11/Sep/2021 - Hamilton Worship | Sermon: Pastor David D. W. Steede II | 'Downstairs for 38 Years'

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[Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] to [Music] [Music] but thou be made home sir i have no man when the water is troubled to put me into the pool but while i am coming another step is down before me [Music] rise take up thy bedding walk [Music] so [Music] it is the sabbath day it is not lawful for me to carry my bed he that made me whole the same said unto me take up my bed and walk [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning happy sabbath and welcome to another glorious week on lagas university sabbath school we are so delighted that you have joined us one more time we do not count it not that you could have been anywhere anywhere else but from week to week you make the choice to tune in right here to lagos university and we are so excited that you do that it means that we are sharing the gospel of jesus christ and it is making an impact in your life and we are ever so grateful and thankful for the holy spirit who works out our salvation and so as we partner with him as we partner with him in sharing the gospel of jesus christ we are ever grateful and thankful that you tune in from week to week so folks tell us where you are viewing us from we know that we have viewers from around the world and from week to week some of you put where you are viewing from i know we have some over in florida we have some over in massachusetts we have some over across the world way over in africa and uh in brazil but we want to know where you are viewing us from but not only that we want you to put in your prayer request please let us know how we can partner with you in praying for the things that are on your heart for we know that our god is listening he is hearing and he wants to answer your prayers and so we want to partner with you in that regard and then give us your praise reports we want to hear how god has blessed you how he has answered those prayers because we know that we serve a prayer answering god he is alive he is well and he wants to give you grant you the desires of your heart and so as we continue in him remember that there is no better place to put our trust then in christ and so as we get ready for our song service tune up your minds tune up your hearts tune up those voices loud let them ring jesus is coming again sing to our lord and savior so let us join elder joswan smith and dr shana lee burch as they lead us into our song service today so get those hymnals ready so that you can join in elder smith amen good morning and happy sabbath to everyone out there and everyone in here today we need to praise the lord just for what he can do and so this morning i'm going to ask that if you're watching you're going to get your handles get out your ferns turn to him number one praise to the lord this is what the sabbath day is all about to praise the lord amen so we're going to praise god today let's sing together praise the lord is [Music] ned has now not seen how thy days praise his goodness and mercy here daily [Music] amen we're going to turn now to him 2 1 3 2 13. jesus is coming again i don't know for some reason this week for me just looking at this song and reading the lyrics again had so much more meaning on this sabbath come let's sing together jesus is coming again [Music] jesus is coming again cheer up your pilgrims be joyful and sing jesus coming again coming again jesus is jesus is coming again jesus [Music] jesus is jesus is coming against the anthem prolonged [Music] jesus is coming again coming again coming again jesus is coming again nations are angry by this we do know jesus is coming again knowledge increases men run to and from [Music] jesus is gone again amen blessed sabbath everyone amen thank you elder smith and dr birch for your ministry and song this morning oh i was glad when you picked that first song oh yes folks did you sing along i sure do hope so i sure do hope that your spirit is revived and your spirit is alive because those songs help our hearts to reach heavenward so i hope that they gave you some hope and some joy today resting in the assurance that our jesus is coming again are you looking forward to his soon return i sure do hope so i know people have been saying for a long time jesus is coming again but i want you to be rest assured that he is and if there isn't a time that we see more and more coming toward us it is now the signs of the times our jesus is coming again will you tell someone else will you tell someone else so that they have that blessed hope in knowing that jesus is coming again well folks we have moved into our lesson number 11. oh my gosh time is flying by it has flown by this quarter is almost done but it has been a blessed quarter one that we have been able to study about the foundation the tenant truth of why we call ourselves seventh day adventist that we rest upon god's sabbath that he gave to us so we are so grateful that he invited us to enter into this beautiful time of rest with him it is just not a time for us to leave the cares of this world although that is a blessed reason to want to join in in the sabbath celebration of rest but it's so that we can commune with our creator god and so that we can rejuvenate our spirit so that we can be able to share the gospel of jesus christ we should be doing it every day but the sabbath gives us another opportunity to be able to do that unhindered by the cares of this life and so folks longing for more longing for more this study this week had some real things in there that i think um as the panel bring out this week i want to ask them a question about how do we continue to make the word of god clear panel good morning blessed sabbath it is good to see you this morning so as i was going through the lesson this week there are some things here that kind of can you know if you're not a a student of the word sometimes there are some things that may kind of raise your eyebrows and may kind of trip you up a little bit you may not get a good clear understanding and so i want to ask you that as you prepare week to week and as you look at the lessons how important is it to ensure that when you're bringing over the word of god when you're sharing to make it clear for those who may have just come by our our our uh youtube channel our facebook page or watch this on atv on our many many platforms um or have picked up the lesson and wondering what are they talking about where's where is all of this how important is it that we make the word of god clear especially when it comes to the sabbath and the understanding of it because some people would like to do away with it so how important is that well any one of you well i would simply say that um during the during the course of the study or in preparation for the week obviously you have these scriptures but you need to pray that's that's that's important and also there are there are you you have to look at the text in in some instances you have to go back to the very beginning or the hebrew or the greek and what it was actually saying in the context so you don't take things out of contact you you basically read to see what the writer was saying and what he was trying to articulate to the audience so it's very important to understand that and then of course you have other resources that that you can use the very name logos there is a software program where it actually kind of breaks down the material of the tax you have all the running commentaries there's so much information and then of course you have life illustrations right if we recall jesus taught in parables at times and at times people didn't quite get what he was saying and then he would further disseminate to the disciples or to to his audience what he was actually meaning so that's what we try to do as well is to use today illustrations that apply to the biblical text that kind of helps draw out and and makes the person see and understand a bit more clearer all right well some of us are not the smartest in the bunch right so that would be me i'm not the smartest in the box awesome job i'm sharing the words for me it's nothing but prayer and had it not been for for the great pastor to put me onto something that i never even knew existed some big word interlinear i said goodness i don't even know what that is but he put me onto this interlinear bible and that really really opened my mind um too many things so you know some of us out there may feel like you know i don't i'm not that smart i don't get into all that well i'm that person in actuality i don't feel like i'm that smart but what it has done for me in doing these studies and using in things like interlinear bible and alan white's writings what it has done for me is help me to see how wise god actually is and so to make it clear it can only be god that gives us the words in a way that makes it practical because unless the bible becomes practical into our actual experiences our everyday life then really we'll always feel like we're not smart enough or bright enough like oh there's people who understand all kinds of great things who's been to seminary and all that so you know i just want to encourage people that hey listen you have contact with the holy spirit here's the one and there's the heart of god he knows every secret thing there is so if you want to know it pray ask for it and god will reveal in ways that you understand deep things and make it very simple because that's all that that i experienced and i'm grateful for it amen amen and so folks there you have it engage connect with the holy spirit and he will bring all things to our understanding and yes there are many many resources out there that will help us to get a clear understanding of the text and the times and so as our panel continue to bring you the clear word and help us to understand the deep meanings of god do not in any way be intimidated because our god has promised that he will give you clear understanding of his word just acts and you too will know the heart of god and so folks before i go i want to encourage you to do one thing with me press that like press that share and press that subscribe button and i asked you to do that weekly because i want you to remember that our mission here is to spread the word of jesus christ and as you partner with us as you do those things press like share and subscribe you help us to get the word of jesus christ around the world so tell your friends tell your co-worker tell the person at the grocery store tell the guy at the gas station who pumps your gas to tune in to lagos university they will not be disappointed they will hear the word of god and so we thank you again for tuning in with us today and so as you saw we are one man down and so i want to give a shout out to our elder elder burgess we miss you we want you to take some rest and we'll see you again very shortly right back here on lagos university and so i'm going to ask elder smith to give us our opening prayer and then the next voice that you will hear will be that of our abled devoted beloved pastor pastor david steed second amen let's bow here for prayer heavenly father we are grateful for this day this special time where it's just you and us so father we ask that you will grant us your presence your holy spirit your very presence come and be with us here in this sanctuary and in every living room everywhere someone is listening and watching i pray that your presence will be there make plain your word oh god that we will discover things we've never discovered before that we may see in ways we've never seen before bless us all now in jesus name we pray amen hmm god bless you friends what an absolute joy it is to be back here with you on lagos university we are absolutely delighted that you have joined us from all over the world that you've come into this place this virtual space uh where we can fellowship with one another and we can learn more things about the living god gentlemen today is no ordinary day today is not an ordinary day we want to go ahead and jump right in 20 years ago the world changed forever when the first plane crashed into the north tower at 8 46 in the morning that tuesday morning most thought it was a mistake that perhaps the pilot fell asleep or just lost control of the plane when the second plane hit the south tower at 903 america knew it was under attack at 9 37 when the explosion went off at the pentagon the world knew that nothing would ever be the same around 3 000 people lost their lives many annihilated no remains of them at all as a matter of fact gentlemen the truth of the matter is is that just two days ago they identified victim number 1646 that's all they've identified so far they got almost half steel to trying to find remains and trying to identify truth is though at the same time two bermudians were in that number that perished the 31 year old rondelle tankert and the 38 year old boyd gatton people who were loved and had family here in bermuda tankered his close family to one of our very own deacons and that of brother vernon tanker when jesus comes the third time not the second time but the third time see the second time is the next appearance huh exactly uh that that that second time uh will cause the first resurrection but the third coming after the 1000 years will be the second resurrection and it's important to realize that when he comes that third time the bible says he will destroy everything he will burn up the entire earth and many lives will be lost when the structures of this world come tumbling down all those that are lost will be annihilated what can we do gentlemen to make sure that those we love do not perish in this total annihilation before we get into that if you could preface your remarks with just some love for the many victims that are grieving or families that are grieving uh in the united states and around the world you know it's the world trade center many people from many different countries actually were working this we can start with some just some love to those people and then let's get into how we can make sure that our loved ones don't suffer permanent annihilation talk to me sure good morning everyone um i remember that day very vividly myself uh as a matter of fact i was knocking off shift that morning uh when the when the planes uh flew into the into the building and the the the the feeling of pain just was so overwhelming that to see these two uh great buildings just come tumbling down and what the people must have been going through so i just want to shout out to those family members um and those folks that are watching that have lost loved ones in that in that great tragedy not just uh in the us not even just in here but like as you said past it was iran the world did the the ripple effect that was so devastating and we just want to encourage you to hold on because a bad day is coming and what i would say in preparation um to ensure that our loved ones are not part of that number that is lost is simply live jesus right um as the that's saying goes you can lead a horse to water but you can make him drink so you can you can beat him beat someone with bible and and all of that but what good is that it's it's important for us to actually live the life of a christian or live the character of christ than simply uh um just given words and stuff like that but to actually demonstrate that character that christ has put within us uh khalida o'brien want to uh vary in she's deaconess here she actually um said something i thought it was so powerful she said she'll rather live a sermon than actually hear one and now i'm just simply reiterating that the fact that we ought to live jesus that our family and and our friends will see that okay there's something that's different about this person how can i have that peace how can i have that encouragement how can i have that who and his living jesus beautiful beautiful amen um well first you know just want those out there who who experience that to know that indeed that pain although we don't know your pain but a form of pain was experienced i believe around the whole world and i i remember it because my sister was her birthday is on that day you know and um so it's always a reminder on her birthday of that tragedy that took place so many people lost their lives but one thing i really do want to say in encouragement is that even today this very lesson that we're doing the title is longing for more and my prayer is that for each one of us that we will all long for something better something more because god in the end has that something more that we need and like our old boy just said really it's for us to to live the gospel to become scripture in the presence of the people around us so that they can understand who god really is so that they can be drawn to god because if we set the wrong example of who god is and what he's like then maybe our family members may not want anything to do with them to begin with and so from that perspective i think i can't add any more but to say that we must allow christianity this walk with christ this mind of christ to become our reality it's only then that people will be drawn to his god who alone has more for us in the future absolutely uh indeed our love uh continues to go out to the many that uh not only lost their lives in uh the world uh trade center but also lost the lives of the pentagon and um for the many firefighters yep a lot of firefighters yeah um a lot of engines got destroyed yeah a lot of stuff got tore up uh on uh that date i'm sure you guys could empathize with absolutely you know losing uh someone uh a colleague in a fire at the same time we want to recognize as uh we are about to jump into this lesson we want to recognize the death of some uh significant uh individuals that have impacted bermuda over the years three in particular one want to send our condolences to pastor henry wright who this past week lost his wife his wife passed away we also want to remember the family of pastor clay gorn some of you guys may remember him some of you may not but he came here to bermuda in 1995 and ran a crusade down there at devil's home maybe you remember the devil's whole crusade okay but he passed uh this week and we want to send our condolences to him uh to northeastern conference the other places down during ncu i think where he was a professor uh in his in his last days but at the same time we want to remember a man that also has come here and has impacted adventism in a large way in the death of uh elder c.e bradford uh who died this week as well so we want to remember uh these wonderful individuals extend our love to their families despite all of this sorrow and all of this gloom we're still talking about the sabbath and the sabbath is sweet amen the sabbath is beautiful yes the sabbath is lovely speaking about something sweet uh elder oh boy there's a there's a senior there's a senior that i know she's a wonderful senior and i spoke with her last night and this wonderful senior she loves long gosh university she watches it every single sabbath amen uh but i think uh there's there's some rumors spreading there's some things going around that this morning she might be uh eating a cookie for breakfast man you know what i'm saying she might be eating a cookie for breakfast i'm very concerned man i'm very concerned i'm very very very concerned but no she loves she loves what we're doing here we praise god for her watching um as i'm sure she is even now listen man let's get right into our text for today first corinthians 10 and verse six we're going to go to the english standard version uh the king james version and then we will jump into the new living translation help us out oh boy first corinthians chapter 10 and verse 6. now these things took place as examples for us that we might not desire evil as they did king james says uh now these things were our examples to the intent we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted mercy the new living translation reads these things happened as a warning to us so that we would not crave evil things as they did here's the thing man we don't keep sabbath in order to be saved we keep sabbath because we are saved our motto helps us grasp a model helps us grasp the sentence the essence sorry of the original but it can never replace it rather it is there to help people better understand what the original is all about scripture itself is full of miniature models of activities and institutions that all point to larger heavenly realities these are included in the evil things not that they sow in themselves but they became so to the israelites when they lusted after god i'm sorry when they lost it after what god withheld and were discontented with what god provided in other words the things that they wanted weren't necessarily bad in and of themselves the things that they were going after was necessarily evil or bad things but when they lusted after the things that god withheld huh when they lusted after the things that god withheld and were discontent with what he provided right huh that was a major problem for the people of israel weren't satisfied with what god gave them huh they were discontent with what god made and they were upset with what he didn't give them sins of the israelites are connected to all the sins of the corinthians the same things that caused them to fall will cause us to fall five times paul warned the corinthians against acting as they did as some of them uh in tens verse seven it's important to understand as some of them did five times he showed how israel's experiences under moses provided negative examples of christian behavior each of these examples drew attention to specific aspects of paul's main concern in this passage how to deal with meat offered to idols how to deal with it first the corinthians were to avoid setting their hearts on evil things this terminology occurs only twice in the old testament so paul may have been alluding to numbers 11 where the israelites valued egypt's food above loyalty to god huh they would rather eat this food than to be loyal to god you know every now and then the doctor gives you a report the doctor gives report tells you not to eat certain things but you are determined that you're going to eat those things anyhow now the things in and of themselves may not necessarily be bad right you know it could be something good you know some good fruit could be some watermelon you know what i'm saying but if the doctor says no elder smith and the doctor says no it's important to realize that man israel committed so many sins that all but two of the adults who originally left egypt died in the wilderness only caleb and joshua made it in not even moses the leader made it into the promised land in general paul meant these examples to warn the corinthians of the conditional nature of god's blessings and i think that's that's where we need to park just for a second and understand the fact that god's blessings are conditional conditional based on our obedience based on our obedience god might judge them as he judged israel god had already killed some of the corinthians uh uh oh i'm sorry had already killed some of the corinthians for these things specifically paul wanted the corinthians not to allow their desire for me sacrificed their idols to override their loyalty to god again to avoid judgment the jews were selfish with their with the truth prior to christ coming many sincere philosophers wanted to know the truth they came to the jews to find out the truth and the jews want to keep all the information to themselves they want to share with everyone else as as they were designed to do jesus active ministry included teaching people from home to whom jesus would simplify his discourses with symbols and parables he used symbols and figures that his people could understand the jewish economy had been designed by christ himself yet they did not recognize him when he showed up the whole system of worship had been designed by jesus but when jesus showed up they didn't recognize him mercy it's very interesting because it's not like they weren't looking for him he designed a whole system they knew that this was the time he was to show up everything in scripture was written perfectly about him yet when he showed up he wasn't what they were looking for huh he wasn't what they were somehow somehow their own ambitions be clouded their judgment when it came to who jesus really was going to be when he showed up come on man let's get into this next peace out oh boy baptized into moses baptized into moses we want to go to hebrews chapter eight and verse five hebrews the eighth chapter and verse five we're gonna come from the english standard version and then from the new living translation what does the bible say in hebrews 8 verse 5 they serve as a copy and and shadow of the heavenly things for when moses was about to erect the tent he was instructed by god saying see that you make everything according to the pattern that was showing you on the mount on the mountain a new living translation reads they serve in a system of worship that is only a copy a shadow of the real one in heaven for when moses was getting ready to build the tabernacle god gave him this warning be sure that you make everything according to the pattern i have shown you i have shown you here on the mountain help us understand adorable boy this idea of being baptized in to moses help us to understand well as you already pointed out you actually touched on some of the points that i had um drawn from this lesson myself and to begin with they what paul was telling the corinthians at first was they all they all passed through the sea right they were all baptized they were all fed the spiritual meat of the manna which was from heaven and then paul goes on to say about lusting after evil things as they have don't be idolaters that some of them were don't sit around drinking and getting up and practice sexual immorality and some of them did so all these things paul is telling them because they already that was already taking place so now he's trying to get their attention like look that was done then now we have to switch gears and go on a different road so and as you have said they because they had lost it after their past you know they long for egypt and the things that egypt brought you know um oh why why don't we have the flash parts of egypt was commonly said all we have is this manner you know the thing that god had provided for them and i think it was last week or a couple of weeks ago when we had pointed out about uh second peter 2 19. well whatsoever overcomes a person to he it is enslaved no i i like where you're going but i know you're gonna go somewhere else but i just want you pause parenthetically just for a second because you're hitting on some key things that i think should be discussed you yourself and you've talked about it different times have made different changes over the years to your own diet right like like right here you have a situation where god is actually taking them out of egypt out of slavery yes huh out of slavery out of egypt and he's trying to give them something better better than what they had before right the manna was better for their bodies than what they had been eaten before yet they kept crying for those flash parts talk to us about what it means just for a second in terms of how our spirituality is connected to what we eat well that is that is a real big one because uh if you think about it and it made uh touch on some people step on some people's tails but in actuality what we eat is a part of us so what you consuming you take in actually is is who you are so the animalistic uh behaviors can actually be drawn out from what you eat and could uh cloud our judgment our our character our spiritual growth or that is intertwined with in essence what you what you what you eat so truthfully you are what you eat sure and how many mistakes i've made elder smith how many mistakes i've made uh when people not just eat but drink the wrong things yeah or put things in their body that be cloud their judgment and when they wake up in the morning they've made some terrible mistakes yeah i i look at it kind of like this here in that just on this particular subject really quick is that one thing i've understood is that what god has done with the right things to eat what he's actually done is placed attributes of his own character in those foods so when we eat a broccoli a carrot or corn whatever it is these things do a certain healing they they do something to the human body that god himself would do but he tells us eat this and you have what i want for you which is why none of the diseases will come upon them you know as he promises because what's in the food god has placed attributes of his own character healing life life-giving properties right so if we eat something now that's outside of that could it be it's like alcohol and drugs and things like that who came up with that who invented that because certainly not god because could it be that eating those things we are ingesting the attributes of someone else which has an impact on the human mind which is why when people get high and or led it has an impact on the mind the thought process that is not directed toward god why because what you're ingesting was not invented by god it is created not created but invented by the devil to input his attributes into your body which is why the body gets destroyed when you eat of things that god hasn't hasn't made so it gets i mean it can get really deep but i'll stop there yeah yes i was trying to think and it started to make sense i never heard it in that way uh but in essence we you know we talk about eating carrots because it helps with our eyes it helps with our eyesight right right and and and when we partake of jesus he helps with our spiritual eyes you know what i'm saying i get what you're good at with that i want to get back come on out old boy take us back into that point you were making in regards to them uh wanting that flesh over uh wanting the things that god provided from going well i would i would add to that is that just if you look at the title of the lesson for this week longing for more so we we have to continuously grow right okay um you have uh in church we have the baby and correct me one of the baby and gerbers garbage and huggers gerber huggies right so you you're giving you're you're you're you're starting out as as as a infant per se in your crucial christian experience so as you get on more as you begin to grow more you start to take in milk and then you you can start taking on meat per se which is you start to get a little deeper in your in your study and understanding yeah uh sub-school superintendent um being asked this morning like uh how do you how do you prepare for for the week right when we're actually putting together for lagas and this is where you get into a lot more deeper study uh prior to lagos yes we i started the lesson but it was nowhere near as how deep we have to go spending hours and and days on end trying to just to come up with with an hour or so for for the week and it's not that just you just study your day right because look today we have an absent spot so we have to go through the entire week for whatever reasons you know that you'll be prepared so the more you study and study and study you get that meteor substance that will fill you i recall and and aldo smith you remember this as well there was some time ago a few years back when we had to do that exam for the job right it was to get the certification and it was an open book exam and truthfully open book exams are the worst right and it was like a three-hour exam we had these stack of books that we had to search answers and the pressure is on to make you know because because it's for the job it's your certification that we're trying to get but i liken it to how our spiritual work or our christianity experience is right god has given us the textbook why it's not a three-hour exam it's a lifetime exam that we're going through through our our journey our christian walk and truthfully it is an open book exam or uh study but you just have to look for the answers he's provided you everything that we can possibly need to know in this one textbook which is the bible you have the early new testament talks about everything that we're going to encompass in life the bible is the basic instruction before leaving earth that's the analogy or the acronym that so many people use and so you're not only when it talks about baptism you're not only baptized by the water but you're baptized by the spirit as here jesus had two nicodemus you know you're telling like you're a scholar but yeah you don't you don't your heart it's hard for you to understand and conceptualize that you know you need to be born of the water and the spirit and so it's more about not just being heroes but doers you know pastor i know you like in revelation when john says i heard but when i turned i saw something else so it's a two-part play that actually you heard something but you're doing something right and and um matthew 22 verse 14 says for many are called but few are chosen sister white house is in the testimonies for the church volume four she says there before us lies the lives of of the believers with all their faults and follies which are intended as a lesson to all the generations following them if they had been without foiable they would have been more than human and our sinful natures would despair of each reaching such a point of excellence but seeing where they struggled and fell where they took heart again and conquered through the grace of god we are encouraged and led to press over the obstacles that degenerate nature place nature places in our way and i'll finish with this this point there was a quote that i found by kate starrett i think i'm saying all right forgive me if i'm not she says cowards never start the week never finished and winners never quit and i'm so glad that there was one that was a winner yes sir that he was in the garden yes and he said father you know if possible take this cup from me take it away from i don't want to go through this experience but he looked on the chorus of time and saw a few people sitting here in hamilton saturday adventist church and those around the world tuning in that he said not my will but thy will be done and then he got up on that cross and he looked on and said father forgive them for they know not what they do he was a winner and i'm so glad that now we have the opportunity to not only be baptized by water but baptized into your spirit that we can now be truth is for him when he comes together amen i love it i love it i love it man i love it a type is never the original a type is never the original but some kind of symbol or representation of it it is a model of something else christ was represented by the rock they drank from and the manna that fell from heaven huh when they were going to the wilderness he was represented by the rock that they drank i'm not going to get into it rock of ages but what i want to say though is that in essence when we look at this this supply of water and bread huh it cannot help us it cannot it cannot it's almost like impossible for those of us that understand prophecy to not quickly reflect on the fact that as they walked to the wilderness the bread and the water was sure and in these last days when we passed through this final time of trouble our bread and our water will be sure ellis smith you got something to say and i'll come back yeah yeah just real quick um in regards to this i want people who are listening to really really grasp this because this is something that struck me really hard this week is that all of these things were a model simply models and representation of something grander bigger deeper and much more intricate than the model itself so everything we talk about today keep it in your mind that what god has given us to to to to deal with and live and re he's actually given since it's a model we have the answers to the test imagine that these things were given for our example why so that we don't repeat these same mistakes now imagine being in a school where they give you the answers and tell you now take the test and you fail the test that is actually what god has done for us christ has given us the answers he says listen when he talked to him everything he started from from from moses right through about all the things that pertain to himself he's like just go back and read the answers and now do this so you we have it we have less excuse than israel yeah i think it's very interesting because the truth of the matter is is that look at all the different things even in just a sanctuary service that jesus used to try to get us some sort of glimpse of who he is right like everything's him mm-hmm the lamb is him yeah the altar yup it's him candlestick high priest hen the candlesticks him the table show bread him him him him him him you know what i'm saying and in essence we still don't fully grasp him you know what i'm saying and it's it's just incredible to see that that's why we can understand it from the context of when we get to heaven throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity we'll still be learning of him still be learning of him we must avoid unbelief in order to escape the wrath of god we are required to obey the law of god adam and eve are an example to all of us that god does not excuse sin the old testament is the gospel in figures and symbols the new testament is the substance both are equally important god commanded moses to make a sanctuary where he might dwell with them the symbol
Channel: Hamilton Seventh-day Adventist Church - Bermuda
Views: 3,901
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: fcHT8AVN6h8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 5sec (3605 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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