11 Mistakes To Avoid Before Buying Storage Unit Auctions to Sell on eBay

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what's going on everybody Steve here raking profit raking profit calm joined with Wade's ventures sir yes sir we're having an amazing time guys it's beautiful out we've got do you have the most amazing view in all of Vegas should I flip it around real quick I think we should open around for me this view is what are your thoughts on this view what are they looking at man well it's a lot better view than I have I mean it but you've got MGM you've got which is amazing you've got Trump Tower and the way back to way back there that's crazy yeah all kinds of good stuff over here well wait um he's actually big into a lot of different things but one thing that you specialize in is storage socks and a storage lockers today we want to talk about not one not two not three but 1111 this mistakes to avoid before starting a you know a storage auction business buying from storage lockers and selling it on eBay Amazon garage sale so you flipped what hundreds of these things hundreds of storage oxygens guys and here's the thing is this is 11 tips to avoid and/or approve on because you know everybody sees the TV shows everybody sees that the crazy stuff that they pull out of there but this stuff here they don't show so or they don't talk about yeah that's the stuff you'll need to know so I'm definitely not like an expert at all when it comes to this so like I'm excited just to ask these questions and learn from you absolutely so I say without further ado we just dive right into it so let's dive into the the first mistake to avoid when you know when someone goes to a store is auction and their goal is obviously buy something you know buy uh what's what's the term for it is it a locker storage lockers yeah you know storage unit it could be multiple terms basically guys buy a unit or unit resale of stuffs results for value so the first mistake and I'm gonna kind of we we were being very professional again I'm gonna come to throw these mistakes at you that we had kind of brainstorm and then you can kind of explain a little bit about it so one big mistake that you'd mentioned a lot of people make when they first get started you know buying these units to resell on eBay Amazon so on and so forth is they buy too big yes I mean it's a massive it's even something that I fell into when I first started guys you know there's a lot to buying storage auctions but primarily when you do and your end up buying one it's an exciting time you want to buy a smaller unit that you're not gonna get overwhelmed up and so you don't want to buy two or three or four units your first time right so start small smart small get your feet wet and then as you get comfortable you can buy more cool mistake number two and I thought this was interesting you had mentioned that a lot of people they'll buy like multiple locks and they have six locks six keys and then they're like fumbling all around what were your tip yeah so remember basic this is a basic tip but really credible here so when you buy locks you're gonna need a lock basically when you buy the unit put the lock on the units and nobody else can get your merchandise emerges so the tip here is is to buy you can go to any you know big-box store you can five five or six locks and it has the same key so when you to feel comfortable buying a lot of storage lockers you can put multiple locks but we have one position that's a good tip yes there's multiple times that you were just need to lose the multiple keys I cut you guys save time guys and this is one way to do it awesome cool mistake number three biting off more than you can chew yes this is uh by the way guys sometimes still happens to me yeah when you're new guys do not you know my opinion is mine one of my first lockers was massive right it was a big big big amount of 20 by 20 right yes and so I highly recommend when you're first starting you know especially if you're only a one man or one ladies show to buy smaller Locker because you would be surprised how much they can fit in those faces yeah and so it can take a lot of multiple trips so yeah don't bite off more you can't you guys get a smaller guys Oh at first yes go I'm get a feel for it's the same with like when people start an eBay or an amazon says just buy a couple things your feet wet so now that's a good one right there uh number four mistake number four to avoid before getting started or when you're running your storage unit business is to not bring trash to your house yes yeah you said they were filling up your house man yes so this is Steve DISA sots I have a brand new beautiful house and why is fine storage you have again goes back to the other thing you have a lot of merchandise in those in those units and so a lot of people will take the stuff out of the unit bring it's their house and unload it and the better way to do it is unload it in the units go through what you want to keep put that in your vehicle and then go back to the unit and dump and/or donate the rest so you're not bringing the stuff back to your house because guys there is some you know there's some pretty crazy stuff that you find in these units and so make sure that you you know keep what you want go through it in the unit if you have time and then disperse something there cool mistake number five you talked about not knowing your dump fees where dumb fees jump that's a good question so real basic overview guys is you're gonna be a trash right you're gonna get treasures but you're gonna get trash so um you need to know where your dump these are a lot of facilities charge a flat fee and then per per weight after that and some facilities just charge per weight so know what that is because knowing your numbers is important you gotta buy the unit dump fees you know all the fees add up guys you want to keep it low and so you definitely need to Google your local area and find out that so just a phone call just a phone call yeah cool awesome mistake number six to avoid when you're running this storage unit business is not recognized I thought this was really interesting not recognized when you're being bid up yes this is huge especially when you're new you guys remember when you're going to these facilities yeah there's a lot of people that's been doing it way longer than you have one a year yes and you're on their turf you're bidding against you know you're coming in today territory yes yes and when that happens you need to recognize when you're the unit is costing you more than you how do you know when you getting bit up well that's a good question so you know when you when you go this facility isn't you and you you look at the merchandise in front of you you and your head need to come up with a number that you're going to count and so if that goes over that number and and there you feel like they're constantly over the top of you at that point you may want to reassess yeah how much you want to spend because you were saying to sometimes they'll bid you up because they don't want to come back again yes and that's a big way yes because remember this is how they feed their family and this is how they resell and they they'll personally like new people there at it so yeah take them you're taking food off the table actually yeah cool mistake number seven not becoming emotionally attached to a unit yes and that's happened okay so this is a big one so you know the way that it works is you crowd up in front of the unit they open the doors you're excited a lot of excitement they're already envisioning bringing it yeah you get that excitement in right but you've got to understand that you know there is other stuff behind the stuff that you're seen so you cannot get emotionally attached to any items that you see within that unit because that can lead to overflying overspending and then overworking because remember time is money sometimes so awesome cool and that kind of leads right into speculating a lot of people they will make the mistake of speculating and you had talked about the mistake was making sure that you only well not bidding on what you can't see or bidding on what you can see yeah so guys when they open that door you want to in your minds bid on what's in front of you and take it at that face value you cannot speculate that you're gonna have cool beyond boomersmart right a lot of people do that yeah a lot of people do that and then they overpay for the unit and that's primarily where this tip is coming into to because you don't want to overpay for a unit that may have a bunch of trash in front of the treasures in front of you awesome cool mistake number nine is gonna kind of lead from what you were mentioning before you'll find some weird unique odd instruments materials yes products trying to save us in a pg4 house you want to make sure you have the right equipment a lot of people you said beginners they'll show up they won't have gloves they don't have yeah so guys there's gonna be remember these are personal effects of people right and this is stuff that they don't necessarily have room for in their house so you need to have gloves you need to have garbage bags so you can take the garbage like we talked about in them prior and put it in the garbage bag toss it before it gets to your house there's gonna be a lot of stuff there you need to have the right equipment SIPP loves lights so you can kind of see what's in there gonna be dark especially yes nighttime it gets dark and then you also need you know garbage bags that broom would be nice you can sweep it up the unit out when you're done guys and then also bring all the water stuff like that because you'll be there for a few yeah so you restrooms there they do up mostly facility something kind of guy that takes a gallon water and I just worry well yeah maybe possibly cool cool mistake number 10 not having enough cash you were telling me before Wade that I'm a lot of these places not all of them yeah but a lot of them will require cash yeah so most storage lockers that you buy are cash only now there's a select few little do credit and anything you know you gotta have enough cash because at the end of day you're on a budget but if you go to that unit and you get the perfect unit and it's gonna be a tend to be a little higher right yeah there's a lot of value in there but it's gonna be a little higher you want to have the cash to pull the trigger because sometimes those rare gems of units happen every once in a while and you want to be able to take advantage when they do cool awesome awesome so those are the first ten we're gonna go onto the 11th right now and the last mistakes we could probably do 80 mistakes we saw sure so we kind of just brainstormed it real quick and try to pick out like the best ones for the beginners and intermediates mistake number 11 to avoid when you know running a storage auction business or just getting started is not sticking to a budget yes it's huge guys let's applaud usually up to you what your budget is like if you're new your budgets gonna be smaller because you don't want too much room for error so stick to your budget guys if it goes over your budget yeah there is always gonna be more opportunities like every single week there's units going on within your state and your city so there's all the facilities that you see go do storage auctions so don't get caught up in the fact that you need to get one today stick with your budget yes and be patient be patient guys cool huge awesome so those were the eleven mistakes wagered man that was a lot of fun if you guys are enjoying this content you want more content like this you got to go check out his channel you should've got your YouTube channel mates ventures and so I appreciate a Steve yeah you got it I'm gonna link that up down below in the description he's got tons of content and you know when it comes to this type of information you've been doing a really great job your channel what are you up to now what's up so we're about four approaching 4,000 guys and it's because of all you guys I appreciate all the support it's been amazing and amazing an Instagram as well I'll link that up below it's really wonders he's got some pretty cool stuff over there and we cannot you'll check his Instagram to see if he how would get on his latest bear we're all ready we're in Las Vegas at the Mandalay Bay would you just bet on so I just spent 300 bucks on the Omni the Mariners yeah guys so wish me luck it's Vegas to go spend money I'm trying to get this guy a little bit sports betting oh man I might put some money down wait though do we sell time for money on the Mariners don't get too anxious now that don't get you anxious out of storage here they're hand-in-hand it comes to go so anyways guys thanks so much if you enjoyed this video like it leave a comment below let us know what you thought about the video and let us know if you've ever had success with storage units and you know comment down below mariners if you went over to his channel and subscribe only I know that you man thanks guys
Channel: Raiken Profit
Views: 22,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storage unit auctions, storage unit auctions best finds, storage unit business, storage unit finds, storage unit house, storage unit living, storage unit wars, how to buy a storage unit at auction, storage auction, storage auction finds, storage locker, live storage auctions, real storage auction, auction hunters, dumpster diving, pawn shop, selling on amazon fba for beginners, selling on ebay for beginners 2018
Id: UeoeeaJVq2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 06 2018
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