1036 Flux Switching And Possible Over Unity

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[Music] hi so in videos 1034 on 103.5 what we did basically was make this which is a flux switching generator now that really got me thinking so i've done some of the work and i'm going to go through it step by step because i think it's of interest and i'd like people to be able to replicate it now with that in mind i've made the whole thing out of one of these which is a microwave oven transformer and i've used no welding all i've done is saw it if you take off these coils and separate them out what you get is a whole bunch of ease like that and a whole bunch of eyes like that and they're all in one block if we saw that central tang out there then we get something that looks like that and if we can put an eye on it we get this metal square well that's exactly what i've got here with a whole load of neodymium magnets in there they're pretty powerful magnets but i can separate them out and we've got our u and our i and they go together now when they're together like that then they do something that everybody knows what they do and there's no total surprise about it at all so i pop them together there we go here we go got it a little bit of steel here and absolutely nothing now you saw me putting them together these are very powerful magnets and there's quite a lot of them but what happens is the magnetic flux is contained with this in iron ring that we've done so the north flows here to the south there we've got magnetic flux containment that's a magnetic for a magnetic circuit as it happens and it means that there's no flux escaping outside so it can't pick anything up we've got no magnetic field there it's all inside now everybody knows that and it's the same thing that you put you do when you put keepers on now here's another interesting thing that everybody also knows that's an electromagnet what it is is a bunch of these eyes and i've wrapped a coil around a little bobbin of it and the coil i got from the microwave button transformer it's the primary the primary is actually unwind really nicely so you can recover it not sure how many turns i've got on but there's 50 grams of primary copper wire got two of them and that one if i apply a current to that we make an electromagnet so i'll put a bit of current on okay so there's my bench top power supply i've connected it to my coil and if i give it a bit of power so it's got about six volts going through it and pressed up we've got an electromagnet turn that off there we go electromagnet goes away obviously something everybody knows yet again but it occurred to me wouldn't it be interesting if we put those coils on there what would happen would all that we get is a lossy transformer i don't know so let's see okay so i've wired up my coils in parallel and stuck them on that metal u and what we've got is an electromagnet and they're wired so that both of these poles are north now when we turn that on and we supply it with the dc voltage it is going to create an electromagnet and those two poles will be south it'd be nice to know what kind of force is being generated though we don't have expensive meters to be able to measure that but we do have this as a deviation meter actually what it is is a mass on the spring when in reality it's two of these eyes glued out the side of a hacksaw blade and stuck into a bit of acrylic but it will do the job if i line my magnet up like that and i put some current in we'll get a amount of deviation which is proportional to the magnetic field the magnetic field obviously being generated is proportional to the number of turns and the amps supplied because this amp turns is what generates emf so we'll be able to get some measure that'll allow us an internal yardstick of how much force we're generating when we put a certain amount of volts and currents in there so let's have a look at that okay so i have i've got everything in there's our weight that we're going to deviate there's the electromagnet there because it's quite close and here's the voltage reading i'm going to swap so you have an overhead view so i'm going to put some volts on have an overhead view and see the deviation there's the voltage and amp draw required to do that okay that was kind of fun what it's telling us really is that this is a very poor electromagnet if i take my neodymium magnets incidentally and hold them not particularly close we get a really strong deviation because obviously they're very strong magnets of course why bother with all of this well the question is what would happen if i put these two together when there's no current flowing in the coil then of course we'll have no magnetism there'll be no deviation but if we put current in those coils the question is will the permanent magnets assist in that deviation let's have a look and there's the voltage required to do that voltage in the amps okay so that may not seem earth shattering at first sight but if we take a better look at it then if we multiply the volts times the amps we get watts now the bare electromagnets took something like 19.2 watts for that deviation and the switching operation took something like 4.8 watts so it took about four times more to move that lump now moving that lump of small deviation is doing work so if you like four times more work was done or a quarter less power was used to do the same amount of work that's really interesting that we can get more work using permanent magnets now obviously this flux switching gives us the ability to turn a magnet or a permanent magnet on or off and a lot of machines don't work because they can't do that permanent magnets are on all of the time but with flux switching it looks like a small input of energy in terms of a current and that added voltage will allow us to turn the magnet off and on and it assists to quite a degree with the work that a machine can do now there's huge implications of that i mean motors generators all kinds of things if we can assist them or we can utilize that to do real work which is exactly what we saw with the deviation of the mass then that's got to be fascinating now there was a lot wrong with what i did i mean the deviation was quite small so the error is going to be quite large but at four times improvement well there's something there that convinces you to have a look isn't that the reason i made it so rough and ready out of lumps of stuff i found lying around is so that it can be replicated it's easy to make this and it's something you can make quite simply at home with nothing more than a microwave oven transformer and a hacksaw to see if this effect is real or not rather than just taking my word about it and that's what science is science is about experimentation about looking for yourself about working things out and seeing what you can do so i quite enjoyed that because it really made me think about whether we could use permanent magnets to assist or run a machine i mean you are looking at some really controversial things here i mean four times the power you're thinking over unity aren't you you're thinking free energy i mean that is a heretical thing to say i really have to go wash my mouth out with soap now but it was really interesting to see that simple effect from something we could knock together probably took me an hour to make that something we could not together really easily so if you're interested in it try replication see what you get and i certainly will be looking at that a little bit more i think anyway i hope you enjoyed the video i hope you sparked some ideas and thank you very much for watching
Channel: Robert Murray-Smith
Views: 6,251
Rating: 4.8932385 out of 5
Keywords: flux, switching, flynn, motor, over, unity, free, energy, robert, fwg, murray-smith, engineering, physics, stem, steam, dt, design, technology, renewable, green, alternative, disruptive, diy, d-i-y
Id: Rhu7yGVB9Zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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