Are You a Computer Expert? Take This Quiz!

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so you think you're some kind of computer expert huh well today we're going to find out for sure and separate the pretenders from the real deal in a test that I've compiled myself we got lots of questions that will really test your expertise and they're going to get progressively harder starting off with stuff that is just really easy like if you don't know the first ones I don't know what you're doing and how it'll work is you'll either earn or lose points depending on what you know and what you don't but obviously you don't have to keep track if you don't want to but there will be a score rating at the end so I think you should it'll be fun so keep track however you want and let's get started first of all do you know what operating system you're using if it's Windows add one point if it's Mac subtract one just kidding subtract two and if it's Linux add five if you don't know subtract 999 points because you just automatically failed I don't know how you even function on your computer next do you know what version operating system you're using if so plus one point do you know the name of this piece of hardware if you do give yourself another point are you someone who asked others for computer help if so minus one point are you the one who gives the computer help plus one point are you a hunt and peck typer meaning you don't know how to properly type on the keyboard if you are minus five points do you know how big your hard drive is in gigabytes if you do plus one point do you know your current screen resolution if you do that's one point do you know how many cores your CPU has if not minus one point if you do you get 1/2 point for every core you you still use your computer's default browser if you do minus one point have you ever once opened up your computer case if you have plus 2 points have you ever once used Linux even for one minute just to try it out if you have plus 2 points next do you backup your hard drive if you do plus 1 point if you don't minus 3 points if you know whether your computer is Intel or AMD that's one point and if you've never changed your browser homepage that's minus one point all right now things might start picking up a little bit have you ever changed your Wi-Fi password from the default if so plus two points do you know what USB stands for if you do two points if you know the difference between a megabit and a megabyte you get one point next give yourself one point for every hour that you spend on the computer for an average day not counting when you're working have you ever used the command prompt if you have that's two points do you know the difference between Java and JavaScript if you do one point do your passwords contain special characters if so that's plus one have you ever personally installed new hardware in your computer you have plus three and if you have more than one monitor you get plus one for every extra monitor that you have do you know the difference between HTTP and HTTPS if you do plus one have you ever built a computer if you did that's four points and have you ever overclock your cpu manually that's five points do you know what Ram timings are and how they work that's three points now for this one it's a little bit different I'm going to name some famous computer people and for every one that you know you're going to add one point so they are Steve Wozniak Dennis Ritchie Richard Stallman Grace Hopper kevin Mitnick Linus Torvalds John Carmack and Christopher Zek Hauser if you knew that last one subtract ten points because I made them up and that's just a picture of Roy a character from The IT Crowd TV show and if you knew that add two points moving on do you know what the insert key on your keyboard does if you do that's one point do you know what the scroll lock key on your keyboard does if you do that's plus three if you have not gotten a computer virus in the last six months give yourself three more points are you someone who doesn't need an antivirus now you lose five points because you're wrong do you encrypt your hard drive if you do that's plus four points and if you have a home server that you run you give yourself five points next give yourself two points for every network switch you have in your house and if you don't know what a network switch is you lose one point I'll give you a second to count them up in your head should be enough time if you have ever edited the Windows registry that's plus five points for you for those of you who know how to write a basic hello world program in any programming language you get five points next if you have ever spent more than 1/3 of your monthly income on a single computer component give yourself five points and if you just gave yourself five points but really your parents bought it for you subtract ten points that doesn't count do you know what Google Ultron is if so give yourself three points nice job now you can give yourself one point for every extra web browser you have installed besides the default all right for these next questions we're really going to figure out who the real experts are so you better be prepared now if you have ever created your own ethernet cable meaning you've cut it up added on the rj45 connectors crimped it and everything give yourself eight points if you have ever installed a custom firmware on your router give yourself ten points if you have ever resized a drive partition give yourself ten points next anyone of you who has used a secure shell to access a remote computer you get ten points if you use a custom DNS server either just on your computer or on your router you get ten points finally for every social media site that you guys follow me on subtract one point because you really shouldn't listen me all right now those are all the questions and you want to add up your score hopefully it did pretty good and we can go ahead and score it first of all if you have a negative score you completely failed and I'm surprised you're even able to turn on the computer if you have less than 20 points I'm sorry you're just computer illiterate but somehow still barely functional you most likely just use your computer exclusively for Microsoft Office programs if you have between 20 to 50 points you're still a complete computer noob but you most likely have used computers enough to pick up some knowledge here and there but you probably haven't gone out of your way to learn anything more about them now between 50 to 110 points people in this range might consider themselves computer experts but they're wrong this range is actually just above average if you're at the higher end of this range you definitely have the potential for becoming an expert with enough effort in time those of you in the 110 to 140 range are definitely computer experts but maybe not professionally chances are you picked up a lot of knowledge from spending countless hours sitting in front of a monitor at this point people probably think you're some sort of computer genius so you could probably get a low-level IT job with little to no training as long as you sound like you know what you're doing finally if you have scored more than 140 points you are a computer god you're literally Steve Jobs reincarnate at this level you're either extremely interested in computers have a professional computer related job or you're a complete loser with no social skills if you ever had to you could probably walk in off the street and get a pretty decent Aiki job anywhere and with enough training to experience a sysadmin job now obviously this was a very well developed scientific test of course it's extremely accurate though I am kind of curious what everyone's score is why don't you guys leave a comment with what your score was and maybe if you have a computer job mention that too so we can kind of get an idea we'll see how accurate my test really was so anyway hopefully you guys found this video pretty fun if you want to keep watching some other videos I'll put those right here you can just click on those and if you want to subscribe I make new videos every Tuesday Thursday Saturday and also consider enabling notifications to again I'm looking forward to hearing from you guys so thanks for watching I'll see you next time have a good one
Channel: ThioJoe
Views: 395,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: technology, tech, quiz, test, computer expert quiz, computer quiz, computer test, computer expert test, computer knowledge, computers, computer, fun, tech quiz, technology quiz, computer facts, computer fun facts, computer genius, facts, questions, trivia, computer trivia
Id: nv2dNBizCRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2017
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