10+3 Tricks We Wish We Knew Earlier | Godot Engine

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Thanks, I found the evaluating shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+E) and the particle texture's size very handy. Didn't know about them. You're increasing the numbers each time, so looking for your "14 tricks" next time! ;)

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Sousio 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

this looks cool and all, but the thumbnail with the pointless, overcomplicated code bothers me. It equals 1337 btw if anyone wants to know

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

I really wish I had known about node metadata a lot sooner. I've made entire classes before just for adding new properties so this should be extremely helpful, thanks!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Spectreseven1138 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2021 🗫︎ replies
Hey guys. Once again we brought you   things that are very helpful, but hard to find and  too small to make a video about them on their own.  The best thing about this series is that this  video is objectively better than the last one,   because we have 13 things this time. Number 1: Evaluate expressions shortcut.  You won't ever need a calculator app  again, at least when scripting in Godot.  You may know that in property  fields, you can input   expressions and press enter to evaluate them. But you also do this in the scripting window by   marking the code and pressing Ctrl+Shift+E. This way, you can multiply large numbers   or decimal numbers, do vector  calculations and manipulate strings.  It can do quite complicated maths that  you really would not want to do yourself.  Thank you, BareTuna, for  submitting this very unknown trick!  Number 2: The love child of mix  blending and additive blending.  You can use different blending modes  based on different canvas item materials.  But especially for visual effects  you sometimes are not sure if you   want to use mix with a transparency or add. Add is great because it does not obscure the   image below it and it is generally beautiful. But too many additive layers result in   pure white soon, they just do not  work to well on dark background.  You can get the best of both worlds by using  a mix with a transparent sprite, and putting   the modulate higher than 1. This practically  gives you something between blend and add,   which look as good as add on dark  backgrounds, but still nice on lighter ones.  Number 3: Smartshape2D. Smartshape 2D by remorse107   is an impressive addon that gives you 2D  polygones that are textured really nicely.  You can get it on GitHub or  find it in the asset library.  It also supports bezier curve shapes and lets  you define specific border and corner textures.  There is a great tutorial by  picster on how to use the addon  It is really cool for level creation especially  in case you don't entirely rely on tilemaps.  Number 4: A simple way to scroll Textures There is a very easy way to make scrolling   textures that Nate told us. You can use this sneaky little   property of a sprite, which is the sprite region. It is not only good for sprite sheets and such,   but you can enable wrapping on the texture and  make elements like these with low performance   cost and without a shader. Number 5: Print loaded scenes.  Ever wondered which scenes are loaded when? We just did when we tried to   reduce our games startup time. Turns out, there simply is an option for that.  Just go to “Project settings -> debug ->  verbose std out” and there you have it.  You get these nice little prints in the  console whenever anything is loaded.  And it also prints memory leaks. Number 6: Ways to draw simple shapes.  Many of us use the Godot icon as a placeholder  for basically anything when prototyping. However,   sometimes it can be helpful to have something  other than the little robot face to create   some contrast. Such as Color rects! These  control nodes are flat rectangles and you   can resize them however you need. For other  shapes, you can use a variety of draw functions,   for example for circles, lines and polygons. Just  add a Node2D into your scene, give it a script   and add a _draw() callback function with  some draw calls.This is really helpful to   draw shapes on the fly when debugging.  Thanks Stefano Bertolotti for the tip.  Number 7: Draw offset property A draw offset allows to   change the center of a graphic. Sprites have the offset property,   that also changes where they are drawn, while  control nodes have the privit offset which does   not change their location. This comes in handy when   scaling or rotating the sprite. They can even lie outside of the graphic itself.  Number 8: Attach metadata to objects. Meta data is a very powerful tool when   dealing with dynamic data and for debugging.  You can just attach any key value pair to   any node or type that inherits from  object. Just call set_meta. Later,   you can check if the object has specific metadata  with has_meta and get the value through get_meta.   For example, you can annotate when an  object was created or where. You can use   this whenever you don't want to add variables. This trick was posted by Winston Yallow, who uses   this for marking meshes, really cool, thanks! Number 9: size of children in containers.  Containers are very helpful  tools when creating UI.  They resize and arrange their  children nodes automatically.  When you instance these child nodes  programmatically and need to know the   resulting size or position, you cannot  access it in the same frame as the node   was added to the container. Instead, you have  to wait a frame for the container to update.  This can be achieved with the line  yield(get_tree(), "idle_frame").  Number 10: Ruler in editor for measuring. Did you ever notice the rulers at the left and   top of the scene editor? They display the pixel  height and width. But that far at the side, it's   hard to use them to measure distances. By clicking  on the ruler and dragging it to the right or down,   respectively, you can create reference lines  with defined x or y offsets. You can also mark   positions by dragging from the top left corner. To get rid of the line, just drag it back to   the ruler by clicking on the line's  end on the other ruler. It can really   help when designing UI, for instance. This  trick was shared by MumuNiMochii - thanks!  Number 11: How to run server and  client Godot projects at the same time  When you try to run two Godot projects at the  same time, say if you're making a multiplayer game   and have a client project and a server project,  the second one will refuse to start with "Error   Listening on port 6007." To circumvent this, change the   port in one of the projects by going to Editor  -> editor settings -> Network -> debug and set   the Remote Port to another port. Tom  Tomkowski told us this trick, thanks!  If your client and server are in the same project  and you want to run two instances of it, start   one as usual and the other one through the project  manager which has a Run button! Thank you, Geshtu.  Number 12: Remap navigation buttons for 3d In the 3d editor, you normally orbit with the   middle mouse button and when pressing shift  and the middle mouse button, you can pan.  You can change these settings under Editor  -> Editor Settings and search for navigation.  There you can set Orbit, Pan and Zoom buttons. The option “Emulate 3 button mouse”   allows you to use the function of the middle mouse  button without pressing any button, just by moving   your mouse and pressing the modifier button. This one was submitted by Saiponath Games,   thank you. Number 13:   Choose the sizes for generated textures. Be aware of the default sizes of curves,   noise textures and gradient textures. You can set them.  Often times they are set to a very generous  amount, that you will likely not need.  For example, let take a look  at this particle system.  We vary the color of its lifetime,  based on this gradient textures.  Works quite well, but do we really need  a 2048 pixel texture for the color of a   particle that only lives like 120 frames? Especially with simple gradients you can   reduce this amount quite a lot, because  there is still linear interpolation going on.  This one looks good down to about 5  pixels, but we can be generous and give 20.   This is still a lot less. We hope this was helpful for you! If you   want to learn more things about Godot, subscribe  to this channel. If you liked that video,   show us by pressing that like button. Many if  that tricks come from our awesome community,   so if you have an useful Godot trick to share,  put it in the comments, we would love to read it.  Oh, and by the way, we are working on a colorful  roguelike that is called “Furcifers Fungeon”. If   you want to see us progress, check out our devlog. Have a nice day!
Channel: PlayWithFurcifer
Views: 14,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Godot, Game Engine, Furcifer, Godot tutorial, beginner tutorial, gdscript
Id: 0CxzLxgJ2Sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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