on a place this is the greatest thing I've heard in my entire life you can live on your pine you can there you are dressed up as a pilot and you are a proper pilot you can actually do that for real mm-hmm how long did it take you to learn to fly a plane as big as that Oh 57 years no no I've been flying for 35 years Wow now see I don't laugh then and I've been flying jets for 25 years and is there and don't take this the wrong way but could you actually crash when landing in terms of these days because a computer knows where the ground is done it and you're kind of steering it I guess tell me if technically I've got this wrong but then you when you do that near the ground now but the computer can do that for you can it auto land does he do that on your plane no we don't have auto Maya that's but that must be telephone when you're coming in there must be a moment you think no no that's the fun part I wouldn't want to give that away to a computer yeah have you had any heavy moments any scary bits when you're when you're tall and it's well like a close one out something takeoffs Lanny's or my favorite part but they're the most dangerous part on they if they are as I said but they're also the most fun parts now this is one that believe or not this is one of John Travolta's houses that way sir yes that that's the house you can see what he's got parked where most of us have previa or something is that the big plane that you flew over here on yes and so you've got a one-way leading up to your house if you think that's very good OSHA says me I think it's incredible don't let your wife reverse the plane in ever or do you will have to just fly whenever your cages go yeah I'm going out darling it's gonna stay clean I can fly whenever I want that's the beauty of it you've got the greatest life of anyone I mean I may just have that you're like a proper superheroes me do you have more than one point I have two plans oh my god where do you keep the other plane right next to it oh well uh it would be your nightmare living next to him imagine trying to keep up I the troopers have got another jets it's a love of yours own it do you love that more than making films you think the neck thing do you think flying is when you're at your happiest no I think it's one of the times I'm happy but I love acting first and and it just happens to be another passion of mine you know I believe that you can have more than one yes yes sure and the planes kept ready sort of loaded with petrol all year round buddy to go oh yes and do you need another pilot sitting next you when you're flying oh yes okay and whether you get the other pilot from where if you wanted to fly it and how he just did to the shops or something I live on a premise where they live in a house nearby and a few so you have you have you booked some pilots yeah two point two three pilots I've got a scooter but I'm working I'm gonna come on the scooter but I'm walking up maybe to her maybe I don't know a glider do you do the guy think you've ever done that without the power to cut your lights oh do you know what they are are they they're winged things the little tiny painting some having the James Bond movie yeah I like them a lot would you like 14:10 sponge on one side I would have although this new guy's awesome he's do you like him don't you although he looks a bit like C James you know who see James I like him he's the one I've liked the most since since Sean Sean Connery you know Sean yes I danced with Sean Connery once you know everyone says that there was a party about about 10 years ago for Frank Sinatra's before he passed on obviously but I was about to leave with my my wife and he said John where are you going and I said we got to go home I'm gonna work tomorrow morning you said not before you're dancing you're not who was the lead some people sang to you I want to see you dance would he dance when did you learn to dance the whole dance some of it I don't know what's here but some of it I create I mean I sometimes I just enjoy doing him you know so it's not always imposed on me it's a self-inflicted thing in Pulp Fiction when Quentin got you to do the the fantastic dance with him a thermal which is just a sort of one of the defined him over to that movie that was something he'd scripting already and you knew what you're gonna be did except that he only had the twist in mind and I told him I said you know there are more dances than just the twist I said when I was a kid there are novelty dances like the swim and the hitch-hiker and the you know the Batman yeah so I said if you're smart you would use all those dances and just film them call them out or something so he agreed to that I said just the choice it might be too much for that length that movie really kind of turned your career around again that didn't it because yeah that's a big hit early on and then you had a series of movies it didn't do as well did you ever want anything okay that's it for me be acting more or less has gone away now was there peed when you stop receiving scripts not too bad I mean I I think once you establish yourself level I did there's always scripts in here and your that are possible it's just what are they and you know whether you want to do them and what quality are they but yeah hope fixing gear in my second Academy Award nomination and that gave me everything up till today all the good films I've done in the last 12 years alright let's talk about the new movie because it's a very timely filming that you're a man of a certain age I'm a man of a certain age when a man gets to a certain age he maybe feels that life's gone away with him and he wants to have one last girl freedom at wildness and that's kind of one of the ideas behind wild hogs on that sure well you know we're a bunch of guys and hang out on the weekends what we do is we have these harley davidson's and we it's a hobby and when we get together it's just beer and and a chat you know so I I have the bright idea of taking the bikes on the road a long road trip across the United States and I seduce the guys into doing it except they don't know that I have a bunch of secrets and I'm escaping something but they fall for it and we hit the road the road hits back and you land up in trouble on the way but it's it's great fun it's a comedy more than anything else sort of a serious idea behind it as well what a great cast with you though I'm a big fan of martin lords i love Willie much mercy movies and I would imagine I would hope that it was as much fun to make as it is to what was a blast more laughs between takes and did you window um banks tonight or did you have stunt bikers it's very well we had some but most of them we had to ride because they were we were quite visible you know so I I enjoyed every bit of making it I mean it was long days and but with that all the energy of those special talents it was uh it was easy to keep going cuz I didn't think you did the long day so I'd went somewhere my dogs used to it was the first time I gave into the long days in a long time but and when you do these multiple star films you have to get concede it used to be I read some we had a contract saying you wouldn't work past six o'clock at night yeah that's true I wanted to see my kids that's a great idea if you've got the power to do that why not well that's I actually got it from Gene Hackman he told me he I said you can put limits on these things and he told me he could and I said you know that's a good idea I'd like to have a family life too and not just work till midnight every night and it worked I got to see I got to put the kids to bed and I got to have dinner with my wife and I got to learn my lines and if I didn't do that I wouldn't have been able to so it was actually a very healthy thing and it changed a lot of Hollywood's thinking so he managed to get that balance and he owns two planes and three brothers isn't a life you would like to know let's have a look if this is John in action with just a fabulous cast around him in wild hogs it's adding on the 13th of April look at this there are no rules on this trip remember we're just heading for the Pacific and there ain't no plan who knows where we're gonna be I know where we're gonna be deadly hooked me up check out this thing the GPS in my phone now
Channel: Nano M
Views: 83,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Travolta, Jonathan Ross, Wild Hogs, Ricky Gervais
Id: T7dROCqmwNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 30 2012
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