11 True Scary Summer Break Horror Stories

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[Music] when I was 12 I attended summer camp to learn how to ride horses we were going to be away from our parents for four or five nights I was really excited because I always wanted to learn how to ride a horse due to my love for animals but I was also nervous about being away from my family and around strangers for that long most of it was amazing and everything I dreamed of however the one night labeled sleep under the stars is an experience that I don't think I'll ever forget that night we had to leave our bunks and go outside to sleep in tents I hated tents but everyone else was doing it so I figured I'd play along there were a lot of activities that took place before bed we were able to sit by the campfire make s'mores and tell stories when it came time for bed it was four of us to attend and I could already tell I wasn't going to get much sleep I just couldn't get comfortable and was wishing him this morning the other people in my tent seemed to pass out almost immediately which left me to sit there and try to count sheep in the dark there were a lot of tents in a small area due to the fact that everyone in the camp was sleeping outside for one night I was starting to get a little drowsy when I heard what sounded like footsteps outside of the tent I was right near the mesh window of the tent because I tended to get hot and was hoping the cool breeze would let me sleep the footsteps then got louder but I tried to ignore them presuming it was a counselor or one of the camp leaders but then I felt a presence right outside my tent it was like someone was kneeling right outside the mesh window I gathered the courage to look outside the window and there was something outside I didn't look long enough to see what it was but something was there it was silent at first but then I heard whispering just mumbling and whispering for minutes and minutes without a break I couldn't really make out the words because it was so soft but I could definitely hear something I thought I could hear the words Savior sacrifice wept I feel like I've heard the words wept a lot but like I said I couldn't really make it out every so often it would stop and I would peek my head out of my sleeping bag to check and see if someone was there and the figure was always still there right outside the mesh window on and off I could hear the whispering and mumbling all night I tried several times to kick or punch someone in my tent to wake them up but it didn't work eventually during one of the moments of silence I must have dozed off as scared as I was I have no clue how I was able to fall asleep even ever so briefly I checked the window again and nothing was there but about five minutes later I heard a loud shriek and a gust of wind when I woke up the next morning I asked everyone if they heard or experienced anything similar to what I did during the night no one heard or saw anything other than me I know I wasn't asleep and I absolutely saw and heard those things that night I don't want to say it wasn't human because nothing gave me that idea but what type of person would have knelt by our tent and mumbled under their breath the entire night as scared as I was at the time I'm glad I never had another experience like that again [Music] if you're like me staying home alone every day in the summer can become a drag I've always been someone who needs to stay busy all the time I don't like being alone and like to always be active last year after finishing my freshman year of college I decided to take a summer job to make some extra cash I worked for a landscaping company but the pay was under the table I won't put the name of the company out there but the owner seemed eager to get me on immediately so I figured perhaps I could become a full-time employee later in the summer for the time being he agreed to pay me based on different jobs we did for the first few weeks it was great I was getting super tan and Jack from all the lifting the first three weeks he paid me and I was getting paid quite well but by the time we got to the fourth week is when things started to get weird he usually paid me on Friday but didn't pay me this week when I brought it up to him he just smiled and said that he was going to start paying me every two weeks I was kind of annoyed but basically said whatever because I figured I would have a fat paycheck in another week well fast-forward another week and I don't get paid now I'm upset I've been doing hard work for two weeks and not getting paid I called my boss and asked what the deal was he claimed he just forgot and was sorry I shrugged it off and said whatever it was fine we agreed to meet on Saturday for the payment I went to the spot he told me to meet him at and he handed me an envelope I took it and told him I'd see him on Monday when I opened the envelope it was just pay for one week I called him furious but he insisted that he paid me for the previous week I flipped out over it and told him I didn't want to continue working especially under the table and that it was making me uncomfortable he called and begged me to come back for a huge job we had next week and that he would pay me double I agreed thinking this would likely be my last job and I could take the cash and move on Monday comes and I meet him at this huge house surrounded by nothing but open land we started laying mulch and setting up the front yard before I knew it I was alone and I didn't see him anywhere I got a little angry that I was now by myself doing all this work after an hour so I finally see him emerge from the back of the house he looked frustrated and almost a little nervous he came up to me and in a very soft voice he said can you go see if he can get the water turned on in the basement I tried and I couldn't get it please it was a weird request I honestly wanted to get out of the heat for a second so I accepted once in the basement I found the water hooked up in a matter of seconds but what I noticed right away was that the water was already on I turned around quickly and that's when I saw my boss and the skinny woman standing behind me he had his hands out facing me and she had one hand behind her back almost as if though she was concealing something before I could speak he said you shouldn't have come down here and just so you know I'm sorry thinking quick on my feet I kicked him in his ankle and ran right through the skinny woman I got to my car and drove away and called the police the worst part about all of this was that there was literally nothing they could do because I was technically working under the table and there was no records of this man's company even though I had seen one of his trucks with the logo on it fortunately for me this guy didn't know where I lived it almost seemed like the company was a scam from the start but I'm not sure what his intentions with me ever were I know there is a lot I could have done differently but this is easily the weirdest experience of my entire life was this psycho really going to try to hurt me over a week or so of pay either way I'm glad I never ran into that landscaping psychopath again [Music] two years ago my wife and I purchased a small property on the lake for the family to spend the summer months away from the hustle and bustle of the city as soon as kindergarten concluded for the year my wife and I packed up our belongings and our five-year-old son to set off for our new summer vacation home my wife is a biologist and she would be able to work from home due to our location and research she could do from our property our family is fortunate that she has such a successful job which allows us the freedom to live comfortably unfortunately for me we have moved a lot over the last 10 to 15 years and have not been able to stay with the same company for an extended period of time this new town had one small grocery store that seemed to be the main location that everyone used for shopping it also seemed to be a hotspot for tourists who would visit once the weather turned warm luckily for me I am a trained butcher from jobs I had in my early 20s so finding work was usually not very difficult I applied for a job at this small store and got a job almost immediately there will be two butchers on staff myself and guy who ran the store will the same person who hired me for the first few weeks he seemed like a pretty quiet and laid-back guy I would get to work every day shortly after 7:00 a.m. he never really cared that I was usually five minutes late he was about six foot tall greasy black hair and a huge nose he had really small green beady eyes his voice was really low and rumbled a bit when he talked and he had baby looking teeth like when he smiled you could see a whole mess of teeth after the first few weeks is when I noticed things starting to get a little odd his temper would get out of hand and he would explode on me seemingly out of nowhere and then five minutes later be totally cool again it didn't really bother me too much because he was technically my boss and I just assumed maybe he had some kind of anger issues and not one to judge after these first few weeks of little outbursts they began to get more uncomfortable he would start saying things like he'd better get this done before I leave or you'll be sorry or mumble things like sometimes I think he'd be more help if you were dead this stuff made me uncomfortable but again I just assumed that maybe that's how he managed I met a lot of old-school butchers during my time in this business and some of them are really intense individuals so I figured this was more of one in the same fast forward to a day when I showed up to work 15 minutes late I got caught in a traffic jam and unfortunately there isn't really any alternative routes to get to the store I showed up and will was just standing in the meat cooler staring at me he had a black apron on covered in blood from cutting all morning with the huge butcher knife still in his hand I tried to apologize and before I could speak he put his hand up to silence me and said in his deep voice this will be the last time you're late the last person to disrespect me any kind of pause for a moment and looked down to the ground and then finished by saying never mind just don't be late again the next few days he was very quiet like something was bothering him but to me it was great not having to hear him complain about everything he left early one day and told me to just make sure I cut a few extra things and to clean the meat it was about 7:00 p.m. and I was about to call it a night and head home until I noticed something in the back corner of the meat cooler we had what was called bone cans this is a waste can where you disposed of bones and trimmed fat coming out of the bottom of one of the cans was a small pool of blood now ordinarily this wouldn't be a huge deal because I see this a lot with my job but this pool looked fresh and the smell was real bad I tried to move the can and it was much heavier than it usually was they get picked up once a week but this week they were a day late for some reason I took the lid off and almost passed out due to the smell I also noticed Smeaton there that was a strange color and again a lot more blood than usual I put the lid back and left that night trying to figure out what the heck was in that can and why it smelled so bad I've been in this business for a long time and I'm smelled bad meat before but this was so bad the next day I came in and will was standing in the corner again and looked incredibly angry he came at me with a crazed look in his eye and a knife in hand and said what do you think you saw on that can he started to poke my chest with this finger insane a really hostile and defensive voice come on pal tell me what you saw I know you were digging just tell me what you think you saw his voice started to turn into a yell and this is what I decided to call it quits once you put your hands on me I am done the crazy thing is I don't even know how he knew I looked in the bone can maybe I left the lid ajar I couldn't remember I left and he actually followed me to my car not to apologize but to keep on hammering me about the bone can I drove off and looked in the mirror and he was standing in the parking lot still yelling to himself now the reality is I didn't actually dig or even look in the can longer than a few seconds I drove home immediately and my wife of course supported me and was happy to let me just spend the rest of my summer breaks with my son being a stay-at-home dad about a week after the incident where I quit I was awoken in my recliner in my living room close to 4 to 5 a.m. I was woken up by lights outside that had driven by the property the wife was already gone for the day and my son was sleeping all the lights in the house were off and I made my way to the window there was a massive red pickup truck parked outside my house now the scary part is there was nobody inside the truck and even though I couldn't make out a lot of the details the truck looked like the one always parked outside of the grocery store wills truck I went into my son's room and stayed there awake for the rest of the night at about 7:30 a.m. I looked outside and the truck was gone for the next few nights I saw that truck driving around the block but couldn't see the driver I told my wife what I had been seeing and she recommended perhaps would go back to the house and the city as her current project was almost done anyway a few weeks after being back in the city I needed to head back out to the lake to grab some of the items that we had forgotten when I got there one of our windows was broken and things were tossed around like someone had been inside the property I did report this to the local authorities mostly to document the damage that had been done to the property I know I don't have any proof that will cause the damage but then my family was actually in danger I just know something was off about that guy and I think next year we were planning to sell that property and find some much further away from that area [Music] and the events of the story happened a couple of years ago to my friends and I after our last day of high school in our senior year we decided to celebrate by hiking and camping in this massive forest close to our hometown we talked about it for years and this was going to be our celebration for graduating our friend group was pretty outdoorsy but so were most of the people who grew up here anyways we had always heard that there was a beautiful crystal clear lake in the middle of the forest the lake was supposedly accompanied by breathtaking waterfalls one of her friends Chris got hiking directions to the lake and we decided to make this post graduation trip a reality Chris had the most outdoor experience out of all of us so we trusted him to make the plans it was Chris and his girlfriend Mindy myself and my friend Danny and our other friend Tony with his girlfriend Marissa the trip was planned as a three day hiking trip while camping each night under the stars it sounded amazing we would reach the lake on the second day and then head back we would have to camp one more night and be back on the third day pretty early in the morning the trip started out amazing I have never really been the biggest fan of sleeping in a tent but the views were truly breathtaking the sounds and the way the sunshine through the trees made it seem like we were exploring another world once it started to get dark we decided to set up camp for the night it was pretty comical watching us trying to set up tents while exhausted but we managed to figure it out we stayed up for a while telling stories and playing pitch but part of the night relatively early so we could start back up hiking at sunrise Danny and I woke up in our tent shortly after 3 a.m. we saw we could hear voices outside of the tent it sounded like air but didn't have the howling of the wind he told me of course it was wind and there was nothing to worry about but to me it almost sounded like whispers I could hear sticks cracking in the distance you'd expect to hear quiet or even crickets or something but instead it was all sorts of other racket I had a horrible feeling that maybe there was a bear or something out there or maybe even other people and then fear came over me feeling like we weren't alone Danny eventually fell back asleep but I was wired for the rest of the night I sat clinching my pillow and jumped out at every little noise a little after 6:00 I heard Chris outside of his tent and I went out to greet him he also heard the weird noises and admitted that in all the years camping he never heard noises like that but wasn't really alarmed we packed up our gear and headed out to the lake if we kept good pace we would make it by noon ish we all seemed sluggish and tired from the night we were more tired and short with each other today than the previous day I had an uneasy feeling the entire day thinking somebody was out there following us about 12:30 we arrived at the lake and honestly it was so worth it the waterfalls look like glass the way the Sun reflected off of it and the water actually looked like it was glowing it was beautiful we swam for a while and played by the waterfall in the events of the previous evening seemed to vanish in my mind for a while we got dry and decided to start heading back so our third day of hiking tomorrow wouldn't be so bad we set up camp about five hours or so from our cars if it was up to me I would have just kept walking but anybody who has been in the woods at nightfall knows it is pitch black it wasn't worth getting lost so we decided to just camp and get home tomorrow we were all beets and passed out almost right away after setting up camp again I was jolted awake a little after 3:00 a.m. this time there was no mistaking it there was clearly voices outside the tent we could hear woman's voices several of them and they were laughing not only laughing like a giggle a deep screeching laugh we could hear the branches on the ground breaking around us it seemed like we were surrounded Dani was awake with me and he was scared stiff we could only make out several words amongst the mumbles we could hear the creepy voices saying things in their low drawn-out voices flesh and strike I want to strike those horrifying phrases were followed by more cackling and mumbles that we couldn't make out we all sat in fear all night listening to these noises on and off it would stop for a time and then start back up almost sounding like it was directly outside the tent at sunrise we heard Chris yell outside his tent we all came out to find a crazy amount of footprints surrounding our campsite and they went in all sorts of directions with seemingly no rhyme or reason there was strange patterns or rocks and sticks set up all over the campsite the sticks looked bent and almost human-like silhouettes we packed up our gear in record time and nearly ran the rest of the way out of the forest unlike the previous two days we heard laughing and twigs snapping in the distance the entire trek back to the cars myself and Mindy's started to cry just because of the sheer panic and fear we felt while trying to race out of the woods and probably because we were extremely overtired when we would look in the distance behind us or side to side we would see nothing but we still heard the sounds we finally made the near five hour hike in just under four hours it was an amazing sigh of relief to be able to see the cars as we all ran to our cars to load the gear up i sat in the passenger seat and waited for Danny none of us have ever returned to that forest I'm not really sure what happened to us over the course of those few summer nights some say witchcraft and others say just some woman or kids who were messing with us others think it was our imagination but we all witness the same thing I know what I heard that evening and maybe it doesn't seem that scary but for me it was the most terrifying couple of nights of my life what a way to start off graduation and my summer vacation [Music] I'm currently in my late 20s but at the time in these events my eighth grade school year had just ended I was excited that I was going to be able to spend the entire summer with my two closest buddies and that we would be heading in the ninth grade together who didn't really do much other than just hang out play PlayStation to play some basketball outside and message girls from our class on instant messenger which I hope most of you remember what that was if not then I guess I'm getting way too old we would usually hang out at my house because my parents were always pretty cool with my friends being there and the way my house was set up we pretty much had a ton of privacy which was awesome for teenage boys being idiots my house at the time was located on a pretty quiet street but my neighborhood was in close proximity to the more rough sections of my hometown a close walk from my house was a corner store that sold really cheap soda chips and candy this was obviously a frequent destination for me and my friends well about a week after eighth grade ended my two buddies were staying overnight like they always did we thought it would be a cool idea to sneak out of the house after my parents went to sleep and walked to the corner store a few blocks away of course not to do anything crazy but just to have the thrill of being out late on her own and being a foolish teenager and I had no awareness of the danger I was potentially putting myself and friends in around 11:00 my parents went to sleep and that's when we decided to sneak out of the house at first the thrill of being out was awesome but the feeling would soon change when we got to the store we went in there with about 20 bucks and we planned on spending it on a whole bunch of snacks we all split up to grab certain things and I was in the back corner looking at the soda when I saw somebody lurking in the opposite corner the only reason why this was concerning to me was because he was facing me and not facing the shelves of products I pretended I didn't notice him because who knows maybe it was just a coincidence as I looked at the Faygo so design notice in the reflection of the cooler that a shadowy figure was now moving closer and still facing me I quickly grabbed a two liter and went and found my friends I darted the way and when I looked back the figure was standing right where I was just a moment ago and still facing me and not the case I was freaked out but didn't want to let my friends know that I was I also want to add that there was nobody else in the store other than us the cashier and this guy or girl we grabbed our stuff and cashed out I was trying to be quick about it my friends were being stupid and loud perhaps trying to show off but honestly I was just freaking out we started the several block walk home and I was moving pretty good and finally my friends stopped and asked what my problem was I told them what had happened in the store and they seemed pretty rattled as well we continued moving quickly my house was maybe only a hundred feet away at this point when we noticed that the person from the store was now rushing full speed up the hill at us we ran as fast as we could lucky for us the lunatic was still quite a ways away yet we ran into the front door and for some reason still tried to be as quiet as we could as not to wake my parents we turn and lock the door made sure all the lights were off the person reached my house and started to bang on the front door angrily that's when I finally gave in to logic and woke my parents who immediately called the authorities I tried yelling through the door that we called the cops and the person didn't seem to respond he just kept trying to open the door and continued banging on it after minutes our - he took a decorative stone from our front yard and broke the window next to the front door that is when I finally got a good look at the guy he tried to climb into the window and the broken glass knocked his hood off he was completely expressionless he had dirty blonde hair was clean shaved and honestly looked like an average Joe he was about halfway through the window when my dad came out with a bat and started swinging at him before there was too much of a struggle we saw the lights and heard sirens the cops got out of the car screaming and pulled the man out of the window it was the most intense thing I've ever seen in front of my eyes the man was obviously arrested apparently he had no criminal history in no history of drugs or alcohol when questioned by the cops he said honestly I was bored and I just felt like being a little bit evil tonight we had no idea what his intentions were but just felt incredibly lucky that we somehow came out of that to vent physically unharmed mentally I still think about that night over a decade later I used to stay up for hours thinking if we weren't that far ahead of him he could have caught up to us and possibly hurt us I also used to stay up for hours and fear that he would show up at my house again when I'd least expect it it just goes to show you that even the most harmless decisions can sometimes lead the consequences you regret the most [Music] summer break is not some time to kick back relax and even enjoy some traveling unfortunately for me my summer break did not consist of vacationing or kicking back my old roommate Dave was going on vacation with his fiancee and he asked me to take care of his golden retriever Millard always trying to make a quick buck I quickly accepted I planned on staying overnight with Millard while dave was gone for a couple of nights feeling lonely I asked some of my friends to come over and hang out for a while we sat outside ate some wings and just hung out for a couple of hours I had to work at 6:30 in the morning so I kicked them out at around 11:00 and decided to get ready for bed I put on the TV and made myself comfortable in the living room couch I started to doze off instantly and while I was going in and out I heard the doorbell ring I kind of jolted awake and just sat still for a moment I thought perhaps maybe it was the TV and maybe I just woke myself up thinking it was the doorbell that was quickly proven false when the doorbell rang again my heart was practically jumping out of my chest I grabbed my watch and saw that it was around 11:40 7:00 p.m. who the heck would be at the door at this hour of the night I slowly approached the doors the bell rang again for the third time it was a shady looking guy with a backwards cap on he had a big brown bag in his hand I opened the front door crack while still keeping the chain on and didn't open the screen door and I asked what he wanted and a very soft and unconvincing voice he said hi I have your food delivery I immediately yelled that I didn't order any food he proceeded to say my address and then followed with that is your address right I have your delivery more annoyed than anything else I told him once more that he had the wrong house and slammed the door in his face and turned on the lights off the house I was staying in was a split-level ranch and for those of you who don't know what that is it's kind of like having a one-and-a-half story house the basement is usually a living room in it's not completely under the ground the windows are usually like eye level so I went to the basement part of the house and was looking out the front windows he was sitting in his car with the car not on still parked in the driveway I was a little spooked so I called my brother to tell him what happened he told me not to worry and it was probably some kind of mistake I agreed and went back to look out the window and the car was still there in the driveway but it wasn't inside of it anymore I grabbed the dog and locked myself in days bedroom she barked and growled all night long not sure if it was because she could hear things or because she was stuck in the room I hardly slept that night and when it was time for me to leave for work I got ready in the bedroom and ran out of the house as fast as I could I had a brief moment of relief when I noticed the car wasn't in the driveway but that soon changed when I turned the corner and the car was parked on the side of the road I went to work terrified I blasted my family that day asking if it was some kind of practical joke and they assured me and promised me that it wasn't them I came back to feed milord after work with my one friend and we noticed footprints all around the house and scratches on the siding of the house where one of the back windows were it looked like someone had tried to scare me or actually tried to break in and were unsuccessful in hindsight I realize I should have gotten a license plate number but I just thought it was maybe being paranoid I could have also asked what company they represented so I could call to see if it was real or not when Dave returned I brought this up to him and he said that he had never had an experience like this maybe it was a fluke maybe the delivery person was angry they got pranked and were now stuck with the bill or maybe I could have been in real-life danger either way this one summer nights I still bring up to my friends when they want to hear a freaky story this is a short story that happened to me several years ago but still affects me to this day now objectively speaking this may not be very scary for others reading this but the image is burned into my mind it is something I don't think I'll ever forget school had just ended three weeks prior and my friend and I were just hanging out enjoying a surprisingly beautiful summer night I live in a very quiet town and there really isn't much commotion nor really much of anything that goes on we have one main school in our graduating class as tiny compared to most around Midnight's we were pretty sick of playing games and wanted to do something different he suggested walking around outside on the beautiful clear summer night without much hesitation I agreed it was after midnight sin a quiet town I figured not much could go wrong my parents were asleep but they trusted me anyway so sneaking out just to walk probably wouldn't have been a huge issue we ended up staying out for a couple of hours we talked about movies wrestling and what our plans for the rest of the summer would be after this point it had actually been one of my favorite nights in a long time just to be able to enjoy the nice breeze moonlight and have some good old-fashioned conversation we were already on our way back home and were probably only about five minutes from my house we were walking down a very low lit Street on the right side were some old houses where 95% of the lights were off and our left was just trees my friend pointed out as we were walking that the way one of the lights were hitting the trees it almost looked like a person we laughed at first kind of were amazed at how much it really did look like a person but after a moment the laughter faded away as we realized that maybe this wasn't just shadow so like the fools that we were we decided to explore and I pulled back a few branches and saw that there actually was a woman standing there she had a huge almost disturbing smile on her face she was old probably in her 70s I would guess she was dressed normal and had lots of nice jewelry on she looked how my grandma would dress for holiday parties but the scariest part was that she was just standing there like a statue smiling at us for a moment we stood there in shock and within a split second her smile vanished and she jumped out and made a huge grunt in a scream we ran as fast as we could back to the house to my knowledge she didn't follow us or anything I know most people might not find this particularly scary but in the middle of the night when you find a creepy old lady hiding in the trees it really rattles your cage nothing else of note came from this incident but as I mentioned previously I'll never be able to get the image for smiling and suddenly screaming at us out of my head I will try to tell the story to the best of my ability but as my friends could tell you I have a terrible memory so some of the details may be excluded this happened me when I was 14 years old I am now 27 it was summer break I can remember this because I was extremely bored and I felt like I could literally die from the boredom my parents went to work every morning and I was left home alone to do chores I was trustworthy kids so my parents allowed me to stay home alone the two rules were never to leave the house and I couldn't use the oven I lived in a really nice area other than the one extremely old and ugly house on the corner the house was covered with vines and all sorts of unkempt landscaping everywhere what one summer day my stupid 14 year old self thought that it was going to be a good idea to go out and check the house it was during the day so I figured nothing could go wrong I wanted to see inside I wasn't going to steal anything and I just wanted to see what the inside look like every day when we used to get off the bus we would always tell stories of it being haunted and stuff like that well when I finally saw my friends again now I wanted to tell them that I had been inside the house I got all black clothes on and thought I was going to be super Sneaky it was 12:00 in the afternoon so it probably looked like a [ __ ] I approached the front of the house and was surprised that the door was actually locked I banged on the door for a second and was able to Jimmy the lock I opened the door and my excitement quickly vanished when I was greeted with an elderly man holding a knife towards my face he looked so old and gross that I almost thought he wasn't real he had a long white beard and Albert Einstein looking hair he was wearing a thick red flannel despite being the summer as soon as I had a split second to process this man holding a knife near my face I turned and ran as fast I could and heard him yell that's it you're done I of course had no idea what that meant my 14 year old heart was beating out of my chest I was an amazement that somebody actually lived there and I started to panic that I was going to get arrested for breaking in my parents were going to kill me I was gonna be in so much trouble well sure enough several minutes later the police showed up at my house and my parents were called right away the cop was really nice and I tried to explain to them that I thought it was an abandoned house what got me in trouble is that this old man said that I had been terrorizing him for weeks and the truth was that was the first time I had ever been there according to the old man he said he can hear my footprints downstairs in this kitchen when he was trying to sleep luckily I was 14 and had my parents to defend me and say that that obviously wasn't true fast forward about a week and I was grounded for just about my entire lifetime but most of the dust had cleared until my doorbell rang and it was the cops again I explained that I had been home the entire day and luckily for me my dad was off that day he was there to back up my story well upon investigation into the matter the police had found somebody living in this old man's crawl space for weeks at night he would apparently sneak around for food and use the bathroom the day that I broke in was very suspicious because he heard a lot of noise the previous night and when he saw me he just assumed that I was the intruder the man actually came down to my dad and thanked me for breaking in because it actually helped him figure out what was really going on so yeah I had my great story to tell my friends sad thing was I was grounded for the remainder of the summer so it was going to have to wait for school to tell them I remember being a teenager and really enjoying those first few weeks of summer break sleeping in staying up late hanging with friends and basically just enjoying being out of school not having to worry about homework or teachers on this specific night my parents were out of town for their anniversary my friend James was coming over for the night and my brother who was 20 at the time was going to be there to look after us because it was only one night well around 1:00 a.m. James just happened to look out the window and there were two people standing in the middle of the road and they appeared to be looking at us we told my brother who then decided to look outside they were now taking pictures and it looked like the pictures were aimed at our house so my brother who doesn't really mess around went outside and yelled at the two from our front steps it was a man and a woman probably in their 20s I would guess the man didn't say anything but the woman said oh we're sorry we were just trying to take a picture of the moon it's really beautiful my brother said that he didn't care and they needed to leave right now she then insisted that he come down there and look at the moonlight and then he would understand after a brief verbal scuffle my brother then said if you guys don't get off my property I'm gonna make you and he started to approach the couple and once my brother got to the street the man who was in the road hit him in the back of the head James and I just sat in disbelief wouldn't know what to do clearly we were only young teenagers and this guy is attempting to beat up my brother James called the police and explained what was happening I was in a panic worrying if my brother was okay I looked again and the man was now kicking him and the woman just sat there and laughed seemingly enjoying it I covered my eyes and that's when I heard her yell run my neighbor from across the street ran out with a baseball bat he didn't hit the man but he tried they ran off quickly and we're out of sight in a moment the man helped my brother up and helped him to the door the cop showed up a few minutes later and we gave our statement of course there was really nothing that could be done because none of us got a good look at the couple writing this as an adult I still get a sick feeling in my stomach every time I see the moon on a summer night [Music] so the events of the story happened to me several years ago during last family vacation I ever took during summer break every year we used to drive a couple of hours away from my hometown to a beautiful tourist area near the ocean with lots of great seafood this year was no different but we decided to leave in the middle of the nights when my dad got out of work so we could be there by 7:00 a.m. and have the entire day at the ocean the first part of this trip was great I slept for a little bit as did my sister and mom I live on the northeastern coast of the United States and for a huge stretch of that trip it's just trees and mountains of what I could see was actually very relaxing and soothing to try and sleep - a little after 3:00 a.m. I was woken up by my dad who kind of loudly shouted some curse words I asked him if everything was okay and he said in an almost nervous voice yeah honey go back to sleep without asking any other questions I closed my eyes and almost immediately after my eyes were open again because my dad swerved the car so erratically I thought my sister was going to go through the window this is when things started to turn for the worst my mom woke up and yelled at my dad and that's when we found out what was happening my dad had told us that there had been a jeep of some kind behind us for about an hour they were riding our tail and every time my dad switched lanes they would as well this was the time before cellphones were hugely popular so we couldn't just call the police we decided to stop at the next rest area and call the authorities we saw a sign that said rest area two miles it seemed like forever away now that we knew that whoever this was was really messing with us and if they had truly been following us for an hour then this was more than a joke and definitely somebody who intended to harm us two miles came and we pulled into the 24-hour rest area we pulled right into the front area and the Jeep followed us I have never been so scared in my entire life my mom's sister and I got out of the car to go inside and call the police while my dad tried to defend himself I'll never forget what I saw it was a navy blue Jeep and had five people inside the Jeep they all had white masks on that had different smiling artwork on them all five people got out of the car and just stood there waving at my dad one of the figures look like it was holding something but I honestly couldn't be sure I still can't believe the luck of what happened next a patrol car just happened to pull in and the masked people got back in the Jeep and drove off we flagged down the cop and explained what had happened and gave our statement we ended up staying at the rest stop until dawn and continued with the rest of our trip I wish I could explain the horror to you of seeing a car full of people with those masks on why would they follow us for an entire hour just to scare us and what would have happened if the patrol car didn't luckily show up [Music] so I might have a different perspective on summer than most of you I usually hated summer my parents both work during the day and left me chores to do every single freaking day I hated it my friends were out doing everything they wanted while I had to do housework and yard work one particular day I was tasked with painting the spindles on the front porch which would probably take more than one day to do so while I was out there painting I heard the loudest noise coming from the street it sounded like someone was rolling a toll chest down the road it was an old guy with a cart that had a bunch of what look like tools in it after looking at the cart and putting two and two together it was a portable cart to sharpen knives having some extra cash and thinking I could do something nice for my parents I flagged the guy down and ran inside and grabbed the knife block to bring the knives out to be sharpened I told the guy I was doing it for my parents and he just looked at me and whispered such a nice boy he completed the sharpening for me and I gave him the cash and he thanked me and continued down the road slowly but surely when my parents got home I could tell they appreciated the gesture but I think we're more focused on the painting and how all of the job I did that night I slept in my living room so I could stay up and watch TV without waking my parents up I had to pause the TV at one point because I thought I had heard a loud noise I moved the blinds near the couch and looked outside and saw the cart from earlier before um okay I saw the cart but no person my dog could tell something was up so I let her out back and as I went to turn the back porch light on and let her out back I could have sworn i saw someone shuffling behind the garage I freaked out and woke up my dad and told him what I thought I saw he looked out front and did see the cart but when he went behind the garage he didn't see anything I went to the side door to make sure the door was locked and the old man was standing directly against the door I screamed for my dad and he ran and came out and confronted the man I don't remember exactly what he screamed but he was screaming like I had never heard him scream before shouting explosives he called the cops and the cops eventually showed up took statements and took the man away and I think he was charged with trespassing or something along those lines it's been years since these events have taken place and the only thing I can still visualize are the spindles on the front porch and the old man's face pressed against the side door when I went to go lock it I don't think I'll ever forget that image as much as I'd like to I hope the story's spooked a few of you out there and if not maybe it was a good one to fall asleep till hey friends thanks for listening be sure to subscribe and click that notification bell to be alerted of all future narrations if you got a story be sure to submit them to my subreddit our let's read official and give and receive feedback from the community and maybe even hear your story feature in the next video and join my discord to interact with me and other listeners directly and if you want to support me even more grab early access to all future narrations for just $1 a month on patreon and maybe even pick up some let's read merch on Spreadshirt links in the bio thanks so much friends and remember always tip your fedoras
Channel: Lets Read!
Views: 188,597
Rating: 4.8610563 out of 5
Keywords: summer break, summer break stories, scary summer break stories, summer break horror, true scary stories, scary stories, scary true stories, true horror stories, horror stories, true stories, stories from reddit, asmr reading, lets not meet, true creepy stories, scary horror stories, reddit, true scary stories from reddit, true horror stories from reddit, subscriber submissions, reddit scary true stories, lets read, asmr sleep, ASMR, creepy stories
Id: Vfgy_aLt3QI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 28sec (3028 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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