11 Old Money Menswear Brands You Should Know About

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now the first old money brand on this list is seriously old money I mean let's assume that your great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather bought a watch from this company with a lifetime warranty well if you had done that he could still take it into their shop almost 300 years later and get it serviced on top of that it's safe to say that watch would probably be worth tens of millions of dollars founded in Switzerland back in 1755 the old school money brand I'm talking about vacheron constanton what do you think of that pronunciation did I get close in any case if you're wearing a VC watch or better than that you had one handed down to you it's safe to say that you understand what this old school money brand is all about history quality and status now the patrimony collection is one of their most well-known lines it's minimalist it's simple it's clean beautifully aesthetic and the price is going to keep out most people that being said this is a watch that's very functional one that you're going to be able to get a lot of miles out of unlike a Rolex Subaru that's kind of in your face when you're wearing a VC patrimony this is going to be a watch that really is understated it elegant and those in the know are going to know what this thing is and if you're looking to spend a little bit more you want something with a little bit more design a little bit more casual check out their history collection the designs here are going to be a little bit more playful notice the positioning of yes the 12 and everything actually I really like this a very unique design and one that also works with their history yeah you're going to see just some Bolder looks in this line and if you've got an unlimited budget look at their tourbillons maybe even get one custom made this style of watch right here is a work of art and the intricacies the details everything that goes the craftsmanship in these watches is second to none and of course that's reflected in the price in today's video Jen's old money brands that every man needs to know about thank you now some people hear old money they think old-fashioned or outdated and sometimes that's true but more often than not these are brands that are staying on The Cutting Edge there's a reason that they've been around for in some cases hundreds of years example being the French company Hermes founded in 1837 these guys started off just making horse harnesses yes they were for Nobles and they were very good quality but there was their specialty for a number of years until they decided to Branch off so in 1880 I think it was Charles took over for his father Terry and basically took him in a different direction he started selling retail he actually moved the factory to the location it's at today and he started to expand the business by 1910 the grandsons had taken over they were selling a lot of the Saddles and bridles and stuff over to Russia the 1920s on they jumped into clothing and they've never looked back but when you look at their logo what do you see you see the foundation you see where these guys came from nowadays though especially if you're a man if you're going in to buy an Hermes yeah you could pick up a bag but most often you're grabbing one of their well-known neckties maybe one of their scarves or perhaps their classic leather belt with an H Buckle which if you know the history now you understand that these guys have been doing leather and they've been doing it well for almost 200 years now why does it even matter if a company's been around for a long time don't new companies have new ideas yes they do but one of the things especially in manufacturing there's a lot of knowledge information tied up in the workers and the people that have been there for years so if a company has been around for 30 years 50 years 100 years 200 years it's safe to say they've got people that have been there for 20 30 40 years who actually within them have the knowledge the craftsmanship the attention the detail that goes into what you're actually purchasing from them and that knowledge that skill is incredibly important when we're talking about finer menswear I'm talking suits sports jackets Blazers and other custom clothing pieces now if you ever get the chance to go to London and you're a menswear Enthusiast you owe it to yourself to stop by savil row besides being a great looking stream it is also home to some of the best tailors in seamstresses on the planet now if you're familiar with the first Kingsman movie you'll probably remember that part they went into that Taylor shop now parts of that were real the outside entrance this is an actual tailor shop on sale of a row anyone know what it is let me know in the comments below but when you walk down the street not only are you going to see that one but uh you've got Henry Poole you've also got at one savil row one of the oldest tailors on the road Jeeves and Hawks founded in 1771 Jeeves and Hawks has served royalty they've served the military they've just served gentlemen throughout the UK whenever they want to look their best in fact years ago I got a private tour of the building of the back end uh basically I was with my son and a good friend we were standing outside and this is when I kind of knew I'd made it at Real Men Real style I had a gentleman look at me from you know the inside and he waved at me and I thought okay like wow great customer service usually I don't get this and he comes out and he says Antonio and I'm like oh like he actually knew who I was when I first started my custom some clothing or tailored suit back in 2007 I traveled to sawville road I was in all of these places and I was in nobody I was just getting started with my business and it was so strange so surreal to actually be recognized by this young man his name was Ben and he knew he'd watched all my videos in fact he told me that my videos had helped him learn about men's style learn about suits and helped get him the job that they were very impressed about his knowledge base of suits and it was it was awesome it was treated like a rock star I got you know the whole back end and it was just cool to see that my work here on the channel had been able to help this young man get a job and we got to see all these uniforms made for the military for the Royals and uh it was really a very cool experience now because these businesses have been around so long they serve families for generations and what's interesting about menswear if you're familiar with bespoke menswear they're making these from scratch but they use patterns and these patterns they keep on file and it's not uncommon for them to you know once the person passes away usually they destroy the pattern but they would actually yeah you could go back in and they've got your grandfather's pattern on file you'll have the grandsons coming in and if you're ever getting a higher end suit of you know custom jacket even they're going to go through multiple fittings they're first going to you know put the based on you before they take your measurements then they build out the first version of the suit then they're gonna have the second and you know very close to being finished version of the suit then they're going to have the third and final fitting and sometimes even a fourth if need be the point being is historically speaking a lot of these old money brands in stores they actually had a very deep relationship with the families with the people because they were spending so much time with them most clothing don't forget you know 150 years ago was handmade was individual made so if you actually had the money to have people make it for you that's where a lot of these Brands initially got their start and speaking of last let's go over to the shoe area so let's start with John lobb a company founded in 184 49. so yeah relatively you know new not even 200 years old these guys have been making custom shoes and they've got tons of last so if you wanted to see what the feet of Winston Churchill you're just curious like what shape they were they probably got you know they keep some of these things because they would actually make wooden last based off of people's feets and then they would adjust it based on time you know as you gain weight or as you age your foot starts to flatten you lose a bit of your arch depending on what's going on but this was a company again you know you would have one company spending focused on suits another company focused on outerwear which we'll get to here in a few minutes but uh these guys focused in on Footwear what's great is once they've got your last once they've got a shape of what your foot is like they can make for you any type of shoe so if you needed a riding boot if you needed a hunting shoe if you needed a slipper all of a sudden you would just simply either have to make a call most likely you would go in and see your friends you would pick out the different materials and they were able to get it made now a lot of these companies including you know I believe John loves actually got ready to wear ready to wear is where most of us are used to buying clothing that's where you buy something off the rack and it's already built in Mass manufacturing but understand that was not the norm 100 years ago again almost everything especially of high quality was custom made now speaking of ready to wear let's talk about the American classic Brooks Brothers founded actually in 1818 so it's the oldest company in the United States and Brooks Brothers didn't start off by making its own clothing they were simply reselling other clothing that they were getting from around the world mostly from the UK or a few manufacturers in the United States but they started coming into their own about 70 or 80 years in the company so the original Founders you know they had moved on what I love about this company is now there are just certain pieces that are iconic to Brooks Brothers one of them is the sac suit and this was really the first mass manufactured jacket suit that was made for people to be able to throw on again you got to understand that most men were own suits but they were getting them either custom made or they were having them handmade at home and if that was the case it's a lot of work you owned very few but now it is ready to wear these Sac suits they fit a wide variety of body types and yes they had a looser overall fit which became the American Signature fit but also men were able to own a few more and it was able to free up women from having to spend time you know sewing and building you know and a lot of the stuff that was done at home so it was really a big revolution that Brooks Brothers was able to bring in and they were one of the first companies to do this in mass in addition Brooks Brothers is known for the button-down collar of course there are other companies that picked up on this but the button-down Oxford the button-down collar that we would see on a lot of shirts and polos included this was started apparently with Brooks Brothers oh and the reptile I can't forget about that that's another iconic piece that we see and the big difference does anyone know the difference between stripe ties over in the UK and the United States really quick it is the direction of the stripe and most of the ones initially worn over the UK they were a part of a club you probably they reflected the military unit so if you hadn't served in that unit if you hadn't gone to that school if you weren't part of that club you couldn't wear it in the United States it was very different we just simply wanted to wear a variety they still do exist and like you know Harvard has their own a lot of those old school ivy league they do have particular colors and ties but I think for the vast majority of us nowadays we can just wear these reptiles and not have to worry about their Association now jumping back over to outerwear let's talk about Burberry 1856 is when this company was founded and the number one garment that Berber became known the world over for is the trench coat nowadays the trench coat isn't as popular as it used to be but starting in the late 1880s 1890s they were initially made for the military those serving over in the Boer War they found them very useful they were custom made and they expanded this out so going into World War one it was initially an officer's coat eventually even you know the listed men were asking for these things and again because they use this garberdeen fabric that was very weather and water resistant they worked really well in the trenches there were other just details about you know you could cinch them up around the sleeves around the waist which was a big deal if you're carrying a weapon and you just simply don't want anything catching on know that they did not attach grenades to some of the the d-loops and things like that that's all myth but uh yeah they had a very strong association with the military and they made their way especially in the 1930s and 1940s into civilian wear nowadays Burberry is known for their high quality jackets they sell a lot more than just trenches but still a key identifier of a Burberry jacket besides the logo besides the brand name is going to be that Nova check design this is a very distinctive Tartan pattern that really adds a bit of color whenever you flash and you can see the inside of the coat now at this point you may be wondering how does my style measure up what actions do I need to take well gents if you haven't taken our style quiz over at Real Men Real style I'm going to link to it down in the description below this is a free and fun quiz in which we ask you questions and then we give you a breakout of your style score and areas that you can improve but if that's not enough if you're a man that wants to take action you're tired of watching all of these videos and not actually following through going through and buying the clothing revamping your wardrobe improving your image then you need to check out our course the style system over the last decade this has been the internet's go-to professional men's style course in which we teach you exactly what you need to know the goal of the style system is to give you the information you need to take action so that you can become your best dressed self seriously gents you're going to walk into a room unless I'm present you're going to be the best dressed guy there seriously I've met men who have gone through my course and they put me to shame at times because yeah I dress down and these guys came in and they owned the room but seriously gents check out the course it's all about action it's about you taking the steps to become the man you know yourself to be all the links to everything I just mentioned down in the description of today's video now what if you want an outdoor coat that's functional for hunting you want something that you know is going to have a cotton but a wax cotton check out out Barber founded in 1894 what I love about Barbara is just how strong masculine these are great looking jackets they're going to be a little bit pricey not as pricey as you would think though and these guys have remained true for well over a hundred years to what they're about these are functional outdoor coats and that's really been their outer where they've got a wide range of other pieces of clothing and accessories and stuff like that but I have to say it's still their jackets it's their outerwear it's their outside work gear not really work more for hunt and Sport but this stuff looks good and it functions even better if you're looking for an outdoor jacket that isn't as heavy as a waxed cotton maybe look at a quilted jacket again timeless style design right here what if you want something that's warm a bit more delicate a bit more clean in the style in the lines check out lore Piana 1924 these guys found it over in Italy yes not all the old money brands are going to be coming out of the UK or France or Switzerland you'll be finding these also down a lot of them are European though and if you've got some brands that are down in South America maybe coming out of Asia that you feel are old money guys let me know down in the comments but what I love about Laura Piana is going to be their knitwear they've got just amazing if you're looking for a higher end sweater if you're looking for a classic design if you're looking for something that is going to just feel yeah just cashmere just absolutely beautiful at the same time fit close to the body and be timeless in style Laura Piana it's hard to be and a big part of this is that these guys for a hundred years have been manufacturing and making a lot of their own Fabrics their own materials so because they specialized in the Fabrics the materials they made sure the ingredients that was going into the clothing was Second To None it was going to have insulating properties at the same time be incredibly soft to the touch and relatively durable compared to I think a lot of the cheaper cashmere is a lot of the cheaper materials are going to be now what if you want an Italian suit that looked no farther than Zania yes there are tons of other great brands that I would recommend they got some of the best Fabrics out there especially if you want something soft breathable but Zenia not only you know they got their own Fabrics founded in 1910 these guys are really just when it comes to the style Second To None they are going to be pricey um when it comes if you want a sports jacket if you want a Blazer that is yeah just absolutely beautiful the craftsmanship the detail this is Italian Elegance at its finest and they've also got really great accessories so if you look at zinnia's ties if you look at their leather goods again everything is about attention to detail everything is about the finish everything is about how they go through and they Stitch it all together and just the style ABS absolutely beautiful now what about a modern old money brand well we got Ralph Lauren so 1967 relatively younger than all the other brands we've talked about today but when it comes to having made a splash especially in the United States and on the world it's hard to find a brand that has that really is done more so first up the polo shirt now they didn't invent it but man they sure made it popular in fact their name for it the polo shirt because you know initially if you're familiar with Lacoste he did in Renee when he founded that company the crocodile he definitely made that was the tennis shirt but it was the renaming and the rebranding that Ralph Lauren did to actually get this spread throughout the world by the way it cost another great company that is I'm going to go ahead and throw on this list but I'm not gonna be able to go into much detail on any Lacoste fans out there let me know in the comments but Ralph Lauren when it comes to the Polo making it available to the masses being able to give the masses the feeling of this old money preppy style and making it popular that's the gift that that they were able to give chinos Blazers shorts all the different shirts that you need for that preppy look you know I would say that Ralph Lauren didn't write the Preppy Handbook but he pretty much perfected it and supplied everything that people were looking for after they read that book and it seems like everyone on the East Coast 1960s 1970s 1980s especially they were wearing his clothing now gents I know I skipped over a lot of brands in today's video if you want to see more let me know in the comments below and I'll make a part two but in the meantime if you're wondering what are the essential old money items that you need to have in your wardrobe guys I got you covered with this video boom right here go check it out it's a solid one I think you will enjoy it oh yeah
Channel: Real Men Real Style
Views: 256,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: antonio centeno, real men real style, rmrs, men's fashion, men style, how to look good, mens fashion, men outfits, personality development, men accessories, mens fashion channel, men clothing, old money aesthetic, old money, old money style, old money fashion, how to dress rich, how to dress classy, old money style men, old money style outfits, old money outfits men, out money outfits, how to dress old money, old money brands, luxury brands, old luxury brands
Id: 3Fr-CN6jH9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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