11 Things You Thought Were Useless In Stardew Valley

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here are 11 things that you thought were absolutely useless in story Valley there are so many incredible animals in this game pigs will make you absolutely rich ostriches are a close second for Pure profits then you have rabbits the best utility animal in the game and if you are a real gamer you have access to Golden tokens that yes whoa lay golden eggs that sell for a ton these animals are great but what about goats well it turns out that they are not useless not in the slightest goats produce goat milk and once they like you enough they will produce large goat milk tasting large goat milk into a cheese press will guarantee you some gold quality goat cheese but wait there is more you can then place that gold Quality Cheese into a cask in your basement to age it to a rhythm quality it only takes seven days and you know what iridium goat cheese with the artist and profession sells for a very impressive 1 100 gold to be honest goat's cheese might just be the best thing to age and a cost even better than star fruit as they take 58 days to age to iridium quality incredible fairy dust is extremely expensive to craft it costs an entire diamond and a fairy Rose if you were to sell those it would make you 1 500 gold and what does fairy dust do it instantly finishes the processing of any machine so if you use it on a furnace it will immediately finish turning a rhythm or into iridium bars that sounds really useless right so is fairy dust useless well not quite there is one and only one good use for the stuff if you use fairy dust on a cask it will age the wine by one level so you will need to use three servings of Perry dust to take a regular quality wine all the way up to iridium quality however you don't need to use three weights 28 days for the wine to age to Gold quality then use your fairy dust on the gold quality wine to instantly age a tourism quality this can save you an entire 28 days yes this will eat into your profit can speed up your aging process tremendously so maybe fairy dust isn't that bad after all the coal always seems to be the one resource that I can just never get enough of you need coal to Simply turn ore into bars but you also need loads of coal to craft some of the best items in the game like bee houses preserved jaws and Seed makers so yeah we will always need loads of the stuff this is where the lovely charcoal Kiln comes in this little machine will take 10 pieces of regular old wood and turn it into a single piece of coal I know 10 pieces of wood for one call isn't that ridiculously expensive well yes yes it is but it is still worth it because it is very easy to get loads of wood in this game especially if you use the next thing in this video you guessed it the wood chipper another amazing processing machine that people always seem to underestimate drop some Driftwood into this thing to turn it into regular wood yeah that's cool but that's not all a drop a single piece of hardwood into this to produce between 5 and 20 pieces of regular wood now listen here hardwood is hard to get in the early game but they are only a few uses for hardwood and then you will never need it again plus with the addition of the latest 1.5 update you can now grow mahogany trees that drop 10 pieces of hard wood each you can easily stack hundreds of hardwood really easily that is thousands of regular wood relatively easily don't skip it till you try it and yes you can use all of that extra wood on the choco Kiln to get cold easy there are so many amazing new items that you can buy from Mr key like most of these are absolutely incredible in the early game it might even be hard to decide which to buy first but I know you definitely won't be buying a hopper right the hopper is absolutely useless right well yes and no yes it does not give you true Automation in this game however even though it's only good at the end game it still has a good use as you might know one of the best key items is the deconstructor as it can allow you to get Resources with gold that you had to manually form for it works great for everything but it does not work very well with fishing tackle this is because fishing tackle cannot stack so each of them will take up an entire inventory slot filling up 10 deconstructors with treasure Hunters is very tedious but it's still worth it as it produces gold bars so just use a hopper for this you will only need to fill them all at once and then you can easily run past deconstructor grab your gold bars and not have to fiddle around in your inventory this is like the only good use for the hopper though this might sound crazy but yeah there are people out there that believe fish ponds are useless and you know what they are not entirely wrong however they may just be using the wrong fish lovials are the only fish that you should Place into your fish ponds if you want profit yes there are other fish that can produce some valuable resources but the chances are always too low and it's not really that reliable just use lava eels each fish pond filled with lava eels can produce one to three row every single day that is about 3 gold every single day yes it's only three thousand gold but it is consistent reliable and in the long term will make you a ton of money one fish pond with love eels is about as profitable as a single Pig not too bad there are so many amazing form layouts for you to choose and you chose the beach Farm the worst form of them all while this is true mostly due to the fact that you are unable to use sprinklers on this Farm except for this tiny little spot right here the beach Farm is actually great especially for experienced players trust me the beach Farm adds a very unique fun challenge you can't just simply plant tons of crops and it really does make the game feel different plus you get access to those crates that wash up ashore and give you some great items all in all don't hate the beach Farm until you have given it a try plus I am going to start streaming a beach Farm playthrough on Twitch come follow me to enjoy the pain with me link in the description fishing is incredible in the early game most of your early game money will be made with fishing until you reach the end game and you will most likely only be fishing for fun but what about the other type of fishing the crab pot method scream it at your lungs if you wish crab pots are not useless with the right profession you can get fish that you can use to make tons of fertilizer or you can pick a different profession and never have to worry about debate again yes you will be producing a ton of actual trash but trash is another man's treasure with the help of the recycling machine of course yes all of the trash you get from crab pots can be recycled into actual useful resources that will most definitely help you out on your playthrough you can get stone cold iron or wood and even refined quartz with enough trash you could reliably get these Resources by never even entering the mines have you ever used the workbench yeah it's something that I do not see enough of the workbench will allow you to easily craft things by utilizing the inventories of any adjacent chest so if you set up your chests like this you will be able to fill all of the chests with all of the different types of resources you can craft anything at any time without ever having to actually look for your resources the workbench is more than just a convenient item it's a game changer I know that you are using an Infinity weapon because why would you settle for something that isn't the best to write and if you are like me you often completely trash any new weapon you get because let's be honest it really does not compare to the mighty power of an Infinity gavel but hey you can actually sell these at the adventures Guild yeah you won't make a ton of gold but every tiny bit will bring you closer to that golden clock so don't trash your useless weapons sell them don't forget that you can also enchant one of your random swords with the Haymaker enchantment to get more fiber in the mutant bug layer if you enjoyed this video then this video with 22 things you didn't know about study Valley is going to be absolutely perfect for you subscribe for more study better videos but for now I will see you in the next video thank you [Applause]
Channel: mGaud
Views: 231,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew, stardew valley, sdv, mobile, stardew mobile, stardew valley 1.5
Id: 50utwAE17ZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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