The Secret to Buying the Perfect Suit in 2024 (46 Minutes That Will Change Everything)

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did you know that 87% of first impressions are influenced by your attire no God and a suit is the most common of them all so before you make a suit purchase here are some tips and tricks that will not only save you money but ensure you make a lasting impression every time you step out in style so let's start things off by defining what is a suit a suit is a jacket and a pair of trousers made from the same material notice I didn't say materials that are close or materials that match that could be a Navy Blazer and chinos or it could be a sports jacket and a pair of odd trousers but that's not a suit now the steps to purchase your first suit are simple know the style pyramid first up gentlemen nail the fit never purchase a suit that doesn't fit you next up pay attention to the function you want to look overall does this suit my needs if you need a business suit you want to go with something that's classic something that's Conservative then look at the fabric so you want to look at the quality of the fabric you want to look at the build the details that went into the stitching these small things may seem small initially but if you don't nail the style pyramid you're going to end up purchasing a suit which is not going to serve you custom versus off theack suits which one do I prefer first off let's lay off some definitions so off the rack it's pre-made at a set size and this is what we see out there the majority of the time now if you get a suit tailored this is an off theack suit that is adjusted to fit you better now on the custom side you're going to hear a couple terms bespoke and made to measure the difference is bespoke is more of the Artistry You've Got Hand sewn these will take months to build now made to measure is where they bring in machines this is actually still made for the individual but it's much more streamlined first up let's talk about suit fit off theack versus custom who's going to win here guys easily custom but let me talk about off theack how can you get a good fit with off theack suit because that's most the options out there I'm going to say find a brand that suits your body type this is difficult but it's possible so you got to get tailored adjusted maybe the sleeves are a bit long maybe it's too large or too small in the Torso area so you get it adjusted but there's always going to be something usually off with an off the rack suit most people know they're going to compromise but if you don't want to compromise on fit that's when you want to look at custom because let's say you've got a rounder torso you've got a bigger stomach you are a really tall guy you're a smaller guy in that case custom is going to suit you better because just simply they're going to be able to build that clothing to fit your body type exactly so the first step in buying a suit is to make make a decision are you going to buy it online or are you going to buy it offline now why is this a tough decision because it really depends on do you want selection the best selection it's always going to be online but if you want speed you need something today guess what you're going to need to walk into a store and let's talk about convenience nothing beats buying online at 2:00 in the morning in your underwear drinking a beer you can buy a custom suit if you want but when it comes down to customer service it's really tough to beat the in-person higher-end men's Weare stores cuz you can walk in there and for 30 minutes you can talk to a knowledgeable person who can look at you immediately tell your body type and be able to identify which suit not only color but the style is going to best work on your body so which one's better online or offline guys it really depends on your particular need so how much to spend again this is your first suit or your first suit in a while but you want something nice you want something that makes you look like a million bucks between $200 and $2,000 all right so I know that's a pretty big $1,800 range let's go ahead and get specific so you want to take your monthly salary and you want to budget approximately half of that and that budget by the way is not just for the suit but also what goes with it the shoes and the shirt which we'll talk about later now understand the real price range of Suits is much wider we're talking from free to well over $5,000 yes free simply ask your friends family anyone have a suit that I can have so let's talk about the high-end Saville row you go to some of the best tailor in the world yeah you're going to spend over 5,000 what we're talking about is that happy medium area where I think most of you can find a great looking suit now you're going to hear the words off the rack custom and bespoke I'm going to say right now ignore bespoke I love it this is the Artistry but that's going to be much higher in price custom I think is a great option if you're hard to fit but for most people probably off the rack is going to work just fine and you're going to find the best deals there so why go custom because you care about fit you care about the style and you care about fabric so the fit guess what if it's custom it's only made to fit one person you if you're tall if you're short if you're big if you're small if you're a combination of those guess what custom suits don't care they're going to be built exactly to fit your measurements and your measurements alone or if you're really particular you have seen this Fabric and you want that particular sports jacket you want that suit in that fabric guess what custom is the way to go because you're just simply going to be able to choose the fabric then get the exact Style again you're particular you want Peak lapels you want hacking Pockets you want you know an inside really unique lining you can get it when you go custom the second thing to know about custom suits is it is a process you can't get that suit same day in fact this can be a multi- we process they're making this thing from scratch and understand that sometimes there are multiple fittings you're going to have to get measurements this is something especially the first time you do it that it's going to take a bit of extra time but if you care about getting the exact style you want the exact fabric the fit spot on then the process is definitely worth it make sure the people or the team or the person you're dealing with has good communication skills because guess what you have this vision of what you want this custom suit to look like how you want it to fit and if they don't ask you the right questions they're going to build you a monstrosity they're going to go they're going to think oh this guy wants the modern slim fit you thought you were going to get something a little bit looser but you know that would fit your big build all of a sudden you get the suit and you're like oh my gosh what happened here communication is key so make sure that they've got a great communication skill that they speak your language that's what we're looking to do is reduce mistakes next up know what you want so many guys go in to buy custom and they do not know what they want and if you run into a Salesman or you work with someone that really has your best interest in mind and can direct you that's great but that doesn't happen all the time and you want to make sure you're not let astray not you know on purpose but that person doesn't he can't read your mind so you want to make sure you've got laid out exactly what you need if you just graduated law school and you're taking that first job over in downtown Chicago you're going to be at that top Law Firm if you're going to be wearing a suit daily find out what they wear to the law office but by knowing that you'll be able to build the Wardrobe you need but maybe you need sports jackets maybe you need odd trousers and it's going to make everyone's job easier when you can give more specific information about what you need now that being said this next Point incredibly important and that is have one garment made at a time and I'm talking one suit made one shirt made one vest made why don't you want to have like five suits or 10 shirts shirts made because what if this the first time they're making it you want to make sure they nail the fit you think that hey I wanted to be able to put two fingers right in here and the guy who was measuring you thought that you didn't want to be able to put anything but you don't want to actually get 10 shirts that are made that way because that guy May argue he may say hey no no this is what you ask for and then all of a sudden you've got an issue ask for one shirt ask for one jacket ask for one set of trousers and you should be able to go through multiple fittings to be able to get exactly what you want on the fit and that takes us right to our next Point fittings so fittings are natural especially when you're just starting off your first garment you can expect to have one to two fittings as they work to get it perfect the shirt yeah it may be a little bit too loose a little bit too tight in and around the neck maybe you want the sleeves a little bit longer this is when they're going to take note of this they're going to say hey I'd like a little bit Slimmer on the sleeve and they will be able to take it in and make those adjustments the key Point here is that they not only make the adjustments but they also adjust your pattern you want to ask about this because when they adjust your pattern then this is something they'll be able to replicate the Garment you don't want them to replicate a mistake you want to make sure that if you have those adjustments made they adjust the pattern and then all your future suits all your F future sports jackets guess what they're going to fit perfectly because you did the work upfront Jens if you want to step up your style efficiently and effectively look for a proven path a curriculum that saves you from confusion from bad information from crappy teachers you want to make sure that you're not just learning facts but you actually are being shown Concepts lessons that give you foundations they give you the fundamentals to be able to dress sharp in any situation it's also great if you can surround yourself with like-minded men because how many times you've tried to learn something and there are other people that don't want to be there they're distracting you or at worse they're tempting you to go do something else which is why jents I wanted to show you this my new free group for you that not only has instruction but an amazing community that is distraction free it's got a great great app and did I say it's free guys I've developed this for you finally I found a platform that makes this so simple so easy and so effective for you to be able to step up your style seriously jents I've got courses in this community that I used to sell you can get for free I've set up prizes I've gamified it guys I'm going to link to it down in the description or if you just want to go over to the URL it's at rmrs this group is free although you do have to answer three questions these I ask for your email address I simply want to make sure that we keep spammers out of the group it's a highquality group it's an amazing community that I am proud to give to you guys so now let's get into the details yeah we're going to go deep down the rabbit hole first up talking about suit fabric choice so there are four things when you're looking at fabric that you want to pay attention to so first up the color what color suit should a man go with when he's just starting off when he's building his Wardrobe when he's looking for his go-to suit should you go with navy should you go with blue should you go with with gray should you go with black well to answer this question let's first eliminate the suit that I do not recommend and that's going to be black so the reason I don't recommend black suits is the color is too formal this is for Black Tie this is for white tie this is not for suits suits are not formal Believe It or Not suits are actually you know this is something you could wear in a b you would want to wear in a business environment but not with a black color it's too hard of a contrast it's going to be more difficult to match it with items it's just going to overpower a lot of different complexions out there I don't recommend this for a first suit you can try these eight suit colors for your first one number one what do you think is the most common the most versatile suit and this is probably very North American because you could argue number one and number two I might as well say them together navy blue charcoal great navy blue number one charcoal great number two now that's my own personal preference why do I put navy blue number one well throughout the United States this is the de facto color if you walk into any store you're going to see it the great thing about that is because it there are so many out there you can wear this and if your goal is to fit in if your goal is to not draw attention to yourself if your goal is to just go in there do a great job and be recognized for the effort you put in then Navy is fine another great thing about Navy because it's so versatile in a sense you're able to if you're going to get something custom made if you're going to get something uh that's cut to fit you if you're going to go with something it's a little bit more fashion forward you can actually have fun with some of the style aspects but keep it in that simple navy blue and actually it's not going to stand out too much so an example I knew a gentleman that ordered a two button navy blue suit for me but the one thing he did he went with Peak lapels on all of his jackets and it actually looked really sharp now a lot of people would not necessarily know it looked like a normal navy suit but the fit was impeccable and he had those Peak lapels and it was something that I thought it was a really nice look now let's go to charcoal gray now charcoal gray and one of the things against Navy is that it can make a young man look a bit younger now charcoal gry if you're a young man this is a great color for you it's going to add a bit of age to you make you look a little bit more respectable it's very easy to match and that's the great thing because it's on the gray the black and white scale basically it has no color in it so you can match it with a wide range of colors and the problem with that though is if you're an older man if you're a light colored man then Gray almost can pull some color out of you so you got to be careful with it however it is incredibly versatile just like the navy suit it is one of the most common suits out there sold and you can pretty much find a charcoal gray out there all over the place so we've talked about Navy charcoal gray what is number three gray okay there is a difference between charcoal gray and gray talking about Cambridge gray this is medium gray so it's going to be a little bit lighter than charcoal and Cambridge gray is is just as versatile as charcoal and I like these three suits at the top CU if you had these three and if you were to double them change up a few things on the style so all of a sudden you have six suits you could triple them and change up a few other things on the style maybe change you know add a ticket pocket here or there uh change up you know go with the pel go with a three button versus a two button maybe throw in a double breasted all of a sudden you have nine suits three different colors and to be honest that would be a very very versatile wardrobe now medium gray Cambridge Gray it is not as formal as charcoal gray or even navy blue because it is a little bit lighter but to be honest we're there are very few places in the world where that is ever going to become an issue so you can pretty much wear it any place you would wear the other top two Suits now we get into suit number four which is light gray light gray is distinctively lighter than its Brethren this is great for summer fall spring wear not so much winter you know it's just something that you don't want to be wearing light colors in the winter I mean you couldn't you can stand out but the thing with light gray is it is a more casual suit however I'm assuming that you've already got five to six suits in your wardrobe maybe you wear suits Monday through Friday Monday through Thursday a great light gray suit is actually in many places especially during the warmer weather you're going to be able to pull this off with ease it's going to break up the monotonous uh dark colored suits another great thing with light colored suits and I'm not going to get into patterns too much but as the color gets lighter you can start to bring in patterns and they're much more VIs ible and you can start to have fun you can even you know with a herring bone it's it's going to be a little bit easier to detect it's going to give it a bit texture and I really do like the light gray so that's why I gave it number four now number five dark brown now I've heard a few things you know don't wear brown in town you'll hear that rule I think dark brown if you have brown hair if you're a little bit darker or if you're red uh you've got a little bit of a of a Rudder your complexion you blonde hair you can pull off Brown and this is a great great really I think it adds a bit of color now the thing with brown is you have to be careful because it is clearly not a formal suit so don't if you're visiting someone in New York City you're going to an event don't wear a brown suit this is maybe you could if you're creative and if everyone is dressed down but understand this is a bit more casual of a suit color number six is going to be tan and tan technically is a shade of brown however lighter shade and you can go tan khaki uh I think was recently President Obama got some attention for wearing a khaki suit I don't think this should be one of his top ones but I do think in the right occasion especially summer hot weather warm weather it is a great secondary right below the light gray suit to have and cons spice a wardrobe especially if you're a man that wears suits you know Monday through Friday okay so number seven blue and I'm talking true blue now if you go look at you know Prince William Prince Harry uh those guys they wear this color it's it's a harder to find I like this color if you actually go check out the prime minister of Russia mff uh and uh Putin I think actually pulls this off as well seems like the Russians really like this color this true blue you see it a lot more over in Europe and parts of Asia the thing is and one of the reasons I gave it such a low ranking even though I like it especially for light colored redhaired uh blonde gentlemen but the reason I give it such a low ranking is it's very hard to find most of you all if you want a suit like this you're going to have to go custom there's only a few Holland and Shero makes makes this uh this color and but very few companies actually are putting out this type of fabric so number eight the white suit so unless you're Tom Wolf and he made that his signature look the white suit pretty much is going to be an odity it's going to be something that you're going to draw attention right to yourself now if you get invited to a white party this became I think popular in the last couple years a white summer party uh and you or you really want to draw attention to yourself and you're going to be giving a presentation or a speech go for it there you go uh but but I would not have it as one of my first 15 suits so I would probably even a little bit farther down you're not going to really catch me in a white suit gentlemen now let's talk about patterns so patterns again this is something initially no pattern but you could if you really wanted to bring in a pattern to start off with maybe look at a herring bone a herring bone weave in a solid fabric actually is not very noticeable until you get up close it adds a bit of depth gives a little bit of a little bit of weight to the fabric so it is going to be a thicker heavier fabric but I think it looks absolutely beautiful you you can also look at bringing in we see window panes we see checks we also see pin stripes these when you start to bring these in understand these are not your interchangeable pieces these are going to be much more memorable these are going to be suits that stand out but if you if you already got five suits you've got six suits why not bring in a pinstripe Pinstripes all about business window panes checks these understand are going to be much more casual now what about small repeating patterns like Bird's eyye shark tooth Nails head I think that those are perfectly fine but they are going to be a bit more casual however if you already have like three or four suits in your wardrobe I really like bringing in something like this it adds a bit of texture at the same time from a distance it actually looks solid and people won't see the pattern till they get up close now something like uh chalk stripe this is maybe if you've already got nine suits I maybe would make it a tenth but this is something that really a big pattern like that really is a distinctive pattern it can really stand out if you know what you're doing but it's not going to be a suit that you can wear more than once or twice a month next up let's talk about materials and 99% of you want to go with wool 100% wool is where it's at you're going to see the word worsted wool all this simply means is that the wool has been woven into a tight thread and it is perfect for suiting beautiful drape even cheap worsted wools have really come a long way now what you don't want to go with is a blend and a blend is where they put in a little bit of polyester sometimes 50/50 with wool basically because they're using this material it is next to nothing in cost and it also just never looks as good now what about silk what about cotton what about linen I think that when blended with wool you can get some amazing options but don't do this with a first suit because if you get your first suit it's got 50% linen or you know it could just it's going to require more upkeep it also can wrinkle more I do think during the summer these are interesting options but for most guys just starting off go with worsted wool and now let's talk about fabric cost and this is important because custom suits the price the final price is often based off of what was the cost of the material so your fabric it takes about 3 and A2 yards for an hour average custom suit this right here can range anywhere from a few dollars per yard to over ,000 per yard depending on the fabric depending on what Mill it comes from what is in it so if it's wool versus polyester versus a silk blend versus a very rare wool they've had actually Fabrics woven with a little bit of gold in them yes and those can cost a lot of money so understand that when a Taylor's doing this for him it's about the same amount of work that goes into it it's really about the raw materials and how much those cost so if if you want to go with something really rare if you want to go with something really high-end something that they don't they don't make that much of that is going to drive the cost up substantially however if you go with a material that they have plenty of that's a staple that's classic you're going to find that the cost is going to be driven down and let's talk about the super numers so you see super 80 super 120 super 220 understand that none of this is regulated so one company's super 120 could be another companies super 220 but they do understand at least the people in sales that a lot of people view these like megapixels and cameras so whenever you see a camera with a lot of megapixel people want to go buy that cuz it's the newest and greatest guys don't fall for it any super like 100 any super 120 is going to be just beautiful perfectly fine I would expect in general super 220s at that range right there to be really nice and in general you will see the cost go up as the super number does now let's talk about design and my advice to you is kiss keep it simple silly seriously I've got two dozen suits right here and I will tell you the ones I wear the least are the ones that I got way over complicated on the design don't do an Eclectic here eclectic there changing this up to be different all of a sudden you've got something which is a monstrosity so when you're looking at the lapels yeah I went with Peak right here I had a little bit of fun but this is pretty much one of two things I had fun on this jacket but most people Notch lapels are going to be perfectly fine Peak lapels are going to be a little bit more formal if you want to go with sha lels that is very rare and you see it more on black Black Tie but in general Notch lapels are going to be fine how many buttons in the front two in general 95% of jackets out there are two button oh you can go with a double breasted guys if this is your first custom suit don't go with a double breasted suit because you don't own any double breasted suits and you don't normally wear them don't buy something that again is going to be really pushing you but there are many things you can change up by the way which nobody will see I talked about my inner lining on my jacket this is where you can have a lot of fun or it could be something small like the back of the jacket a lot of people whenever they buy something off the rack they got to go with the single vent I highly recommend you go with the double vent doesn't seem like much but this makes a huge difference in the way the jacket fits and the way it flows whenever you're walking you can also maybe look at the buttons right here make sure you go with working buttons you may want to go with a contrast stitching right here I went a little bit of maroon right there contrast stitching is another great little thing you can do change up the buttons maybe change up a few things here or there but guys overall keep it simple and the same thing with the trousers guys keep it simple simple so if you don't normally have pleats on your trousers don't buy pleat now if you don't normally cuff your trousers go with straight at the bottom hem one thing I highly recommend is go with suspender buttons on the inside nobody's going to see it you may never even use them but you always have them there as an option if you want to buy suspenders now if you have the option I always recommend that you buy an extra set of trousers most times when a suit is damaged it is the trousers but if you've got two pairs of trousers you've got that suit and this is your go-to suit guess what you've got something that's going to last a lot longer just make sure when you send them out to the cleaners that you send them out as a set and if you get two sets of trousers consider getting one of them with side Taps so get rid of the belt loops instead it's simply going to cinch up on the sides I absolutely love this look very unique but something I wouldn't recommend if you only have one pair of trousers because if you gain or lose weight it can be an issue now what about vest I absolutely love it and I recommend that if you want to add some Pizazz to your look go with a contrasting vest or maybe go with a matching vest go for the three-piece suit look if wear the suit again and again but I said this earlier and I want to say it again the vest is one of the hardest garments to get fit so make sure that if you're buying this custom that you get this adjusted if it does not fit correctly because the vest is one of those things there's not really much room to give or to loosen up and you want to make sure that you get exactly what you're looking for most vests when you go and you buy them off the rack even if you find the right fit you're stuck with the style that they give you when you go custom you can get styles that you can only dream of and this is where I do like to have a little bit of fun you notice right here four buttons uh on each side went double breasted double breasted vests very rare and I knew that they're also incredibly hard to get fitted properly so when I had the chance to get one custom from indochino you bet I jumped on it and I absolutely love it now I went with the contrasting fabric that I felt worked really well with the brown cuz it's got a little bit of brown in it and there's another trick when you're looking at maybe matching things see if you can actually find a fabric that has a little bit this one a little bit of that repeating Brown so because it has the brown I knew it would not naturally match with the brown suit now what about custom shirts well if they can make suits if they can make vests you bet they can make custom shirts and so for me it's an easy Choice when they've got your measurements that's what I like about choosing one manufacturer one company to go with keep it simple silly with the design but have a little bit of fun I do like to Simply go with a classic color as you guys know I love white and blue shirts it's just my I mean come on it just works with everything I have but there's so many options you can have when it comes to the style of the color and that's where you can have so much fun you you can keep the color simple but you can change up the style and if you get that fit right that shirt is going to look amazing on you all right so it's been a couple weeks you get the suit you get the shirt you get the vest you get the trousers now let's talk fittings so this is a very natural part of the process especially the first time you buy from anyone that's making something custom you are going to want to have some adjustments made now I can tell you what what indochino sent me is spot on I'm not going to have anything adjusted maybe you know that shirt uh right here I will adjust the button that is it that's why I love the whole block system but most the time if you're using someone that doesn't use a block system you're going to have to get some fittings done but understand adjustments are just part of the process and so when you're going through these fittings it's best if you can go in and actually get them to look at it and make the adjustments so that they can update your profile your pattern you want them to make you that one shirt that one pair of trousers that one jacket that one vest and then based off of the adjustments you make they will then make the rest of your order because if you ordered 10 shirts if you ordered five suits you don't want to get five that are the wrong size or too tight in the chest some places they'll have you actually go if you buy it online they'll have you go to a local tailor so you want to call around make sure that that person can adjust a suit if it's too much if it's a major adjustment you're probably going to have to ship it back to them along with photos and along with what needs to be done but that is why communication is so key and I feel it's underrated because when it comes to the adjustments this is when the magic happens and you go from really good too fraking amazing so now we're talking about fit let me be clear fit is King do not buy a suit that does not fit you well or cannot be adjusted to fit you well here's the deal if you buy a $2,000 suit that doesn't fit you it's not going to look good a $50 suit that fits you well is going to look much much better than anything that doesn't fit you so fit is what you got to zero in on if you have to pay more then go ahead and do that to get something that fits your really thin body you're really big body that's why I said custom suits may be an option for some of you that are a bit shorter maybe you're really Stout maybe you're just a huge guy whatever it may be you may have to go that route to get something that fits your body right so when you're buying the jacket this is the area that you want to focus in on first up the shoulders does it fit you well in the shoulders you don't want to get the shoulders adjusted that's like heart surgery it's just going to cost you a lot of money and it's better just to buy a jacket that fits you well in the shoulders next up let's look in the chest let's look in the Torso so if you've got too much room here and we're talking you can fit in two fists that's way too much room you probably want to size down a bit now they can bring it in a bit in the Torso but more than 2 in the issue here are proportions so the pockets are going to kind of change and it's just going to make the jacket not look good what about letting out a jacket what about opening it up yes on higher-end suits they should have some extra fabric in there so you can open it up about an inch if you find a suit that fits you really well just a little bit tight in the chest you can go ahead and open it up now the length there are two areas you're going to want to check first put your arms down and basically your knuckles should be about the length of the jacket give or take an inch now the other area you're going to want to check is the back of the jacket doesn't cover the curvature of your butt o it should cover your butt if the jacket's exposing your butt or it's going way past that it's probably too long or Too Short now let's talk about the sleeves this is actually one of the easiest places to adjust up to about an inch and a half in some cases 2 in really depends on the size of this suit but you want to be able to show about A4 to a half an inch of your shirt cup now let's talk about the trousers so trousers are sold with a jacket they come as a pair and you want to make sure that it fits you well in the waist if it's a little bit too big a little bit too tight this can be opened up it can be tightened up also pay attention to the hip area this is often times where a lot of tailor they don't want to maybe adjust here or they say it's not worth it no if it's way too loose get it brought in now let's look at the trouser length so you got some options here you can go with no break you can go with a quarter break you can go with a half break you can go with a full break now what to do here really depends on your personal preference and your height if you're a taller guy you want to go with a full break if you're a shorter guy go with no break so now we're going to talk about the style of the suit my goal here is to help you create something that's going to be timeless that will serve you six months from now and six years from now versus something that is more of a fashion trend that's going to be out of style here in the next year so when you're going to buy a suit you're going to notice there are two buttons suits there are three button suits there are also some four button suits and there are even one button suits one button suits four button or five button suits stay away from at this point two or three buttons are going to be your options and for 95% of you you want to go with a two button suit now why would anyone go with a three button suit a three button suit is going to be a little bit more formal and there are also suits out there called two and a half so if you're at a higher end Men's Work soore you may see it and I like the two and a half because it just goes up a little bit higher it's basically a three button suit that's not made to actually button that top button next up you're going to want to pay attention to the lapel you're going to see Notch lapels you're going to see Peak lapel you're going to see Sha lapels Sha lapels don't touch that's Formal Wear Peak lapels those are nice but they're going to be more formal and they're also something that grab a bit of attention I think they're fine if you really like the look but I would recommend just simply going with a notch lapel it's not going to win any awards for creativity but it is something that's going to be timeless and be in style in a decade now let's look at Pockets they're going to be two main Styles you've got the pockets that are sewn into the jacket and then you've got the pockets that are sewn on top of the jacket the ones sewn on top are known as patch Pockets they're very casual at this point let's avoid those go for the kind that are actually sewn in they should have a flap that's what you're looking for next up let's talk about vents so this is going to be the back area of the jacket you're going to see the single vent the double vent and the no vent the no vent pretty rare you'll see it on some custom suits maybe some Italian suits I think it looks fine if you definitely don't put your hands in your pockets and if you wanted to create a more slim profile most of us though are going to see the single vent this is something I understand why manufacturers do this it's relatively inexpensive but to me it's the worst looking of all the vents and you would rather go for the double vent why because when you're walking it creates a more streamline look when you put your hand in your pocket with that single vent all of a sudden your backside is exposed when you have that double vent no such thing happens so now let's talk about all the other details that come with a suit understand it's like a chain a chain is only as strong as it's weak as link so if you've got a weak part with all these other details understand it can really weaken the entire look we don't want that so let's get into first the dress shirt the dress shirt in general should be white this is going to be the classic color it's going to easily match with any of the the different colors I talked about it's going to work another option would be light blue you could also go with you know pink you could go with lavender but I'm going to recommend you go with white it's the most formal it's going to create the highest contrast and it's going to match match pretty much anything you put on it now with the selection of that white shirt you want to make sure it fits you in the neck area that's key cuz you're going to button it up you're going to wear it with a neck tie you also want to make sure it's got a turn down collar in a medium spread or a point point is going to be classic that works with most neck tie knots but if you like to tie a little bit wider of a knot you can go for a medium spread don't go for a widespread that's a more casual style of color in addition avoid button- down colors they're nice but they're Ultra casual next up let's talk cuffs so the shirt cuffs should be a single button you can also go for a two button if you get something custom made and what about cuff links I think cuff links are fine but you really need to have a bit of attitude they make it a little bit more formal of a style and you really need to know how to wear them not recommended for your first suit and this may seem obvious but I've seen some guys break this rule your dress shirt must always be tucked in the only exceptions I guess if you got into a fight you're arrested you're getting put in the back of that police car in that case okay your dress shirt's untucked I'm not going to say anything but I'm not going to bail you out out either unless it's Matt Ricky Chris Aaron or Ryan I'll bail you guys out next up we've got shoes the classic is going to be a black balm moral Oxford with a closed lacing system a closed lacing system is when the back quarter goes underneath the front part which is the vamp this is going to be your classic go-to shoe but what if you want to change it up you're like Antonio I don't like black I want to go maybe with a darker brown a chestnut brown that's fine this is going to be a more casual shoe though understand because it's got an open lacing system and it's just lighter in color so this whole style right here you could pull this off of the suit but understand it's not going to be as formal what about snakers unless you're a rockstar or you really have it you know the attitude going I would recommend no I think some guys can pull it off and I'm not you know I'm not here to judge go for it now what about something like this again it's a lighter brown but guess what the style is pretty good we've got a closed lacing system you could wear this as well now when it comes to loafers I try to avoid them except for casual suits so I'm not going to recommend them in this case but this one you could pull it off especially in the United States at a casual event if you wearing a suit probably no one's going to say anything now let's talk about neck wear so classically a suit is worn with neck wear it just naturally goes together it ties the outfit together I think red is always a safe color unless it's a bright neon red don't go with any Neons but right here I've got this red with a small repeating pattern now notice the blue in the pattern it actually works with the suit that's why I went with this combination I love this look but you could also bring in a regimental stripe this is another classic stripe that you can bring in this is going to be just as formal now this goes back actually to the English they had certain clubs they had military regiments that this represented this one for me represents the United States Marine Corps actually I had this tie custom made I love it right there but you can also bring in a dark green you could bring in purple the color of Kings again small repeating patterns I've got a DOT here I've got I don't know exactly what pattern is but it's small and it's repeating but we start to get a little bit more casual when we bring in these brighter colors this one would I recommend you can pull it off but I you know it's not going to be as formal and then we've got some very casual neck ties and that's where you want to be careful don't try to pull these in these are casual so this one made it's got a knit material this one that bright orange we've got a wool neck tie I've got a floral neck tie now bow ties I know a lot of you guys love bow ties and technically bow ties are just as formal as a long neck tie so if you went with maybe a solid color yes it would be just fine you would not break any rules but understand you would stand apart and maybe at a wedding it would be fine but at a funeral you'd have to make a judgment call I think it would actually be fine if it's part of your normal attire but understand bow ties draw a little bit more attention but if you're cool with that go for it so what about jewelry we're talking watches we're talking Rings we're talking necklaces I'm talking nose piercings earrings for me it's about keeping it muted and not going over the top now if you that's your personality you're a rock star you are you know a tattoo artist you've got piercings all over then go for it that's you but for most situations most people we're going to want to keep it a bit more subdued now when it comes to dress watches what you're looking for is a watch that just simply tells you the time maybe the date and really nothing else so you don't want a lot of complications classic dress watches they're going to have a leather strap either in black or a dark brown so you know this right here is is a classic actually this one is a racing strap so you notice the small holes all of a sudden this one because of the complications it's got a chronograph all those other details this is not going to be a dress watch you could wear it you could pull it off no one's going to say anything but traditionally dress watches are simple now I go with ones with a metal band I just simply like it I didn't like the leather straps it was just but you could go with one that has a simple face maybe with a few numbers on it again you want to keep it simple what you don't want to do is bring in dive watches that are clearly made to be worn as sport watches what you're looking to do is to keep and tone it down when it comes to your jewelry and gentlemen don't forget grooming remember we're talking about a chain it's only as strong as its weakest link if you don't shower if you've got dirty nails doesn't matter how well you dress no one's going to think that you're looking good so clean those nails cut those Nails take care of your skin wear a lotion on your hands on your face if your Skin's flaking make sure that you shave or if you've got a beard groom it make sure it's nice and clean and looking good let's talk about your hair make sure your hair is looking good I really like it when you use products and again because you're dressing sharp you can actually bring in a bit of shine I think it gives a good look but really go with what works for you but take care of that grooming next up let's talk about pocket squares go with a simple cotton or linen fold it over and go with the nice Square presidential fold very simple very classic very conservative looks great guys that's all you need when it comes to socks don't overthink this if you are in doubt at all just go with simple dark black go with something newer you don't want to go with faded socks that have holes if you want to have fun you want to bring in a little bit of color maybe bring in a dark color maroon a dark green be careful especially if you're going into an interview with something way too flashy I mean if you want to show your personality I guess it would be fine but if you're not confident don't wear it now jent even if you have a perfectly fitted suit you have to avoid these mistakes at any cost tip number one trust your gut if you try on a suit you look at yourself in the mirror and you don't like it you can't maybe put your finger on exactly why do not buy that suit buy the suit that's going to make you feel like a million bucks when you put this thing on it's like a suit of armor this suit is there to support you to make you look great it should build up your shoulders it should trim up your waistline it should make you look taller you should feel like a million bucks and if you don't do not buy the suit trust your gut my point as a man you are responsible for yourself and how you look in the message you send to the world so make sure that you buy something that looks great on you not something that maybe just looks okay or some guy's trying to push on you mistake number two not knowing what a suit truly is a suit is a jacket and trousers made from the same fabric that match each other now a lot of guys think oh I can save money go to a thrift store buy a navy jacket maybe with black trousers and they're close right guys that is an odd trouser odd jacket combination it can work in certain circumstances unless it calls for a suit that is not a suit and side note for my Canadian friends yes if you're wearing a jean jacket with jeans that are made from the same material that technically is a suit the Canadian tuxedo suit mistake number three not removing your tack stitching strategically this is the stitching a new jacket that prevents damage in transport so you're going to see it on the lapels you're going to see it on the pockets especially the breast pocket you're going to see it on the back vents but when you get the jacket you start to wear it especially the first time you want to remove the tack stitching but there are areas where you don't want to remove it specifically it's going to be the pockets right here if you're going to use those pockets that's fine then go ahead and remove it but if you're never going to use these pockets and I think this is for most men and it's actually going to maintain kind of a nicer sleeker look than don't don't remove the tack stitching now let's talk about the breast pocket I think you should remove it because you want to put in a pocket square and the vents you definitely want to remove it because this is visible often times from the outside and you want the vents to be able to function mistake four not removing tags especially that sleeve tag now you may have bought this from a designer from a higher-end fashion brand and you really like the fact that it says the name there but remove it it does not belong there I see guys walking around especially with a new suit with the tag left there no you want to remove it that's not like a brand label that needs to be seen it's something should be taken right off mistake number five is buying a suit for the wrong occasion so you've got an interview coming up with a Manufacturing Company understand that you don't need to wear most likely a suit unless you're applying for a managerial job you're going to be at an executive level but the point is is not everyone's going to need to buy a suit right out of college or going into an interview now I do think every man needs to own a suit because you've got important events where you you need to look like a million bucks to be able to show respect or to be able to show that you basically fit the part that you will fit into that culture but I think a dark suit that fits you well is great for any man in summary I think every man should own a suit but I don't want you to rush out there and go buy one for an occasion in which you don't need it mistake number six and I bet a lot of you guys are surprised I didn't start off with this one but fit fit is King when you buy a suit it has to fit you has to fit you in the shoulder points has to fit you in the chest area which you can get adjusted a little bit you can get it adjusted in the stomach area so you want to make sure when you buy the suit it fits you as close to perfect as possible need help with suit fit guys I've got a video I'm going to link to down in the description with also a complete infographic so if you want to look at pictures you want to watch a video I've got you covered now these next two points I'm going to bring them together don't buy fashion suits and make sure you buy for function so let's talk about fashion suits and I say don't buy if you know what you're doing you want to change it up you want to bring in something that's going to grab attention go for a fashion suit why not spend your money there but understand within a year within two years definitely within three years that suit you really if you're wearing it you're going to be out of fashion so now moving over and talking about function the mistake I see here is that most guys don't think through what function do they want their suit to serve but I think for most guys what they're looking for is something that is going to send the signal of trust something that's going to be in style for a decade you look at Carrie Grant pull him out of a picture from 1950 and this guy still looks stylish again nothing against the fashion suits or if you want to bring in colors you want to bring in fun patterns you want to bring in different style aspects but understand the function of that suit is it something you're in the banking industry well in that case probably classic conservative in most cities or if you're going to be in a creative industry then have fun there next up let's talk about Fabric and build quality so when you go out there and you look at suits you're going to see the different types of fabrics understand there isn't a standard here so it's kind of like megapixels on cameras don't think that just CU you're going to get more megapixels on that camera you're going to be able to take better pictures the same thing with suits just cuz it's a super 220 that doesn't mean it's better than a super 180 or even a super 120 touch the fabric actually look at it ask the person selling it what's the build quality and the build quality is going to be everything inside the suit does it have a floating canvas those little details like that what's inside the suit you can't see you've got to trust on the manufacturer the brand where it's coming from one of the best deals I find especially if a man starting off is to go to a box store wait till they've got a great sale find a suit that maybe normally sells for $600 $700 try it on look at yourself in the mirror and then wait till it goes on sale at maybe half that price that way you can jump on it know it's a great deal another tip is to go into the best men's wear store in your area and try on that ,000 suit feel what a nice fabric really feels like look at that fit look at yourself in the mirror look all the build quality and look at the way it fits your body and be like wow I look great another thing when you've tried on those great looking suits those great feeling suits when you're at another store and you're like wow that is on sale 50% off it looks just like the suit I tried on you put it on you're like this is a great deal so by trying on high quality you can then better spot high quality next up practice wearing the suit So when you buy this nice suit don't just hang it up and only wear it for that special occasion you want to make sure to wear it in and around your house why would you wear it around your house because you want to get used to the feel you want to get used to the look or you just simply want to get used to this feeling of having something on your shoulders wearing a suit like this because if you don't then you're wearing a costume and that's the key is when you're you're practicing wearing this you start to realize wow this has a good effect to me I like the way I feel in that suit and when you put on something you like you put on something that you love you feel great and you perform better now this other mistake has nothing to do with the suit it has everything to do with what you pair with it the shirt the shoes your grooming the way you take care of yourself understand that the suit is just a link in a chain and a chain is only as strong as its weakest link actually buy all the other pieces that you need to have the full outfit so you look like a million bucks pay attention to your grooming take care of your teeth take care of your hair all of these things play into that overall look that image that you're want to present because when you put on a suit you want to look and feel like a million bucks you've got an important event that you're going to that you want to perform at that you want to show respect for so make sure that you've got the whole package so at this point you've now got a perfectly fitted suit you've got a great looking shirt you've got a good-look vest you have an outfit which makes you feel like a million bucks what to do now wear it gentlemen the most expensive clothing you'll ever own is the clothing you never wear wear it so many times that eventually you have to go get more I know when I dress sharp even if I'm at home if I've got a big call if I've got a big meeting I dress better why do I do this because it puts me in the zone it makes me feel better and Studies have shown that actually dressing the part you feel feel better you perform better the scientific term is called enclothe cognition and this is when your clothing has an effect on how you see yourself and how you perform it's real gentlemen so suit up dress sharp and become the man you know yourself to be so what video to watch next how about custom versus off th theack suits in this video I break out the advantages and disadvantages of each type of suit
Channel: Real Men Real Style
Views: 44,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real men real style, antonio centeno, mens style, watch these 55 minutes before buyiing a suit, how to buy a suit, mens clothing, mens fashion 2024, mens style tips, antonio centeno suits, real men real style suit, men's suits, ultimate guide to suits
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 19sec (2779 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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