1026 The Easiest Inverter You Will Ever Make

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[Music] hi so an inverter is basically a device that changes dc into ac and if you're doing home generation of course it's core to what you want to do because you want to save stuff in a battery and that battery you wanted to run your household bits and pieces which are going to be 120 volts or 240 volts now this isn't a problem just for us this has been a problem for ages so there are lots and lots of solutions out there to do it now perhaps the simplest way is a way that was done right up until about the 1950s and they still made this at the sort of the turn of the century so in 1990 year 2000 they don't do it anymore but that's how old that history is and it's really really simple so let me give you a close-up of what's needed the first and most important thing you need is this this is a vibrato now the construction details on this are given in the video uh how to make a speaker out of a microwave oven transformer which goes through in detail how this is actually made you see what it is it's a vibrating reed made from a hacksaw blade you've got a coil here and we've got some magnets there these magnets actually take the place of a spring what they used to do is use a normal spring i've used magnets we've got a couple of contacts on the end there and as that vibrates it makes and breaks the contact and that creates a pulsed dc now when you feed a dc into a transformer not very much will happen but when you feed your pulsed dc into a transformer it can step it up so the other thing you need is a step up transformer and that one is just pulled from a microwave oven now we're obviously not interested in frequency per se we're not obviously not interested in the step up itself at the moment or interested in is how to get dc to pulse and then transform and there's the two bits you need in order to be do that to get this thing to work is dead simple the positive comes out of here to this side of the contact that one there then which on the other side of the content to the coil and the negative to the coil so it's all in series so the power comes out and is joined it'll create a field in that coil which will deflect that turning off that field go back and so on and it will vibrate so if we put some power in there there we go we've now got it vibrating what's coming out of there is pulse dc now we've only got two contact points here and here but the dc pulse is the one that's going in there now this is at 12 volts so obviously that's going to do nothing and what we need to do now is step it up and to do that we're going to use this thing now what we do is connect to the big thick coil which is the primary coil and we connect this to our 240 volt piece of equipment and we should get step up we've connected the transformer let's give it a bit of power that light is lighting but you should notice this as well that is arcing so all i've done is replaced the uh homemade vibrator with the relay that's been wired as a vibrator and i've replaced the mot transformer with a 12 volt to 240 volt transformer appropriate now if i give that some power so that this vibrates lo and behold they'll have the here's the cluster of the arrangement there's the relay set is a vibrator there's the power transformer connection block plug socket going to the lamp that we lit up and it's that simple so you really looks like this there are three contact points there's a common a normally open and a normally closed and normally closed in rest position has a switch connecting it now from your supply you bring the negative to a coil that coil is the electromagnetic relay that operates the switch and then that same negative goes straight to one side of your transformer now the positive comes to the normally closed and then from the common to the positive side of your coil so when you turn that on the current can flow that gets turned on it pulls it to normally open and breaks it and then it will vibrate and you take the other side of this from the common to your transformer that's how the relays wire you've got a really easy inverter to construct now you got to remember this was the height of technology in the 40s and 50s and it has been superseded by semiconductors but it has its advantages as well as its disadvantages some of the advantages clearly are it's so easy to make it's actually relatively cheap this bit wears out rest of it doesn't it does have disadvantages i don't know if you noticed when we actually turned the power up to 12 volts and this got glowing the frequency went down so it's not frequency stable you're not going to run any sensitive electronics on it but you are going to be able to run various loads on it of course this thing arcs now it acts like crazy here because i didn't use the right gear if you put a high voltage capacitor across that output it snubs the arc and helps extend the life of the electrodes they have a spring in here and that spring wears out the little flexible contact will break because it is mechanical so eventually wear out now they used to make these in cans so you could just swap the can over these days they don't make them but these are very similar they just actually says heat pull straight out no tools required so it's both got pluses and minuses i thought i'd show it to you because if you fancy making an inverter it really is the easiest one to make and get a good result out of anyway i hope you enjoyed the video and thank you very much for watching
Channel: Robert Murray-Smith
Views: 27,677
Rating: 4.9391747 out of 5
Keywords: inverter, vibrator, electronics, ome, generation, robert, fwg, energy, power, murray-smith, design, technology, electricity, electric, circuits, stem, steam, engineering, science, fair, project, industrial, arts, home, made, howto, how to, make, diy
Id: L-vC9SvU2Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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