12 Great Inventions We Should Thank India For

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[Music] hey 12 great inventions we can thank India for we all know that India is one of the oldest civilizations in the world with a super rich culture in history but did you know that some of the stuff you use every single day was invented in this country from the buttons on your shirt to the shampoo in your shower watch this video till the end to find out what brilliant things we can thank India for oh and don't forget to subscribe to our Channel and turn on post notifications to keep up with our updates all right number one the zero [Music] people in ancient times had always thought that there should be some sort of a sign to indicate nothing well their worries were put to rest in the 5th century AD when ru bata an Indian genius of math and astronomy invented the zero as a symbol to represent nothing it made addition subtraction and a slew of other mathematical operations a whole lot easier you can see the oldest zero in existence carved in the wall of a temple in Gwalior India if you're not a big fan of math and the invention of zero seems like nothing too important to you just think without it we would have no binary system and no computers how do you like that zero now number two rulers the Indus Valley Civilisation was using rulers in 1500 BC and earlier made from ivory these rulers were found during excavations in what is present-day Pakistan and northwestern India apparently they were widely used in architecture with pretty amazing accuracy they had units corresponding to 1.3 2 inches that were marked with extremely precise subdivisions within five thousandth of an inch [Music] number three chess this all-time top game for intellectuals is also an Indian invention its ancestor was called chaturanga and it was a strategic board game popular during the Gupta Empire around six century AD like the chess we know today this game had various pieces with different value and capabilities it also had an important King figure and winning the game depended on the fate of the king another popular board game brought to us by India is snakes and ladders the original version was called moksha pod and it was invented by a 13th century poet and saint by the name of John dev the snake stood for vices while ladders were virtues during India's time under British rule the game made its way to England and later to the US number for plastic surgery in the sixth century BC an indian physician named Sushruta created a huge reference book on medicine and surgery it was one of the world's earliest works of his kind Sushruta often called the father of surgery in his home country described the use of hundreds of medicinal plants and instructions for performing surgical procedures including nose reconstruction and skin transplantation from one part of the body to another the original method of rhinoplasty that involved taking a piece of skin from the forehead to reconstruct the nose is even still used today but back then nose jobs were done to help people who had been deprived of their noses as a punishment for theft or adultery ooh how times have changed number 5 cataract surgery Sushruta not only invented plastic surgery but also performed the first cataract surgery he used a curved needle to remove the lens from the affected eye this revolutionary procedure soon became popular outside of India patients and doctors from around the world visited the surgeon to get operations done and learn from his experience the genius surgeon never turned anyone away he said that he got all his knowledge from the god of Ayurvedic medicine Dhanvantari number six wireless communication when you think of the pioneer of radio communication guglielmo marconi probably immediately comes to mind and that's for good reason of course he even received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1909 for his innovative work but Sir John is Chandra Bose presented his discovery of radio communication wave to the public in 1895 he sent an electromagnetic wave across 75 feet at the town hall in Calcutta the wave passed through walls rang a bell and ignited some gunpowder Marconi used boses invention the mercury coherer as a pattern to build his operational two-way radio Bose never patented his work so he was only credited for his discovery a century later number seven the USB the USB or universal serial bus is a way more recent invention than wireless communication of course it was brought to us by a je by an Indian American computer genius that was working as an engineer for Intel back in the 1990s he came up with the idea of a universal port for devices as he was putting an SD card into his computer remember those things the device instantly became a huge hit but himself didn't get money or official recognition for his invention as he's always insisted that it was the result of team work today the amount of USB devices used worldwide is over 10 billion items making it the most used computer gadget out there [Music] number eight yoga hit that like button if you've ever tried yoga I have if you keep practicing it and see the positive changes in your life then you should thank India for it the first yoga guru was Lord Shiva also known as Adi yoga people in northern India were practicing this spiritual exercise over 5,000 years ago the word yoga was even mentioned in the Vedas India's oldest sacred text the Brahmins further developed the art of yoga and documented their experiences in a treatise with over 200 records Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi came up with the idea to celebrate yoga day on June 21st and it's now an actual international holiday with millions of followers number 9 natural fibers nothing feels better than the touch of natural cotton on your skin we could have been deprived of this situation if it weren't for the bright minds of India unlike the ancient Greeks who wore animal skins the Indians started cultivating cotton back in the 5th and 4th centuries BC they used cotton threads to produce fabrics that soon became a huge hit in the Mediterranean and beyond jute and wool also have their origins in India Kashmir the finest and most exclusive type of wool actually comes from the Kashmir region of India number 10 flush toilets you can probably see by now that the Indus Valley Civilisation came up with so many genius inventions and flush toilets were one of them believe it or not home toilets connected to a complicated sewage system with canals irrigation and smart water management existed in the land of spices over 5000 years ago pure genius number eleven shampoo the word shampoo comes from the Hindi word shampoo which means to massage or knead the substance was invented in India in 1762 and was originally used for head massages hence the name the first shampoo was made of natural oils and herbs British colonial traders fell in love with the idea and brought it back with them to England it took years for the original head massage oil to evolve into shampoo as we know it today but fact is fact you have the Indians to thank for the beauty and cleanliness of your hair [Music] number twelve buttons this clothing staple is at the top of our list so simple yet revolutionary the first button were found during excavations in mohenjo-daro one of the largest settlements in the Indus Valley Civilisation yet again over 5000 years ago buttons were made of seashells and used as an ornament and not for fastening clothes but they had two holes in the middle right from the start so are there any inventions on the list that you can't live without let's discuss it in the comments section be sure to hit like and share this video if you found it useful and if you're new here subscribe to our channel to not miss any of our cool updates remember life is always better on the bright side [Music]
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Keywords: Indian culture, India, Indian inventions, India travel, Indian family, Indian traditions, chess, super smart people, bright minds, inventors, the origin of things, history facts, yoga, yoga fans, yoga history, math, history of math, plastic surgery, cataract surgery, best shampoo, usb, cotton, Hindi, word origins
Id: 0uGBL1Lfkv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 05 2018
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