30 Short Random Facts You Didn't Expect to Hear

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[Music] Hey looking for some icebreakers for your next get-together with people you know or want to know better well check these out twins can be born several months apart the ostriches eyes are bigger than its brain a baby is likely to have more than five fingers on its hand if one of its parents has the same condition are these real facts or old wives tales let's figure it out the giant squid has a complex brain which is tiny compared to the animal's body the most astonishing thing though its shaped like a doughnut and the squids esophagus the pipe delivering food to the stomach runs through the donut hole it means that two big food chunks can hurt the brain your taste receptors won't work without saliva try wiping your tongue with a paper towel until it's dry and then put a piece of your favorite food in your mouth spoiler you won't taste any flavor unless your food is dissolved in saliva your taste buds can't detect food molecules the filling between Kit Kat waffles is made of other substandard Kit Kats let's say something's gone wrong and a Kit Kat bar has too many bubbles or is imperfect in some other way that Mars its appearance but not the taste no problem it gets mashed up into a smooth paste and turned into a new bars filling the longest time between the birth of twins was 87 days then one girl was born almost four months before the due date while the other waited for the appropriate time to draw her first breath if you manage to find a body of water huge enough to fit Saturn this gigantic planet would float on its surface it's a gas planet made up of 94% hydrogen 6% helium and tiny amounts of ammonia and methane all these gases are less dense and lighter than water that's why the planet wouldn't submerge your shoelaces keep untying because every time you walk the knots on them are under a huge gravitational force 7 times higher than normal for comparison the world's most powerful rollercoaster makes you experience a gravitation force of 6.3 jeez ever seen tiny dots traveling in squiggly lines especially while you're staring at the bright blue sky the dots are only visible for a second or less and might look like itsy-bitsy worms those are your white blood cells moving inside the capillaries in front of your eye retina interestingly most people don't notice these dots until asked to pay attention if a tooth was accidentally knocked out along its route it can't be placed right back in its place and it'll heal but you should act in the first 30 minutes otherwise it'll be too late starfish don't have a centralized brain their nervous system is evenly spread throughout their legs or are they arms anyway instead of blood these creatures use seawater to pump different nutrients through their bodies the last letter added to the English alphabet wasn't Z it was J it's also no coincidence that I and J stand side by side these letters started out as the same character doctors recognized more than 400 phobias and some internet resources catalog almost a thousand ranging from quite common like the fear of darkness or spiders to outright bizarre for example Poe gonna phobics are scared of beards and optics of opening their eyes the Ring of Fire is a horseshoe shaped area in the Pacific Ocean that contains 452 volcanoes that's more than 75% of all the active and sleeping volcanoes in the world almost 90% of all earthquakes including 81 percent of the largest ones happen in the Ring of Fire now when you breathe through your nose one nostril always inhales more air than the other but don't worry they swap over every 15 minutes or so also one study claims that when you breathe through your right nostril you'll get more oxygen than while doing it through your left one who knows most people don't notice it but when you aren't using your tongue it's closer to the upper palate than to the lower one remember the hiss your FM radio makes when is tuned to a frequency between stations part of this hiss called white noise is the Big Bang in other words you still hear how the universe was created about 13.8 billion years ago several studies have proven that children born prematurely are twice as likely to be left-handed than babies who appear as planned it would take you almost half a year to reach the moon if you decided to travel by car at a speed of 65 miles per hour never mind the fact that there are no roads to drive on otherwise if you moved at the speed of light the whole trip would last just a bit more than one second before colored television appeared in the 1950s and 60s 75% of people claimed they saw dreams in black and white these days it's only 12% scientists claim they found an explanation for this phenomenon people who used to watch black and white movies and TV in their childhood dream in grayscale throughout all their lives the ostrich has huge eyes the size of fool balls they take loads of space probably that's why the bird's brain is so tiny smaller than either of its eyeballs it might be the reason why ostriches run in circles while trying to escape from predators tiny spiders have huge brains an itsy-bitsy spider central nervous system fills up almost 80% of his body including 25% of its legs a photon which is a tiny packet of light often spends more than 40,000 years to travel from the Sun's core to its surface but after that it needs just eight minutes to reach Earth you can turn almost any material that's capable of melting into glass if you just have to be really quick to cool the molten substance off before its molecules realign back into what they used to be before being melted no it looks as if flamingos knees Bend backwards but in fact it's their ankles not needs the birds spent almost all their time on tiptoes it's hard to see their knees because they're close to the body and covered with feathers apples you buy it the supermarket might not be as fresh as you think usually slightly unripe fruit gets picked sometime between August and November then they get waxed dried with hot air boxed and left and cold storage only six to twelve months later these apples finally land on the supermarket shelves the leech has its body divided into 32 separate segments and each of them has its own brain by the way this creature also has ten stomachs says right here in the early days of photography a wide open smile was seen as childish and rather impolite that's why photographers told people to say prunes instead of cheese this word kept the mouth shut well heed actally the condition when a person has more than five fingers or toes on one or each hand or foot can be genetically inherited in other words this condition can't be passed to a baby by one of its parents sloths the slowest animals on the planet are surprisingly good swimmers they have strong arms that help them move through the water the animals can also slow their heart rate down to 1/3 of its normal pace it allows them to hold their breath for up to 40 minutes while they're underwater lobsters wouldn't you know have very poor vision that's why they get to know about their environment through touch smell and taste but unlike most animals lobsters taste by using tiny bristles inside their smaller clause called pincers these bristles play the role of taste buds oh by the way the lobsters teeth are in its stomach nine-banded armadillo always give birth to four genetically identical babies after birth the little ones stay with her mother for a half a year or so then leave to have their own lives dodging cars as they run across highways in Texas little Daredevils hey if you learn something new today then give the video a like and share it with a friend and here are some other videos I think you'll enjoy just click to the left or right and remember stay on the bright side of life
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Keywords: interesting facts, facts about the planet, facts about the earth, facts about nature, amazing facts, facts of life, bright side, bright side videos, bright side facts, facts about animals, cool facts about space, cool facts bright side, interesting facts about the ocean, interesting facts compilation, interesting facts general knowledge, human body facts, phobias, Big Bang, polydactyly, lobster's teeth, animal facts, bizarre phobias, strangest phobias, Saturn facts
Id: 44sX17tvV58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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