#1125 Incredible 'Feathery' Effects In These Gold, White And Grey Resin Heart Pendants

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[Music] g'day guys welcome back i'm behind the camera just wanted to show you this little guy that i did last night i was having a play and i thought i wonder what gold mica powder would do and as you can see it's just kind of all sunk down but it's a quite a pretty effect actually but it's not what i was going for i actually wanted a gold background like i wanted the gold to stay on top and then just the white and gray feathers to drop but um it didn't work that way so i'm gonna have another go i'm going to use some gold pigment paste same as i do with the white pigment paste but the gold and see if i can get a better result now oh this is my new mould i was telling you about that i've made because my other heart mold that i bought from ebay um it's no longer shiny it's gone all white and and matte which means my pieces are kind of like a milky matte kind of a finish so not good i have to throw it out so anyway i've got this i'm going to use this i don't know if i'll use all of them i've just filled the top three rows with resin but then i don't think i've got enough colored resin so i've got some gold in there it's just a gold pigment paste so no white in this one because i don't want it to drop okay dex so it looks pretty but yeah i thought i wonder what the mica powder would look like if it would work but it didn't work so now i'm going to do some white i'm just going to put two drops of white in here one two in you go and two in this one i'm gonna add just a teensy little bit of black to make a gray one two drops out a bit weird kind of runs out okay so that's more white and i've got about a quarter of a little medicine cup here of the resin i'm using the platinum ultra clear i have used a thicker resin like a medium viscosity resin it didn't work my pigments didn't drop um i used like a one slightly thicker than this the super clear it's a little bit thicker it didn't work as well and then this one's the ultra clear this one's really quite thin it's like pouring water very drippy it seems to work the best because it allows the color to drop down and don't wait you don't need to wait for your resin to thicken up because you don't want it to thicken up if it thickens up the color won't drop down it'll just stay on top so don't wait i don't know why people are waiting you wait to swirl do not wait to drop your colors all right so that's going to be my gray let me just wipe my little stick i'm just going to put my end of my little tip i'm not sure how much i want um we'll try that you can always add a little bit more i guess just to make it a gray see what kind of shade we get because that's dark enough i think so i'm going to just wipe that stick off because it's got a little bit of black left on the stick so clean that off because i don't want it going any darker than that i think that will be nice so you didn't want it too light because i want to contrast between the white i was actually thinking what would it look like if i put some black in there as well but then i thought well the black's not going to drop it's just going to float and i want the gold to float so then i thought well i'll just see if this works first because i was quite happy with that one that i did last night i didn't video it um the feathers might be a little bit big on that one i'm going to add a little bit more alcohol to see if i can get it not to drop quite as much okay so those are stirred up just gonna put some alcohol we'll start with 10 drops and i'm using this one the isopropyl it's 100 isopropanol and i've got it in there so i can count my drops one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two i think that was two three three four five six seven eight nine ten sometimes a couple more go in all right it looks really pretty so hopefully this will work and um yeah i'm not sure how many i will get through i probably needed to make more color to do this many because i haven't actually used this mold before but i just thought i'll see how far it gets me and then if i run out of color well so be it i'll just make up more next time so i'm going to do a little test piece and see what happens this is going to be my test piece so i want my gold to float just keep an eye on it while i'm stirring these up i want the gold to float and spread is the aim of the game it can take a little while low to spread you know so it's not something that happens straight away you know when you drop regular alcohol inks in like your pinata i was thinking about using the gold pinata but i didn't i'll try that another time just got the gold pigment paste today make sure that you get it the white off the side because you don't want the white dropping on its own i'm going to make sure that your sides of your little cup are all cleaned up of the white just in case the white drops in on its own there we go there's our gray let's see what that's going to do while i mix up the white so depending on what it does i'll add more white because i do want it to spread i don't want it to drop too much because this one as i said it had a little bit too much feathering i just wanted little feathers i do like the bigger feathers i think that's kind of my trademark the um my little niche having the bigger feathers other people seem to do the little tiny feathers but they use all alcohol inks and i don't i kind of make my own alcohol inks with pigment paste so it's a little bit different it's a different technique both beautiful though i do want to try the other technique with just alcohol inks so i will be doing that at some stage what was that oh there's a hair in there get out so i will try that at some stage okay let's see what the white's going to do and of course the white small because it hasn't been sitting there as long now my gold isn't spreading very much i would like it to kind of spread because i wanted to go across the whole surface well almost and i don't want to add too much color this time see how it's just packed it's chock a block full of color and feathers i want to see if i can do a little bit less so that you can see the color of the background let's do another five one two three four five and see if that will spread a little bit more i put um what did i do i did oh i've got more resin in this one because i wanted the background more i needed more background so it's got more than these it's probably a third of a cup i think i did six little drops of pigment paste but it hasn't got white in it so i'm not expecting it to drop if it had white in it it would drop okay um the gray see it's it's really tricky you look at it and you go yeah it looks okay it's not spreading but then um i mean it looks okay it's not dropping but then the next thing you know you've unmolded it and it's like quite heavy with the feathering so i don't know this is i always get stuck here i think oh should i add some more alcohol to it um and then you add more alcohol and of course nothing drops because it's too light and it just floats over the top so it's it's a tricky call to make maybe maybe i can do half half like do some add a bit of alcohol to the remaining and then pour and then do more and just see what happens what do you reckon what do you reckon i'm gonna do another five here one two three four five i'm gonna go and write that in my journal what i've done so i'll know for next time if you're going to do this thing and um you know experiment write down what you're doing i think it's a good idea because then if it works because sometimes you go oh what did i do how many drops did i put in so write it down and then you can compare with your next one you can say okay well i added this many drops next time i need to add more or i need to add less pigment paste or more pigment paste see that they're spreading quite a lot those the white and the gray i think i think i'm going to leave it you guys oh i think so i think so in my previous ones i would have had my little dots a tiny little bit um smaller than that the gray looks as if it's a tiny bit smaller i'm going to add oh two went in i'm going to add two to the gray maybe it's because i've got that teensy little bit of black in there that it's tiny bit heavier i don't know just the gray dot looks a bit smaller than the white dot although maybe i just put a a smaller dot down maybe but i'll use this one anyway my test piece i'll use it anyway so okay so while those two are sitting there the white and the gray i'm going to get started and i'm going to start layering my gold into it's looking hope is not too transparent that gold i can actually see um i hope it's not too transparent i can see the the white underneath that gold i might add a little bit more pigment paste to it because i don't want it to be um one two i don't want it to be transparent i mean your metallics are pretty transparent anyway they're not as far as i know they're not really um opaque colors but i do want the gold as my background i don't know whether two little drops is going to make much difference at all probably won't maybe it'll drop now all right let's just keep going hey let's get going now i'm going to move to a little tiny spoon and i'm just going to get started i shall start up here because i don't know how many i'm going to be able to actually do one two three four five six let's do six in each to begin i with it'll float don't think putting those two extra drops in is going to make terribly much difference i hope not it's just that those ones see how they've quite they've spread quite a lot and they've become quite transparent i can see the white through them anyway just experimenting it doesn't work i'm sure it'll still be pretty it just means i have to do it again tomorrow three four five six because i want quite a lot of gold because i want it as my background like i said it might not be opaque enough we all just have to wait and see won't we what it does okay well i've got enough gold so i'm going to go down here as well whoops dropped you oops there's some bubbles in that one i'll need to torch maybe i can just spritz with alcohol i saw the lovely canela hey canela she did a video where she just spritzed the alcohol with for the bubbles because i don't want to burn my new mold my brand new mold that i made i don't want to burn it there's a hair in that one oh there it is yeah so um maybe i can use this because it's already got a nice spray on it so maybe i can spritz afterwards i've got a tiny bit of gold left let's just clean that spoon off look they're spreading yay okay look how big the white's got hmm that's a bit of a problem look how big it's got it might not sink if it's that big i wonder if i can add just a teensy little drop of white um i might do that just a tiny tiny little drop of white because look how big it's got in comparison oh that's got a bit of pink i think my lid was a bit dirty i'm gonna be careful with your lids hey make sure your lips don't get dirty that's got a bit of pink or purple or something in it because that white has spread quite a lot i'm just concerned that maybe it's not going to drop and it's going to stay up high i'm going to be awful if i went through all this trouble with all of these and it didn't drop i'm going to have to test it again where am i gonna put you now there okay i'm happy with the gray i'm gonna go ahead with the gray um and put my grey drops in just while i keep an eye on that white see what it's going to do all right here we go now i don't want to overdo it with color because i always do that i put too much color in and then i lose the look of the background because there's too much color so this time i'm really going to try and pull back on the color i'll try to anyway and just see what happens like even if i have a little bit of clear space just see what happens if i don't overdo the color because when you and it doesn't look much now but then when you swirl it the color that bit of gray gets dragged across and it spreads out so then the gray is much more dominant you know you know what i mean it's not just like you're putting in three drops of gray and they stay there they spread because you've pulled your little toothpick or whatever through them and spread them out i'll see what happens when i after i've put the white in whether i should put a little bit more gray but i'm just going to start with three probably three is not enough now what's the white doing i can't really tell i can't i can't tell because it's squished in the corner there oh i think i'm just going to have to risk it risk it for the biscuit actually might just put in another drop i think last time i did six drops of each color this time i'll just do four six was a bit much see how we go with four drops same and i'll change over to the white and they're not very big drops and i'm not dropping them in from up high let's see if we're still taping yep i'm not going to drop them in from up high i'm not sure what that's what's doing it was a tiny little drop of paste hopefully it's not made much difference so still got some grey left and some gold left normally i'm sort of scraping the bottom to try and get the color out but not using as much my gold spreading but again i'm not sure if it's going to be opaque or not right here we go with the white one two three four we'll do four same as the gray and see how it looks and i'm not going to know until i unmold it tomorrow which is the really hard part okay there you go one two three see the whole surface is being covered so if you put in too much color because when it spreads out like this it's just too much too much color in there so i'll just do this i'll do six of the gold background four of the gray four of the white and um across our fingers that it's going to work okay like i said i'm going to swirl it anyway and that's going to incorporate all those colors together it's going to mix them i am a bit concerned that i put too much pigment in the white now but we'll see what happens i'm gonna have to give that a minute now just to see what happens i'm just wiping my spoon okay all righty um let me get my look this came in the mail yesterday isopropyl wipe so it's hand wipes with the alcohol in it so i don't have to use the baby wipes and then squirt them with alcohol just use those although they're quite thin they're not very thick wipes they're only they're only thin so i find i have to use two but it gets the resin off my gloves and then if i get any resin on my skin gets that off that all right how's the white looking it's looking good it's looking good look at this look at the big white dot there look how much it's spread see that i don't think will drop but we will test that that's my test piece so i'll swirl that what's the time uh 20 to 4 in the afternoon so i'll come back at 20 to 5. i'm gonna be quarter to five somewhere about an hour and we'll swirl them and um we'll see what actually happens when uh the white is that um light i guess because these ones the white is spreading really really keen to see how this is going to work whether or not that gold is going to stay on top or not can can you see down here i might have to bring you down you see how the gold's floated over the top of the um the white so yeah i don't know just have to wait and see anyway i'll bring you down so you can have a little close-up look at it just get the gloves off um and then yeah we'll come back in an hour and hopefully the whole surface will be covered you won't be able to see any little bits of mold around we go see how see look at the white see how the um gold's gone over the top of the white so it's basically floated over the top of the white which is what you want i'm not sure what it's going to do yeah i don't know i haven't used a metallic pigment in these before so i have no idea what it's going to do but that was the test piece there look how big that white drop has got see i think that's too big to actually drop i think it's just going to float instead of got dropping down it's just floated you can see the difference so anyway um i'll be back in an hour and we'll swirl these so see you then time for coffee my alarm has just gone off it's been one hour look they've all covered over spread to the sides which is good let me get my glove back on and a piece of paper towel and um i'm just going to swirl try and do something a little bit different in all of them i'll use this one anyway because this is the one that that white spread a lot so i want to actually see um you know just how different it is if it is now you can see how that leaves a string so it's ready you can just do a little test on yours if you're not sure if it leaves that little stringy piece then it's ready see my resin has a working time of 45 minutes other resins might have an hour hour and a half two hours so it's going to be different depending on what resin you have maybe yours sets up really fast in half an hour i don't know so you're just going to have to just test it really and uh see when it is that little sort of sticky tacky sort of a look and then swirl it clean off your stick you will find that um you'll get some bubbles so you're going to have to torch afterwards because doing this is pulling air in and if your mold is quite full just be careful you don't swirl too much because you'll overflow so just do it gently i'm kind of touching the bottom of the mold just very gently i'm not pushing too hard because i don't want to scratch my new mold that i just made there's not much you can do with it you go in circles or you can go up and down there's not a lot you can do with it what about a heart no about little circles let's do little circles in this one let me go around that little nib i don't know they're all basically the same with the swirl i don't want to do swirls like too too much see how that one goes all right i think we're done okay so now is the time where you need to to torch i've got resin on my fingers can you put both gloves on shouldn't i alcohol wipe here that i'll just clean my hand on actually i can clean that glove and then i can take both i can take that glove off now it's clean i can use it again tomorrow don't want to waste it all right so now is the time to torch and can you see the bubbles i'm going to actually just try and see what happens if i spray with my alcohol let's just spray from a distance because i don't want to go too close um okay that didn't do anything maybe if your resin is still quite thin this would work you know if you're doing coasters straight away but you know you know so you saw how tacky that was it's quite thick so obviously the alcohol is not going to work as well so i'm just going to go very gently with my little torch did you see those did you see those pop so just go very carefully don't get too close to your mold it's only a little tiny guy so um yeah just be really really really careful because the flame the silicone don't work well together and your resin will stick to your mold and when you pull it off it will ruin it so ruin your mold you have to cut your resin out so be really really careful i probably rather have a couple of little bubbles than a ruined mold especially since i only just made it and it's the first time i'm using it so i'm just going to wipe my hands again that's going to feel a bit sticky um we'll leave it at that i don't know whether it's going to work you guys we're just going to have to wait and see this gold up here looks quite transparent to me like i i think i can see through it which i can see through it but hopefully it will be opaque enough there's some bubbles popping up here i'm gonna have to touch again so torch wait a few minutes come back torch again just be really careful um and yeah we'll just that's where a bubble was i'm just kind of breaking it up a little bit just in case it leaves like a dot i don't know if it will all right so that's it for me today um i'm gonna cover it up and um put it to bed and check it in the morning oh it's going to be a long 12 hours all right i'll see you in the morning wish me luck that they work i hope so good morning it's the next day and these have all set nice and hard so i wonder what they're gonna do i have a feeling that they're not going to be as feathery as this one which is what i was hoping for but i'm hoping that we still get a little bit of feathering probably won't look like that though but let's have a look and see how they've turned out the thing with these being white you can't peek you can't turn them over and have a little sneaky peek not that i do anyway i'll wait for you pop that out it comes out nice and easily oh look i can see through it oh wow okay so that gold was really transparent i'll have to see what i can do next time um because i didn't want it transparent anyway let's have a look oh it's very pretty it's very delicate look at that we've got some feathering more in the gray than the white so the white you know how i said it spread a lot so you can see there on the top it's trying to drop it just wasn't quite heavy enough but the gray is doing its thing and the gold's not bad is it like it's still there it's giving a sparkle it's just not um it's not an opaque gold oh okay happy with that let's get them out i'm just going to get them all out quickly otherwise i'm going to be here all morning aren't i here all day getting these babies out i did a lot of them um if you've recently well from today i guess if you've recently bought one of my molds i'll be sending you one of these little guys because i don't know what else to do with them you know i'm still experimenting so like i don't want to sell them because i don't think they're quite there yet but they are really pretty aren't they i do like that actually quite like the transparency just with a bit of sparkle on them all right let's quickly look at all of them huh oh that one i did a different squiggle in because i might show you on a white background hey how about if i get um just fold up this little piece of paper towel and i can just put that on my hand and show you what they look like on a white background that'd probably be easier wouldn't it is that one that one's got pretty swirls in it too they're all really pretty how's the white background is it okay or is that better it's probably better because white on white we need to get black out here all right just that one oh i like the design on that one sometimes i think i swirl too much that one i've obviously just done one that might have been the one where i did this like little heart less is more really pretty what do you think of these that have only got the little tiny featherings oh that one had a lot of swirling in it do you like the ones with lots of swirls i mean lots of see i'm trying to decide which way i want to go whether i want to do these little featherings which stay at the top which don't really don't really drop very much i don't know if you can see that they kind of stay at the top or do you prefer um or do you prefer these these sorts of ones that have got the lots of feathering and a little bit heavier which do you prefer see that one again it's got lots of it's heavier feathering it's dropped more or do you just prefer [Music] a smaller feathering like this this is another example of something more like the one i've just done with the little small featherings let me know in the comments below which which you prefer then i just know which way to sort of go but look you know you try for one and you're going to get the other if i can pick up the sparkle of the gold there this gold's really pretty okay there's that one i'll get through them quickly and i can go and have a coffee i just think i would have been happier if the gold was a little bit more opaque that one's dropped really well maybe i put bigger bigger blobs on drops not blobs maybe i put bigger ones on those ones oh that's the other squish swirl i sort of went up and down like that yeah i don't like that as much i don't know why i just prefer this the circular swirls i think they look prettier that one's done well too yeah i think the ones maybe that first one i showed you that didn't have very much droppage maybe i just didn't put my little my drops of white maybe my drops of white were quite small so this one's better actually it's pretty much perfect i think white could have dropped it a little bit more nearly there guys two more to go really pretty wouldn't that look nice on a gold chain hey what do you think about if i paint the edges in gold oh maybe i'll try that should we do one just quickly and see what it looks like let's do that let me go and grab my gold pen hang on one sec i missed this one up the top here haven't done him pretty too probably got three grays there next to each other or two grays i need to kind of separate my colors a little bit so i think this one i don't know either one of these are my favorites maybe this one this one's got like two grays next to each other there so maybe this one so i've got my deco art got my deco art my deco color pen and that's just that's not going to want to focus because it wants to focus on what's on the back and let me just cover that there we go now will it focus i think so all right let's just go around if i can on the top just a little bit i don't want too too much there we go fix up that little bottom bit there how's that what do you think i don't know that i'd do the sides because i actually quite like someone getting gold paint on my hands i actually like the fact that you can look through and see what's going on in there but um yeah i actually quite like that what do you think i've got cold on myself now oh all right well that was fun enjoyed that one i think i might just reduce my alcohol not me personally in these the gray was fine i'm happy with the gray but the white i just think it needed maybe two drops less and then it would have dropped the same as the gray there so then i would have been 100 happy with it instead of just 90 percent happy with it so there we go um that's the difference between the what they are with the gold and without the gold so let me know as i said let me know in the comments down below do you like the gold on the edge do you like the bigger feathering or these little featherings so all right i'm going to paint the rest of them gold and i'm really happy with my new mould they turned out amazing and they're so shiny beautiful and shiny i don't know if i can show you what's happened with the others um i'll have to find one i'll do it later i've got to go have a coffee all right thanks for watching guys i'll see you real soon for the next video or try some new colors wouldn't mind trying a burgundy in with the golden and black all right i'll see you then bye for now you
Channel: Pouring Your Heart Out
Views: 106,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #resinpetripour, #resinfeathereffect, #resinfeatheryeffect, #resinpetridish, #resin3dswirl, #resinpendants, #resinfeatherpendant, #pinkresinpendant, #valentinespour, #valentinesresin, #resinheart, #valentinesday
Id: eLg3_ShDa_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 1sec (2281 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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