MBARI's Top 10 deep-sea animals

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hey everyone Patrick from the Monterey Bay Aquarium here our colleagues Adam bar always finding amazing wildlife in the deep sea and everything they show us that the aquarium is the coolest thing that we've ever seen we've always wondered what are their favorites so here they are these are embarrass top ten deep sea animals I've spent my entire career trying to get people excited about worms because most of the time when people think about worms they think about the earthworms and they're not that fun to look up to mop dress worms they do this amazing undulating dance in order to slur around and feed the animals able to swim really rapidly maneuver very tight turns and it can stop on a dime by arresting the motion of all of its legs and then reverse direction without changing the direction of its body and so it's pretty incredible what these small animals are able to do and no robotic system has been able to replicate it so they're something we're definitely interested in trying to reverse-engineer [Music] cross o Tamils I when you first look at it it looks like fireworks are gone off in the evening sky it is just a gorgeous animal it's got tentacles that go off in every direction and then if you disturb it a little bit it pulls everything in and jets off in a different direction and it's it's like it wasn't even there it's an animal we see every once in a while it's not very common it's a beautiful tiny little jelly these rare gems we get really excited when we see them a [Music] [Music] Pacific viper fish is a great example of many things we notice about deep-sea fish it has long sharp teeth it makes them look fierce and I think the result is that they are fierce at least to their prey their teeth are so large and they sit outside of its mouth that it can actually close its mouth these giant teeth are not actually impaling anything the teeth act like bars on a jail cell to keep the food say a shrimp from swimming back out of the mouth [Music] one of the other types of animals we find in the deep seas this beautiful squid and we've given it the name the strawberry squid because when you look at it from the side it has all these little dots that make it sort of look like a strawberry it has one big eye and one small eye it has one really big eye in order to see the shadows or silhouettes potential prey against the light and waters above its other eye is small and it's designed to see pinpoints of bioluminescence it's bizarre to us because they seem ill suited to survival in our world but in the deep sea they're perfectly well adapted feather stars are these animals that are related to sea stars and they live on the seafloor they look like a flower that can't move but then all of a sudden they'll swim off into the darkness I love seeing things swim and to me the feather star and the way they swim it's almost like they're walking through water it's pretty incredible to watch oh for NEMA they look like a nightmare but they're really amazing purnima is this amphipod which is basically like a little shrimp like animal and they take another animal like a self they go inside kill it eat out the insides and then lay their eggs in the dead carcass of this animal it's like the creepiest thing ever she's got these big eyes and this big claws and she looks really scary if she wasn't only you know an inch long [Music] Pompeii worms are one of the most thermo tolerant animals in the world these crazy little fuzzy wuzzy worms live on hydrothermal vents it's essentially an underwater volcano with piping hot water coming out of it temperatures can get 200 degrees Celsius we're talking hot and the Pompeii worms seems to thrive in these temperatures how they do this is they have a fleece like coating of bacteria that helps protect them from some of the hottest water that comes out of the vents so that they can extract minerals from the vents and then they extend their gills out into much cooler water which is how they breathe and extract oxygen out of the water they do this little dance in between the cooler water and the hotter water in and out of their tubes so they're like hot hot hot cool cool cool [Music] bloody belly comb jelly is one of my personal favourites and I have to admit I'm a little bit biased because I was fortunate enough to be one of the researchers who described this beautiful animal most animals in the deep sea can't see the color red and so in order to hide really well the bloody bellies are this beautiful bright red color I think they look like hearts that's nerdy they do the bloody belly Kong jelly has these eight rows called teen rows and that's how the animal moves around the light flickering that you see is light bouncing off of these little hairlike projections on the body of the animal they'd affront the light into the colours of the rainbow and so it looks like the most beautiful animal with eight rows of rainbows moving through the water [Music] vampire squid is an animal that's captured people's imagination for years Vampyroteuthis infernalis the vampire squid from the Deaf's or the inferno for the longest time we weren't sure what vampire squid actually ate I mean it sounds like kind of a blood sucker right the vampire squid doesn't suck blood the vampire squid likes to eat poop running down from the surface this is how it gets its food they stick out this feeding tentacle that captures sinking dead animals and wastes it's raining down from near the sea surface scripts the filaments are sticky they're kind of like half of a velcro strip the vampires drag this filament behind them collect all kinds of bits and pieces of drifting matter that's a unique feeding mode that we don't see in any other cephalopods why did this animal get its name vampire squid we're not actually really sure it's not nearly as scary as it sounds but the vampire squids a cool name [Music] probably the most common question I get is what's the weirdest thing you've ever seen in the deep seat and I really have to say the peril I because there is no example of a fish that looks like that the barreleye is an amazing fish when we first came across one alive in its natural habitat we were really surprised the animal's eyes you might think are looking forward there's a little black dots but in actuality the green orbs that are pointed upwards are its eyes covered in this gelatinous sheath which is completely transparent they have this tiny little Poochie mouth sticking out in front and the eyes were looking up there was no way that the fish could see what it was eating which always bothered me what's the point how does this work our scientists discovered that the eyes can rotate so that it can keep its eye on the prey above it and just rotating grabs of food Honore bay is the best studied patch of deep ocean on the planet and yet we're still finding new things every time we go out it's exciting to think that there's that much more to be discovered in the rest of the world ocean [Music]
Channel: MBARI (Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute)
Views: 2,636,149
Rating: 4.92662 out of 5
Keywords: deep sea, ocean, deep sea creatures, top 10, top 10 nerd, top 10 weirdest animals, weird and or wonderful world, wildlife documentary, MBARI, monterey bay aquarium, barreleye fish, barreleye animal crossing, squid, vampire squid, worms meme, twilight zone, midnight zone, midnight zone ocean, jelly, jellyfish, phronima, alvinella pompejana, hydrothermal vents, nature documentary, biology, marine biologist, crinoid, crinoid swimming, feather starfish, viperfish
Id: 80OG2BGrmyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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