The SAVIOR of Pokemon Unite...

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this Pokemon single-handedly carries Pokemon unite on its back but before we get into exactly why that is let's start with the brief rundown of the current state of Pokemon Unite so I've been pretty obsessed with this game for about a year now which is kinda crazy considering how little time I have to play video games and unite isn't exactly the most well-designed game out there in fact I'll just get right to it this game is a disaster if you compare it to literally any successful MOBA out there you will very quickly see just how many basic qualities this game Lacks and guess what I don't even like mobas I've played a handful in my life and haven't really been into literally any of them but for some reason Pokemon unite just really grabs me and it's literally just because it has Pokemon that's the only reason that's like the main reason at least I guess there's maybe a few it's just because it's Pokemon it's Pokemon and I like Pokemon so I play it because it has Pokemon I get to play as Charizard in a MOBA on a team of five and it's cool that's literally it that said because this game just is automatically interesting because it has Pokemon it's kind of annoying when there's so many little things about it that are just horrendous just terrible instead of having separate cues for those who want to play solo or with a friend or in a group of five the game instead just matches you up however it feels like Duos and trios will regularly get matched up against pre-made teams of five Master ranked players with 58 win rates will often get matched up against players in Ultra or veteran rank with 45 win rates I'm not kidding it's Madness and has somehow gotten worse over the past few months oh the game also gives little to no punishment to the players who go FK or blatantly troll their teams throughout a match take this crustal player that I found on Reddit a couple days ago he's played over 20 games with crustal and has a zero percent win rate I don't know how I can properly stress how crazy a zero percent win rate is in a game like this you have to be not only useless but actively hindering your team to achieve a win rate this low which of course is exactly what this Crustle and a handful of other players do but if you've been playing the game for a while you'll know that these players are receiving very little to no punishment for this Behavior at best they'll just get a small deduction of fair play points which means basically Nothing by the way they can still play ranked games it makes no difference however I will digress because there is an even greater issue that I want to discuss with this video that honestly eclipses the game's terrible matchmaking and lack of punishment towards trolls okay well maybe it doesn't Eclipse it but is pretty freaking bad and even the players who regularly put up with the [ __ ] that unite has us deal with get fed up with this Pokemon unites character balance is atrocious patch after patch something is always ludicrously overpowered the devs rollout may be one or two patches a month if we're lucky but truthfully it feels far less frequent than that because this game's roster will have characters trapped at the bottom of win rates for months patch after patch Talonflame who I'm pretty sure has a sub 47 win rate for the last like 10 updates but then other Pokemon will stay Beyond op for months straight it's a nightmare and this is made way worse because one of the things that unite lacks is a basic draft mode which almost every other MOBA has for those who are not aware a draft mode also known as pick ban is a system where each team goes back and forth to select characters for their team it usually moves in a snake motion but it doesn't really matter the main idea is once a character is picked the other team cannot select that same character it's a great way to keep the games fresh and assure that one team doesn't simply abuse the most optimal team comp every time another great feature of a draft mode is that it allows each team to ban one or more characters from the fight if you hate dealing with Sableye more than anything you can just vote to ban him every single time now not only does this make matches generally more fun and interesting and varied but it also is incredibly good for the health of a competitive game this way when a character is ludicrously overpowered the player base can take it upon themselves to Simply ban them the funny thing is unite actually does have this exact system already in place but only for tournament play so the vast vast majority of players who exclusively plays standard and ranked games usually in solo queue don't get to use this feature so when a character is ridiculously op for months and months you just have to deal with it and that brings us to the topic of this video our Lord and savior Slowbro Slowbro is a Defender which means his primary role within Pokemon unite is to soak up as much damage as possible while hindering foes with various stuns and other forms of crowd control you could say that defenders in general are the backbone of Pokemon unite and I wouldn't argue with you but why are Defenders so great exactly as mentioned they are in charge of soaking up damage and disrupting the enemy they usually go in the front line and protect their allies when you don't have a defender on your team and all your teammates are frail and more damage focused then there is no Pokemon that can divert the enemy's attention or create openings for the damage dealers to go in or at least it's much harder to do this without a dedicated Defender every tank in Pokemon unite has their own special Niche that they can bring to the table Snorlax has an exceptionally strong early game and has a fantastic move set for creating openings Blastoise has exceptionally good late game and surprisingly good damage output Goodra just soaks up damage forever and is pretty much unkillable and gradient kind of isn't really a Defender and is just a bastard that does whatever he wants while making you want to throw your switch into a ball however I believe that slow bro without a doubt Stands Tall above all of these guys as the most important Pokemon in the defender role or probably the most important Pokemon in Pokemon unite this isn't because he's the best defender at the moment that honor would probably go to Trevenant or actually probably Lapras no the reason Slowbro is the peak defender in Pokemon unite is because it has the exact right tools to make dealing with any obnoxiously overpowered Pokemon significantly easier I want to say real quick that any type of Pokemon can be or has been overpowered in the past many supports can be considered wildly overtuned as can some Defenders at certain times but they never feel quite as egregious as when an attacker all-rounder or Speedster is overpowered the reason is that even the best defenders or best supports still need a relatively competent team to complement them you can be the best healer on the planet in the world but it hardly matters if none of your allies are able to take advantage of it however an obscenely overpowered damage dealer has the potential to completely steamroll a game single-handedly I started playing Pokemon unite back in March of 2022 when doraladon was first released this was a pretty miserable time for those who do not know because deralidon was absolutely busted for like a month straight it had the second best range in the entire game dealt ridiculous damage and was surprisingly bulky if the enemy team had a deralidon and you didn't then there was very little you could do to counter it at any given moment you can also look at Absol back in July of 2022 this thing could literally one shot just about everything in the game including Zapdos yeah with fluffy tail psycho cut and the unite move Absol could single-handedly take down Zapdos absolutely ridiculous and straight up unfair one month later take a look at Tyranitar when this thing first popped up it was just a radio plain and simple to be honest I actually really like Tyranitar's gameplay design line it's very weak and hard to use in the early game in fact Pupitar is just kind of worthless but then it becomes an Unstoppable Beast once you hit Level 9. it's a neat concept but it was way over tuned when it first came out even just one Tyranitar could take down like three members of the enemy team pretty easily and if this thing had a Blissey with it then you had almost no hope so now fast forward to February of this year and now we have zashin the worst thing to ever happen to unite it's very difficult to put into words just how overpowered this monster is just looking at the stats alone you can get a small idea of how absurd it is a level oneization is almost just as strong as a level 7 Greninja which by the way is supposed to be one of the strongest level sevens in the entire game zashin is like on par with it at level one what zashan has a ridiculous attack stat pretty good bulk a huge critical hit rate can stun the opponent and to top it off it's faster than almost every Speedster zashan is an all-rounder and it outruns dodrio somehow oh yeah it can also reset its cooldowns instantly couple this with a support like comfy and you have the most toxic thing you could possibly conceive for a game like this now the interesting thing that you will notice if you look back at these released weeks of all of these op Pokemon is that slowbro's pick rate will rise alongside these monsters every single time seriously right around here is the deralidon release date right here is the tetar release and then ever since zashin has come out slowbro's play rate has been consistently high once again why is that why is it that this specific Defender comes out of the Shadows every time an overpowered character is released are they just constantly buffing Slowbro alongside them every time no as a matter of fact slopo has for the most part received pretty minor touch-ups throughout unite history and they don't really line up with any of these specific periods no no no no the reason Slowbro keeps this game alive during these horrific balance patches is its unite move that's pretty much it that's literally it yeah it has good bulk good secure decent damage good crowd control but this unite move is an absolute godsend in a game like Pokemon unite what it does is actually very simple slowbro's unite move is a single target attack that locks down the enemy for just a few seconds while slowly draining their health this move can hit through anything it can stop any Pokemon no matter the conditions just a simple click of a button and the enemy is completely immobile with a move like this even a relatively bad team can usually capitalize on the opportunities that this move creates this single move keeps unite from falling apart entirely when an overpowered monster is released it is not a coincidence that people just start picking slow bro once a Pokemon is absolutely ridiculously op and sure there are other things you can do to take down these Pokemon you can chain CC them or just have really good coordinated play but that requires a lot of Team Reliance and as I mentioned previously unite matchmaking is absolute dog water you almost always have to take matters into your own hands at least a little bit and for a lot of people that means just picking the overpowered damage dealer that's so ridiculous at the moment and just playing them better than the opponent but instead of doing that what you can do is set your ego aside let your team pick four speedsters and attackers like they will often do and then take it upon yourself to be the hero and pick Slowbro you will be a fantastic wall that will soak up damage for the team you will deal pretty reasonable damage and when the time comes for the big team fights it will be you that saves the day by taking down the damnation with just one press of a button slow bro carries games Slowbro wins games Slowbro keeps Pokemon unite from falling apart every time the devs do everything in their power to make this game crumble Slowbro is a [ __ ] hero I love this guy [Music] foreign
Channel: BeatBrat
Views: 105,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MOBA, Pokemon, PokemonUnite, Slowbro
Id: a-3daeUluw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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