Building The LARGEST Indoor Koi Pond *DIY (2300 GALLONS)

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i've got the parents out of the house oh my god so this is gonna weigh 19 000 pounds oh my god look at that she's an absolute beauty this is not good we are not gonna make it all right all right all right it's gonna be close push it push it there you go guys today is the final day of the build my parents come home tomorrow and we are still not even close to finishing the cops came last night your parents are gonna kill you oh my god you're in so much trouble i'm ready are you ready dad are you ready of course i'm ready i have one more gift for you and mom but you gave us enough but you have one more food oh really my goodness hiding in plain sight the last gift i assume george this is a ticket for mom and me to go somewhere warm yeah right open the gate yeah i predicted man i predicted didn't i let me put my glasses and see what it is i love you george excellent excellent miami wow go enjoy a week of somewhere warm on me merry christmas merry christmas to you george that's really good thank you george are you getting ready for florida dad yes you should have taken one duffel bag full of money it is now one hour until my parents leave they are packing everything is going according to plan are you ready yes we're ready thank you georgie for our trip you ready let's go i love you thank you for our trip have fun very excited all right everything is going perfectly they do not suspect a single thing time to get started what's going on no worries welcome oh thank you millie this guy's gonna be your best friend by the end of the week all right ed the palm professor you are finally here we are finally about to start on this project yeah i've been talking about it for a while right months i've got the parents out of the house they're gone for the next 12 days okay we're gonna be putting the pond right here the idea behind this build is that i absolutely love my outdoor pond but since it gets cold here in chicago i need a place to put my koi during the winter the new indoor pond will be ten feet wide ten feet long and three and a half feet tall giving it a total volume of around 2300 gallons to provide the structural support against the 19 000 pound weight of the water we'll need to extend the wood frame a couple extra feet and just to make sure that this thing is strong enough we're gonna have to drill this frame right into the concrete floor of the basement next we'll be inserting two seven foot by three foot ultra clear glass viewing panels this will allow me to view my fish from the side angle which is something i could not do with my outdoor pond these three quarter inch thick glass panels will be locked in place by a steel frame around the edges the filter will include an intake in one corner for the water to drain into which will then filter back out of a mini waterfall in the other corner all plumbed into my maintenance room which sits on the other side of the wall this massive pond will give me plenty of space for my koi to grow up as well as for more future fish as big as my imagination we have ed who is the best at what he does truly a pond professor what are we gonna be doing today do you think so the idea today is try to get everything laid out so we can kind of get everything rolling because i know with your parents there and everything we couldn't come in and start ripping everything apart because they'd be like what the heck is happening here so what we gotta do is we got to pull out the existing tanks that you have get the area prep get to the store buy all the rest of the raw materials unload all the stuff out of my truck lay out the plan then we can start actual construction a lot it's going to be a crazy week 12 days they're gone twelve days it's gonna be lit we'll call yanni he'll get his friends [Music] all right so we're measuring some things out we're laying down the tape so that we can get an idea of exactly how big this thing is going to be now ed's saying that we got to keep in mind there needs to be room for the wall so we're just marking everything out we're also going to need to know where to mark stuff for where to cut the carpet so this is gonna weigh 19 000 pounds [Laughter] all right so we've marked the outline and we are on our way to home depot because we're going to pick up the lumber the wood right it's all just that structural stuff that we need for the next couple days of work and then we'll start assembling the interior and this guys is what i was talking about this is why we are building the indoor pond so that i don't have to ever come outside during the winter that i can just enjoy the fish from indoors [Music] so that's where the thing's going yep that's the pond dude what do you think oh boy i'm like stressed out for ted it's got my name on it so this is the glass that we're gonna be using for the panels of the pond so you can see through and into it pretty heavy and obviously it's fragile this thing's going to be a pain to get down the spiral stair look at that she's an absolute beauty think this is the right way i think i think we're in it now so we're going how heavy is this piece of glass ed uh actually i don't know what it is it's not like i don't know [Music] goodbye carpet we're about to start cutting the wood hopefully the neighbors don't see neighbors please don't snitch [Music] [Music] all right starting to build up so this is how tall it's gonna be you can see it it's coming together this is the window pretty crazy i was a little speechless earlier because it's different seeing it rise and how much space it takes up you can really imagine it now all right end of day two going into day three we made a lot of progress thank you to ed and matt and we're coming back to you guys for day three see you soon what is that what are you doing here that is amazing that's awesome so my parents don't know so you can't tell them well i wouldn't anyhow i don't tell them anything what do you think they're gonna say your dad's gonna be like does it increase the value of the house then it's good [Music] [Applause] you hear that you're drilling from behind the wall wow end of day four we got most of the structure now up and complete ed is all the woodwork done just about there's still some finishing work on the outside we can't do anything over here because we got to get all that plumbing in place but for the most part everything on the inside is done make that final seal wash everything down fill it up you're ready to go it's coming together guys we got the walls up now that's day four matt are you excited for day five you yeah i can wait for day five or six seven these guys are working hard i love it thank you guys hey good morning good morning all right so this is pretty smart we're sealing the pond we're making sure no water just in case just in case what a leak or anything any type of moisture so when you have a body of water that's going to be a different temperature from the surrounding atmosphere the material start to sweat so moisture can kind of get given off so we want to make sure that the bottom of the pot on actually can breathe but if any moisture actually accumulates we want it to go out that drain hole that we put in over here so it's not going to be a lot of water but we want to be able to have that water go away for so that's going to go right over into the sump pump we're going to put those drainage panels in place and then we're going to try to finish up some of the plumbing over here to knock that other hole through the wall it's not going to protect against the catastrophe but that's okay those don't really happen hopefully [Music] all right so we're sealing the inside just in case there were to be some kind of moisture under the palm so we just finished cleaning everything with the acetone now we're going to take a liquid rubber material and we want to seal it so what you want to do is basically come across and just do that this is going to make sure that our steel is waterproof exactly all right so we have finished most of the woodwork now we're installing these two pieces which come from the company that ed works for aquascape inc basically this whole project up to this point has been pretty much diy right yes yeah absolutely it's all just a lot of serious woodwork but it's basically woodwork all the stuff we got at home depot anybody can build this now is the part where you trust the professionals go with the people that know how to make the best ponds in the world who create pretty much the best products and pond kits in the world so basically these two pieces and a lot of the products you see they're all part of a pond kit that you guys can buy if you're interested in setting up your own pond this is an upflow biological filter so we have two ports we're only going to use one of them right now so we're going to take the cap and put it in the other we have 15 20 seconds fast setting glue we're going to put the glue in here we're going to hand it over to riley we're going to slide the whole thing in place i'm ready are you ready okay all right let's go push it towards the wall the pipe there you go i don't think we got it i don't know it is close it is not in drilling another hole we messed up the first one so we're drilling a second hole i didn't show you guys this but this is where the sump pump is and ed's going to be drilling the hole right here eureka we are about to plumb so that we can put it into this corner so what we'll do is we'll set up a ball valve there so whenever you want to clean that filter you open that up and all the water from the filter is going to drain right into the sump pump it'll make water changes super super easy that will make my life so much easier so glad we're doing that [Music] guys today is the final day of the build my parents come home tomorrow and we are still not even close to finishing we're gonna have to have an explosive day today we're gonna have to get so much stuff done today before they come home tomorrow morning this is not good what's up we're gonna have to have a pretty explosive day here yeah we got a lot of stuff that we got to get done so much to do and they get back tomorrow at like 11 a.m okay kind of like late mornings so cross my fingers we might be here for 24 hours if we have to right maybe like it's it's gonna be down to the wire ed i know i know so riley took off he's getting the other piece of glass this is the heavy duty geotextile so this is going to create a barrier between the wood and the rubber liner so it acts as a cushion which is going to be better for the wood itself it helps to lock everything in place so we get all this down nice and tight and it gives us a much longer lasting and a safer installation all right we're getting close so i'm gonna go give my parents a call check in on them see their status hi baby mom what's up nothing i'm just chilling by the ocean have you guys been able to relax absolutely you're lucky big george didn't throw like a party or something i'm guessing that you guys did quite frankly between you and yani both continuingly asking what are you guys doing when are you gonna get back yeah because belly is depressed every day it's sad like i have to deal with it sick of it i'm annoyed you ready for a nice home-cooked meal yes all right enjoy have fun see you bye oh my god i don't think they have a single clue i don't think they do i really don't know how they're going to react after that phone call they are just like relaxing right now oh yeah jeez wow that was hilarious i'm sorry to get a little nervous like just trying to imagine their reaction like it's gonna be awesome but are they gonna be a little mad i can't imagine i imagine my mom's gonna love it but we'll see about my dad oh man are you good dude come on valley we are about to install this piece of glass look at this thing we got to be real careful when we're setting everything because we got to get the glass edge literally right on that little quarter inch lip [Music] the glass is going to come in it's gonna sit about a half of an inch off of this edge gonna sit flush right on top of this so this will take the weight of it which will be nice the metal plates will go over these little studs coming out so when we tighten that nut up it's gonna be like a compression joint it'll draw that entire piece of steel in place and that'll lock everything up for us that was close ed that was very close you could see all of that silicone getting squeezed up that means we pulled it in nice and tight that's gonna be watertight right there oh it's looking better on the shark all right so uh time to cut some steel am i right never cut steel before so this should be interesting [Music] not very saucy all right so nick you're gonna go get the sand from aquascape and then you're gonna bring also a garden hose cause there's no way if you don't come right now with that second garden hose i'm gonna be able to fill it up before they get home you're so clutch gingerbread twin so clutch what's up dude what is up check this out oh my god your parents are gonna kill you thank you so much for coming he drove extra to go to aquascape to pick up the sand i think he pulled over but did you really i got a warning yes yes 14 hours until mom and dad come home boogie gentlemen [Music] this is like a thousand pounds of sand it's two a.m nine hours until my parents get home it's 2 a.m it's 2 a.m ed oh my gosh thank you so much for staying up dad's actually going to crash here on the couch tonight what a man thank you so much he's going to stay and help us fill her up to make sure that there's no leaks or anything like that so we'll see you in the morning we're gonna get four hours of sleep we're waking up at 6am to fill this up parents are coming in now seven hours we gotta go we gotta go sleep all right good talk oh my gosh good morning everybody it is now 6 00 a.m we were about four hours away from my parents coming home the cops came last night apparently i left the garage door open and they weren't happy that i parked in the street and they came at like 3 30 a.m woke me up right in the middle of like the three hours i had to sleep which kind of sucked it scared me and also i was just worried that they were gonna call my parents phone number to alert them but i was able to tell them everything was fine close the garage door and they went away but guys it's gonna be close we gotta start filling this pond up now my parents get home in four hours and if we don't get the water at least more than halfway full they're not really gonna be able to get to see it so if we don't start filling this up right away we are not gonna make it it's gonna be close pond is about half full two hours until my parents get home two hours it's gonna be close guys it's gonna be close riley it's very close too close the water level has reached the skimmer box one hour until they get here um it's gonna dump a lot of water out all right well tanya is gonna go pick them up from the airport they land in like 15 minutes i'll gun it to the airport of course see ya all right see you in a little bit this is not good we're way behind this means that they're gonna be here in the next half an hour and i don't know if we're gonna be done [Music] driveway looks clean as a whistle [Music] now hey georgie how are you yeah i missed you how was it it was amazing well i hate to be the bearer of bad news but most of your floor in the basement is wet yeah i told you guys i don't know there's just a lot of water down there the whole thing the whole thing well pretty most of it come look at it hello good how are you oh my god george are you serious oh my george you're in so much trouble oh my gosh george that is not gonna be happy oh my god oh my god oh my god are you okay dude just look at it just look at it what are you gonna do oh [Music] he figured he'd bring florida to you she yeah george this is still my george well you're going to have a shot here this is where the queer going to live and if you want we can get a shark dude what have you done what have you done think about it this way i appreciated the property with the outdoor pond so even if i depreciate it with this i'm technically at breaking even we cut the carpet and also i have something for you dad this right here yeah is um a piece of your wall what well there's holes in the wall now for the water to go to the sump pump so this is a little uh souvenir what do you think i mean it's come on you gotta admit it's beautiful ed tell them like the specs on this pond this is a little over two thousand gallons of water three and a half feet tall are there this type of plants whatever they call in other houses there are not a lot but there are so i knew that you were gonna be worried and i decided hey if we're gonna build a pond of this size or this magnitude at least we were gonna get the best in the business so ed the pond professor is obviously one of the best pawn builders in the world working on this he made sure it's pretty much fail-proof why don't we let people rent it out to do scuba certifications you must be kidding me dude business come on i know you like business no no no no no no not in my inside my house there's so we could airbnb this pool out to for swimwear for swim lessons oh come on dude this is this right here is a gold mine this is like a little cash cow those tickets were bought on purpose that's why you bought us the trip to florida and i thought you were generous you're such a generous nice side thank you george how was the vacation though was it nice i'm okay so look what you did to my house though [Music] hey thank you so much man my pleasure it spent seven days at the house helping us build this this whole thing is thought out from a piece of paper to fully built by this band absolutely genius as we were putting together i kept going how do you know this how do you know how to build this and it's because he's worked in the pond industry for decades ed has got a youtube channel it's ed the prom professor you have to go check out his videos go subscribe to ed like for real like i'm trying to get ed to a hundred thousand subscribers that's our goal we want ed to you know keep helping other creators like me and other people get their dream filled so awesome thank you so much i appreciate it i'm gonna leave the links to his channel go sub him up go subscribe guys this is unbelievable the fact that he did this he pulled this off in seven days i absolutely love it so hopefully you guys like it or not no i mean anything you do is unbelievable our outside bond is incredible this will be take a little getting used to i am excited to be able to have them during the winter actually that actually will be nice i'm happy that someone is excited because i'm not the pond kits are available at aquascape's website i'll leave that down below you can get one yourself and you can pretty much diy your own pond following kind of the same steps that we did and they actually have tons of how-to videos on how to do these types of ponds and you can create your own dream pond indoors or outdoors with these kits so hit up aquascape inc their website is also in the description that does it for this one guys any last words and despite this being um a surprise i do thank you the fact that you spent a week here and put all the work and time into doing this thank you so much welcome i hope you enjoyed it and for me no comments we'll see you guys in the next one but until then remember to keep those nitrates low george out
Channel: CoralFish12g
Views: 618,567
Rating: 4.9133816 out of 5
Keywords: koi, koi fish, nishikigoi, building indoor pond, indoor pond, building koi pond, building pool, koi pond, mancave, fish pond, ruedi weber, diy pond, diy aquarium idea, backyard pond, most beautliful koi pond, largest pond, home aquarium, MOST AMAZING HOME AQUARIUM, WORLDS LARGEST INDOOR HOME AQUARIUM!!!, fish tank, reef tank, koi carp, carp, coralfish12g, building backyard pond, diy, how it's made, how to make, aquascape, shark tank, garden, waterfall aquarium, mini pond
Id: 4lg2LFxa9-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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