11 Weird Ways Animals Communicate

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from tarsiers sending ultrasonic messages to apes talking like humans here are 10 bizarre ways that animals communicate welcome to weird wonders Wednesday number 11 did you know that Darla's will hum while they eat producing vocalizations while eating is commonly seen in mammals and birds it's also been noted with great apes like bonobos and chimpanzees but there wasn't much evidence showing gorillas indulged in such behavior researchers recorded and analyzed singing behavior exhibited by wild western lowland gorillas it seems that dominant adult males are the most musically inclined as they carried a tune the most often the food source played a role in the vocalizations as well flowers seeds and vegetation provoked the most humming while insect cuisine produced the least experts think the humming might serve a social function by imparting a sense of safety to the group it might also be a way of establishing hierarchical dominance number 10 dogs and humans usually find it easy to communicate with one another but now we've found out that goats exhibit a capacity to communicate with humans that rivals that of our canine companions researchers have found the animals used communication signals similar to dogs when they need help solving a problem one experiment showed that when a food morsel was placed just out of reach the goat would gaze back and forth between the food and the human in the room dogs exhibit similar behavior when seeking assistance from us the evidence suggests that goats are more intelligent than have been previously given credit scientists also discovered that goats can express emotions the animals indicated their contentment by keeping the tail up along with minut ear movements and stable bleating number nine French researchers found that European bison practice a form of democracy the animals communicate with each other through snorting and guttural noises and they mostly rely on pheromones during reproductive cycles but it turns out they have a type of voting system as well for example bison will shift their massive bodies when deciding upon a new pasture for grazing before heading in a particular direction the animals will gradually position themselves toward the preferred destination when a member of the hare takes the initiative and steps forward the others will follow assuming all members agree disagreement is displayed when the head is fractured but eventually the majority rules and the splinted factions will reunite with the rest of the head number eight jackdaws belong to a family of corvids which includes crows and they're regarded as intelligent birds but unlike most birds they are known to stare eye contact is usually considered a behavior that is unique to primates but experts tell us that jackdaws are known to use intimidating stares to protect the nests the birds have bright eyes colored an icy blue in stark contrast to the dark feathers and those peepers are used to intimidate trespassers researchers at Cambridge University set up 100 nesting boxes with one of four pictures at the entrance hole of each box the images included a dark circle used as a control as well as a picture of disembodied eyes against a dark background and close-ups of a jackdaws face one with dark eyes and one with bright eyes when jackdaws encountered the image depicting bright eyes they were hesitant to approach the entrance and were more likely to move on number seven prairie dogs are not canines they're actually rodents that are native to North America and it seems they've developed their own language studies conducted by researchers at Northern Arizona University indicate that noises the animals make such as yips chirp sandbox are actually an advanced form of vocabulary one that contains at least 100 words experts say that prairie dogs can describe details of predators such as the size of color they also have unique calls that serve to differentiate various animals from one another one sound indicates a coyote while another indicates a bird approaching for instance the variety of noises is thought to constitute a language the rodents even seem to have words quote-unquote that describe humans experiments revealed that they could differentiate between researchers wearing different colored shirts they also described details about whether humans were tall or short how close they were and even how fast they were walking number six dolls are canids that are found from central to Southeast Asia also known as Asiatic wild dogs these highly adaptable critters display an impressive range of communicative behaviors unlike wolves dolls don't bark a howl they produce a whistling noise not unlike the red fox but it's unknown just how doles make this sound the noise is thought to help coordinate packs as they travel through thick foliage certain sounds are linked to specific activities doles emits screaming sounds when attacking prey screams and chatterings are thought to be alarm calls growling serves as a warning their complex body language includes lowering the tails and retracting the lips when offering a friendly or submissive greeting while snarling raised hair on the back and keeping the tail in a vertical position indicates aggression number five dolphins are known to display teamwork when catching fish and playing now it looks like the cetaceans might talk to each other as well when researchers gave them a complex puzzle to solve it seemed that the Dolphins used a language which was aimed at solving the problem six male bottlenose dolphins were presented with a locked capsule that was filled with food to open it to ropes on each end had to be pulled simultaneously only two dolphins were able to solve the puzzle and open the capsule and that within only 30 second researchers noted that this pair of dolphins talked to each other more often while attempting to solve the problem this pulses or increases in vocalizations were linked to the specific task as opposed to the normal chatter between dolphins experts say this is conclusive evidence that dolphins used vocalizations to solve cooperative tasks number four researchers in South Africa have found that white rhinos can communicate through the sense of smell in and of itself that is not so unusual mammals are known to pass information along to each other through the olfactory organs but whereas information such as territorial boundaries is often passed along via urine white rhinos use their dung as a communications network around 150 dung odor samples from the Rhinos were analyzed experts say that vital messages can be contained in the waste the excrement contains chemical messages that can hold information about the animals age sex territory and if a female is in heat enough white rhinos were found to employ communal defecation sites called middens which act as a type of communications hub enabling all rhinos within the social group to share the chemical messages number three human speech is thought to have occurred within the last 100,000 years or so but a new study involving sounds made by primates could mean the origins of our speech might date back much further researchers studied more than 1300 noises made by baboons including box and grunts and it turns out the Apes can produce vowel sounds similar to our own they found to make five distinct sounds that were vowel like something previously believed to be unique to humans that's due to our descended larynx enabling us to produce sets of distinct vowels non-human primates have a high larynx which was thought to prevent the animals from forming vowels found in human languages experts say the evidence suggests that capacities for speech were already possessed by the last common ancestor between humans and baboons around 25 million years ago number two the massed birch caterpillar has a unique way of summoning its friends when the insect needs help constructing a silk instruction it will scrape its backside against the leaf the vibrations then serve as they type up social bonding the process is known as anal drumming a body part called an anal or is used to initiate a sequence the oar is similar to a pro leg or abdominal limb which other species use for walking in essence they scrape the leaf with the or by walking on the spot these caterpillars weave the cocoons on birch leaves to transform into moth because the process is laborious the insects usually use teamwork to spin the silk and hide away together earlier studies have shown the caterpillars will also use vibration as a way to alert others of its ilk that it's entering the territory and that helps avoid any potential fights experts think that further research will reveal the critters vibrations represent a sophisticated signaling repertoire number one tarsiers are tiny primates known for the large otherworldly eyes in fact they possess the greatest eye to body ratio among mammals along with those weird eyes it seems the critters have a weird way to communicate with each other as well these creatures are known to make at least fifteen distinct calls all of which can be heard by humans but did you know that osseous can also communicate using ultrasonic frequencies not unlike the fellow mammals like whales dolphins and bats to name a few tars ears can send and receive ultrasonic messages researchers conducting studies with wild tars ears on mindanao island and the philippines found that the animals detect sounds that are inaudible to other primates so far as is known anyway cause he is could hear sounds up to 91 kilohertz accepting some rats and bats that's well beyond the range of terrestrial mammals the animals had previously been observed opening and closing the mouths but seeming to produce no sound but they are in fact sending messages to one another in a type of private chat that need the Predators nor prey can hear
Channel: Epic Wildlife
Views: 23,492
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Keywords: weird, ways, animals, communicate, weirdest, strangest, strange, bizarre, shocking, top, most, best, creatures, list, ever, you need to see, actually exist, rare, species, amazing, epic, wildlife, nature, monkeys, rhino, primate, talking, animals that talk, how animals talk, speech, tarsiers, science, learn, infrasound, sound, underground, sonar, white rhino, dung, smell, see, the world, on earth, world's, incredible, odd, peculiar, explained, unreal, unexplained, colors, ocean, deep sea, wonders of nature
Id: cX7LUNed7Sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2017
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