12 Dollar Tree fall home decor DIY's on a budget

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I found this stunning paper pumpkin Lantern on Pinterest by the blog called heartfelt spaces and I just had to recreate them for myself like come on how adorable are these I followed her tutorial to the tea but I'm gonna walk you through it as well you're gonna need cardstock paper and the colors of your choice I went with shades of white of course and then vellum paper which is sheer and will give that Lantern look Laura from heartfeld spaces makes it super simple and has all of the necessary cutouts ready to go and saved in a file on her site but you do need a Cricut to do this you could cut out the parts by hand and print the design on your printer but there are some pretty intricate parts here's what all of the pieces look like once they're cut out next I'm gluing all of the long decorative strip pieces around one of these circular shapes I use tacky glue for this since that's what they used in the blog [Music] please foreign [Music] the glue to dry for a few minutes and then glue the rectangle strips down there are four of these pieces and they have a folded tab on each end you're going to fold the tabs in opposite directions and this is what will give out and this is what will give our Lantern its shape but before I attach the top end of the rectangles I need to glue the decorative pieces to the second circular piece this is the bottom of the lantern which is why there's a larger hole in the paper so you can fit a tea light inside [Music] now before you close the sides up completely you want to glue those rectangle strips onto the circular shape as well this time the tabs will fold outward and you glue the tab onto the top part of that circular piece you have to kind of Squish the lantern down a little bit so that they reach and then the rectangles will create that pumpkin Lantern shape it is super cool [Music] now you can close up the Lantern and to clean up the bottom to make it look even more professional there's a second circular piece that you glue on top to hide all of those tabs lastly for the stem you take a triangle piece and wrap it around a paintbrush or something thin like that to coil it once you get to the end add a dab of tacky glue and let it dry for a few minutes to hold its shape then glue that stem to the top of your Lantern in your adorable pumpkin luminary is complete [Music] foreign [Music] for this first pumpkin I'm taking a Dollar Tree hola skirt and making braids this pumpkin is going to have tons of layers to it using different materials including the Dollar Tree summer hats Raffia jute mesh tubing nautical rope macrame and some paper stems I should have painted the pumpkin in a tan or neutral color but for starting but didn't think about that so this took a lot of layers to cover up that orange and I can still see it a little bit but this is good enough [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign the second pumpkin in this set is made with brown paper lunch bags and one of the large orange styrofoam pumpkins probably used five lunch bags you want to cut the bags width-wise into about one and a half to two inch strips and I just eyeballed it and then it cut those sections in half lengthwise then you want to open up each square and start twisting while crumpling the paper a little bit and repeat that for all of the little squares this time I remembered to paint the pumpkin so the orange doesn't show through and I hot glued the paper strips down around the pumpkin [Music] foreign most of the stems I left as is but for this one I wrapped twine around the green styrofoam for this pumpkin I'm removing that checkered fabric covering and basically just recovering it in a different material I'm using the Dollar Tree faux leather to cover this one now I know Dollar Tree is selling already covered faux leather Pumpkins this year but not all stores carry the same things and the popular items are sold out so quickly so if you can't find one just make your own this material is kind of thick so it was a little difficult towards the end but I just kept working with it and stretching it hot gluing it down to the center [Music] the next pumpkin in this set is super easy I'm taking half wood beads and gluing them onto the surface and then painted everything White Once the paint's dry I took a dark wax over the surface I actually think this would have looked a little bit better with a beige paint dry brush but either way this set is complete [Music] foreign thank you [Music] I actually saw Wendy over at White Sparrow living create this and I knew I had to do something similar so I got these Tombstone looking styrofoam pieces from the Dollar Tree I picked up eight of them you do want to make sure you remove that little metal piece that is the stake that holds them into the ground and then I'm going to start hot gluing them together so I have eight and I'm creating two stacks of four of the styrofoam tombstones glued together [Music] so here's the two sets of four glued together and they don't resemble anything even close to the shape of adobo so what I'm going to do is take my pencil and just start outlining where I want to cut down these styrofoam tombstones at and then I'm going to take it out into my garage this was a super messy part of the process and I'm going to take my jigsaw I did put it on a very low setting low speed so that I could have a better control over cutting it out and I just started cutting down section by section my blade was not long enough to go through all four of these tombstones at once so I had to cut through it cut through like two and a half of them and then I would have to keep flipping it over and then cutting out the other side and you don't have to use a jigsaw to do this Wendy from White Sparrow living she used a kitchen knife a serrated kitchen knife and that worked great for her I just figured if I had this tool I might as well use it [Music] thank you styrofoam is easily sandable and you can manipulate it with a sanding block or sandpaper so I just went over top of the entire thing with my sanding block just to get out any of those lumps and bumps that were left behind from the saw blade [Music] foreign now I need to cut out the middle of this so once again I'm taking my pencil and just outlining where I want to cut out the center and on most doubles these are hand carved pieces of wood and these sides are a little bit thicker where you would like kind of pick it up like as if it were a handle so I did leave that part a little bit wider and then just taking a box cutter here I'm just slashing up some strips in it I ended up taking out three of the styrofoam tombstones leaving one for the bottom base of the dough Bowl now to cover up all of the ugliness of the styrofoam I'm taking some poster board and just tracing out the inside I did have to cut this down several times I was actually really bad at tracing it but once I finally got it figured out and it was able to fit inside of my styrofoam I just taped that down with some painters tape and then starting started cutting out strips of the poster board to angle them down because the double sides are like at a slant they are not straight up and down and this is exactly what Wendy did in her project as well which I thought was absolutely genius so I just started bending the pieces of poster board around where I needed them to be taping them down in place and working my way around the entire inside of the dough Bowl [Music] foreign [Music] next we're going to do some super fun but super messy paper mache so I'm taking this Shipping paper that I got from the Dollar Tree and I'm gonna start cutting it down into long strips after I cut all of my long strips down I did cut a lot of them in half so they would be a little bit smaller and easier to work with I would recommend cutting these down to about two inch width strips I think that would work out the best when it comes to overlapping the pieces of paper and getting less ripples next I'm going to take this jot glue this is the bigger size that they have at the Dollar Tree as well and I'm going to start pouring it into a bowl this bowl ended up being way too big and I put it in a smaller one here in a second but I'm just going to add some water to water down my mixture and make it more of the consistency that I need for the paper mache so you can see how runny it is here now I can start adding in our strips of paper to the glue mixture you want to make sure you get them pretty good and covered in the glue I realized at first that my mixture was not quite runny enough you can still see that it's pretty thick on there so after I added this first strip I did go back add in a little bit more water so that it was a little bit thinner and easier to work with I'm just going to start covering up the entire thing I did end up having to do this over two days because I needed that glue paper mache mixture to dry on the top before I could flip it over and then do the bottom the great thing about these doables and using the paper mache as your like main medium for making this doubles are hand carved wood so all of those imperfections in the paper and the wrinkles and the lumps and bumps that you get just really did add to the authentic look of this piece now I do notice some of the like paper strips on my finished project and I wish I had actually ripped them down on the edges rather than cut them all I would have cut them lengthwise but then ripped them on the sides so that it was a little bit more seamless as they fit together but overall I'm still super happy and pleased with the way this turned out [Music] oh but once I'm done with the paper mache part let that all dry I am taking mod podge and putting a good layer over top of the entire piece just to make sure it is all nice and sealed together and all of that paper is stuck down really well then we can go on to painting so I'm starting out with this territorial beige color by Apple Barrel I wanted to give it kind of a lighter look I had thought at first that's what I was going for so that's what I'm doing here and then I started adding in some white I wanted to give it that kind of light wood but white washed effect so I'm taking this linen white by Rust-Oleum and I am dry brushing again over top of the entire piece this time I gave it a really really heavy dry brush of the white to pretty much cover up the entire thing so here you can start to see how it's looking with the heavy coat of the white dry brushing and it did look good it just after a day or two of sitting on it and then just looking at it I realized it wasn't exactly what I was going for I did wanted to have more of that wood look and a darker look for my living room so I went back in with the territorial beige I gave this a pretty good dry brushing over top of the entire thing once again and then while that was still wet I went in with the DIY dark wax this stuff was a game changer for this project if you haven't tried this yet you seriously need to I was going to use the Waverly antique wax but I'm so glad that I didn't I love the antique wax but I think it would have given a different look and more of a warmer tone to the doughble which wasn't exactly what I was going for so I'm so happy that I used this DIY dark wax and I just kept building it up and especially in all of the like areas where there were wrinkles in the paper and it just added so much depth and dimension to this piece I am so happy with the way that it turned out let me know what you guys think of this in the comments is this something that you would ever take on is it way too involved for you do you enjoy more of the easy and simpler projects sometimes I just really love these larger scale projects [Music] foreign [Music] this one is probably my favorite from today it turned out so cool I'm taking two of these skeleton hands from the Dollar Tree and going to start cutting off the fingers at all of the joints I got this idea from the crafty couple in one of their recent videos although I'm making something different but that was so genius to make these hands look more realistic you do want to make sure as you're cutting each piece to keep them grouped together that way you know where each piece goes as you put them back on I also cut the finger that should be the thumb off at the base which is the same thing the crafty couple did in their video just to angle it a little bit more and make it look like a thumb now I'm going to attach all the finger pieces back together I'm just using hot glue here you want to start curving each of the finger joints as you glue them back on I want this to look like it's holding a crystal ball and curve the fingers to look realistic there will be gaps on the back side of the hand because of the way we're gluing it back together but I'm okay with that it actually looks really cool in the end once I had the hands put back together I took them out to my garage and I spray painted them with a few coats of white paint next I'm taking some brown chalk paint and a sponge and covering the hands with this to get into all of those cracks Then I wiped off the brown paint leaving it in the cracks and making these hands look like they've been aged I went back and forth with this a few times until I got the look I wanted [Music] now it's time for the crystal ball portion I have this plastic snow globe from Dollar Tree that they put out around Christmas time and I want to make it look a little smoky so I took some black paint on a sponge Dabber and very lightly dabbed it onto the inside but I wish I would have used gray instead adding it to the spooky Halloween theme I want there to be something inside of the crystal ball so I found these report covers at the Dollar Tree which are clear and printed out a crow on my Cricut I printed out two and mirrored one of the images so it would be backwards and then placed one on each side of the report cover then I put the crow inside the crystal ball and it looks like it is floating there to cover the bottom of the crystal ball I just added some of this green velvet ribbon foreign [Music] when I put it all together the hands weren't quite working right so I did cut the Palms a little bit and then it curved them at the bottom so the crystal ball would have something to sit on and that's it for this one like I said it is so cool [Music] foreign [Music] foreign for the next project I'm taking two of these larger pumpkins that are from the Dollar Tree I got those this year and then I'm also taking this little football pumpkins sign that I got last year and just removing one of the pumpkins we're gonna make a little pumpkin grouping so I'm starting out removing all of the embellishments and the paper I was so excited when this paper started coming up really easily and then about halfway through it decided not to come up anymore and I just had to rip it I just took my heat gun and removed this Raffia bow and the little leaves that were on top of this pumpkin along with any of that excess glue that was left behind I also want to take some spackling and fill in any of those holes and then we can get started with this project I'm taking one of these peel and stick tiles that the Dollar Tree has around and I'm going to start cutting out the design so I want to cut really closely to that raised surface and I'm wondering else you'll see in a minute but I'm wondering if that's where I went wrong with this project but I wanted to make all of my pumpkins have some sort of texture and I've seen other people use these tiles and give like a 3d effect or what that design comes through I didn't really get that look but you'll see that here shortly so after I cut out my design I'm placing it down in the center of my pumpkin and then taking another one of those peel and stick tiles cutting out sections of it and placing those around the center design next I'm covering the whole pumpkin with basically a primer layer of white paint and then I painted it with my mineral colored chalk paint which I apparently also forgot to record that I'm really failing in this video today once I had both of my paint colors down then I'm taking my white wax once again by Waverly and I wanted to use this to really bring out those details in the peel and stick tile that we added previously and you can see like you can kind of see it coming through in that detail I didn't achieve really as much as I thought it would once I had most of that white wax wiped off and it was as good as I thought it was going to look I'm taking the dark gray elephant color and I'm just adding in those pumpkin details and I'm going to go back and forth with my mineral and the Elephant gray color just to kind of blend it all together and make the lines look a little bit less harsh foreign next we're moving on to the middle pumpkin which I am painting with my moss green color oh once again and I just gave this one one coat of the green color then I'm taking this chicken wire I got it from either Joanne's or Michael's one of those two stores and I'm just laying it out to see the size that I need to cut this down and using my wire cutters to cut it once everything's cut out you just want to carefully start bending the wire around the shape of the pumpkin and this wire is very sharp so be careful doing this I did end up grabbing my needle nose pliers just to help me out and save my fingers from some pain next I moved on to the smaller pumpkin and I painted this with the color Fawn by Waverly and now I'm taking some painters tape to add a stripe down towards the bottom so I laid down my first piece of tape where I wanted the stripe to be and then I bordered that with two additional pieces of painters tape and now I'm going to paint that center with my ivory color I did give this two coats of paint and dried it with my heat gun in between [Music] then removing that tape revealing a nice crisp line and I also added a smaller line on top for the texture on this one I'm using some shelf liner that I just had laying around in my stash and it cut it down to be the same size as the stripes on my pumpkin then I took some decoupage glue added a thin layer of that right over top of the stripe and then laid down my shelf liner and using some hot glue I just hot glued it around to the back that way the sides would be covered as well then I just added a few finishing touches onto my pumpkins let me know what you think of this one I think this is my favorite from today [Music] okay for this next set I'm starting with these more plastic coated pumpkins and I'm going to add some raised elements first I'm using my Das air dry clay and an IOD lock-in Key Mold this mold has some really beautiful filigree pieces that I love [Music] while the clay was still wet I cut the pieces in half to fit around the pumpkin a little better and glued them down with my tight Bond multi-purpose multi-surface glue when the clay was dry I took some gold paint to paint the pieces but that was a little too bright for me so I did go back over it with my dark wax for the next one I want to create a raised stencil but you could also use Dollar Tree stickers to make this go a little bit quicker I'm going to use the self-adhesive stencils and my Dixie belt mud spackle or joint compound would work just as well I also found these tools in the cake decorating section at Dollar Tree and they are absolutely perfect for projects like this these particular stencils are seriously thin I was only able to use them a few times before they were ruined and I had to throw them away but I applied it to the pumpkin and put my mud over the top and while it's still wet I pulled the stencil off now it's not perfect but it looks pretty good then once everything was dry I painted the pumpkin sage green and then I put white wax on top to bring out some of those details for this next one I'm using one of the large styrofoam pumpkins and painted it white then I sealed it with a top coat I'm going to use puff paint and the last time I did this the paint had flattened out and absorbed right into the pumpkin so that sealer is key here next I'm outlining my design on the pumpkin I'm going for kind of an Aztec like pattern and once it's all mapped out I take my puff paint and go over the lines then I applied one more coat of paint so it was all the same color you could also paint the pumpkin a color and let the puff paint stand out in a contrasting color for the stem on this one I wanted to use a light colored Branch but the hole was too big so I used some clay to fill it in now for this one I'm using a smaller styrofoam pumpkin and also painted it white I want to add a gold leaf so next I took the adhesive and applied this to the pumpkin or I want the gold leaf to go you have to let the glue become tacky before applying Gold Leaf which takes about 30 minutes and once it was ready I started adding my gold leaf where the glue was I did repeat this a few times wherever I felt like the gold was missing and then you want to take a paintbrush to clean up any of that loose gold leaf and that's it for this set foreign [Music] Birchwood logs I picked up a whole big box full of these for five dollars at a garage sale and I'm gonna cut them down into wood slices using my table saw here so that they are all the same thickness I used one slightly larger log one thinner log and for the larger one my saw blade was not quite tall enough so I did have to go in with my miter box and just finish cutting it down a little bit so that I would get that perfect wood slice piece and for this project we're going to be using the hippo water slide decal paper and again you only need your printer for this you can use a Cricut if you have one but it is not necessary and I'm going to go to pixabay.com to find some images here pixabay has thousands of free downloadable images at the top of their site there are images that you can pay for but if you scroll down everything here is free so I found some autumn leaves that I liked and you can click on the free download a pop-up will appear that asks you what size you want to download your image and then you can download it for free super easy and there are tons of great options on here for any style after you print your image you want to spray it three times with a clear sealer letting it dry for 10 minutes in between each coat so once I had my leaves printed out I also printed out the word fall and I cut out each of my letters individually just like I had done with my Harvest word and I wanted to add add everything to these wood slices just the raw wood slices now the water slide decal paper does not say that it will work with wood but I did want to give it a try it really didn't adhere to the wood really well I wanted to give it a fair shot so I did add all of my four fall letters onto four of the wood slices and then I started to let it dry but I could tell pretty much right away that it just wasn't going to stick so this part wasn't going to work out and I ended up having to take my white chalk paint paint on a little circle so that the water slide decal paper would have something to adhere to once I had it painted my wood slices the letters just stuck so much better so I am using slightly warmer water here and you want to make sure that you also add water to the surface of your project just so that that water slide decal is going to really nicely slide off of the paper backing and I found that if you let it sit for too long in the water it starts to come away from that paper backing but you really do want it to stay attached that way when you go to add it to your project it is going to just slide right off the paper and stay intact exactly how it was hence the name water slide decal and I found about 10 to 15 seconds worked out perfectly next we're going to drill some holes in the top of our wood slices since we are making a Garland so I put two in the top of each of my wood rounds now taking some two millimeter macrame cord I'm just going to string up all of my wood rounds I did take a few 12 millimeter beads and added them to the Garland between my wood rounds as well and that was it for this project I thought these water slide decals were so much fun to work with and so budget friendly to get that Cricut or professional look from your projects [Music] thank you [Music] foreign block shelf together in my last Jenga Block video and wanted to repurpose it I will link that video above and in my description box below if you haven't seen it yet but I thought this was the perfect size and shape to make a fall scarecrow with I started out taking four of the Jenga blocks and laid them out where the rim of his hat was going to go that way I knew where I wanted to draw the face and I took a pencil and started drawing on his face and it's okay if you mess up you see me I keep erasing here you just keep working at it until you are happy with the way the face turns out next I took a Sharpie Paint Marker and started outlining the face that I had drawn on for my scarecrow [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] for his nose I took my Waverly chalk paint in the color pumpkin and colored in my triangle [Music] foreign [Music] let that paint dry I took my four tower blocks for the rim of his hat and I started gluing those together then I took my antique Waverly wax on a wet baby wipe and I started applying that to the rim of his hat and then I drew a pencil where his hat was going to go so I knew where to put that antique wax on the top of the Scarecrow next I took some white puff paint and just added this in to give that little white lifelike look to his eyes and then I realized I also have black puff paint so I decided to outline just parts of this mostly his eyes and then his mouth with the puff paint I did leave the center of his eyes and then the orange nose in just that flat look but I wanted it to have a little bit more of a 3D element and this puff paint was perfect for that [Music] next I wanted to give him a little shirt and I have this fabric yard that is pre-packaged ready to go that I bought from Walmart and I thought it was the perfect print to give this guy a plaid flannel shirt I did cut out two rectangles of the fabric and then glued them together so that whenever I was folding over his collar you wouldn't see that white and you would see the fabric instead so I'm rolling down his collar here and I'm going to just glue that down in place next I'm just going to fit it onto him and I did roll that collar top part down two times and then I want to kind of make those triangles like it's the collar of his shirt folded down so I just hot glued down the sides of the fabric to the sides of the wood blocks and then I also glued down the top section of the fabric as well to glue his collar down I just folded it over and added a tiny little Dot of hot glue just to tack it down so that it wasn't too flat against his shirt and for a last little detail I added on some buttons to finish off his shirt and this guy is so cute of course Sarge had to get in the way of my filming today but you know that's just life what do you guys think of this adorable little scarecrow for a fall I am just in love with him he is so stinking cute this next set is not made using Dollar Tree pumpkins but instead making pumpkins with other Dollar Tree supplies starting with these MDF signs that dollar tree has been putting out seasonally my son helped me to cut them down and we used two full sides cutting them down into two seven inch pieces two five inch pieces and two three and a quarter inch pieces and then glue them together and added spackle to all the cracks this is not necessary but I wanted them to look like one solid block I did sand the blocks down to get most of that paint off and then stain them with espresso once the stain was dry I'm taking off-white paint and a chip brush to go over top but I want the bottom of the blocks to be the dark stain so towards the bottom I would dry brush to create a staggered transition between the two colors and it did take three coats of paint to cover up that dark stain next I picked up these little paper corners but again you could use the Dollar Tree stickers here I didn't like the bright gold color so I dabbed some dark wax over them to tone it down a little bit and then glued the corners onto the bottoms of the blocks I didn't go all the way around the block so just put four on each one for the sides that would be most visible and At Last I just added a stick to the top which of course I forgot to record this next one is Pinterest inspired and I also saw Sammy from unicorn dust designs create the same thing recently but it is perfect for using that Dollar Tree metal ribbon I'm using two different ribbon designs for mine and I actually think I made these more complicated than they needed to be I cut six strips from each ribbon spool when I should have cut three longer pieces but oh well then to attach the pieces I'm using my starbond super glue so here's why it would have been easier to cut three pieces instead I ended up gluing all the pieces together at the bottom having to overlap the ends and that made the bottom and the top pretty bulky where you would have eliminated some of that and been able to put this together quicker with only three pieces and the same thing with the second metal ribbon but made a smaller pumpkin and then I'm taking my rub and buff over the top since silver doesn't really fit my home decor and sorry this is a very out of frame I believe I also added a dark wax on top of the rubbing buff next I'm using these vintage knobs that I found on vacation this summer for the stem and gluing them down last to keep the pumpkins standing upright I glued a tiny Wood Circle to the bottom I did not embellish the tops any further but you certainly could this one may be controversial I'm taking a Dollar Tree a paperback book and removing the cover I actually end up grabbing one of the books that I already have on hand that I know I'm not going to read again instead because this brand new book was a little bit too stiff but next I need to cut the book down a bit and use my X-Acto Knife to do that I wanted to use the cut portion as well to make another different book pumpkin but I just ran out of time for this video here's where I swapped the book out because the spine was not bending enough the way I needed it to now I'm taking sections of the book and bending them inwards towards each other you want to be careful not to crease the pages I did do that a little bit on the first few just round them in toward the spine then to attach the pages I'm using a glue ruler which has double-sided tape and repeat that around the whole book next I took some orange paint and lightly dry brushed over the pages I don't want to cover up any of the words and it take away from this being a book just want to give it some color then I'm using a dark paint to Splatter on the bottom of the pages and tied a piece of macrame around it for the stem I'm using a scrap piece left over from that lunch bag pumpkin earlier oops this next one is made from a Dollar Tree pumpkin but I thought it fit in with this set I had painted a pumpkin white and sealed it with a top coat and then I'm taking various Dollar Tree rub on transfers to put all around it this one is super easy [Music] and for the last one in this set I'm taking the Dollar Tree dominoes from the toy aisle and painted them Orange then I gave them a very heavy dry brush of white paint only leaving a little bit of that orange showing through when the paint was dry I'm taking a piece of dowel and gluing The Dominoes all around it then I added a stick for the stem and that's it for this set [Music] [Music] today's video is dedicated to my husband he bought me this paint that is supposed to be the blackest black in the world and I thought what better way to see how it works than with a Halloween video to test how black this paint is I'm taking one of these Dollar Tree skulls and I'm painting half with the black 3.0 by culture hustle and the other half in ink by Waverly I started with the ink side so I could then compare the black 3.0 consistency since I already know how the Waverly chalk paint works foreign [Music] hustle side you have to shake this paint really well to mix it up I was not expecting the consistency of this paint to be so runny and so liquidy so I got out one of my paint trays and poured some of the paint into that to make it a little bit easier this paint is also incredibly thin it's not a chalk paint so I didn't expect it to be as thick as Waverly but at least like an acrylic the paint was almost separating away from the skull so I wonder if I should have sanded it down a little bit first but I ended up putting three coats on each side for a fair comparison here you can see the side by side and that culture hustle black 3.0 really is the blackest black that I have ever seen it also has a really velvety feel and is super matte just like it claims now that we saw how dark this paint is I painted the whole skull in the black 3.0 and I want to add some gold leaf to bring out the details I applied the adhesive with my detail paint brush and let that get tacky for about 30 minutes then I applied my gold leaf flakes foreign it's going to look a little bit messy at first but wait until you're completely done adding the gold leaf then wipe off all of the excess gold leaf with a paintbrush I made a few versions of this skull including one with a Steeler logo on it since we are from Pittsburgh for my husband and that's it for this one [Music] [Music] so I am taking this hexagon it was a wall mirror that I got from the Dollar Tree several months ago I had taken the mirror out to use for something else and had the frame still sitting around on hand I'm taking some popsicle sticks and I'm going to start laying these out and cutting them down to cover the entire surface of this hexagon frame and I love using these little Dollar Tree Clippers I don't even know what they're called they're in the gardening section in the spring and summer time at the Dollar Tree if you see them pick them up I have found these to work the best when cutting popsicle sticks and then I'm just using some hot glue to attach the sticks to the frame I tried to go for a staggered look but my popsicle sticks weren't quite long enough to really get that true effect and have something to glue them down too so they kind of ended up being lined up all the same but next I'm taking these mini wood sticks that I found at Walmart and I'm gonna start outlining the outside of the frame with these I wanted them to be very staggered and to look random so I started cutting them down with those same Clippers and then hot gluing them down in place I really wanted this to look random and not thought out and not have any type of pattern to it so as hard as that was for my perfectionist brain I think it turned out pretty good thank you [Music] foreign [Music] took some 220 grit sandpaper just to make sure the bottoms and the edges of the wood pieces were all nice and smooth and there was no hot glue that seeped out in between the sticks next I'm taking some of these mini Decor pieces that I found at Dollar Tree so I have these little apples we're actually going to use them as pumpkins I couldn't find the pumpkins this Berry Garland these mini hay bales and then I also have these fabric roses I thought I might end up using those but we ended up not using those ones at all I'm going to start out with my little apples and we're going to paint them with the ivory colored chalk paint and then to make them look more like Pumpkins I'm taking a pencil and I'm going to start drawing the lines on as if you it were a pumpkin so you would see those little ridges in it then I took a tiny little detailed paint brush with my mineral colored chalk paint and then added in some more Dimension I didn't quite think that the pencil was dark enough now I'm going to start arranging all of my mini so starting with the little hay bales I added three of them to the bottom of my frame and then added three of the pumpkins that I painted as well next I wanted to add some words to this so I spelled out happy harvest and I got these letters from Hobby Lobby in the clearance section I think they were a dollar they're really cool they are like cardboard not cardboard cork board they are like cork board letter stickers and I thought they were really cool so I added those to spell out happy harvest then added some finer little touches with the berry Garland sporadically around my pumpkins and the hay bales so I had stopped here put it up on my shelf and I really didn't love it I didn't think it was going with the whole vibe of my fall Decor so I took my heat tool and ripped everything off are we surprised I'm not surprised but I had this little flower that I painted several months ago in one of my videos I will link that up in the cards and down below for you so you can see how I got that look and I'm going to add a wood Cube and then a tumbling block with my starbond super glue to the back and then hot glue this down to the center of the frame and I love the way this one turned out much better but let me know which one you would have preferred [Music] thank you [Music] all right we're on the last set and these are my least favorite but I'll start with the one that I semi like so I took one of the larger pumpkins and painted it black and then it sealed it with a top coat I wanted to do a mercury glass look and have this mirror spray paint which is why I sealed it first I started adding the mirror spray paint and dabbed the Pumpkin because I wanted an aged look and repeated that a few times to get a mercury glass look you want to use a mix of either bleach and water or vinegar and water and spray the area you don't want the mirror to be I didn't want the bleach to sit on the pumpkin for too long and ruin it but it really wasn't doing much at all plus it was too hot outside everything was drying way too quick so I had to go inside and I added more of the water mix and this time let it sit while spraying very light the brass spray paint and then dabbing it all off that was working better but still not giving me the black spot poking through like I wanted so one so then I took a sponge and dabbed black paint on the top and I like how that looked much better these last two are won't mom not so good again I was going for that aged patina look and wanted to use this patina paint that I have I used iron on one and initially used bronze on the second but went back and changed that to Copper when working with patina paint you want to add one layer of paint let that dry and then with the second layer while it's still wet you add the patina spray so that's what I did I was trying to make the iron one look rusted which did show up but it was only slightly there and the bronzer copper paint will have either the blue patina or green patina depending on the spray you use I also find that dabbing the spray on works much better unless you like that drip look [Music] relax
Channel: Angela Jones DIY
Views: 7,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy, fall diy, diy home decor, jenga block crafts, fall decor ideas, pumpkin diy, pumpkin lantern, pumpkin luminary, scarecrow diy, tower block crafts, dollar tree diy, halloween decor, halloween diy, skull decor, skull diy
Id: 5MwlAYYmGgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 53sec (3053 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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