11.9.3 Packet Tracer - VLSM Design and Implementation Practice

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beyond some design and implementation practice empty a dressing table and cement the network requirements determine the number of subnets needed you will subnet the network other responsibilities 231 one of three that 0:34 the network has the following requirements hails w1 long this land we require 27 halls IP addresses yes W to learn this we require 25 host IP addresses yes w3 down this 14 hosts is w-4 this 8 hosts how many subnets are needed in the network topology 1 2 3 4 & 5 determine the subnet mask information for each subnet good for as the value 1 which subnet mask will accommodate the number of IP addresses required for a SW 1 okay a sw1 requires 27 costs this is subnet mask in profits and this is subnet mask Binnorie for twenty seven twenty seven ones five zeros the remember this is the network portion and this is the host portion to the base form of Binnorie system power number of bits for hosts 5 it's 5 minus 2 K 3 is a good number for 27 ok so the answer is 27 profits and on Cemil is 255 255 255 to 24 sibling mask on decimal in binary prefix how many usable host addresses will subnet support fearly for example you if you will use and another prefix like today 8 this is 28 in binary for bits for hosts to for were four bits for hosts minus 2 and 40 host are not enough for 27 maybe can be a 26 6 weeks for host to power of 6 bits for hosts - 260 2062 host covers covers the requirement of 27 fast but you are wasting IP addresses so that's why the answer is Tennyson prefix or dissonant mask we fear the hosts hey there's nobody to last of it as W to require stratify hosts so the answer is the same tone SI prefix this is some decimal this is some binary how many usable for services with the subnet support gay to power five beads for house - - okay throw the hosts very good through the house the answer here is through the costs for is w3 okay fourteen hosts the subnet mask is twenty eight twenty eight to forty okay to power four beats for hosts my nose - 14 hosts 14 holes is just the requirement so use turn a prefix or this mud mask to 40 how many usable host addresses will discipline support 14 hosts ASW for 8 hosts okay I think is the same subnet mask the answer is turning a Prophet's to 40 in decimal how many usable course addresses will discipline support 14 hosts also for the host and maybe you are thinking down turning nine prefix is a good number in decimal is 248 and here one bit for 39 prophets you have three bits for hosts okay to forward three minus two is six and six is not enough for a hosts so 29 discards the answer is Tony with 14 hosts which super bass will accommodate the number of IP addresses required for the connection between building wanna build into this habit how many hosts here only 1 & 2 2 hots way to point connection and the answer remember four point point always is 252 prefix theory and you will have two bits for hosts to forward two bits for hosts - to the answered two hosts very good design de blsm addressing a scheme Bible and subnet mask by the was 22 31 103 0:34 prophets network based on the number of hosts per subnet just the first table to accommodate the largest lung the second table to accommodate the second largest la serie Sabra to accommodate the largest lung for Sadhna to accommodate the fourth largest lung fever subnet to accommodate the connection between building one and building two and fill this table when you will design addressing scheme you see in blsm start for the largest love for the higher number of hosts and is 27 the network or sw1 network this is my base IP address 22:13 103 0 24 and here for the fields a s w - 1 requires 27 hosts the second largest tablet will be a SW 225 host a SW 225 hosts the third largest a SW 314 hosts a SW - 314 costs and the fourth largest a host is w 4 please w fo 8 hosts and the last building one to building to point-to-point connection with two hosts building one and building two connection only two hosts okay from higher number two lowest number place this base network address here the first who opted in decimal and the last one third seminary 103 is 64 blue Sealy 296 lose for 100 plus to 102 plus one 103 this is the fourth yearly two four two one and zero in binary eight zeros 27 hosts here hosts 30 is a good number and this is the new subnet mask copy this and fill the remaining spaces with once the network others is this 0-1 7231 103 zero subnet mask a flus 816 to say 24 25 26 27 this is the broadcast this number is 31 if this is 32 this is 31 was ended two three one one oh three 31 37 kurz I be when I be next to the network one and last I be when I be before the broadcast Tod now the next number one seventy two three one zero one zero zero one one zero zero the in binary the following number of five ones is one followed by five zeros okay you need 25 has 30 their own cost theory is a good number this is the subnet mask copy this and fill the remaining spaces with the ones now this is the network in this number is 32 once again the duel field e1 103 a 32 subnet mask 27 2 and broadcast is this and this number is 63 if this is 64 this is 63 once I indeed through three one 103 63 2010 prefix so type a1 next to the net world field III 227 and last IP one before the broadcast 62 27 next number 172 field field e1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 the next number of six ones is one followed by six zeros for 14 hosts on host 14 this is the the number 14 and this is the new subnet mask fill the remaining spaces with once this is the network others in this number is 64 170 231 103 103 64 28 and this is the nut the broadcast address this number is 64 lose 15 17250 one 103 64 plus 15 is 79 and subnet mask is 28 short IP is sixty five twenty haight last IP 78 28 and the next number is 172 judy is 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 the next number of four ones is one followed by four zeros and you need a host here on host 6 is not enough 14 is a good number and some that mass is this copy these and fill their remaining spaces with once this is the network address this number is 64 plus 16 is tidy I send it to see only one one or three ladies from that master day and broadcast this 64 Clues firmly one once again the 231 103 64 plus 31 is 9520 a since I beat family won 103 80 128 okay one like beat next to the network address and last IP when I be before the broadcast 94 the next number 172 filthy 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 the next number of 5 ones is 1 followed by 5 zeroes to host here are costs to good number instance their number and this is the subnet mask copy these have filled the remaining spaces with once this is the network address and this number is 64 plus 32 is 96 once I need to see Devon 103 9630 and this is the broadcast 64 plus 32 is 96 plus 399 172 through the wrong one on 399 subnet mask CD the first type is 102 31 103 97 submit must clearly last IP 170 231 103 98 and 30 and that's it this is the table this table is this table document the addressing scheme assigned the first usable IP addresses to building one for the two long links and the world link angle and building one will have the firts IP address for this land on this interface and we'll have the first IP others on this lung this interface and also the first IP others on this interface serial zero zero zero for the subnet that connects building one and building too okay and copy this table okay building one gigabit zero zero now here you can see up here gigabit zero zero this is the interface for the router gigabit zero zero it's not for the switch because this switch is 2960 switch it does not have gigabit 0/0 interface only gigabit 0 1 and 0 2 okay and this gigabit zero one is not for the router is for the switch okay so the SW one lung is placing a gigabit zero zero or building router building one router okay and gigabit zero zero zero yes W one use the full typing shirts IP this and subnet mask 27 255 255 255 37 Steve 224 for gigabit zero one the another side of building one gigabit zero one and a SW 2 a SW 2 field psybeam 33 and also has signal mast - 24 2010 prefix CL 0 0 0 this interface serial 0 0 0 will have the first IP on building 1 this is the connection between B 1 and B 2 building 1 a building to fill type II 97 but in this case the Sapna mask is filthy the prophetess theories are in decimal 252 okay no default gateways because this router is a default gateway and continually building to rather assign the first usable IP addresses to build into for the two long links assigned the last usable might be others for the one link okay for sw3 lon for this interface she'd of it zero zero on building to fill type II for SW for long on this interface gigabit zero one use the Phils IP and for the connection between building one ability to on serial zero zero zero on building to use the last IP okay gigabit zero zero is place it is w3 a sw3 fruits IP 65 subnet mask is 28 so is in decimal 240 and gigabit 0 1 gigabit 0 1 for a SW for physical site be 81 and sublet mask is 28 prefix also 240 and for serial 0 0 0 the connection between building 1 and building to the last IP 98 and don't forget the subnet mask in decimal is 250 to sign the second user will not be additions to the switches against the venue one loud if the first is one for a SW one switch on building one juice - and twenty-seventh of blood mask that is 224 and the default gateway is this one the first IP one because building one this interface gigabit zero zero is the default gateway of SW one switch okay I guess W to the third is 33 for SW to switch will be 34 and the subnet mask 27 if 34 is the second that the forgot way the firts 33 is w 3/4 IP 65 for switch the second 66 prefix 20 I is 240 and decimal 2 for the end decimal if the second is 66 the fourth is 65 I guess W 4 if the field is 81 the second is 82 subnet mask is 28 also 240 and if the if 82 is the second the first is 81 aside the last years it might be others to the hosts hostile sw1 long so host a on sw1 long use the last IP 30 Sublette mass 27 that is 224 the forget wait for SW want the default gateway is one the firts host be place it down SW to love as W to long use the last IP 62 subnet mask also 27 that decimal to 24 the the forget way is 33 for for that subnet host c4s w3 long IP 78 subnet mask 28 so it's 2:40 in decimal in the firts is 65 the third side beyond that subnet 65 cause the is w for subnet the last IP is 94 94 subnet mask 28 and decimal 240 for this and for SW for subnet the first IP is 81 so is the default gateway anyone now the table is complete assign IP addresses to the devices and verify connectivity configure IP addressing on building one rather long interfaces building one router enter enable configure terminal okay building one rather global configuration mode you have it zero zero with this IP address and subnet mask interphase eat of it 0 0 IP other is 117 231 103 1 that mass 224 not shut down and you de bit 0 1 with this IP address and subnet mask you know it 0 1 is 33 same subnet mask 224 much it down ok only for long interfaces I think serial interface already configured computer IP addressing on a SW 3 switch including the default gateway this is a SW 3 and configure according the addressing table under enable configure terminal on global configuration mode a SW 3 configure this on billing one this IP address subnet mask and don't forget the default gateway interface vlan1 IP others 172 31 103 66 death mask 240 the shutdown exit IP the fraud gateway or SE ND 231 103 the default gateway is 65 enter IP addressing our house d including default gateway cause the here on ds1 7231 one on 394 some that last 255 240 was the forget way it is anyone very very connectivity you should be able to being every IP others listed in the other was in table for someone from was the command prompt being first a few d and send it to 31 103 30 success has be 62 very good cause see 78 very good success 100% thank you very much you
Channel: Christian Augusto Romero Goyzueta
Views: 49,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cisco, itn, introduction to networks, v7.0, version 7.0, version 7, ipv4, addressing, subnets, subnetting, addressing scheme, vslm
Id: BLrb1x-EmwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 33sec (2133 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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